Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Brady joins Chloe at the Basic Black office and asks what she’s doing back there. Chloe says she’s just working on some projects. Brady asks her again. Chloe repeats that she’s finishing up some work. Brady points out that those contracts aren’t due for a couple of weeks and when she left, she said she was going to do something about Philip so he asks if she talked to him. Chloe confirms that she did. Brady asks her if he roped her back in, apologized, and promised to never do it again. Chloe responds that he did, so Brady asks if she will forgive him and get stuck in the cycle all over again. Chloe then reveals that she moved out instead.
Philip sits outside the Brady Pub. Kate approaches and asks what the hell is wrong now. Philip says this is not what he needs. Kate guesses it’s about Chloe. Philip mocks her being a comfort. Kate complains that he’s been doing this since high school and it’s sad. Philip tries to leave but Kate asks what Chloe did now. Philip informs her that Chloe moved out. Kate asks if he’s just saying that because it’s what she wants to hear.
Roman sits with Lucas at the Brady Pub and asks what he’s reading. Lucas informs him that Johnny just gave him the contract outlining his investment in the movie and calls it pretty professional. Roman says he wouldn’t know because he decided not to invest after all. Lucas thought he was gung ho about the whole thing. Roman explains that he felt bad for Johnny since his dad’s a jerk and his mom is missing but he talked to John, who is worried about Marlena and thinks the movie could stir up some really horrible memories. Roman adds that it could end up really hurting Marlena if that happened.
Johnny finds Chanel in the town square and flirts with her. Chanel knows he’s in a good mood because his dad gave him the money for his movie. Chanel is surprised he gave in after giving him such a hard time about it. Johnny says he’ll tell her about it after giving Allie her contract. Chanel informs him that Allie already left. Johnny asks where she went. Chanel guesses she went home but notes that Allie told her that she wouldn’t do the movie unless Marlena signed off on it. Johnny then reveals that he just talked to Marlena, who said it’s okay. Johnny adds that Marlena seemed very excited about it, almost like it’s something she wanted to happen.
Marlena flashes back to her original possession as the lights in the room begin to flash. The Devil enters Marlena again and declares that finally they are one and laughs maniacally. John knocks on the door, asking if he can come in.
Allie is at home taking care of Henry when Tripp comes in and greets her with a kiss and a hug. Allie asks about his day at work. Tripp mentions an entire fifth grade class coming in with food poisoning. Allie hopes he’s not hungry because she got out of work late and had to get home to put Henry to bed. Tripp says they can just get takeout and asks what she feels like. Tripp then sees Allie’s contract for Johnny’s movie. Tripp notes that she didn’t sign it. Allie responds that she’s not going to until Marlena signs off on it, which she doesn’t see her doing.
Chanel questions Johnny saying that Marlena was excited about him making a movie about when she was possessed by the Devil. Johnny assures that she was and said she wanted front row tickets to the premiere. Chanel guesses she’s put the whole thing behind her then. Johnny continues that Marlena talked about being excited and happy but John said that Marlena had a nightmare about it. Chanel questions it giving her nightmares but being excited for the movie and asks if he guilted her in to saying yes. Johnny swears he was ready to scrap the whole thing but then it was like Marlena was trying to talk him in to it. Johnny notes that he does love Marlena and would never want to hurt her, but it’s almost like she insisted he go ahead with it and almost got short with John when he disagreed. Johnny adds that Marlena is never short with anyone, especially John. Johnny wonders what has gotten in to Marlena…
John knocks on the door again, asking Marlena if everything is okay in there. John then enters the room and finds Marlena reading her script in bed with her sunglasses on. John informs her that he was knocking for five minutes. Marlena claims that she was so engrossed in the script that she didn’t hear him. John questions her sunglasses. Marlena claims that she was getting a glare from the lamp which was making it hard to read so she thought it might help. Marlena tells John that Johnny has written a really good story. Marlena asks if John has a problem. John responds that he just had a really unpleasant deja vu since the last time she wore sunglasses inside was when she was possessed. John recalls it was the Devil trying to hide himself.
Tripp and Allie try to decide what to eat. Tripp notices Henry’s favorite blanket on the couch. Allie shows him that it ripped and she tried to fix it but couldn’t. Tripp offers to do it and asks if Nicole has a sewing kit around but Allie says she doesn’t. Tripp then informs her that since he was a boy scout, he came prepared.
Kate jokes about Chloe moving out and says she would feel sorry for him but he’s already doing that himself. Philip suggests she leave him alone then. Kate apologizes and says no more jokes but tells him that he needs to accept it if Chloe has rejected him. Philip brings up Kate pretending to be blind and have amnesia. Kate calls that different and says she does feel badly for him since she knows he cares for Chloe, but it’s frustrating to watch as she hurts him over and over again. Kate feels it’s not worth it. Philip disagrees and says it’s not her hurting him but him hurting her which Kate questions. Philip says it’s how he is with her as he keeps losing it, telling her it won’t happen again, and then he just loses it. Kate asks what he’s talking about. Philip informs her that it’s Brady.
Brady tells Chloe that he’s sorry. Chloe is glad to be done. Brady is sorry about how he spoke to her. Chloe acknowledges that he was condescending and full of himself. Brady says he just gets frustrated with the situation since she knows how he feels about her so it’s hard for him to let Philip just do what he does. Brady says the point is, she didn’t give him a second chance this time and stuck up for herself. Brady thinks it’s the right thing to do. Chloe responds that she did what she thought was right, but clarifies that she did not say she broke up with Philip.
Lucas asks Roman when John told him that Marlena was not interested in doing the movie. Roman says it was the other day and asks why. Lucas informs him that according to Johnny, Marlena is on board and okay with it which Roman questions. Roman wonders how John feels about that.
Johnny tells Chanel that he got a weird feeling about John and Marlena, almost like Marlena was trying to get him out of there before John could say anything else. Chanel questions him still going ahead with the movie. Johnny points out that it’s the Marlena Evans Story, not the John Black Story. Chanel argues that John went through to it too so she’s sure that he thinks it’s his story too. Chanel worries that this movie could end up being a really bad idea. Johnny says he loves his grandpa John, but doesn’t think he’s open to new ideas while Marlena is. Johnny thinks Marlena will make John see that he’s worried about nothing. Johnny doesn’t get why John is so against the idea since this was years ago and it’s not like she’s possessed by the Devil today…
Marlena questions John thinking that she’s wearing sunglasses because she’s possessed by the Devil. John admits that she’s been acting kind of strange lately as one day the movie is giving her nightmares and the next day she’s all for it. Marlena doesn’t find it strange to change her mind. Marlena thinks that she was looking at the script unemotionally and thinks of it as a good way to put the past behind them. John disagrees and thinks it will dredge up the past. Marlena thinks it’s a great way to end all suggestions going around which is why she told Johnny to go ahead and claims it’s not because she’s possessed by the Devil. John tells her to take the sunglasses off then.
Tripp works on Henry’s blanket. Allie recalls when she used to go party at clubs and get drunk on champagne while now she’s worrying about a baby blanket and it’s okay. They joke with each other as Allie decides to cook while Tripp sews.
Johnny explains to Chanel that EJ would only give him the money if he gave him a part in the movie to stick it to Chad. Chanel asks if that means Abigail is going to have scenes with him. Johnny confirms EJ is playing John. Chanel questions that going well and asks if he’s thought about how Allie feels about how EJ treated Sami and if she’s going to be thrilled to work with him. Chanel worries that he’s assembled a cast with some complicated history. Johnny hopes to channel that personal animosity in to dramatic tension, joking that he’d do whatever it takes for the money. Johnny decides to go get Allie’s contract and Chanel offers to go with him. Johnny remembers that he left a script with Marlena, so she’s probably reading it now and he hopes it doesn’t freak her out. They then walk off together.
Marlena argues that John is being ridiculous. John asks her to just take the sunglasses off then. Marlena finds that insulting and hurtful. John points out that it’s happened before and that she can put them right back on but he wants to take a good look at her eyes.
Kate and Philip enter the Brady Pub as Kate complains that she doesn’t get that Chloe doesn’t see that Brady is the type of guy that makes people want to punch him. Kate then sees Lucas and Roman inside. Kate tells Lucas that Philip needs family and tells Roman that she needs a drink so Roman goes to get it. Kate asks if Lucas will help since nothing she says to Philip seems to help. Lucas suggests leaving him alone and giving him a break which Philip agrees with but Kate insists they have a family dinner.
Brady questions Chloe saying that she and Philip didn’t break up since she said she moved out. Chloe confirms that she moved out since that was always a temporary arrangement while she recovered from her gunshot wound. Chloe informs him that he assumed wrong as they are just taking a step back but they did not break up as she’s not ready for that. Brady brings up that Philip freaks out every time he sees them together. Chloe thinks if Philip gets himself under control, they could have a real future together. Brady calls that a big if. Chloe tells Brady to look at their history as she fell in love with Philip in high school, so she’s not ready to give up on him.
Johnny and Chanel show up at Allie’s. Johnny says he came to pick up her contract. Allie informs him that she is not going to sign the contract until Marlena gives him permission. Johnny reveals that she did tonight and that she even thought it was a good idea. Allie asks about John. Johnny admits that John was not happy at all.
Marlena gives in and removes her sunglasses, asking John if he’s satisfied now. John responds that he’s relieved and apologizes. Marlena says it’s okay and thinks he got all worked up about Johnny’s movie. John says it wasn’t that or even the sunglasses but Marlena hasn’t seemed like herself for awhile now. Marlena says she just changed her mind about the movie is all. John feels she changed in general and that he’s not the only one who thinks so which she questions. John informs her that Kayla came by and she’s concerned since she just found out that Marlena is the one who extended Doug’s no visitors policy. John questions why the hell she did that.
Johnny questions Tripp learning to sew. Tripp explains that he learned it in medical school to know for stitches. Johnny asks how Tripp would feel about helping out with costumes for his movie, noting that he’d give him a screen credit. Tripp tells him that he’s super busy at the hospital, saving lives. Allie signs the contract and hands it back to Johnny, noting that she still can’t believe Marlena agreed to this. Johnny calls that the final hurdle and declares the filming may now begin. Allie never thought the movie would actually be made and finds it weird as she always vowed to never become her mother, but now she’s going to be playing her in a movie.
Lucas suggests to Philip that it could be for the best that Chloe moved out so they can cool off. Kate argues that they are done while Philip clarifies that Chloe just moved out. Kate adds that Philip punched Brady. Philip acknowledges that he needs to steer clear of Brady and give Chloe some space. Kate argues that Philip is free of Chloe now but Philip doesn’t want to be.
Brady tells Chloe that no matter what, he just wants her to be happy so if she wants to give Philip another try, he hopes that he can give her everything she wants. Chloe thanks him. Brady points out that she still needs a place to stay. Chloe confirms it was so spur of the moment that she had no plan. Brady tells her not to make the wrong assumption but she’s welcome to stay with him if she needs a place to stay.
Marlena tells John that it’s true that she extended the restrictions on Doug’s visitos and she doesn’t appreciate hearing about them from him because that’s between her and her patient. John informs her that Kayla told him all about it. John argues that Doug is practically family and Julie is desperate to see him. Marlena says she feels sorry for Julie but claims Doug is a danger to himself and others. John knows he got a little agitated. Marlena argues that Doug hit her with a tray and she was afraid he might have killed her. John argues that at Bayview, he’d be supervised and maybe even restrained. Marlena snaps back that Kayla is not in charge of Doug’s case, she is, so if Kayla has concerns then she can bring it up to her, not John.
Chloe asks if Brady has been paying attention at all, noting that Philip was already crazy jealous about them working together but he thinks it’s a fine idea for her to move in with him. Brady explains that he’s suggesting she move in with John and Marlena as they’d love to have her. Chloe says that’s very nice of them but thinks they should keep separate residences, so she’s just going to get a room at the Salem Inn. Brady accepts that but insists on helping her with her bags, feeling it’s the least he can do.
Roman brings Kate her drink and asks if they want menus. Philip responds that he’s not hungry and is just going to head home. Kate doesn’t think Philip should be alone. Lucas thinks he’s had enough motherly advice and suggests they take a walk. Philip agrees and says goodnight to Roman as he and Lucas exit together. Roman comments on Kate acting like he wasn’t even in the room and says she’s been doing it for awhile, but she doesn’t have to. Roman gets that she’s not interested the way he is interested in her so he won’t force himself on her, but he thought they could stay friends. Kate says they are friends but Roman argues that she treats him like an incompetent waiter. Kate says there’s a reason for that. Roman asks if he overstepped their boundaries. Kate declares that he was right about her and Jake when he warned that she was being foolish and she got hurt, so now he can say he told her so which would be humiliating, so she has to pretend he’s not there so that he can’t say it. Roman calls her a complicated woman as he sits with her. Roman tells Kate that he would never say he told her so, even if he thinks it. Roman is really sorry that he was right that Jake was so damn dumb to not realize Kate is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Kate responds that he makes it very hard for her to pretend he’s not there. Roman apologizes and tells her that her drink is on the house. Kate stops him from leaving and says she didn’t mean it that way but after this thing with Jake, she feels gun-shy about getting hurt. Kate knows she should put it all behind her but for some reason, she just can’t. Kate adds that Roman always knows what she’s thinking and he listens to her, puts up with what she says, and makes her laugh. Kate is afraid it would be for all the wrong reasons and feels it’s not fair to him as she’s too screwed up right now to start up anything. Kate calls him clearly very attractive to her and asks if he’s happy now. Roman says it’s a good start. Kate says it’s easier to ridicule her son’s emotional life than to talk about her own. Roman decides that her emotional life is off the table until further notice and that he will respect her wishes to give her more space. Kate thanks him. Roman tells her to take all the time she needs to get over Jake and to get back to where she was. Roman adds that it will be worth the wait as he then walks away.
Brady walks Chloe through the town square. Chloe thanks him for carrying her bags but says he doesn’t have to carry them all the way in to the Salem Inn. Brady says he’s come this far, so he might as well go the whole way. As they walk off, Lucas and Philip walk in to the town square. Philip starts to tell Lucas that the walk did him good and got him to stop thinking about Chloe, but then he sees Chloe and Brady entering the Salem Inn together.
Allie tells Tripp to let her know when to put the pasta on. Tripp says anytime as he finishes sewing Henry’s blanket and also sewed his initials into it. Allie calls him amazing and kisses him.
Johnny and Chanel walk through the town square. Johnny asks if this night could get any better as he feels like things are finally starting to fall in to place. Johnny asks Chanel if she’s decided to be in the movie. Chanel responds that she would like to play Celeste. Johnny reminds her that’s Theo’s grandmother and asks why. Chanel likes that Celeste could see what everyone else couldn’t and knew before everyone else that evil had come to Salem…
John tells Marlena that he didn’t mean to question her judgment since she is Doug’s doctor so he’s sure she’s only doing what she thinks is best for him. Marlena thanks him and says she wants to get back to reading the script as she’s just getting to the good part. John decides to go make dinner. Marlena says that would be just great as John exits the room. Marlena then removes her sunglasses again, revealing her yellow eyes as the Devil says through Marlena that John thought he could trip him up by having her remove the glasses but little does he know, the Devil is so powerful that he can change his appearance. He adds that it does seem John is still so suspicious which could become a problem…
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