Y&R Short Recap Monday, September 27 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Christine

Billy showed up for the meeting with Gaines, only to learn that Gaines had left the hotel for parts unknown. Billy saw Victor at the hotel and accused him of sending Gaines away. Victoria overheard Ashland leave a terse but vague message for Gaines. She asked him about it, and he told her that an employee was causing trouble. Victoria felt like Ashland was still hiding something, and she urged him to open up. When Nikki walked in, Ashland seized the opportunity to leave. Victoria told Nikki that she thought something was weighing on Ashland, and she wondered if it had something to do with Billy’s harassment. Billy caught Ashland coming to the hotel, presumably to meet Gaines. Victor covered and said Ashland was there to meet him. Billy and Victor exchanged words. Billy told Victoria and Nikki about Gaines. Victoria didn’t care, and she told Billy to stay out of her and Ashland’s lives. Victor told Ashland that he’d paid Gaines a lot of money to leave Ashland alone. Victor did it because he wanted Victoria to continue to be happy. Victor said that he’d bring Gaines back into the picture if Ashland hurt Victoria.

Mariah had flashbacks to times with Dominic. Devon confided to Mariah that he was also trying to figure out his role in Dominic’s life. Devon visited Abby and the baby. Abby was exhausted, so Devon took Dominic to the park. Tessa told Sharon that Mariah wanted a baby right now, but Tessa didn’t feel that way. Sharon gave Tessa advice on talking to Mariah. Mariah was disappointed, but understanding when Tessa said she wasn’t ready to start a family. Sharon felt sad because she wanted to be there for Mariah, but she had to respect Mariah’s request for space. Rey got Sharon’s mind off it by taking her on a date inspired by their honeymoon in Miami.


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