Beyond The Gates Short Recap Monday, March 24, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Eva saw Tomas at the hospital and pretended to have an injury to get his attention. Tomas let her know that he and Kat were keeping things casual. When Eva kept asking him about his relationship with Kat, he wondered why she was interested. He asked if Kat said something to scare her aware. While they were talking, Kat called to invite him to lunch. When Tomas met with Kat she asked if he was afraid to be intimate with her because she’s a virgin. Tomas denied that was the reason why. He was affectionate with her. Later on, Kat met with Chelsea and talked to her about her lunch with Tomas. She told Chelsea she was saving herself for the man she loved, but Tomas was making her change her mind.

Doug and Vanessa ate at Orphie Jean’s. When Doug left, Joey showed up. Joey went to Vanessa’s table at Orphie Jean’s. He asked her to help him get a house for his aging mother. While they were talking, Doug came back and saw them together. Doug got a text about going to the casino. He left to go to the casino. After Joey was finished talking to Vanessa, he went to the casino. Doug won his game which upset Joey. Joey told Randy that Doug could win for now, but he was going to make sure he losses any future games. At the precinct, Jacob talked to Elon about Marcel being a crooked cop. He told Elon about seeing Joey and Marcel talking to each other. Elon suggested that he not worry about it and keep his nose clean. After Elon and Jacob were finished talking, he went to talk to Marcel. He warned Marcel not to put Jacob’s life in danger. When Marcel and Elon finished talking, he called Joey to warn him to be more careful about doing his business in broad daylight. Joey reminded him that he paid him to take care of things like that. Naomi wanted Anita’s advice on whether or not she should take the sexual harassment case against her father. Anita said the decision was up to her, but the Dupree women never back down from a challenge.


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