Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Maggie goes to the hospital with lemon bars, hoping it will boost morale as she talks to Sarah about everyone being worried about the hospital closing. Maggie mentions hearing that Xander hired Alex back at Titan. Sarah confirms today is Alex’s first day back. Maggie says she’s very happy as she knows Victor would love hearing that Alex has returned to the business. Sarah says unless it ends in disaster. Maggie questions what she means. Sarah flashes back to talking to Stephanie about Xander and Philip actually getting along like brothers and agreeing to keep Philip’s secret for the greater good. Maggie then asks Sarah what makes her think that Alex working at Titan is a bad idea.
Joy goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Stephanie, who flashes back to hearing Sarah talking about Joy’s pregnancy test at the hospital. Joy asks if something is on her mind. Stephanie says she wanted to see how her first day went at Titan. Joy says it was good and mostly paper work, then Philip sent her home since he didn’t need her to stick around as he, Xander, and Alex were headed to the Kiriakis Mansion for some top secret meeting.
Alex, Xander, and Philip meet at the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander welcomes Alex back to Titan and says the family is always stronger together as they toast a drink. Alex says he’d like to think this is about celebrating his first day, but he knows something is up because Xander wouldn’t insist on an off sight meeting unless he had something planned. Xander then reveals to Alex that they are taking over DiMera.
Leo works on his article on the DiMeras for the Spectator in his room at the Salem Inn as Javi talks to him about being a respectable journalist. Javi informs Leo that Gabi called him when he was on his way over and they know EJ was behind Rafe’s kidnapping, but it sounds like he will probably get away with everything.
Felicity does homework at home with her headphones on as there’s a knock at the door. Cat calls out to her to answer the door but she doesn’t hear her, so Cat comes out of the shower and answers the door in a towel to see Chad, who asks if it’s a bad time or if he’s early. Cat explains that she is late as she lost track of time. Chad decides he’ll just hang out with Felicity while Cat goes to get dressed. Felicity remarks to Chad that Cat likes him.
Leo asks Javi how EJ is not implicated by Rafe remembering seeing Arnold at the DiMera Mansion. Javi says that they could say Arnold broke in, so unless Rafe gets all of his memories back, EJ will probably get away with it. Javi encourages Leo to use his article to pressure Belle against EJ. Leo asks if Rafe would be willing to go on record. Javi responds that Rafe would do anything to take down EJ.
Alex questions Xander wanting to take over DiMera. Philip insists it’s their moment to strike. Alex argues that it won’t happen without the support of the family but Xander reveals they got Wei Shin on their side as he sees the writing on the wall and the timing will never get better than this. Philip declares it’s now or never and asks what Alex thinks. Alex thinks it’s a hell of a swing and incredibly risky, but something tells him that Victor would approve so he can’t disagree with the best there ever was. Alex then toasts to bringing down the DiMeras.
Stephanie tells Joy that a top secret meeting is news to her and comments on her and Alex being co-workers again. Joy jokes that they aren’t jumping in bed together and pretending to make out anymore. They talk about not wanting things to be awkward between them. Joy tells Stephanie that she’s really happy for her and Alex. Joy adds that any relationship between her and Alex is in the past but Stephanie responds that they know that’s not true if Joy is pregnant with his baby. Joy sits down and questions what she said. Stephanie tells her to forget it but Joy says it’s too late for that and asks why she would think she’s pregnant. Stephanie admits she was doing work at the hospital and overheard Sarah talking about her pregnancy test, so she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Joy comments on her luck lately and guesses she told Alex but Stephanie says it wasn’t her place to violate her privacy like that. Stephanie admits it’s all she’s been thinking about since yesterday. Stephanie then asks Joy if she’s pregnant or not.
Xander calls it an honor to go in to battle with Philip and Alex. Philip declares that he should first clear the air with Alex. Philip knows there was friction between them when he first got back to town. Alex admits he was a little jealous about him being with Stephanie, but they are all good now. Alex warns Philip to stop trying to win her back. Philip assures he won’t have to worry about that and thinks back to Stephanie complaining about Philip’s lie and breaking up with him. Philip tells Alex that Stephanie made it clear that what they had was over for good.
Sarah tells Maggie that she’s sure Alex will be great but he used to be CEO and now he has to report to Xander and Philip, so she doesn’t want any conflict. Maggie says that was a long time ago and Alex had a whole new career since then. Sarah assures that Xander doesn’t blame Alex and knows he was fooled by Theresa like everyone. Maggie doesn’t know how Theresa could be so cruel to someone she cared about. Sarah guesses Theresa just thought her secret would never come out. Maggie says she’d be an idiot then because secrets like that always come out.
Javi finishes a call with Rafe and says they got all they need. Leo is excited to add Rafe’s interview to his article but says he’s pretty sure the DiMeras will come after him after they read it. Javi jokes that he’ll be his bodyguard and removes his shirt for Leo.
Chad questions Felicity about Cat liking him. Felicity responds that Cat told her that he can’t like her back. Chad says that’s because of what she had to do to save her mom and he was pretty angry at first but he’s come to understand why she did it. Felicity asks if they can be together now then as Cat comes back in to the room and asks what she missed. Chad responds that Felicity was just telling him that Cat kind of likes him and he was saying that he understands better that she did what she did to save her mom, so he might could like her too. Cat wishes Felicity hadn’t talked to Chad about that but Chad says he’s glad she did. Cat reminds Felicity that she told her she was over her silly crush on Chad and that they are just friends now. Felicity insists they could be such a good couple. Cat calls her funny and tells Felicity to go continue her homework in her room while she and Chad work on the hospital fundraiser.
Leo and Javi are interrupted by room service. Leo brings it in, expecting fried chicken but instead finds a long receipt on the plate and realizes the Salem Inn called in his tab.
Alex still can’t believe they got Wei Shin to agree to the DiMera takeover and asks if they are sure they can trust him. Xander believes they can, pointing out that Philip reminded him of how Gabi ruined Li’s life and EJ sullied his memory. Alex brings up how a couple months ago Philip and Xander were at each others’ throats and jokes that they could’ve saved them all a lot of trouble if they knew they’d make such a good team. Philip decides to call it a day and they can regroup in the morning. Alex tells them to have a great one and exits. Xander questions Philip pumping the brakes on their nice family moment and asks if he doesn’t trust Alex. Philip responds that he’s more concerned with Alex trusting him because he’s worried about what Stephanie might say about him behind his back.
Stephanie understands if Joy doesn’t want to answer her question since it’s none of her business. Joy responds that there is no answer yet as she hasn’t gotten her pregnancy test results back yet. Stephanie asks if she’s sure the baby is Alex’s. Joy assures that Alex is the only person she’s been with lately. Stephanie apologizes and says she just wanted to be sure. Joy gets that they are finally together and her being pregnant could ruin their happily ever after. Stephanie says she’s just anxious and feels Joy will feel better when she gets the test results back as it could still be negative. Joy pulls out her phone and says there’s only one way to find out.
Maggie tells Sarah that she will donate to the hospital fund as they hug and Maggie then exits. Sarah then gets a call from Joy and asks how she’s feeling. Joy responds that she’s physically much better but not so much emotionally and asks if her results came in yet. Sarah checks and finds out they just came in a few minutes ago. Joy asks if she can come look at them, so Sarah says she will see her soon. Joy informs Stephanie that the results are in. Stephanie asks if Joy will tell Alex if it’s positive. Joy admits she hasn’t thought that far ahead but guesses it would be too messy to ask Stephanie to keep it from him. Stephanie says it’s Joy’s life so she doesn’t need to factor her in. Joy says she will stop by and talk to Alex afterwards, regardless of the result. Joy then asks Stephanie to catch Alex up to speed for her as she exits the Pub.
Cat and Chad talk about an auction for the hospital fundraiser. Cat mentions ordering carnival games including the dunk tank. Chad brings up the bachelor auction idea. Cat says she would love it, especially if Chad signed up and insists people would pay a lot of money. Cat insists it’s for a good cause and in good fun, so Chad reluctantly agrees on the condition that Cat also sign up.
Javi questions Leo’s bill and how much he spent this week. Leo explains it’s all his unpaid bills since Body and Soul axed him which Javi says was weeks ago. Leo calls it bad debt. Javi questions when he plans on paying it and if he can. Leo says it would drain his entire life savings. Javi thinks it’s a little extravagant to live in a hotel. Leo talks about how he likes living there. Javi suggests finding a new place to live. Leo questions where he’s going to go. Javi responds that he could move in with him.
Xander asks Philip what he’s worried that Stephanie might say about him. Philip says she’s an ex and they didn’t end on good terms, so she could say any number of things. Xander talks about Sarah being close with Stephanie and how she doesn’t seem like the type to hold a grudge. Xander advises Philip to not be looking for problems where there aren’t any. Xander then remarks that if their plans go up in flames, it won’t be because of Stephanie.
Alex goes to see Stephanie, who says she was just thinking of him and asks how his first day went. Alex responds that it was actually fantastic and that Philip and Xander were both very welcoming to him. Stephanie asks how the secret meeting went. Alex asks how she knew. She mentions running in to Joy earlier. Alex says he can’t talk too much about it but that Titan has some very ambitious plans that he’s very excited about. Stephanie says she’s really happy for him. Alex credits her for the idea of going back to Titan, so he wants to take her out to dinner to properly thank her. Stephanie tells Alex that she needs to talk to him about something pretty serious so he asks what’s going on. Stephanie then informs Alex that Joy might be pregnant with his baby.
Joy goes to the hospital where Sarah says she will take her to her office to read her test results together, but Sarah gets a text that there’s an emergency downstairs and doesn’t know how long she will be. Sarah then hands Joy the test results and tells her not to hesitate if she has any questions as she’s there for her. Sarah exits as Joy opens the test results.
Cat mocks the idea of auctioning off a date with her, feeling she won’t bring in any money. Chad insists that she will, pointing out that she’s smart, beautiful, and single. Cat then reluctantly agrees to add her name to the list.
Leo questions Javi wanting them to live together, thinking it’s a little soon. Javi asks what other choice he has. Leo argues that it wouldn’t be his call since he lives with Rafe and Gabi, reminding him that Gabi hates him. Javi says he wouldn’t be sharing a room with her but Leo points out that they would be sharing a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Javi says his cousins tell him their house is his house, so it’s time for them to put their money where their mouth is because this is important to him. Javi tells Leo that he’s serious about this but he doesn’t want to pressure him so he won’t be offended if he thinks it’s too fast. Leo points out that they’ve only been dating for a month or so. Javi argues they’ve known each other longer, so he asks what Leo says.
Xander gets a text from Wei Shin that he is presenting their plan to his associates later today and he will keep them posted. Philip excitedly talks about this really happening but stops when Maggie comes in. Maggie says not to mind her as she’s not interested in their secret business plans. Xander tells her that she’s welcome to sit in since she’s still part of the company. Maggie thanks him but says she stepped back to give them a chance to take the reins. Maggie thinks it’s wonderful to see them working side by side. Maggie says she’s very proud of them both and thinks Victor would be too.
Alex can’t believe this is happening. Stephanie apologizes for not saying anything sooner as she didn’t think it was her place. Alex doesn’t blame her and is sorry she’s in this position at all. Alex calls it a lot to think about. Stephanie says they didn’t talk about what would happen if Joy is pregnant as far as keeping the baby since that’s a discussion for them. Alex says this affects her too. Stephanie says not to worry about her. Alex assures that no matter what happens, he is committed to Stephanie and nothing is going to change that. Alex says he’ll do whatever they both need but it doesn’t change the fact that Stephanie is the person he wants to be with. Alex promises that he won’t let anything else come between them. Joy then shows up at the door. Stephanie informs her that she told Alex everything. Alex tells Joy that he’s sorry. Stephanie asks if she got the results back. Joy confirms she did, so Alex asks if she’s pregnant.
Cat tells Chad that they have a few more things to cover and then they will be finished. They jokingly argue over including clowns in their carnival idea. Felicity comes back in as Chad and Cat laugh together. Cat apologizes if they were being loud and promises to be quiet. Felicity comments that they are so happy together that they should be boyfriend and girlfriend.
Javi asks if Leo wants to move in with him. Leo says yes but calls it a trial run because he doesn’t it to preclude them from moving in together at a later time and he wants them to work out. Javi offers to help Leo pack. Leo says he has something to take care of first as they get in bed together.
Maggie mentions heading upstairs to Victoria. Xander offers to go with her as Sarah comes in. Xander notes her being home early. Sarah says she’ll join them upstairs but needs a minute to catch her breath. Sarah notes that they were understaffed but they saved some lives. Xander and Maggie then head upstairs. Philip tells Sarah that the hospital is lucky to have her. Sarah asks how things went with Alex. Philip says really well actually, but it will all come crashing down if Stephanie decides to tell him that he forged Victor’s letter. Sarah tells him not to worry about that because she and Alex are finally happy and she wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that…
Alex asks Joy what the test results said. Joy calls it a false alarm and announces she’s not pregnant, remarking that they really dodged a bullet there. Joy says if she was pregnant, it’d be a burden on all of them and nobody wanted that. Joy decides there’s nothing left to say. Stephanie asks if she’s sure she’s alright and invites her to stay if she wants company. Joy says she’s been third wheel long enough that it’s time for a clean break. Joy thanks them and exits. Alex breathes a sigh of relief and hugs Stephanie. Outside the apartment, Joy looks at her test results which reveal that the pregnancy test was actually positive.
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