Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 28, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Billy and Sally return home from Paris and she and Audra catch up with each other. Sally tells Audra how happy she is with Billy although she doesn’t want to label their relationship yet. Audra tells Sally that she feels like Nate and Amy are a family. Audra tells Sally she hopes Damian can fix their relationship because all Amy wants is to have her son back in her life.

Sally meets Holden, who interrupts their lunch at Society, to say Hello to Audra. Audra tells Sally that Holden got her out of a bad situation with some music producers in Los Angeles. Audra tells Sally that is the only thing she told Nate. Audra tells Sally that the whole truth is that she and Holden had an intense relationship.

Sharon and Phyllis solve the second riddle their captor leaves for them. The answer to the riddle is chocolate fountain. The ladies remember when Sharon pushed Phyllis into a chocolate fountain years ago. Sharon and Phyllis try to work together but then they start to argue again and then the ladies decide they can’t work together so they will pray their captor’s game separately and may the best woman win.

Daniel and Nick tell Billy that Phyllis and Sharon had been missing but they called earlier and they are okay. Daniel tells Billy that Phyllis is making some deals for Abbott Communications because she wanted to surprise him. Billy gets upset and tells Daniel that Phyllis wasn’t supposed to do anything without talking to him. Billy tells Daniel that if Phyllis calls him, to tell her that he needs to talk to her about these deals she made without consulting him.

Nick calls Sharon’s phone and leaves a message letting her know that Mariah and Faith want to talk to her. Nick still can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong because Phyllis and Sharon went missing at the same time and they both said that they lost their phones at the same time. Nick also called their families at the same time to let them know they were okay.

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