Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
At the DiMera Mansion, EJ finishes a call with his mother as Gabi arrives at the door. EJ asks what the hell she wants.
Javi walks past the Brady Pub and calls Rafe to inform him that the Pub is closed for a private event. Rafe worries that Gabi was counting on those rolls. Rafe suggests Javi check the Salem Inn. Javi agrees to try but notes it will be a little tough on Thanksgiving. Javi hangs up as Leo walks by.
Chanel goes to see Paulina at home and they wish each other a happy Thanksgiving. Paulina promises to save her a piece of sweet potato pie. Chanel asks if Abe is feeling better. Paulina says he’s resting now but is doing much better. Chanel talks about how scary it was and mentions that Johnny is almost back to normal too which Paulina calls a shame.
Joy sits in the town square, on the phone with her mom. Joy says she’s okay being alone and mentions that the Bradys invited her but she didn’t want to feel like a third wheel. Joy assures Nancy that she is staying away from married men right as Johnny walks up.
Chanel questions Paulina saying it’s a shame that her husband is feeling better and that not being a nice thing to say. Paulina brings up Johnny calling Chanel a cheating slut. Chanel complains about her reminding her of that. Paulina agrees not to bring it up again but complains that Johnny did say that right to her face. Paulina feels Johnny could use food poisoning for what he said to her. Chanel insists that Johnny is sorry and feels foolish for what happened. Chanel tells Paulina that it’s between her and Johnny and that she can stay out of it. Paulina says she might not be too warm and fuzzy towards Johnny. Chanel tells Paulina that she and Johnny are working things out, what he said is in the past, and she’s completely over it.
Joy finishes her call with Nancy and tells Johnny that it looks like he made a full recovery from the cupcake. Joy then informs Johnny that Chanel told her that he was talking about her in his sleep. Johnny is surprised and says he told her it was about the show and that she bought it. Joy asks what the dream was about but Johnny doesn’t want to go there. Joy then reveals to Johnny that she told somebody about them.
Javi asks what Leo wants as he’s in a hurry. Leo apologizes for accusing him of stealing his stories. Javi says he wasn’t interested in his apology last night and wants nothing to do with him. Javi calls getting with Leo a big mistake. Leo disagrees and insists that them being together was not a mistake. Leo says before he accused Javi of something he had nothing to do with, it was great between them as they had a very real connection. Javi says he thought so too until Leo turned on him and made him feel like two cents. Javi says he doesn’t put up with that from anyone and tells Leo to have a nice life as he walks away.
Paulina questions Chanel forgiving Johnny. Chanel asks if she’s supposed to be mad at him forever when he’s her husband. Chanel talks about wanting to take care of Johnny when he was sick and it reminded her of how much she loves him, so she doesn’t want to waste any more time being angry with him. Chanel insists that Johnny is a good person and that he has her heart. Chanel says that Johnny made a mistake but they have made their fair share. Chanel knows Paulina is being protective but asks her to try to see it from her point of view and understand that Johnny had a lapse in judgment. Chanel remarks that it’s not like Johnny cheated on her but he made a really dumb mistake and other than their fight, nothing bad happened. Paulina decides as long as she’s happy, that’s all she cares about. Chanel assures that she is happy and she loves Johnny with all her heart, so she knows they are going to be just fine from now on.
Johnny questions Joy telling someone about them and asks if it was her parents. Joy says no and asks why it matters. Johnny doesn’t understand since she was so worried about getting out because of her reputation and her job. Joy apologizes and says he’s not the only one feeling guilty and miserable about it, so she didn’t realize how badly she needed to talk about it. Johnny questions who Joy told. Joy insists that he won’t tell and reveals that she told Alex.
Alex comes out of the Brady Pub and finds Leo sitting on the bench outside. Leo asks about the private event. Alex says it was just Thanksgiving with the Bradys after the turkey went up in smoke at the Kiriakis Mansion. Leo asks why Alex isn’t inside celebrating. Alex says things got awkward with Stephanie which Leo questions. Alex explains that his cousin Philip is in there and he just found out that Philip and Stephanie used to be engaged. Alex says they just went down memory lane and he could only take ten seconds of it before needing to get some air. Leo talks about the pain and humiliation he is feeling. Alex comments that Leo seems more bummed than he is. Leo responds that he’s more bummed than he’s ever been. Alex asks Leo what’s going on and why he’s so bummed. Leo informs him that he just blew it with Mr. Right.
Javi returns home with the rolls that Gabi wanted and tells Rafe how good the cooking smells. Javi asks where everyone is. Rafe says Gabi had to run an errand and Jada is still at work but hopefully they will be there soon so they can dig in. Rafe asks Javi if it was quiet out. Javi says not quiet enough since he ran in to Leo. Rafe guesses he’s still angry. Javi asks how dare Leo accuse him of stealing his stories. Javi remarks that Gabi was right about Leo.
Gabi tells EJ that she came to get some things that she left at the mansion but her key no longer worked. EJ informs her that he had the locks changed. Gabi says she is going to get her things unless EJ wants her to call Jada. EJ comments on Rafe losing his job and now Gabi misplacing her things. Gabi remarks that she’s not as easygoing as Rafe, so when she loses something, she takes it back. Gabi starts to head upstairs but EJ stops her and says she’s not going anywhere until she apologizes.
Chanel tells Paulina that she should get going so she’s not late for dinner at the DiMera Mansion. Paulina tells her that Eli and Lani are on their way with the kids. Chanel assures that she won’t miss seeing them. They hug and say goodbye as Chanel then exits.
Gabi reminds EJ that he already demanded an apology from her. EJ says that was for accusing him of destroying her marriage and that got him a slap in the face, so now she owes him two apologies. Gabi remarks that he’s lucky he only got a slap after admitting he drove Stefan to divorce her. EJ says he was only agreeing with whatever she said. Gabi complains that EJ cost her precious time with Stefan by sending her to prison and then claims he made her divorce his endgame. EJ questions her not thinking that seducing him ended her marriage. Gabi argues that everything EJ did was because he thinks she ruined things for him and Nicole which EJ insists that she did. Gabi asks if she’s supposed to believe he didn’t want revenge. EJ points out that it’s Thanksgiving and tells Gabi to be grateful for the marbles she has left while he is no closer to the apologies that she owes him. Gabi argues that he should be the one apologizing to her and that he should be begging for forgiveness because of the pain he caused her.
Alex guesses Javi didn’t take well to Leo accusing him of stealing his stories. Leo argues that everything added up and nothing else made sense than being him, but then Javi picked apart his idea and now he kind of believes him. Alex suggest an apology but Leo says he tried and got his door slammed in his face. Leo feels now his love life his up in smoke and so is his career. Alex encourages Leo to find the new Lady Whistleblower and stop them now.
Jada comes home to Rafe. Jada asks Javi if he’s exciting for his first Thanksgiving dinner here while Rafe says he was starting to worry that she wouldn’t make it. Jada hopes she won’t have any more interruptions. Rafe talks about how the commissioner’s day is never over. Jada hopes to get something on the tainted cupcakes that may or may not have been from Hattie. Jada says that Paulina has been hounding her and she has nothing. Rafe tells Jada that he’s happy to cook the feast for her but he’s no longer going to have the time to do it as he reveals that he actually got a job today.
Johnny questions Joy telling Alex of all people what happened between them. Joy says she didn’t plan on it but keeping the secret was really getting to her and she had to tell someone. Johnny points out that Alex and Chanel are friends now. Joy insists that is why Alex won’t tell Chanel because he doesn’t want to hurt Chanel, so she knows he’s going to keep quiet about this. Johnny hopes that she’s right as Chanel approaches and questions right about what. Johnny claims that he and Joy were discussing the tainted cupcakes while Joy says she just said she hopes they catch whoever did it soon. Chanel says she’s just glad it had nothing to do with her Bakery this time. Joy asks what she means. Chanel explains that last time it was an employee of her bakery that had an axe to grind who ended up betraying her. Chanel talks to Johnny about Thanksgiving at the DiMera Mansion. Johnny mentions that EJ likes dinner to be exactly on time so he tells Joy they will see her. Joy tells them to enjoy while Chanel questions Joy’s plans for Thanksgiving and invites her over with them. Joy says that’s okay and mentions the Bradys invited her but she turned them down because she prefers to be alone. Chanel questions being alone on Thanksgiving and says her mom would hate it if she left her. Johnny points out that Joy said she prefers being alone but Chanel argues that Joy only said that because she doesn’t want to impose and insists that she wouldn’t be imposing. Chanel reminds Joy that they also promised Nancy they would look after her, so she declares that Joy is coming with them and she will not take no for an answer.
EJ questions Gabi thinking he owes her an apology for her throwing baseless accusations in his face and insulting him. Gabi argues that the accusations weren’t baseless and that EJ was only agreeing with her because she was right. EJ questions it being his fault that she took a torch to her marriage. Gabi decides she’s not continuing this argument, but when she comes back downstairs, she will expect groveling. EJ tells Gabi that she’s not going upstairs but Gabi heads upstairs anyway.
Javi questions Rafe getting a job. Rafe reveals that he is the new field operator for Black Patch after talking to Steve today and he agreed to take him on. Javi asks what Black Patch is. Rafe informs him that it’s a private investigation firm in town. Rafe brings up that he used to be a private investigator himself with his own firm, so Steve is happy to put him to work. Javi says they are lucky to have him and Jada congratulates him. Javi then jokes that Jada doesn’t have to feel guilty for stealing her boyfriend’s job anymore. Rafe says that was too soon while Javi says he’s only teasing. Javi tells Rafe that he is happy for him, assuming it won’t cause a problem between he and Jada.
Alex tells Leo that he has to realize it’s not just his career on the line since if the spoilers get out and hurt the ratings, everyone on Body and Soul will pay the price. Leo agrees but doesn’t know where to start. Alex points out that whoever wrote the column must work for the Spectator. Leo says he’s left Chad messages but hasn’t heard back and he thought about going to the police but they have bigger cases. Leo feels there has to be some way to track them down. Alex says he has faith in him. Alex then gets a text from Justin, wondering where he disappeared to so he better get back in. Alex invites Leo to join them because they have plenty of food. Leo points out that Alex just told him he shouldn’t waste any time on finding the new Lady Whistleblower. Alex thinks he could take time to eat since it is Thanksgiving but Leo decides he will not rest until he finds the impostor.
Rafe and Jada question why Javi would think it’d be a problem for them. Javi says he would just think Jada being commissioner and Rafe investigating crimes on his own could be a head on collision if they get in each others’ way. Javi compares it to a novella he used to watch where the commissioner and detective butt heads over the same cases and she ends up accidentally shooting him, but remarks that he’s sure that won’t happen to them.
Gabi comes downstairs with her bag packed. EJ says he hopes she didn’t forget anything because she’s never coming back. Gabi argues that she wouldn’t want to because the place makes her skin crawl like he does. EJ tells her to leave. Gabi declares that she’s grateful that she never has to see his face again or spend another minute in the mansion as she storms out. Johnny then walks in and comments that Gabi seemed to be in a hurry. Chanel then comes in with Joy as Johnny goes to grab the pie from the car. EJ wishes a happy Thanksgiving to Chanel and calls it unexpected to see Joy again. Chanel says Joy had no plans and that no one should be alone on Thanksgiving. EJ welcomes Joy while Chanel goes to help Johnny with the pie. EJ then takes Joy in to the living room and pours her a drink. EJ asks Joy about how she used to live in Salem and that it must be nice to be back. Joy says they moved away when she was a baby so she doesn’t remember much about it. EJ then tells Joy that he hopes she got her fill this time because it’s time for her to go.
Gabi goes home where Rafe questions where she’s been. Gabi apologizes and says she had to get stuff from the DiMera Mansion. Javi tells Gabi to get settled in so Rafe can tell her all about his new job. Leo then shows up at the door.
Joy questions EJ saying it’s time for her to go. EJ reveals that he knows what happened between her and Johnny and how uncomfortable it is to have her around. Joy insists that she didn’t want to come but she couldn’t say no as Chanel insisted. EJ guesses they have a misunderstanding and clarifies that he’s not telling her to leave his house, but to leave the city which Joy questions. EJ talks about Johnny being terribly guilt ridden over what happened and that Joy’s presence will only make things worse. Joy questions him saying that she has to leave because of that. EJ argues that Johnny was here first. Joy argues that she can’t just leave town and points out that she has a job. EJ offers to pay her out and says she will want for nothing but Joy complains that the show expects her to work, so she would be in breach of contract if she just left. EJ tells her not to worry about that as he’s an excellent lawyer and will find a good reason for her to breach her contract. Joy questions him really meaning this. EJ assures he’ll be happy to pay her whatever she’s owed and then some if she packs up and leaves Salem immediately. EJ thinks it’s best that she goes before doing any more damage. EJ asks if they have an understanding.
Javi questions what the hell Leo is doing as he said he had nothing to say to him. Leo explains that he came to see Rafe, not him. Leo comes in and wishes them a happy Thanksgiving. Leo tells Rafe that he just ran in to Steve outside the Pub, who told him that Rafe is now working for Black Patch which Rafe confirms. Leo congratulates him and then says he would like to hire Rafe immediately to find the new Lady Whistleblower.
Chanel and Johnny join EJ and Joy in the living room as EJ opens a bottle of champagne. Chanel asks if everything is okay. EJ claims that he and Joy were just getting better acquainted. Johnny informs them that dinner is ready so EJ suggests they head to the dining room. Johnny and Chanel head to the dining room while EJ warns Joy that if she’s smart, she’ll take the deal because everyone will be better off. EJ then heads to the dining room.
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