Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Abe sits at home eating chips, then hides the bag when he hears Paulina coming from the kitchen. Paulina worries about Thanksgiving dinner with Eli and Lani’s flight being delayed. Paulina then sits down on the couch and finds Abe’s bag of chips, questioning him eating those before their huge Thanksgiving dinner. Abe admits he was hungry and needed some food. Paulina says she’ll satisfy his appetite and kisses him until Eli and Lani arrive with their twins and they all embrace.
Gabi is at home, on the phone with her daughter Arianna. Gabi talks about Arianna coming for Thanksgiving next year and says she loves and misses her. Gabi sends her love to Will and Sonny, then hangs up as JJ shows up at the door. JJ says he hopes he’s not interrupting their dinner. Gabi says they just finished and invites JJ in. JJ asks where everybody is. Gabi says that Jada went to the police station while Rafe and Javi went to watch football, so she’s left to clean the dishes. JJ didn’t know Gabi had a cousin named Javi. Gabi explains that he just moved from Texas and says JJ will love him. JJ offers to help Gabi with the dishes. Gabi says that’s kind of him but says she’s got it. Gabi asks what brought JJ by. JJ informs Gabi that he hoped she could help him with something.
Chad is in the dining room at the Horton house and calls out to Thomas and Charlotte that their grandparents will be there in 45 minutes. Julie comes in, so she and Chad wish each other a happy Thanksgiving. Chad asks if Eli and Lani are joining them. Julie says that was Eli’s plan but their plane was delayed so they will see. Julie brings up Thanksgiving celebrating gratitude and says she’s grateful for this moment alone with him because something has been bothering her. Julie then questions why Abigail’s impostor is living under their roof.
Cat is in the living room of the Horton house and talks to her brother Aaron on the phone about knowing how difficult this is for Felicity. Cat says she doesn’t know what will happen with their brother Mark but promises she will do everything she can for him and their mom. Cat wishes she could spend Thanksgiving with Aaron and Felicity but says this is safer for them. Cat remarks that no one should be paying for her sins but her as Jack and Jennifer then arrive and find her in the living room.
Abe goes to put Jules and Carver down for a nap while Paulina sits with Eli and Lani. Lani decides to go check on Abe with the twins. Paulina asks if she can get Eli anything but he says he’s good. Paulina then tells Eli that she’s been thinking about something for awhile and she’s glad to have this moment alone with him. Paulina says she and Abe have been missing them and suggests it would be great if they all lived closer together again. Eli agrees that it would be, so Paulina invites Eli back to the Salem police department.
Gabi asks what JJ wants her help with. JJ brings up that Gabi said she’d be happy to do anything to help get Abigail’s remains back from Clyde. JJ says if she really meant it, he hoped to take her up on it. Gabi asks what he would need her to do. JJ says not much, just pretend to be his sister.
Julie tells Chad what she’s feeling about Chad bringing Cat back to their home and feels she deserves to know what the hell he’s thinking. Chad calls it hard to explain. Julie says the house has always been open to anyone on the holidays, but she refuses to let Cat break bread with Abigail’s family at Thanksgiving. Chad promises that Cat will stay upstairs, out of everyone’s way. Julie questions why Cat is in the house at all and not with her own family and why Chad is doing so much for her. Chad responds that he’s doing it for Abigail.
Cat wishes Aaron a happy Thanksgiving and says they will be together soon as she hangs up. Jennifer tells Cat that her face is not what she wanted to see when she walked in. Cat apologizes and says she was supposed to be gone before they arrived but Jack reveals their flight arrived early. Cat says she will go but first wants to apologize. Jennifer then slaps Cat and says that’s the least she deserves after posing as their dead daughter. Jennifer says she didn’t fool her as she saw she was a fraud in her eyes. Jennifer talks about her family thinking she was crazy for not believing the DNA test. Jennifer shouts that her entire family has been through Hell because of Cat’s lies. Cat responds that she was desperate to save her mother’s life. Jennifer tells Cat it’s too late but for some reason, Chad wants her here and they cannot fathom why. Jennifer shouts at Cat that if she had any self respect, she would walk out the door and never come back.
Julie questions Chad dropping the charges against Cat and inviting her in to the house for Abigail’s sake as she doesn’t understand. Chad explains that he was trying to protect Julie since Doug hasn’t been doing well and he thought the less she knew, the better. Julie argues that Doug is fine and demands that Chad tell her what the hell is going on. Chad then reveals that Clyde called and wants him to turn over Cat to him, so that’s why he dropped the charges. Julie tells Chad to turn her over then and asks what he’s waiting for. Chad says it’s not that easy as he can’t just let Clyde murder Cat. Chad explains that Cat’s mother was being held hostage and doesn’t deserve to lose her life. Julie asks why Cat has to be here. Chad brings up Abigail’s grave being empty and he needs to find her so she can rest in peace. Chad says the only person who could tell him is Clyde, so he’s using Cat as bait and he has a plan. Julie questions that and tells Chad not to confront Clyde by himself. Chad then reveals that JJ is going to help him.
Gabi questions JJ wanting her to pretend to be Abigail. JJ explains that Clyde contacted Chad and he wants he and Cat to check in to a hotel as Mr. and Mrs. Chad DiMera. Gabi realizes they’d be sitting ducks so JJ informs her that Chad wants to bring them along as a decoy couple.
Eli tells Paulina that he doesn’t know. Paulina says before he accepts or rejects, they miss and need him on the force as the department has had a mass exodus since Shawn left town, Officer Goldman is in prison, Harris is God knows where, and Rafe just quit. Eli questions why Rafe quit and what that’s all about. Paulina explains that she promoted Jada to commissioner so Rafe decided to move on. Paulina says she’s been promising to beef up the ranks but good detectives are hard to come by. Paulina calls Eli and Lani the best, so she hoped they could be a package deal. Eli says he doesn’t know since Lani has been having a good time at the house with the twins since she missed so much time with them. Paulina points out that the twins will be in preschool next year and Lani said she wanted to be back at work by then. Paulina thinks this is a win-win situation and asks if Eli agrees. Lani and Abe then come back in to the room after putting the kids to sleep. Abe asks if they were interrupting something. Paulina says she was just proposing that Eli and Lani come back to the Salem PD. Abe thinks that’s a great idea. Lani reminds Paulina that she cannot work for the police with a felony conviction. Paulina offers to pull some strings but Lani says that wouldn’t be a good look for either of them. Abe asks what if Eli came back to the police department while Lani found another job with good pay, hours, and perks. Lani isn’t sure a job like that exists but Abe suggests she could play a cop on TV.
Gabi asks how she could play Abigail when they look nothing alike. JJ brings up when Abigail was dealing with D.I.D. as Gabby. Gabi asks what she would have to do. JJ says the plan is for them to check in to the hotel so Chad and Cat could get the drop on Clyde and the idea is to get ahead of Clyde. JJ reminds Gabi that he was a cop so he will do his damndest to protect her. JJ gets that he’s asking a lot, so if she’s not comfortable doing this, he understands and it’s her call.
Julie questions Chad having JJ help him confront Clyde and putting JJ in danger too. Chad says he wanted to talk him out of it but JJ wants to find Abigail as much as he does. The oven timer goes off so Julie says she has to check it but Chad says he’s got it and hugs her. As Chad heads to the kitchen, Julie looks at an old photo of Hope and Doug. Julie then gets a call from Hope and wishes her a happy Thanksgiving.
Cat tells Jennifer that she wants nothing more than to walk out the door but her family is everything and she’s the only one who can help her mother if she’s still alive. Chad comes in and says he didn’t know Jack and Jennifer were here. Chad wishes them a happy Thanksgiving but Jennifer says it’s not. Chad says they weren’t supposed to see each other. Jennifer questions why Cat is even here. Chad explains that she could be a help in finding Abigail’s body. Jennifer argues that Cat could be in jail if she was truly sorry for what she did. Jennifer wants to see her grandchildren so she heads upstairs and Jack follows after her. Cat tries to apologize to Chad but he stops her. Chad then gets a call from Clyde.
Lani questions Abe saying she could play a detective on TV when she’s not an actress. Paulina points out that she’s never tried acting and most of the cast of Body and Soul are also inexperienced. Paulina suggests Lani could play Chanel’s character’s older sister which Abe says would be perfect. Lani is grateful for the offer and flattered that they think she could do it, but reveals that she just accepted a part-time job that starts after the holidays. Paulina says she has enough time to give notice but Lani says she’s very excited as she will be working at the preschool and won’t have to be separated from her kids. Eli says they’ve always had a plan to move back to Salem one day because they miss them but right now, the kids love their school and friends. Lani adds that Eli loves his job, so she hopes they will understand. Paulina questions them telling no. Lani says it’s just not yet and says they love being with them and promises they will be back soon. Lani then hugs Paulina.
Gabi asks JJ if he has a plan B if she says no. JJ says he’ll figure it out and repeats that he knows it’s a lot to ask if she doesn’t want to do it. Gabi says she’s just thinking since she has a personal stake in this too. Gabi brings up Clyde terrorizing her in prison and breaking her leg as a warning to Stefan which JJ did not know. Gabi adds that Clyde forced Stefan and Ava in to their unholy partnership that led to Stefan cheating on her, so Clyde kind of ruined her life and if it wasn’t for him, she’d still be happily married. JJ says he’s really sorry. Gabi says she is too, but that makes it easier to decide that she’s not going to let Clyde get away with this. Gabi then tells JJ that she’s in.
Julie asks Hope about Shawn and Bo. Julie encourages that all Hope can do is what she is doing as her presence is what’s important and she’s sure that Bo feels she is there. Julie tells Hope that Doug is doing much better and says he’s resting before dinner. Julie cries that they miss Hope so much and they can’t wait to see her again.
Chad asks Clyde if he’s ready to tell him what his plan is. Chad writes down what Clyde tells him and assures that he still has Cat. Chad says that Cat thinks he’s going to help track down her mother and has no idea that he’s turning her over to him. Chad tells Clyde that he won’t turn her over until he gets the information about Abigail. Cat asks what Clyde said, right as Jack and Jennifer return to the room. Jack questions what about Clyde. Chad then reveals that Clyde gave him a time and place to meet, so they have to leave now. Cat points out it’s Thanksgiving and asks how they are going to get flights. Chad informs her that he was waiting for Clyde to call, so he had the DiMera jet on standby. Jack questions Chad and Cat going to confront Clyde on their own with no backup. JJ then arrives and greets Jack and Jennifer, wishing them a happy Thanksgiving. JJ asks if everything is okay. Chad informs JJ that Clyde called and wants them to fly out to meet today which Jack questions. JJ reveals that he and Gabi are going with them. Jack asks what the hell they are doing. JJ responds that he and Gabi are going along as decoys, but Jennifer says they are not. Jennifer says she already lost one child to Clyde, so she’s not going to let JJ voluntarily get caught in Clyde’s crosshairs. Jennifer argues that Clyde wants Cat so they can send her and tells Chad and JJ that they are not going.
Lani apologizes to Abe and Paulina for disappointing them. Paulina says it’s alright and that they understand but they had to try. Eli assures they’ll be back soon. Lani presents Paulina and Abe with turkey cookies. Paulina talks about all of their desserts and mentions that Chanel will be by later for some real food. Eli mentions that he told Julie he’d stop by before dinner so it might be a good time to go. Abe tells Eli to take his time. Paulina says to tell Doug and Julie that they wish them a very happy Thanksgiving.
JJ understands why Jennifer is upset but says this is his decision and he’s going. Jennifer says as much as she wants to find out what happened to Abigail’s body, she is gone and JJ is alive so she doesn’t think it’s worth the risk. JJ says it’s not just recovering Abigail’s remains but about bringing Clyde to justice. JJ says as long as Clyde is out there, they’ll never feel safe. Chad tells them that if they are going to do this, they have to leave now. Julie then comes in and asks what’s wrong, questioning what Cat has done now. Chad informs Julie that Clyde called and setup a meeting, so they have to leave now. Chad asks Julie to watch the kids and says he’ll tell her all about it when he gets back safely. Chad goes to say goodbye to the kids. JJ asks Julie to tell Doug they are sorry for missing Thanksgiving dinner. Julie assures that they will have a big celebration when they get back. Jack urges JJ to be careful. JJ asks them to try not to worry as he then exits. Jennifer warns Cat that she better pray that Chad and JJ both come back safely to them or Clyde won’t be the only one she holds responsible as Cat exits. Julie guesses she should’ve got a smaller turkey. Jack apologizes as this is not the Thanksgiving they imagined but maybe now JJ and Chad can put an end to this nightmare. Julie says they have to put on a brave face for the children. Julie tells them that dinner is ready so Jennifer goes to get the kids while Julie asks Jack to go get Doug.
Paulina tells Lani that she’s so glad she’s here. Lani says she’s thankful to be there with them. Paulina recalls last Thanksgiving when Lani was in prison, Abe had no memory, and she was sick but now Lani is free, she’s cured, and Abe has his memory back while launching his own soap opera. Abe says what a difference a year makes. Paulina agrees and says she can’t wait to see what the next one brings.
Eli goes to the Horton house and wishes Julie a happy Thanksgiving. Julie hugs him and says it’s so good to see him and how much they miss him and Lani. Eli says Lani and the kids are still at Paulina’s but they’ll be by later. Julie sends Eli to the dining room with his cookies and says she’ll be right in as she wants to get her grandmother’s candle sticks.
Jack goes to wake Doug up in his room but finds he is unresponsive and checks his pulse.
Jennifer joins Eli in the dining room and they hug. Eli tells her that Lani will bring the kids over later. Jennifer mentions that Thomas and Charlotte will be down soon. Eli asks about Chad and JJ. Jennifer says they were there but they had to leave. Eli questions them leaving before Thanksgiving dinner. Jennifer calls it a long story.
Chad walks through the town square and stops at the Tom and Alice plaque to ask them for help finding Abigail. Cat catches up to Chad and apologizes for the scene with Jack and Jennifer. Chad says he’s sick of the apologies so they just need to move forward and figure out a way to bring down Clyde. JJ arrives with Gabi. Chad thanks Gabi for doing this on short notice. Gabi says she wasn’t expecting the adventure to go soon and jokes about leaving a pile of dishes in the sink. Gabi mentions that she didn’t say a word to Rafe as he would freak if he knew what she was doing, but she hates Clyde as much as they do. Chad and JJ tell Gabi that it means a lot to them. Gabi repeats that she’s glad she can help out but points out they wouldn’t have to do any of this if not for Cat. Cat says she just got an earful from Jack, Jennifer, and Julie. Gabi remarks that for once, she and Julie see eye to eye.
Jack returns to Julie in the living room. Julie asks if he woke Doug up. Jack responds that he tried but he’s so sorry. Julie drops her candle in shock as Jack holds her.
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