Days Update Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Johnny finds Chanel in a hospital room. Chanel asks where he’s been as she had been texting him. Johnny says he was busy filming the rest of today’s scenes and asks what happened to her. Chanel responds that she somehow threw her back out. Johnny pauses and thinks back to walking in on Alex having sex with Stephanie which he believed to be Alex and Chanel. Johnny then asks Chanel how that happened.

Jada meets Stephanie at the Brady Pub. Jada talks about Rafe doing better which Stephanie says she’s so glad to hear. Jada asks Stephanie what’s up. Stephanie informs her that she’s freaked out and doesn’t know what to do. Jada asks what happened. Stephanie then reveals that she had sex with Alex.

Leo sits in his room at the Salem Inn, typing up the script for Body and Soul. Marlena shows up at his door but Leo thinks it’s Hattie and shuts the door on her.

Brady tells Eric that he didn’t think there was any way in hell that it could be possible that Fiona was driving the car that hit Sarah, but now he remembers and he’s positive that Fiona was behind the wheel, not him.

Sarah questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona responds that she’s doing what she has to do because she’s the only one who knows the truth. Sarah argues that Eric knows too but Fiona disagrees. Fiona tells Sarah that she’s about to have a terrible accident as she wheels her out of the bedroom while Sarah yells for her to stop. Fiona declares that somebody will find her at the bottom of the stairs and they will just think that she lost control of her wheelchair, but no one will be the wiser. Xander then appears and says except for him as he stops her. Xander questions what the hell is going on and why Fiona is threatening to kill his wife. Sarah declares that it’s because Fiona put her in the wheelchair and doesn’t want anybody to find out.

Chanel tells Johnny that he won’t believe this but explains that on the way to set, she went to the Bakery and on the way back, all of a sudden her back went out. Chanel says she never had issues with her back before so it was just really timing and then Abe and Kate had to cancel her love scenes with Alex which Johnny says he heard. Chanel adds that they didn’t even get a chance to rehearse as Johnny thinks back to walking in on Alex. Alex then enters the room and greets them, asking how Chanel is feeling.

Jada questions Stephanie sleeping with Alex and says she’s not judging but she thought they both agreed not to go there. Stephanie says they did, so Jada asks how it happened. Stephanie explains that she was at the hospital to do PR work for Body and Soul but Chanel was running late, so Alex asked her to rehearse the love scene with him and one thing led to another. Jada questions if she means they slept together on set. Stephanie confirms they did it on the hospital bed and asks what she was thinking. Jada guesses they weren’t thinking which Stephanie confirms.

Brady repeats to Eric that he remembers being in the passenger seat of the car on the night of the accident, so Fiona must have moved him and put him in the driver’s seat just like Eric said. Brady talks about thinking he was guilty all this time and being ready to go to prison for a decade. Eric is thankful that he remembered in time or else he would’ve accepted that plea. Brady thanks Eric because if it wasn’t for him, he never would’ve known he wasn’t the driver that hit Sarah and left her there. Brady declares he never would’ve known he was innocent if not for Eric.

Xander orders Fiona to get away from Sarah. Xander asks Sarah what happened. Sarah informs him that Brady wasn’t driving, it was Fiona. Sarah assures that she remembers seeing Fiona in the driver’s seat. Sarah adds that Fiona admitted it. Xander looks at Fiona in shock and asks if this is true. Fiona admits that she was the one who hit Sarah.

Leo talks about being busy writing the script for Body and Soul, shouting out that he has no time for Hattie but Marlena clarifies that it’s her at the door. Leo says he isn’t falling for that again. Marlena promises it’s her. Leo tests her by asking questions only his therapist would know. Marlena answers correctly so Leo answers the door, relieved that it is her. Leo tells Marlena about Hattie’s death scenes in Body and Soul. Leo says the show has got him up all night. Marlena says that Body and Soul is the reason she’s there.

Chanel talks about being on muscle relaxers that Kayla gave her, so her back is feeling better but she’s really sorry. Alex says she has nothing to be sorry about and mentions that he would’ve come sooner but he had to shoot scenes with Bonnie. Johnny comments on Alex seeming to be in a particularly good mood today. Alex guesses Bonnie being elated over not getting fired rubbed off on him. Alex adds that Kate said they would put off the love scenes until Chanel is feeling better. Chanel says that Kayla said she should be doing better tomorrow. Johnny remarks that they should be undressing each other in no time then.

Jada tells Stephanie that it’s not like this came out of the blue since she and Alex were in a relationship before. Stephanie talks about how Alex was adamant that they stay just friends. Jada thinks he obviously changed his mind but Stephanie is uncertain. Jada asks what Alex said after it happened. Stephanie says they didn’t get a chance to talk about it since she had to go deal with a PR crisis after Hattie stormed off set without filming her exit scenes. Stephanie comments that her whole job is dealing with fallout, so she questions why she’s so bad at doing it in her own life.

Xander doesn’t understand that Fiona was driving the car. Victoria wakes up crying, so Fiona tries to go check on her but Xander stops her and asks Sarah to check on Victoria, because he and Fiona need a moment alone. Xander declares that before Fiona tells the cops what happened, she’s going to tell him the whole story.

Brady talks to Eric about John fighting for him even when he didn’t want to. Brady talks about how Eric knew something was wrong and kept digging or else he probably wouldn’t have remembered. Eric is sorry that Fiona betrayed him. Brady says it’s sorry that he cared about Fiona and leaned on her. Brady recalls Fiona not wanting him to go to the police. Brady remembers Fiona coming to visit him and saying she had something to tell him, but Kristen barged in and interrupted. Brady worries about what Kristen is planning to get him out. Eric tells him not to worry as they are going to get him out and Fiona is going to pay.

Xander brings Fiona to the living room and questions her hitting Sarah, leaving her for dead, and then dragging a drunken Brady to the driver’s seat so he could take the fall for her. Fiona argues that she panicked and was desperate, adding that it wasn’t like she meant to hit Sarah as it was an accident. Xander shouts that Fiona knew she drove drunk. Fiona remarks that she wasn’t as drunk as Brady which Xander mocks. Fiona says after it happened, she stayed with Sarah and was going to call for help but then he arrived. Fiona insists that she’s not a monster but Xander screams that she left the scene and pinned it on an innocent man while never letting on that she was responsible for Sarah’s suffering. Xander brings up that he almost broke Brady’s legs with a baseball bat and he was going to murder him. Xander points out that Fiona stopped him but she’s still too much of a coward to tell him the truth. Fiona responds that she couldn’t because of him.

Leo questions Marlena being here because of Body and Soul. Marlena says that Abe called and said he had something important to discuss with her and that Leo left him a long winded text. Leo talks about being busy with last minute product placements and then finds his message. Leo tells Marlena about how they had to kill Hattie off, but she stormed off set before they filmed her very dramatic exit scenes, so now he has to come up with a solution. Leo says killing off an important character off screen is very undramatic, especially when they have some alternatives. Marlena asks if he wants her to talk to Hattie. Leo says no and that it’s a much simpler ask. Leo then tells Marlena that they need her to fall down an elevator shaft.

Chanel asks Johnny what’s wrong as he doesn’t seem very happy about her and Alex getting back to work. Johnny says he doesn’t want her to rush as her health comes first. Chanel talks about it costing money when they have to move scenes around. Alex asks if Johnny is okay to get Chanel home. Johnny assures that he is, so Alex tells her to get well and exits. Johnny calls that nice of Alex to stop by. Chanel feels Johnny seems a little off. Johnny claims he isn’t but Chanel insists. Chanel asks Johnny to tell her what’s wrong.

Jada tells Stephanie that she’s happy to be her sounding board, but she feels she should be talking to Alex about this instead of her. Stephanie says she will but she’s a bit rattled and freaked out. Jada points out that she just slept with a guy who she used to go out with, so it’s not exactly a scandal and might be the start of something great. Stephanie says maybe, but worries about if it completely ruins their friendship. Jada feels then it wouldn’t be a very good friendship.

Brady reminds Eric that Sarah told the police that she remembered that he was driving the car and wonders why she would do that or if she was protecting Fiona. Eric says he talked to Sarah and assures that she had no idea Brady and Fiona were together. Brady says he doesn’t understand then. Eric says they’ll get to that, but right now they need to focus on putting Fiona behind bars where she belongs.

Xander questions Fiona blaming him for this. Fiona says she isn’t and pleads with him to understand that he’s the only good thing she’s had in her life and she messed it up from the get go. Fiona talks about raising him and then being on a bender, too ashamed to come home to him. Fiona knew she was a terrible mother and that he’d be better off without her. Xander questions her telling herself that. Fiona says she did for every year they were apart and then when Sarah invited her to his wedding, she thought it was her second chance. Xander says he always thought he took after his dad Titus as the felon and the black sheep, but he wasn’t his father at all, but he is her son. Fiona remarks that at least he wasn’t an addict and if only she could have resisted. Xander questions her still being on the bottle. Fiona is sure that if he knew she relapsed, he would never forgive her. Xander says he understands it’s an addiction and a disease, so she fell off the wagon, but shouts that she didn’t have to leave Sarah in the street or frame an innocent man as he declares that’s what he will never understand or forgive.

Jada joins Eric and Brady in the interrogation room where Brady tells Jada that he’s 100% sure his memory of the events is accurate. Jada says she will need a little bit more than his say so, as the case will depend on credible eye witness testimony. Eric encourages Jada to talk to Fiona and Sarah, then she will find all the proof she needs.

Fiona pleads with Xander to understand how desperate she was after a lifetime of feeling bereft. Xander responds that he might be more inclined if he hadn’t just walked in on her trying to murder the love of his life. Fiona claims she wasn’t actually going to do it. Xander shouts that she was determined. Fiona admits she wasn’t thinking clearly and was panicked. Xander calls it a lifetime of excuses. Fiona cries that she’s so ashamed of herself. Xander is surprised that hasn’t led to her cutting and running like she usually does. Fiona states that she should have but she couldn’t bear to lose him. Xander tells her that she’s going to have to because she has lost him now, forever.

Marlena tells Leo that she already told Abe that she does not want to be in Body and Soul. Leo argues that it’s just one scene and begs her to do it. Marlena asks why Abe didn’t ask her. Leo points out that she turned Abe down once, so he thought maybe she’d more receptive to him. Leo insists it will only take an hour, the set is right down from her office, and they could do it on her lunch break. Marlena guesses Leo won’t quit. Leo talks about being persistent and says they are on a shoestring budget, but the fans will go ballistic if they don’t get to see Charlemagne plunge to her untimely death. Leo asks Marlena to do it for him.

Johnny claims to Chanel that nothing is wrong and it’s just been a long day, so he’s wiped. Johnny suggests they just go home. Chanel comments that he seemed okay before with the whole love scene thing, but just now, she was getting a vibe from him which he questions. Chanel calls it like a jealousy vibe. Johnny asks what there is to be jealous about, pointing out that it’s not like her and Alex are actually having sex.

Alex goes home where he runs in to Stephanie in the hall. Alex says he was literally just texting her, wondering if they could talk about what happened. Alex says they just wrapped awhile ago and asks if it’s not a good time. Stephanie thinks it’s a good idea that they talk.

Johnny brings Chanel home and puts her in bed, asking if she needs anything else. Chanel asks him to come to bed but Johnny says he has a bunch of scenes to plot. Chanel asks him to give her a pill before she goes to bed so she’s not tossing and turning all night. Johnny says he’ll get her a glass of water and asks what are husbands for as he exits.

Stephanie goes in to Alex’s apartment with him and suggests they just talk. Alex hopes she knows that when he asked her to rehearse, he wasn’t trying anything and just got caught up in the scene. Stephanie jokes about Leo being such a romantic in his writing. Alex insists that he and Chanel would never happen like them. Stephanie says to address the elephant in the room, they clearly have a physical attraction but they both know that’s not enough to build a relationship on which Alex agrees with. Stephanie adds that Alex said himself that he just wants to be friends and she thinks that’s for the best, asking if he feels the same. Alex says absolutely as he messed up a lot of things and doesn’t want to do that again since it took them a long time to get back to this place. Stephanie says they both know that being physically involved like they were is a high wired act and she values their friendship too much to risk it.

Marlena tells Leo again that she does not want to do this. Leo encourages that he’ll spend so much less time on her couch about what a failure his TV career was. Marlena says she is immune to manipulation so his emotional blackmail will not work on her. Leo asks about bribery. Marlena says they’ve spent too much time on why she won’t do this, they could’ve done the scene in that amount of time, so she guesses she concedes. Leo is thrilled and hugs Marlena when she finally says yes. Marlena clarifies that she will only do one scene as she is just a psychiatrist. Marlena then gets a call from Eric, who asks her to come down to the police station because he and Brady want to share some good news with her. Marlena says she’ll be right there and hangs up.

Brady asks Eric if he’s sure they should start telling people. Eric has no doubts that all charges against him will be dropped. Eric wonders sometimes whether or not Xander knew that his mother was involved all along. Brady says that Xander was so angry that he wanted to kill him, so he assures that he had no idea. Eric remarks that they are about to find out and Xander is going to find out the hard way.

Xander tells Fiona that the way he feels now is nothing like the rage he felt towards Brady because this isn’t just rage, but shock, disgust, heartache, and shame. Xander never thought he’d have to call the cops on his own mother. Jada then arrives and says he doesn’t have to as she’s already up to speed. Jada then arrests Fiona.

Johnny goes to the living room of the DiMera Mansion and pours a drink. Johnny looks to the portrait of Stefano and declares that he walked in on his wife having sex with her on-screen costar and they acted like nothing even happened, lying, mocking, and humiliating him to his face. Johnny states that he was going to confront Chanel at the hospital but it’s not like she would admit it as she made him feel like a complete fool for being jealous at all but it turns out he was right. Johnny screams that he was right as he smashes his glass across the room.

Alex tells Stephanie that he’s really glad they talked and guesses he should let her get to bed. Stephanie yawns and agrees that she’s beat. Alex says maybe he’ll see her tomorrow as they say goodnight to each other, but then they end up kissing again.

Leo calls Abe to inform him that Marlena is onboard. Leo says it’s just one scene but he does have an idea to bring Charlemagne back from the dead someday.

Marlena joins Eric and Brady in the interrogation room and says it’s such wonderful news. Eric says that’s why they wanted to tell her in person. Brady can’t believe it, saying it’s like he’s getting 10 years of his life back just like that. Marlena understands why Sarah was so confused since she thought the person behind the wheel was someone she knew, so she assumed it was Brady and she’s so sorry. Brady states that Marlena and Eric were there for him every step of the way. Brady is relieved that it wasn’t him that put Sarah in the wheelchair, but he has to stay the course and stay in treatment as he wants to make the most out of the second chance he’s been given.

Jada reads Fiona her rights. Sarah comes in to the room and says she thought she was doing a good deed by having Fiona come to Salem and she was grateful to her and trusted her with her daughter, but now feels like an idiot. Fiona doesn’t know what to say and says she’s so sorry. Xander says not as sorry as he is. Fiona tells Xander that she really does love him, as Jada then escorts her out of the mansion, leaving Xander holding back tears.

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