Days Update Monday, October 7, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

EJ goes to see Paulina and informs her that Stefan is not going to be a problem anymore.

Gabi questions Stefan bringing her flowers but he clarifies that they were at the desk so a nurse asked him to bring them in. Stefan opens the card and sees they are from her assistants at Gabi Chic, wishing her a speedy recovery and mentioning they thought Connie was a psycho. Gabi remarks that everyone could see Connie was insane except her. Gabi then asks Stefan what he’s doing there. Stefan informs her that he just spoke to his lawyer and announces he’s filing for divorce which Gabi questions. Stefan asks why she sounds surprised when she told him that she was going to take him for everything he’s worth and divided the house. Stefan says he’s surprised that she didn’t file first. Gabi calls it ironic since he once said he would fight tooth and nail for their marriage but now he’s eager to end it. Gabi questions his sudden rush to divorce her.

Julie walks Thomas and Charlotte through the town square. Thomas talks about wanting to get home to play an online video game but Julie informs him that he’s going to have to postpone because Chad has a very special surprise for them when they get home.

“Abigail” goes to see Chad, who notes that she got there quick and informs her that Julie took the kids to the bakery. Chad then informs her that he wanted her to come over because when the kids get home, he’s going to tell them the truth that their mother is alive because it’s time. “Abigail” disagrees and says they absolutely cannot do that.

Ava goes to the Brady Pub where Roman says he’s been meaning to talk to her as there are new security cameras and he’s having the locks changed so he will get her new keys. Roman says he feels really bad about what she went through with Connie. Ava assures there’s nothing he could’ve done. Ava adds that she knows she’s still behind on rent and since she walked away from her job at the Pub, she doesn’t know when she will be able to pay him back. Roman brings up her leaving for a better job but Ava tells him that he’s aware of how fast things change in this town.

Stefan tells Gabi that he’s not in a rush to divorce her but he’s just thinking what is the point of dragging it on. Stefan states that they are both miserable so they should just cut their losses and end things. Gabi feels it still feels kind of sudden and asks why today. Stefan responds that he and EJ got into it earlier today and EJ said something that really resonated with him, even though he was obviously trying to goad him. Gabi asks what he said. Stefan informs her that EJ told him he’s never going to be able to erase the image of he and Gabi together and he’s right. Gabi responds that she can relate because ever since she found out about Stefan and Ava, she can’t get the mental images out of her head either, so she understands. Stefan guesses she also understands then that there is no fixing this as she can’t get over he and Ava while he can’t get over her and EJ, so there’s nothing left to fight for.

“Abigail” argues that they discussed this and decided it was too soon for the kids to meet her, so she questions what has changed. Chad argues that it’s too important to keep putting off and the kids need and miss her. Chad talks about the longer it goes, the more likely it is that the kids find out from someone random. Chad says he’s kept it out of the papers but there are a lot of people in and out of the DiMera Mansion. Chad feels they need to control what Thomas and Charlotte hear and how which is why it’s important that they tell them and they don’t find out from someone else.

Thomas asks Julie what the surprise is. Julie says if she told them, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore. Leo comes by and greets them. Julie tells him that they are in a rush. Leo tells the kids how proud Chad is of them and how he would show him pictures of them when they were at work. Thomas questions Leo saying he doesn’t work for Chad anymore. Leo informs him that he’s now the head writer of Body and Soul, making the big bucks. Julie says they have to get on their way but Thomas has one more question and asks Leo if he’s still the tooth fairy, showing him that he has a loose tooth. Leo responds that he’s not a fairy after all. Leo then calls it a great day and adds that there’s great news about his mom. Thomas remarks that his mom is dead and questions what’s great about that, shocking Leo.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she wants to protect Thomas and Charlotte too but doesn’t see the harm in giving it more time if she’s starting to remember. Chad questions how much more time. Chad complains that every day that goes by is another day for the kids missing their mom. Chad argues that the kids are smart and more capable of understanding than she thinks. Chad asks “Abigail” what she needs or wants and if she isn’t tired of being a virtual prisoner in the DiMera Mansion or if she wants her life back. She says he has no idea how much. Chad says when she remembered her vows, he expected the flood gates to open. She points out that they didn’t and he was terribly disappointed. Chad talks about showing her their wedding album bringing the memory back so maybe seeing the children will bring her memories back. Chad thinks it’s what is best for them and declares it’s time to tell the kids the truth.

Julie questions what Leo is talking about, insisting there is no news about Abigail. Leo claims that she just got her angel wings in Heaven and that he actually is a fairy. Leo gives Thomas and Charlotte some money as the tooth fairy which Julie calls very generous. Leo says would give Julie some too but he ran out of cash. Julie says she’s out of patience so she walks off with the kids. Leo questions how he was supposed to know.

Paulina questions Stefan officially recanting his claim about EJ’s involvement in the baby switching involving Eric, Sloan, and Nicole. EJ confirms that Stefan added he will cease and desist his baseless claim to undermine him which Paulina calls interesting. EJ declares that now, Paulina has no reason to fire him. Paulina argues that EJ gave her plenty of reason but decides that since Melinda likes working for Kristen, she has no one to replace him with yet. EJ responds that he will continue happily working as district attorney and won’t take up more of her time. Paulina stops him and says she has one concern as they both know this claim is a lie, so she questions how exactly he coerced Stefan in to signing it.

Gabi tells Stefan that when the bomb was ticking down, she was sure she was going to die and thought about all the things she wished she had done or said in her life including telling Stefan one more time that she loved him. Gabi brings up Stefan coming to see her that night in the hospital and she thought maybe staring death in the face was exactly what they needed as she wanted to forgive him, but then she found out about how he tried to have sex with Ava again as revenge for her revenge sex with EJ. Stefan points out they didn’t sleep together again. Gabi notes she didn’t sleep with EJ again either but Stefan says she wanted to as EJ told him that he turned her down which Gabi confirms. Gabi admits she was hurt and wanted to hurt Stefan as he did too, so they both wanted to inflict pain on each other. Gabi states that’s just not something you do to someone you love with your whole heart.

EJ tells Paulina that Stefan’s statement was completely truthful. Paulina tells him not to insult her intelligence, questioning Stefan changing his tune for no reason as he was determined to bring EJ down. EJ reveals he threatened to sue for defamation which would’ve brought him down. Paulina questions what they are going to do when they run out of things to blackmail each other over. EJ jokes that will never happen as they have an endless supply. EJ repeats that he won’t take up more of her time and looks forward to working with her again as he exits.

Gabi tells Stefan that when he was taken from her and she thought he died, it felt like her heart had been ripped out and she didn’t think she would ever feel whole again, but then he came back and it was a miracle but when he wanted nothing to do with her, it was like losing him all over again. Stefan says then they were finally together again and so happy. Gabi points out that then she went to prison and the only thing that got her through was knowing that he was waiting for her as she kept telling herself that she had to stay strong for him, but then she found out about he and Ava which Stefan calls the biggest mistake of his life. Gabi admits she obviously couldn’t handle it. Stefan tells her that he’s so sorry and that he would give anything to go back to erase that terrible mistake because when they were good and happy, he never loved anyone more than he loved her as she was everything to him. Stefan recalls the poem he wrote her on their anniversary and calls himself a fool for screwing everything up. Gabi admits she then screwed it up even worse. Stefan calls it such a shame and says he’s so sorry. Gabi responds that she’s sorry too, but brings up the mental images they both see. Gabi declares that the damage is one and there’s nothing left to fight for anymore. Gabi tells Stefan to go ahead and file for divorce as she just wants it over with like he does. Stefan and Gabi say goodbye to one another as Stefan then exits the room. Gabi then breaks down crying.

Ava explains to Roman that when Stefan offered her the job at the Bistro, he insisted his marriage was over and he didn’t care what Gabi thought so she accepted his offer, but then she gave it some thought and realized it might be a little more complicated, so she quit before she started. Ava acknowledges that Stefan came to save her from Connie but they haven’t had a chance to discuss it because Stefan found out Gabi had been hurt so he ran off to help her and for all she knows, they could be back together again. Roman tells Ava that if she wants her job at the Pub back, she can have it but suggests figuring out where things are with Stefan first. Ava jokingly questions taking more time to pay Roman what she owes him. Roman points out that he’s waited this long. Ava calls him the best and thanks him. Ava says she will keep him posted as she exits the Pub. Leo then enters the Pub and asks Roman if he can get a drink as it has been a day and it’s not over yet, so Roman goes to get him a beer. Leo comments that soap opera life is crazy but real life leaves it in the dust. Roman asks what is going on that is so crazy. Leo responds that he just found out the hard way that Chad’s kids still don’t know that “Abigail” is alive.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she doesn’t want to turn the kids lives upside down on the off chance that it might bring her memories back. She says she feels terrible disappointing Chad but would feel worse disappointing them. Chad says he doesn’t want to argue and decides that if she doesn’t want to tell the kids, they won’t. She thanks him for understanding. Chad says he’ll just have to call Julie to tell her not to bring the kids home but he sees a text from Julie that they are on their way home. Julie then returns with the kids and Thomas runs in, asking who the woman with Chad is.

Leo tells Roman about how he had to cover with the kids after he mentioned news about Abigail and ended up going on about fairies. Roman points out that the kids bought it. Leo says they seemed to but he just assumed they would’ve been told by now that their mother is alive and living in Salem. Leo questions how long they can keep a secret like that under wraps.

Thomas questions “Abigail” staring at him and asks why Chad hasn’t answered him. Julie thinks Chad is collecting his thoughts and says to give him a moment. “Abigail” tells Thomas and Charlotte that she’s sorry to stare as she heard so much about them and wasn’t expecting to meet them. She claims to be a friend of Chad’s who works at the Spectator. Chad tells the kids that he wants to hear about their day but he has to finish work, so he asks Julie to take the kids to the kitchen. Thomas brings up that Julie said Chad had a surprise for them. Chad says it will be later as Julie takes the kids to the kitchen. Chad asks “Abigail” if that triggered anything but she says it didn’t. Chad responds that he doesn’t know where they go from here then. “Abigail” says she might have an idea.

Stefan sits at the Bistro, looking at his wedding ring as Ava enters and asks if he’s busy. Stefan responds that dinner service hasn’t started yet. Ava tells Stefan that Roman encouraged her to follow up with him on his job offer. Stefan asks if she came to un-quit. Ava says that depends on whether he and Gabi are back together. Stefan informs her that they are done which surprises Ava as when Stefan ran off after her, she thought maybe. Stefan admits there was a split second that he held out hope they could work things out, but he confirms that he and Gabi do not have a future together.

EJ goes to Gabi’s hospital room as he finishes a call with Johnny. Gabi asks what he’s doing there. EJ says he just thought she should know that he got a call from Rafe, who warned him to stay away from her. EJ says they live in the same house, so he wondered how she wanted to handle the situation. Gabi assures they’ll be fine since it’s a big house and they can respect each others’ boundaries while Rafe was just being protective. EJ assumes the flowers are from Stefan but Gabi says they are not. Gabi then informs EJ that Stefan was just there to tell her that he’s filing for divorce, because of EJ taunting him about the image of them in his head. EJ admits he told Stefan that because he knows he tends to obsess. EJ says he was only stating what he knows to be true. Gabi brings up Johnny once telling EJ about misplaced anger, that EJ took his anger over Nicole and Eric out on Gabi and Stefan to try and ruin their marriage and now he’s succeeded.

Ava questions Stefan and Gabi getting a divorce. Stefan confirms he was his idea and he filed for it. Stefan adds that he and Gabi talked and are on the same page. Ava admits she’s no fan of Gabi, but she cares about Stefan so she hopes he’s not jumping the gun in doing this because his feelings got hurt. Stefan assures that’s not it at all. Stefan acknowledges part of him will always love Gabi, but neither of them can get over what they did. Ava tells him that she’s so sorry. Stefan tells her it’s not her fault as she did not make any promises to Gabi like he did, so he’s the one who is sorry.

“Abigail” asks Chad what he thinks about her solution. Julie comes in and questions what’s going on as she thought this was the day to tell the children the truth about their mother. Chad explains that they were going to but “Abigail” wasn’t ready and he shouldn’t have assumed she would be. Julie decides it’s her chance to meet “Abigail” and introduces herself as her cousin. “Abigail” says it’s nice to meet her and that she’s heard so much about her and Doug. She adds that she’s grateful for all she has done to help them with this situation. Julie says if she remembered her, she’d realize she could be a little blunt. Julie argues that “Abigail” can’t believe she can continue this charade indefinitely. Julie reveals that she just ran in to Leo, who almost blurted out the secret, but he covered well and worries about someone else saying something. Chad assures they both know that and that “Abigail” just told him about an idea to address that. Julie asks what it is. “Abigail” reveals that she wants them to go to Paris.

EJ tells Gabi that he’s sorry if she blames him for the end of her marriage, but when they shared that night of passion, he was under the distinct impression that it was completely over. Gabi admits she knows and she doesn’t mean to blame him as he’s right. Gabi says she only lashed out at him because it was easier than blaming herself, but she knows that she is to blame since she is the one who came onto him in the first place and when she wanted to have sex again, he turned her down. Gabi can’t believe she is saying this, but calls EJ a perfect gentleman. EJ jokes that he has his moments. EJ tells Gabi that he’s never seen her back down from a fight if she doesn’t want her marriage to be over, but Gabi responds that it’s not a fight anymore. Gabi declares that no matter what she feels for Stefan, too much has happened and he agrees that what they had is truly dead for good this time.

Stefan tells Ava that he should’ve known all along that things would end up like this, remarking that nothing that burns so bright can last too long. Ava says that sounds about right. Stefan hopes she will consider coming back to work at the Bistro without any concern over Gabi or his future behavior. Ava assures that she’s not worried and she really needs the job, so she thanks him and says she would gladly trade it for an apron at the Brady Pub if it meant things could be different for he and Gabi. Stefan says that’s nice of her to say.

Leo reads over his script for Body and Soul, telling Roman that he hopes the audience enjoys it. Roman asks how the hospital shoot went. Leo explains that Hattie gave Abe and Kate an ultimatum which they were not having, so he had to write her exit and he’s afraid Hattie is now in the soap opera graveyard. Leo feels terrible because he knew before she did, but he was instructed that he couldn’t say a word until after Hattie filmed her final scene with Bonnie so she wouldn’t storm out. Leo considers Hattie a friend, so he hates that she was blindsided. Roman says that’s why they call it show business and not friendship. Leo feels like such a heel and talks about lying for a good reason but it’s still a lie and doesn’t make you feel any better in the end.

Julie questions “Abigail” and Chad going to Paris. “Abigail” explains that Chad said it’s where they went after their wedding and it was one of the most romantic times of their lives. Chad adds that since the wedding album triggered her memory so being there might trigger something else, while she’s been under so much stress and pressure in Salem. Julie asks if they plan on taking the children with them but “Abigail” says no and suggests leaving them with Jack and Jennifer in Boston so they don’t have to worry about someone saying anything to them. Julie is sure Jack and Jennifer will love that but questions if “Abigail” doesn’t remember anything in Paris. “Abigail” assures that they will then come back and tell the children the truth which Julie calls sensible. “Abigail” asks if Chad is on board with all of this. Chad declares “Paris, here we come.”

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