Days Update Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

The head of the hospital Seth Burns goes to Kayla’s office and questions the proposal to use the hospital as a set for a soap opera and declares his answer is absolutely not.

Johnny joins Alex and Chanel at the studio and asks if they talked to Kate. They confirm they did and said they didn’t want to do the love scene as they believe it’s too soon for their characters, but Chanel reveals that Kate said their arguing just reminded her of how sparks fly when they are together so the love scene is still on. Johnny doesn’t understand. Chanel thought they made a compelling case to Kate. Alex says apparently not because the scenes are still on.

In the town square, Kate asks Abe if he talked to Leo. Abe confirms that he did and he was surprised there was no pushback as Leo is making the changes they requested. Abe adds that Bonnie is getting her rewrites as they speak, so he just hopes there’s no blood shed. Kate jokes that if there is, maybe they can catch it on camera. Kate adds that she’s beginning to understand what people say about how all the drama behind the scenes on a soap opera could be a show on it’s own.

At the Brady Pub, Bonnie questions Leo killing her character off from Body and Soul. Leo tells her it’s nothing personal and praises her while Bonnie questions why she’s being fired. Leo insists it has nothing to do with her and it’s just storyline dictated. Bonnie disagrees and blames Hattie.

Abe tells Kate that he knew it would be crazy but not before they even shoot their first scene. Kate hopes he’s not having second thoughts. Abe assures that he loves what they are doing. They talk about the casting process. Abe states that it’s over now and once Hattie gave that ultimatum, the decision had to be made. Kate hopes it’s the right one.

Kayla argues that last time they spoke, Seth was excited about the prospect. Seth says he was until he read the numbers and points out the expenses of shooting a TV show. Kayla doesn’t think he read the full proposal and points out that the show has their own liability insurance, so the hospital is covered any time they shoot there. Seth adds what a disruption it would be to their operation. Kayla explains that the show will be shot on the fifth floor wing that is completely vacant, so there would be virtually no crossover between fiction and reality and the patients won’t even know what’s going on. Kayla reminds Seth that the city gave them credits, so it would pay for itself and then some. Seth says on paper maybe. Kayla argues that Seth said they needed to come up with innovative budget solutions, so this might be their answer. Kayla declares that Body and Soul might just save them.

Bonnie tells Leo to admit that this is because of Hattie. Leo calls it more complicated than that. Bonnie argues that Hattie already told her about her ultimatum and she can’t believe they gave in to her outrageous demands. Hattie insists that her character Charlemagne is the star of the show and guesses they all agreed it was more important to keep her on the show, but Leo says not exactly. Bonnie complains that Leo got bullied by Hattie and didn’t have the guts to stand up to her. Bonnie declares that Justin is her agent and won’t let them get away with this. Bonnie calls Justin and tells him that she won’t believe what just happened as she storms out of the Pub. Hattie remarks that she doesn’t blame Bonnie for being mad, but she does blame her for being impossible to work with. Hattie declares that she’s so happy because everything is going her way.

Kate tells Abe that on the subject of problematic talent, Alex and Chanel came to her with an ultimatum of their own. Abe asks what now. Kate explains it wasn’t exactly an ultimatum but they were balking at the sex scenes as they feel their characters wouldn’t be doing that this soon. Kate admits there was merit to their argument but she wasn’t about to ask Leo to do more rewrites when they all have enough on their plate. Abe asks about the status of the hospital. Kate informs him that she just got a text from Kayla that she’s following up with Seth Burns as they speak.

Seth tells Kayla that his first thought was how much free publicity they would get for the hospital, but then he watched Body and Soul and it occurred to him that it’s not portrayed in the best light. Kayla argues that the hospital would never be mentioned and there would be no bad publicity at all. Kayla asks what other objections he could have. Seth then agrees to change his mind and allow Body and Soul to shoot at the hospital, on one condition.

Jada works in the interrogation room at the police station as Stephanie arrives. Jada says Rafe will be returning to his office soon, so she figured she would start clearing her stuff out. Jada mentions that she didn’t mind being in charge but she hated the reason for it. Jada asks if everything is okay. Stephanie says she just wanted to come thank her for letting her know the truth about Everett. Stephanie is relieved that he turned out to be innocent, but she feels terrible for ever believing the fake suicide note. Jada feels since she’s a cop, she should’ve figured it out. Stephanie points out that Jada did feel something was off. Jada says it just seemed impossible that someone could forge that but it turns out Connie was some criminal genius. Jada remarks that Connie is in Bayview now where she belongs. Jada apologizes for not coming to tell Stephanie in person so she wouldn’t be alone when she found out. Stephanie then reveals that she wasn’t alone as Alex was there.

Chanel explains that because Leo had to rewrite all the scenes with Bonnie and Hattie, Kate said there is no time for rewrites. Johnny thought they would’ve at least considered a rewrite if all three of them had an issue with it. Alex comments on understanding why Johnny would have a bigger issue with it since he wouldn’t want his hands all over his wife. Johnny argues that he didn’t say that and he only said the sex scene was too soon and not good for the show. Alex thinks it’s a little bit more than that, insisting that it has to be uncomfortable for him. Alex says the last thing he’d want is for the woman he loves to even be faking it with another guy. Johnny decides he’s not talking to him about this. Alex says he’s just trying to help and declares that he thinks he has a solution but asks Johnny not to get upset or take it the wrong way. Alex then suggests maybe they should just get another director for the love scenes.

Jada asks Stephanie about Alex being with her when she called and says she didn’t mention that they were spending time together again. Stephanie says it’s hard not to since they are neighbors, informing Jada that Alex moved back in down the hall. Stephanie adds that she’s doing PR work for Body and Soul and Alex is on the show, so they’ve been running in to each other a lot. Jada asks if that’s weird given their history. Stephanie insists that it isn’t because their relationship is completely behind them and they are just friends now, so that’s how they want to keep it. Jada asks if she’s sure about that.

Alex feels it seems pretty basic to him if Johnny is not comfortable with he and Chanel having a love scene, that they just have someone else direct it, and then Johnny comes back for the rest. Johnny laughs off the idea and says he’s not going to tell Abe and Kate that he’s incapable of directing a love scene with his wife. Chanel knows Johnny is capable, will do it, and everything will be fine. Johnny then gets a call from Abe, who informs him that there’s a schedule change as they are no longer shooting at the Pub this morning, so he needs to get to the hospital ASAP. Abe adds that Leo just did a slew of rewrites so he will see him later on set. Abe hangs up and then runs in to Leo, so he asks about the rewrites and how they received. Leo responds that there were tears, legal threats, and theatrics but blood shed was barely avoided. Abe remarks that unfortunately, one of them had to go, so now they just have to get through the scenes.

Bonnie goes back in to the Pub while on the phone with Justin. Bonnie cries that she’s not upset with him and she knows he would’ve made it happen if he could. Bonnie says she loves him and will see him later as she hangs up in tears. Hattie approaches and says she couldn’t help but overhear there’s no lawsuit. Bonnie says it’s none of her business but confirms that according to her contract, the producers can let her go at any time and just have to pay what’s left of her guarantee. Hattie encourages that she gets paid for 26 weeks without having to go to work. Bonnie remarks that she doesn’t have to go to work with her anymore. Bonnie adds that she was really looking forward to working with her as she thought it’d be a lot of fun and pictured them having a lot of laughs like the old days. Bonnie says they were going to be a team like when they replaced Marlena and Adrienne, except this time no one was going to get hurt but it was exactly the opposite of what she pictured and someone did get hurt real bad. Bonnie then storms out of the Pub in tears.

Kate goes to see Kayla in her office. Kayla says she was just texting her. Kate hopes for good news and asks if they will be able to tape the show at the hospital. Kayla confirms that Seth approved it. Kate thanks her for making that happen. Kayla says she was happy to do it but reveals that Seth did have a condition that she was forced to accept. Seth then enters the office and greets Kate, presuming that Kayla gave her the good news. Kate confirms she did and thanks Seth for green lighting their proposal. Seth then reveals the condition is that he will now be playing a character on the Body and Soul, the Pine View Hospital Chief of Staff, Dr. Blake Lamore. Kayla clarifies it was the only way to get him to agree. Seth admits he doesn’t have much acting experience. Kate reluctantly congratulates him and says she’s now going to find the original actor for the role to inform him that he’s been replaced. Seth remarks that he better go learn all five of his lines as he exits.

Abe gets a call from Justin and says he knows he’s upset, but he has to give him a chance to explain. Justin hangs up on him. Abe sits with Leo and remarks that he’s been made an awful lot of enemies today. Leo mentions getting an e-mail about Marie Fallon being pregnant and production wanting to change the swarm of killer bees to carbon monoxide. Abe says they can handle those problems another day and asks if he’s finished up the new pages for Cassandra. Leo confirms he has, so Abe says they need to get those to the hospital now and he’ll be right behind him. Leo then walks away as Hattie comes through. Hattie tells Abe that she appreciates all of his support but she’s a little bit surprised. Hattie says she always knew she would come out on top, but she didn’t expect Bonnie’s exit to be quite so final. Abe argues that she is the one who said Pine View wasn’t big enough for the two of them, and he and Kate and agreed. Hattie mentions that she just read the new scenes and says what a way to go.

Bonnie is set up in a hospital bed for her scenes as Johnny arrives and questions why she’s made up like that. Bonnie asks if he hasn’t heard what’s happening to Cassandra. Johnny says he hasn’t had a chance to read the new rewrites. Bonnie reveals that she’s being killed off on her first day. Johnny says he’s so sorry. Bonnie cries about how she worked for hours on her lines and was so proud to be a part of Body and Soul. Bonnie questions why they are doing this to her and how this could happen to her. Bonnie breaks down crying as she hugs Johnny.

Alex comments to Chanel about Johnny having a big problem with the sex scenes. Chanel confirms they had a big fight about it last night. Alex says he’s sorry but he’s sure that Chanel can convince him he has nothing to worry about. Alex points out that Chanel is not a big fan of him and can’t stand him. Chanel admits that’s actually not completely true.

Stephanie jokes with Jada about reading her rights as she repeats that she and Alex are just friends, but when she got Everett’s ashes, she was pretty upset and she impulsively kissed Alex but Alex put the brakes on it right away. Jada jokes that it sounds unlike him. Stephanie explains that Alex is still getting over Theresa and she’s still getting over Everett, so he doesn’t want to do anything that could ruin their friendship again. Jada asks how she feels about that. Stephanie doesn’t want to ruin their friendship either, but admits she’s been having some thoughts. Stephanie says it doesn’t matter since Alex is not in the same place, which is for the best. Stephanie feels she needs to take a break from relationships as she told herself that after Chad but then started spending time with Everett. Stephanie worries that she’s going on and keeping Jada from running the police department. Jada assures that she’s on break and there for her any time she needs to talk. Stephanie says she’s there for her too. Jada is sure that she and Alex will figure it out. Stephanie mentions having to get going to the Body and Soul set, so they hug and then Stephanie exits.

Alex asks Chanel if she can stand him. Chanel admits she can because sometimes, he’s not so bad. Alex jokes that he likes her a small percent of the time too. Chanel jokes about them bonding. Alex says they used to be good friends back in the day, so maybe if they could back to that for work, it might be less of a nightmare. Alex admits he’d like to get back to that. Chanel admits she’s been a bit hostile in making him feel bad for what happened to Allie which wasn’t really his fault. Chanel says that she and Allie obviously weren’t meant to be. Chanel adds that she could use one less stresser in her life, so she suggests they try to see the best in each other and get along. Alex assures that he’s all for that, but jokes that hopefully their on-screen chemistry won’t fizzle out because of it. Alex then gets a text from Leo that he’s adding another scene for him, but guesses not for Chanel. Alex decides he will head to the hospital now and see her on set as he then exits.

Kate finds Abe at the hospital and tells him that every time they put out a fire, another one comes up. Kate says it’s nothing major and she handled it, but it’s good to know she has backup. Abe is sure things will get better once they get in to the groove. Kate worries that this whirlwind may never end.

Johnny asks Bonnie if she needs a minute but she says there’s no sense in dragging this out. Johnny then announces they are ready to roll, so everyone exits the room and Johnny begins directing Bonnie as Cassandra in her hospital bed while Seth as Dr. Blake enters to inform her that she has a visitor. Hattie then enters as Charlemagne to ask her what happened. Cassandra explains that she contracted a fatal disease. Charlemagne cries that she’s going to miss her as Johnny then ends the scene.

Stephanie enters the Brady Pub, not knowing about the rewrites, and looks around wondering where everyone is.

Chanel decides to read some of the upcoming script, describing her and Alex’s characters about to make mad, passionate love. Chanel says to wait until Johnny sees this.

Johnny congratulates Bonnie and Hattie on bringing the emotion to their scene. Johnny then gets the last few pages sent in from Leo. Johnny asks if they want to rehearse before going ahead, noting that Leo said Hattie is done with the scene so they only need Seth and Bonnie. Hattie tells Bonnie that she hopes she gets a fabulous sendoff party and she’ll be there. Hattie wishes Bonnie well, even if she does hate her guts at the moment which Bonnie confirms. Hattie then exits as Johnny begins directing the next scene. Seth questions some of the rewrites while Johnny explains that they are due to the budget. Johnny then calls for Alex to enter as Arrow, who informs Cassandra that she is not going to die as they embrace.

Kate returns to Kayla’s office. Kayla asks how it is going on set. Kate says it’s very smoothly and jokes that they could still write Kayla a cameo which Kayla declines. Kate thanks her for changing Seth’s mind. Kayla says that Seth does love being the center of attention and jokes that now she can get rid of him for a few hours a week. Kayla adds that she does feel bad about Bonnie. Kate tells her to stay tuned because not everything is as it appears and there’s always a twist…

Johnny continues directing a scene where Arrow presents Cassandra with a flower that will save her life. Bonnie stops the scene to question if this means she’s not getting killed off after all which excites her.

Leo joins Abe at the hospital. Abe appreciates his speed and thanks him for getting the pages done so quickly. Abe adds that he also appreciates his discretion. Leo understands why he didn’t want anyone to see those pages until after Hattie and Bonnie filmed their final scenes together. Hattie comes by, so Leo asks how the scene went with Bonnie. Hattie says it went okay and then admits she feels kind of sad that Bonnie is getting fired. Abe is glad to hear that as he reveals that Bonnie is not the one being killed off, Hattie is.

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