Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Tracy and Stella talk at the park about how much Tracy misses her friends who have died and how grief can hit you when you least expect it. Stella helps Tracy realize that she is afraid of losing Cody’s friendship now that he has a family and a girlfriend. Stella makes Tracy realize she needs to apologize to Cody and Sasha for how she treated them at the brunch. Tracy later goes down to the stables and catches Cody and Sasha in a romantic moment.
Drew and Ned argue because Drew wants Michael to be CEO of ELQ and Ned thinks that Drew and Michael won’t give him an equal say in ELQ. Ned tells Michael he doesn’t trust Drew because he thinks Drew is only out for himself. Michael disagrees with Ned but Ned tells Michael he doesn’t trust Drew and warns Michael to watch his back when it comes to Drew,
James tells Ned he heard Willow tell his Aunt Nina that she felt guilty for kissing Drew. Willow asks Drew to stay away from her because her marriage is important to her.
Jason is able to tell Lucky that Lulu needs a liver transplant and he is her best chance for a match so he and Anna came to bring him home.
Lucky wins the poker game and Jason and Anna are locked up together waiting to be killed by Sidwell. Sidwell wants to continue playing poker with Lucky but Lucky wants to go free if he wins the next game. Holly is able to get Sidwell’s gun away from him and tells Lucky to go get Jason and Anna.
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