Days Update Monday, September 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Chanel meets Johnny at the Bistro. Johnny talks about his production meetings while Chanel talks about learning her lines and says she thought they’d be working together more. Johnny assures that will all change when they start taping tomorrow and he’s so excited to direct her. Johnny jokes about hoping she doesn’t turn in to a total diva.

EJ remains at the hospital with Gabi and says she needs to rest so he should go, but Gabi asks him to stay because she doesn’t want to be alone right now. EJ agrees to stay as long as she needs. Gabi talks about having an assistant that she thought was such a big help, but she wanted to kill her and she would’ve succeeded if EJ hadn’t taken her out of the rubble. Gabi asks how EJ even knew they were in the tunnels. EJ calls it sheer luck as he just happened to notice the blood on the fireplace poker and then he saw the door to the tunnels was open. Gabi is thankful that he did as EJ hugs her.

Ava tells Stefan that there’s an APB out on Connie so the police are on it. Stefan calls her a complete lunatic while Ava calls her a homicidal maniac. Stefan wonders what other crimes she committed. Ava worries about Stefan’s wound but Stefan doesn’t want her to fuss over him. Ava jokes that she doesn’t want him to bleed all over her room, then says it’s the least she could do since he saved her life. Stefan thinks she might be exaggerating but Ava says she saw the look in Connie’s eye and she was definitely going to slit her throat if Stefan didn’t get her angry at him instead. Stefan jokes that he has a knack for pissing women off, especially psychotic ones. Ava tells him to stop downplaying what he did and calls him heroic. Ava admits that he’s also a little stupid since he could’ve got himself killed, but he put his life on the line for her and she’ll never forget that.

Connie exits the Brady Pub where she is caught by Jada, who orders her to drop her knife or she’ll shoot. Jada warns Connie repeatedly to drop the knife, so she does. Jada then handcuffs Connie and informs her that she’s under arrest. Jada reads her rights. Connie questions how she found her. Jada reveals that Melina told her that she had Gabi’s phone which she tracked. Connie questions how Melinda told her. Jada informs her that the bomb didn’t work as Gabi and Melinda are still alive.

Gabi apologizes to EJ for getting so emotional. EJ understands since she nearly died. Gabi says when she was sure it was all over, she kept seeing her daughter Arianna’s face in her mind and it was frightening to think she would never see her again. EJ asks if she’d like him to call Will and Sonny to tell them what happened but Gabi says no as she will talk to them herself when she’s feeling stronger. Gabi mentions missing Arianna so much and wishes they didn’t live so far apart. EJ hopes one day that will change. EJ asks if there’s anything else he can do for her. Gabi says no and thanks him as he’s done so much for her already. Gabi tells EJ that she owes him her life.

Ava finishes wrapping Stefan’s arm wound. Stefan says he’s kind of glad this all went down because he initially came to apologize to her again for being a complete ass by suggesting they sleep together again to even the score with Gabi. Stefan admits it was disrespectful to her and he’s sorry. Ava says he should be. Stefan assures that he is but says she should be forgiving and accept his apology so they can move on from all of this. Stefan thinks that’s the least she can do for him rescuing her from certain death. Ava supposes she can forgive him for being a jerk under the condition that he lets her take him to the hospital to get checked out with no arguments. Stefan reluctantly agrees to go, so they exit together.

Chanel tells Johnny that after tomorrow, they will be crazy busy with work. Johnny says they have to produce a whole episode in one day. Chanel calls this their last chance to have a nice dinner for a long time. Johnny suggests they make the most of tonight and order a bottle of champagne. Johnny praises her talents while Chanel hopes she lives up to his expectations. Johnny surprises her with a gift of a gold necklace. Johnny assures that when Body and Soul airs, she’s going to become a huge star as he kisses her. Chanel calls this wonderful to celebrate the start of both of their careers. Johnny calls it a dream come true. Chanel mentions that it’s also nice to be out of the warzone at home. Johnny jokes that at least the duct tape is gone. Chanel calls it insane that Gabi tried to divide the house like that. Chanel admits she feels bad for Gabi and Stefan. Chanel acknowledges that Stefan was in the wrong by sleeping with Ava, but points out that he apologized and definitely seems to regret it so she hopes they can get past this. Johnny doesn’t think that’s possible anymore so Chanel asks what happened. Johnny says he wasn’t going to say anything but reveals that Gabi had revenge sex with EJ.

EJ tells Gabi that he’s just glad he was in the right place at the right time, calling it sheer luck that he was able to save her life. Gabi says to her, he was heroic. EJ is sure it’s the least of her worries right now, but he needs to give her a heads up about Stefan. Gabi asks what now. EJ informs her that he had a run in with Stefan this morning and he wanted to know if they had sex again, so he told him that they didn’t but he also said Gabi wasn’t lying. Gabi says that makes zero sense. EJ admits he was caught off guard and flustered, so on the one hand he didn’t want to throw Gabi under the bus but he didn’t want to further provoke Stefan as he already has him in quite the bind. Gabi remembers Stefan alluding to some kind of payback. Gabi asks what he meant by that and what he did to EJ.

Paulina goes to the hospital and checks on Melinda in her hospital room. Melinda says she just feels lucky that she’s still here. Paulina mentions visiting the crime scene and seeing the room where she was held hostage. Paulina returns her purse to her from Connie’s room. Melinda thanks her but says she didn’t have to come all the way here to return it. Paulina says she wanted to see how she was doing. Melinda is surprised she would care since they aren’t buddies. Paulina admits that she always felt bad about firing her as district attorney. Melinda asks why she did then. Paulina informs her that EJ strong-armed her in to it.

EJ tells Gabi that Stefan plans to testify against him that he knew about Sloan stealing Nicole’s baby and that he kept quiet about it. Gabi asks if that’s enough to put him in prison. EJ says probably not, but it is enough for Paulina to fire him, though he thinks he’s convinced Stefan to back off for now. Gabi suggests maybe she can get Stefan to let it go if she admits she lied about her and EJ sleeping together again. EJ asks if she’s sure she wants to do that. Gabi responds that EJ saved her life, so she kind of owes him one.

Jada asks Connie who’s blood is on the knife. Ava and Stefan then come out from the Brady Pub, so Stefan explains the blood is his as he showed up at the door while Connie was trying to slash Ava’s throat. Ava says thankfully Stefan showed up when he did, but Connie managed to injure him by slashing his arm and then running off. Stefan is glad that she didn’t get too far. Connie shouts that she would’ve gotten further if he wasn’t in stupid hero mode. Jada says she’ll need statements from Ava and Stefan. Ava says she’s taking him to the hospital to get checked out, but they will be in later. Jada agrees and says in the meantime, she will be taking Connie to the police station as they walk off.

Chanel comments to Johnny that Gabi must have gone full savage mode and asks how Johnny found out. Johnny explains that he walked in on EJ and Stefan arguing about it. Johnny thinks Gabi only slept with EJ to rub it in Stefan’s face. Chanel calls that vindictive of Gabi but guesses she can kind of get why she did it. Chanel asks if EJ really hates Stefan that much. Johnny thinks it’s probably more about EJ being a mess since his marriage to Nicole blew up and now he’s got the divorce papers. Chanel still questions taking all of that out on his brother and worries that he may have started an all out war.

Gabi asks EJ if there’s any word on Connie yet as she hates the idea of her still being out there. EJ says he hasn’t heard anything but he can go see what he can find out, though she said she wanted him to say. Gabi decides it’s okay as she does need to rest. EJ says he’ll be back soon and tells Gabi to get some rest.

Jada brings Connie to the police station and sits her down at her desk. Connie gets excited upon seeing the cardboard cutout of Li and talks to him as if he’s real. Jada informs her that she took it from her apartment as evidence. Connie argues that they have it all wrong as Li is innocent.

Melinda tells Paulina that it wouldn’t take a detective to figure out that EJ used underhanded means to get his old job back, but she’s still curious as to what exactly he did. Paulina explains that EJ invented a bogus organization to vilify her to oust her as Mayor. Paulina admits she thought he would succeed and she hated it, but she agreed to hire him back. Paulina then informs Melinda that she recently found a new reason to fire EJ which she intends to do. Melinda asks if he’ll just try to get her recalled again. Paulina says that never stopped her before and she’s so done with EJ that she’s willing to try. Paulina then asks Melinda if she wants her old job back.

EJ is on the phone at the hospital as Stefan and Ava arrive. EJ asks what happened to Stefan. Stefan informs him that he was attacked by Connie. EJ then reveals to them that Connie just tried to kill Melinda and Gabi by tying them up in the tunnels and setting off a bomb. Stefan asks if Gabi is okay. EJ confirms he was able to get her out and bring her to the hospital. EJ notes that she suffered some minor injuries but is okay. Stefan then rushes off to Gabi’s room so EJ remarks that he guesses he’s still hung up on his wife.

Stefan enters Gabi’s room and says he just heard what happened. Stefan is thankful that she’s okay as he hugs her.

Johnny suggests to Chanel that they no longer talk about his dysfunctional family as he’d much rather focus on her. Johnny asks if she’s nervous to shoot her first scenes tomorrow. Chanel admits she is as she wants to do well and make him proud. Johnny assures that he’s already proud of her and he knows she’s going to do great. Chanel worries about remembering her lines. Johnny offers to run line with her if she wants. Chanel thanks him but says she spent all night running them with herself. Chanel thinks she’s good but she’s a little nervous about the tango scene in episode four. Johnny reveals he happens to be an expert tango dancer as EJ taught he and his mom awhile back, and Sami actually won a dance competition in Salem years ago. Johnny offers to show her some of the basics which Chanel accepts.

Melinda tells Paulina that she knows she missed a lot while held hostage, but points out that Johnny and Chanel are still married which makes Paulina and EJ in-laws, so she thinks that will make it awkward when she fires him. Paulina repeats that it never stopped her before and she will deal with any fallout. Paulina urges Melinda to just say yes. Melinda says she appreciate the offer but she doesn’t want to be a pawn in the power struggle between her and EJ. Melinda adds that EJ basically saved her life by showing up to put out the fire. Paulina thinks she’s giving him too much credit and jokes that EJ was probably just trying to save his vintage wine collection. Melinda reveals that she actually really likes working at DiMera Enterprises which shocks Paulina. Paulina asks if she doesn’t miss the thrill of the court room and she’s happy looking at boring contracts. Melinda knows it sounds crazy but she thinks her paycheck is enough of a thrill for her and almost makes her forget she’s working for Kristen DiMera. Paulina guesses it must be huge as Melinda says nothing can change her mind. Melinda notes that she is worried about how much work she has to catch up on since she missed a lot while tied to the bed. Paulina jokes that at least she had company in the cardboard cutout of Li Shin.

Connie pleads with Jada to release the cardboard cutout of Li, arguing that they’ve done nothing wrong. Jada brings up that Connie took the lives of Li Shin and Everett Lynch, questioning if she doesn’t consider that wrong. Jada brings up the attempted murders of Rafe, Gabi, Melinda, Ava, and Stefan. Connie claims none of that is true and she didn’t do any of that, while Li is fine and standing there. Connie shouts to the cardboard Li that she will take care of anything while Jada drags her in to the interrogation room.

Ava informs EJ that Connie is in custody as Jada caught her right after she tried to kill her and Stefan in her room. EJ questions Stefan being in Ava’s room. Ava explains that he came by to talk and it’s good that he did because he saved her life. EJ calls that interesting as it seems they have been nearly inseparable these days. Ava says that he is her friend and they’ve been through a lot together. EJ points out that includes a night of passion. Ava calls that a big mistake and tells EJ to stop looking at her like that, insisting nothing is going on between her and Stefan except friendship. EJ says if she says so.

Stefan asks Gabi how badly she’s hurt. Gabi says it’s nothing serious, just a slight concussion and just some scratches but she’s okay. Stefan is sorry that he wasn’t there for her and wishes he knew what Connie was up to. Gabi informs Stefan that Connie is the one who killed Li and framed her for his murder which shocks Stefan. Stefan asks why she killed Li. Gabi explains that she was obsessed with Li and blamed her and Melinda for Li not returning her feelings, so she wanted to be her assistant for revenge. Gabi adds that Connie wanted to destroy her marriage by telling her that Stefan and Ava slept together, then encouraging her to sleep with someone else. Gabi admits that she didn’t have to listen so she can’t blame her for that. Gabi then asks what happened to Stefan’s arm. Stefan reveals that she and Melinda weren’t the only ones that Connie tried to kill as she came after he and Ava too. Gabi questions where this happened, forcing Stefan to admit that he was in Ava’s room.

Johnny and Chanel finish a dance at the Bistro to an applause from the crowd. Johnny praises her as a fast learner. Chanel says they will have to go dancing more often. Chanel says she hates for this romantic night to end but they both have really early mornings. Johnny worries that the DiMera Mansion is still a combat zone.

Paulina finishes a call and says she’ll be right there. Paulina then informs Melinda that Connie is in police custody which relieves her. Paulina says she will have to get to the police station to get a full report, but before she goes, she invites Melinda to have lunch sometime. Melinda says she would like that and if she makes sure that Connie gets what she deserves, lunch is on her. Paulina then exits the room as Melinda holds back tears.

Jada tells Connie that they have her dead to rights, so she might as well sign the confession to score her points when it comes to her sentencing. Connie says nice try but she’s not signing or saying anything until she gets a lawyer. Jada advises her to cooperate on the case in any way she can, because they are throwing the book at her. Connie tells her that intimidating her isn’t going to work. Jada argues that she’s trying to get her locked up for the rest of her miserable life. Jada brings up that Connie killed her ex-husband and tried to kill her boyfriend. Connie argues that she never would’ve gone after Rafe if it wasn’t for Bobby which Jada questions. Connie explains that Bobby was upset that she stabbed Rafe, but she told him that she would get Rafe out of the picture in exchange for Bobby’s silence, so she doesn’t know what else he thought she meant. Jada realizes that Bobby really was innocent and just one of Connie’s victims. Jada complains that Bobby was mentally ill and Connie killed him, then framed him for Rafe’s stabbing. Connie argues that she didn’t say any of that so she can’t use that against her. Jada says she can but Connie questions her not using what Brady Black said, so confessions don’t mean much around her. Jada tells Connie to just keep talking because they already built an airtight case against her. Jada declares that Connie is going to pay for all of the horrifying things she’s done.

EJ informs Ava that Connie is the one who killed Li, stabbed Rafe, and killed Everett. EJ adds that Connie was holding Melinda hostage in her apartment which shocks Ava. Ava asks if Melinda is there since she needs to speak to her. EJ didn’t know they were friends. Ava says they aren’t, but she owes her an apology.

Stefan tells Gabi that it’s not what she thinks as he went to Ava’s to apologize. Gabi questions for what. Stefan says it all started when EJ showed up at the Bistro and he had just hired Ava back which Gabi questions. Stefan explains that Ava needed a job and Gabi was responsible for that by firing her for DiMera. Gabi asks if he’s seriously blaming her. Gabi asks why he would need to apologize to Ava if he just gave her a job. Stefan explains that EJ riled him up and wouldn’t confirm that they slept together a second time, but when he didn’t deny it, he assumed it was true. Stefan admits he’s not proud of this, but he asked Ava to help him even the score by propositioning her to sleep with him a second time. Gabi calls him a son of a bitch.

Chanel and Johnny go home to the DiMera Mansion where they find out that there was an explosion in the tunnels as someone set off a bomb. Chanel hopes no one was hurt. Johnny says EJ will have to fill them in.

Paulina goes to the police station where Jada informs her that Connie is in the interrogation room, asking for a lawyer. Paulina insists there is no way Connie gets out of this and will spend the rest of her life behind bars. Jada doesn’t think so which Connie questions. Paulina argues that she’s obviously guilty. Jada explains that she doesn’t think Connie will be headed to Statesville prison but will be heading straight to Bayview.

Connie remains in the interrogation room and imagines Li coming to visit her. Connie insists that she will get them both out of this as her imagination of Li praises everything about her. Connie imagines kissing Li and calls him her heart, soul, and only reason for living as she asks him to never leave her.

Ava goes to see Melinda in her hospital room. Melinda mentions Paulina telling her that Connie was arrested. Ava says she’s so sorry for what that monster put her through and blames herself. Ava says she knew Melinda was on her way to fire Connie and she should’ve known something was up when Connie remained working for Gabi, especially after being told that Melinda took a leave of absence. Ava guesses she was too caught up in her own drama. Melinda mentions Connie telling her about Ava sleeping with Stefan. Melinda jokes that Ava could’ve answered her phone when she called while they compare what Connie did to them.

Johnny calls EJ and asks if he’s okay. EJ assures that he’s fine. Johnny brings up that he and Chanel had a run-in with Connie before and they thought she was odd, but not psychotic or homicidal. Johnny questions why Connie set a bomb off in their house. EJ calls it a long story but she held Melinda hostage, grabbed Gabi too, tied them up in the tunnels and set off the bomb. EJ mentions that Melinda was relatively unscathed while Gabi suffered some minor injuries. Johnny asks if Gabi is alright. EJ responds that Stefan is in with her at the moment but she’s going to be fine.

Stefan knows using Ava to get back at Gabi was wrong but she doesn’t get to be wrong about that since she slept with EJ twice. Gabi admits it was only once and that she lied about sleeping with him a second time. Stefan asks how the hell he was supposed to know that. Gabi suggests he should’ve known her well enough to know when she’s making something up to get under his skin. Gabi asks if he really thought sleeping with Ava would help things. Stefan says he didn’t but she made it clear that she didn’t want to work on their marriage. Gabi says she still doesn’t and yells at Stefan to get the hell out. Stefan then exits while Gabi angrily throws the water from her end table.

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