Days Update Friday, September 20, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Kayla is at the hospital when she gets a call from Steve and says she was worried about him. Kayla is surprised to learn that Steve did talk to Clyde and asks about his doubts about “Abigail”. Kayla is not surprised that Clyde stonewalled him, asking why he would give him any answers if there’s nothing in it for him.

Chad goes home to find “Abigail” inside and questions what she’s doing there as he just brought the kids home. “Abigail” responds that she thought he’d want to know that she remembered something. Chad is thrilled and asks what she remembered. “Abigail” claims it was about them.

Kayla knows Steve has his doubts, but says they cannot do a DNA test on “Abigail” without her consent. Kayla says they will just talk about it when he gets back as they hang up. Jada approaches Kayla and tells her that Rafe has been so agitated that he’s threatening to check himself out against medical advice because he’s out of his mind with worry about Gabi.

Connie tells Gabi and Melinda that she is hurt and very angry, but she’s not confused as she knows just what she wants and pretty soon, she will have it. Melinda questions if she’s going to defy Li like this. Gabi reminds Connie that she’s been so good to her which is why she put all her faith in her. Gabi asks Connie not to throw it all away and says she’ll give her whatever she wants but Connie says no. Gabi pleads with her not to do this. Connie says goodbye and tells them to have a blast as she sets the bomb and exits as the bomb counts down from two and a half minutes while Gabi and Melinda scream.

Ava goes home to her room above the Pub and gets a text from Stefan with another apology but she says it’s not accepted. Ava mocks Stefan’s idea of wanting to even the score with Gabi by having sex again and calls him an ass. Ava then gets a call from Stefan.

Stefan remains at the Bistro as he tries to call Ava.

EJ goes home and guesses Gabi isn’t there. EJ pours a cup of coffee and then finds the bloody fireplace poker on the ground. EJ picks it up and questions the blood. EJ looks around the room and sees the entry to the tunnels is cracked open, so he wonders what the hell is going on here.

Gabi and Melinda continue to scream as they see the bomb is going to blow in two minutes and worry that they are going to die.

Ava rejects Stefan’s call and remarks that maybe his next restaurant manager will like to help him with his revenge sex. Connie then shows up at Ava’s door.

Stefan leaves Ava a voicemail, saying he feels terrible about hurting her feelings and disrespecting her. Stefan admits he was a total jerk and he would really like another chance to apologize. Stefan then decides voicemail is not the way to go and he needs to see her in person.

Ava asks what Connie is doing there. Connie responds that she’s just tying up some loose ends and that Ava is next on her list. Ava asks what she’s talking about. Connie says she knows that Ava has been trash talking her all around town and she’s disappointed that she did not heed her warning to keep her mouth shut. Ava thinks back to telling Jada about Connie being a fraud. Connie asks if Ava told on her. Ava denies it but Connie calls her a liar. Connie says she asked her to keep quiet but she sold her down the river. Connie adds that she’s already made sure that Melinda won’t be able to badmouth her ever again and now Ava won’t either as she pulls her knife out.

EJ calls out towards the tunnels to ask if someone is down there. EJ then enters the tunnels.

Gabi prays while Melinda screams and struggles with being tied up. EJ arrives outside the door and asks if anyone is there. EJ goes to open the door but the bomb counts down to 0 and explodes, knocking EJ out.

“Abigail” practices what she’s going to say to Chad and questions how she’s supposed to keep doing this to him. She then thinks back to talking to Mark about it. Chad comes back in to the room from telling Julie to stay with the kids. “Abigail” apologizes for not thinking about the kids seeing her there. Chad assures all is good and asks what she remembered. “Abigail” responds that she was really moved when he brought over their wedding album and recited his wedding vows. She claims it touched something inside of her. Chad thought she didn’t remember anything. She says she didn’t at first but then she kept looking at the album and thinking about his words. She claims that the Abigail that Chad was talking about no longer felt like a stranger to her. She says she could hear the music, smell the flowers, and taste the wedding cake which excites Chad. She claims she could see Chad in front of her and she remembered her wedding vows. Chad excitedly hugs her and says this is exactly what he prayed for.

Connie remarks that Ava seems surprised to see her. Ava says she is and asks how she knew where she lived. Connie says she got her information off the DiMera contact sheet before she was fired. Ava tells Connie that she’s not going to tell Gabi anything about her resume. Ava says Gabi got her fired and she never liked her anyway, so as far as she’s concerned, she never saw Connie and she won’t have a problem from her. Connie informs Ava that she and Gabi are parting ways, so she’s in the past now. Connie declares that she’s off to start a new life with her boyfriend but she can’t have everyone thinking she’s a fraud, arguing that she has lots of skills and is an amazing employee. Ava says she’s heard that she is very efficient. Connie argues that she’s just sucking up so she won’t hurt her but she sees through her. Ava swears that she’s not. Connie questions who Ava was gossiping to about her work history. Connie asks if she told Stefan. Ava claims that she didn’t and that they aren’t even that close, so she didn’t say anything to him about her. Connie doesn’t believe her and accuses her of lying. Ava doesn’t think it would register if she did since Stefan has so many important things on his mind right now. Ava doesn’t think Stefan would care, so he’s certainly not going to tell Gabi or anyone. Connie responds that she doesn’t trust Stefan and says that he is her next stop once she’s through with her. Stefan then knocks on the door, asking if Ava is in there. Connie calls it convenient to save her a trip.

Jada informs Kayla of the working theory that Connie stabbed Rafe and killed Li Shin. Jada worries that they might be adding Melinda’s name to that list. Kayla understands why Rafe is so worried about Gabi. Jada says that Rafe left her a message hours ago but she hasn’t gotten back and she has people out looking for her now. Kayla hopes Gabi is okay since Rafe has been through so much already. Jada worries that being this upset cannot be good for Rafe’s health as he’s going out of his mind. Kayla offers to give him a mild sedative. Kayla wonders if Connie has left town now that she knows they are onto her. Jada isn’t sure she knows, but says she will know soon enough because she has every available cop looking for her and Kristen mentioned seeing her at the park, so there’s a chance she is still in Salem. Jada thanks Kayla for looking after Rafe and says she’s going to join the search for Gabi as she exits the hospital.

EJ regains consciousness in the DiMera tunnels to see the wine cellar on fire in front of him. EJ gets to his feet and staggers inside where Gabi is knocked out underneath rubble from the explosion.

Chad tells “Abigail” how excited he got about her memories and asks how much of the vows she remembers. “Abigail” says pretty much all of them, so she can try to recite them. Chad says he would love that and tells her to take her time. “Abigail” then begins reciting Abigail’s wedding vows to Chad.

At the hospital, Mark calls “Abigail” and leaves a message that he got in to see Clyde. Mark says he tried to tell Clyde to stop pressuring her but he pushed back hard and he’s desperate for her to marry Chad again as soon as possible. Mark assures her that Steve didn’t see anything as Kayla then approaches.

Stefan continues knocking on Ava’s door and says he knows she’s in there as he saw her car parked outside. Stefan says he knows he already apologized but he wants to repeat that he’s really sorry for even suggesting they sleep together again. Ava calls out to him to go away because she doesn’t want to talk to him anymore. Connie holds Ava at knife point and orders her to tell Stefan to come in or else her words will be her last. Ava then tells Stefan to come in, so Stefan walks in to find Connie holding Ava at knife point. Connie tells Stefan it’s so nice to see him and to join the party.

Jada goes to the DiMera Mansion and calls in that there’s a heavy smell of smoke but no signs of fire. Jada says she’s going to do a thorough check and calls for units to be dispatched immediately. Jada hangs up and finds the bloody fireplace poker on the floor. Jada then sees the entry to the tunnels is opened and draws her gun.

EJ puts out the fire in the wine cellar and finds Melinda on the ground tied to the chair. Melinda coughs and tells EJ that it was Connie. Melinda tells EJ that she will survive and instructs him to go help Gabi. EJ then goes to check on Gabi while Melinda asks if Gabi is alive.

Mark finishes his call and claims that he was just telling a patient to follow up with Kayla. Kayla says she has a question while he’s there. Kayla brings up having Mark run the DNA test for her niece Abigail. Mark asks how she is. Kayla says she’s okay and adjusting, but she wants to make sure that he kept it in his sight the whole time. Mark assures that he did as she gave very strict orders and asks why. Kayla says she’s just family and Steve wants to make sure the test results were absolutely accurate. Mark claims he understands and that they have nothing to worry about as there was no way they were tampered with. Mark assures Kayla that “Abigail” is definitely her niece.

Chad tells “Abigail” that he can’t believe it as there was no way that she would know those words if she wasn’t there with him that day and if she wasn’t Abigail. Chad says he’s so happy that she remembers one of their happiest memories and says there are so many more to come. She claims she can’t wait for that day. Chad adds that he doesn’t think for a second that they will just go back to how they are and he’s not trying to pressure her, but admits it’s the most hope he’s had since he found out she was alive. “Abigail” claims to feel that too. Chad then gets a call and steps out to answer it.

EJ tries to wake Gabi up. Jada arrives and asks what happened. Melinda informs her that Connie set off a home made bomb and EJ arrived after to put out the fire. EJ says that Gabi needs to get to the hospital. Jada says units are on their way but EJ says there’s no time and declares he will take her, himself. Jada argues that’s not a good idea but EJ says they are going and carries Gabi out of the cellar.

Stefan asks Connie what the hell. She orders him to shut the door, so he does. Stefan questions what is going on here. Connie responds that she’s cleaning up and eliminating all the problem people in her life. Connie informs Stefan that he was next on her list. Stefan understands that she is upset that he and Ava slept together because of how loyal she is to Gabi. Connie then reveals she hates Gabi and she’s glad Stefan cheated on her, but she hates Stefan too for what he did to the only person she loves with all her heart, Li Shin. Connie shouts that Li being dead is all Stefan’s fault. Stefan says he’s lost. Connie argues that Gabi broke Li’s heart and destroyed him while Stefan helped her do it, so now he’s going to pay for it. Stefan understands she’s angry but says her beef is with him and Gabi, so he questions what it has to do with Ava. Connie complains that Ava told him that she faked her resume when she told her to keep her mouth shut. Ava insists that she didn’t tell him but Connie says she didn’t believe her. Connie declares that now she has to silence Ava for good and then Stefan is next.

“Abigail” listens to Mark’s voicemail. She then calls him back and asks if he has a second to chat. Mark says he’s sorry that he couldn’t get Clyde to back off. She says she figured he wouldn’t have much luck, so she stepped things up on her side by “remembering” her wedding vows with Chad. Mark questions how she pulled that off. “Abigail” explains that Chad mentioned a box of mementos in the attic, so she snuck in to find a paper with Abigail’s vows on it and she managed to memorize it before Chad got back. Mark calls it impressive while “Abigail” says she is highly motivated. She adds that Chad was so emotional and excited that she was able to recite the vows, so she felt awful and guilty for deceiving Chad like this because it feels incredibly cruel. Mark responds that he doesn’t like this either but they have to go through it as it’s the only option because their mom’s life is on the line. “Abigail” hangs up as Chad returns to the room. She asks if everything is okay. Chad informs her that he just got some bad news.

EJ sits at Gabi’s side in a hospital room as Kayla enters. EJ informs her that Gabi still hasn’t regained consciousness. Kayla talks about how much smoke Gabi inhaled and possible effects of a concussion. Kayla says she’s ordered a CT scan of her head to rule out a brain bleed. Kayla assures that Gabi is in good hands if EJ wants to go home and rest, but EJ declares that he’s staying here until he knows she’s okay. Gabi then wakes up and asks where she is and what happened.

Jada brings Melinda to the living room of the DiMera Mansion and gets her some water. Melinda tells Jada about Connie’s life-sized cardboard cutout of Li Shin. Jada confirms she saw it with her own eyes at the apartment as they realized Connie was holding Melinda hostage, but they didn’t know where she had taken her or if she was still alive. Jada says they started the search at her place. Melinda says they didn’t know they were on to Connie. Jada is just sorry they didn’t find her sooner. Melinda is just glad she found them when she did. Jada is sorry for everything Melinda has been through. Jada hopes Melinda is a little calmer now and asks what exactly Connie said when she left. Melinda recalls that Connie said she was going home to be with Li and then leaving town. Jada says if Connie tries to go home, she will find the place crawling with cops. Melinda adds that Connie mentioned having some loose ends to take care of first but she didn’t elaborate. Melinda asks if Jada can track her phone but Jada reveals that Connie ditched it for a burner phone. The ambulance then arrives for Melinda. Melinda remembers that Connie took Gabi’s phone. Jada says they can track that and it might be the break they need.

Stefan tells Connie that Ava knows about her resume being embellished, but she has no interest in staying at DiMera anyway so that won’t matter. Stefan repeats that her problem is with him and Gabi, not Ava. Stefan says this is all on him because everything that’s gone wrong in Connie’s life, starting with Gabi stealing the DiMera shares from Li was all his idea. Stefan remarks that they knew Li would fall for anything like Gabi getting kidnapped and calls Li a pathetic loser and a fool for pining after Gabi. Connie yells at him to stop. Stefan talks about how he and Gabi used to laugh at Li. Stefan calls Li a miserable waste of space and declares that the world is a better place without him. Connie then releases Ava and charges Stefan with the knife.

Chad informs “Abigail” that there was an explosion in the basement of the DiMera Mansion. Chad mentions that EJ was involved but he’s okay and he apparently had to take Gabi to the hospital as she looks to be seriously injured.

Gabi says she still can’t wrap her head around all of the horrible things Connie did and she feels like such a fool for not seeing the signs and for hiring her in the first place. EJ argues that Gabi can’t blame herself as Connie was obviously an expert at conning people. Gabi talks about how Connie worked so hard to ingratiate herself with her. Gabi says looking back, there was a desperation to it. EJ insists that Gabi couldn’t have known what Connie was capable of and it’s over now. Gabi recalls being surrounded by flames and so much smoke that she couldn’t breathe or see. EJ holds Gabi’s hand as she says she was sure she was going to die, but there he was just in time. Gabi declares that EJ saved her life.

Connie stabs Stefan in the arm while Ava grabs her own knife. Connie complains that Ava ruins everything and runs out of the room. Ava checks on Stefan, worrying that he’s bleeding heavily. Stefan says he’ll be fine. Ava acknowledges that Stefan saved her life.

Kayla brings Melinda to Mark at the hospital and asks him to give her a full examination as she’s suffering from smoke inhalation after being held hostage. Melinda calls Connie a homicidal lunatic and says she hopes the cops catch her so she will be locked up for eternity.

Connie exits the Brady Pub where she is caught by Jada, who orders her to drop her knife or she’ll shoot.

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