Days Update Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Melinda continues to struggle with being tied up to Connie’s bed. Jada knocks on the apartment door, asking if Connie is there as she needs to speak with her about Everett Lynch. Jada continues knocking and then realizes that the door is open.

Chad meets Stephanie in the park and says he’s sorry he’s late as he got caught up talking with the kids’ teachers. Stephanie understands and informs Chad that they already scattered Everett’s ashes. Chad questions everyone already leaving. Stephanie explains that Alex and Leo couldn’t make it while Xander was busy with Sarah, so it was just her and Jada which she supposes was fitting since they knew Everett best. Stephanie brings up Leo mentioning Connie being friends with Everett, but when she called to invite her to the memorial, she had no idea who he was.

Gabi tells Connie that she’s going to take Stefan for all he’s worth and she wouldn’t mind keeping it up with EJ, pointing out that their one night doesn’t have to be just one. Connie agrees. Gabi declares that either way, she’s living the good life. Connie then turns away and pulls out her knife, saying “not for long, slut”

At the hospital, Paulina sits at Rafe’s side and says she’s tried begging so the only thing she hasn’t tried is pulling rank. Paulina then tries yelling at Rafe that she’s ordering him to wake up or else she might have to give the acting commissioner his job for good. Paulina is then shocked as Rafe actually wakes up. Paulina can’t believe it actually worked as she exclaims that Rafe is finally awake.

Chad questions Stephanie saying that Connie saying she didn’t know Everett. Stephanie says who knows with all the lies Everett was keeping or maybe Leo didn’t get his facts straight. Chad is sorry about the turnout as he’s sure it was an emotional day for her. Stephanie is sure it was for him too. Chad says it wasn’t the first time the kids have gone back to school since Abigail had been gone but today was different obviously as he wishes Abigail could’ve been there. Stephanie can’t imagine how much it will mean to Thomas and Charlotte to have their mom back. Chad hopes it’s just a matter of time before they do.

At the DiMera Mansion, “Abigail” complains about the portrait of Stefano and says she knows he can’t stand her lying to his son and pretending to be his dead wife. She admits that she doesn’t like pretending to be someone she’s not either, but she has to.

Paulina asks if Rafe can hear her. Rafe nods, so Paulina excitedly says she will go get Kayla and urges Rafe to stay awake as she rushes out of the room.

Connie hides the knife behind her back as she approaches Gabi but Gabi gets a call. Gabi is shocked and says she will take care of it. Gabi then orders Connie to find Melinda Trask now.

Jada enters Connie’s apartment, calling out for Connie. Jada then approaches the bedroom and knocks on the door as Melinda continues to struggle with being tied up inside.

Connie questions why Gabi needs her to find Melinda. Gabi explains that Melinda had notes about her spring line but never sent them to her and it’s too late now. Connie guesses Gabi hasn’t heard that Melinda took a leave of absence. Gabi questions why she would do that. Connie claims to have no idea and guesses she couldn’t handle the pressure of the job.

Jada continues knocking on Connie’s bedroom door and goes to open it but she gets a call from Paulina, announcing that Rafe is awake. Jada says she’ll be right there.

Kayla checks on Rafe in his hospital room and says they are all so happy to have him back. Rafe asks her what happened.

Chad asks Stephanie how her meeting with “Abigail” went. Stephanie says it went pretty well and she told her about how close they were, reminding her of their childhood. Chad recalls Abigail telling him some stories when they first met. Chad says he’s glad they had a good time. Stephanie informs Chad that one weird thing did happen.

“Abigail” argues that Stefano of all people should understand the position she’s in since Chad said family meant everything to him, just like it does to her and her brother. Steve then enters and greets “Abigail”, introducing himself as her uncle. Steve says he couldn’t help but overhear that she was talking to Stefano. She jokes about talking to portraits and comments that Stefano seems to loom large over the family. Steve says he gets that Stefano has a commanding presence even from the afterlife. Steve adds that he heard her say something about family meaning everything to her and her brother. “Abigail” claims that everyone told her that she and her brother were really close. Steve asks if she’s talking about JJ. She asks who else she would be talking about.

Stephanie explains to Chad that when she got to the DiMera Mansion, “Abigail” was on the phone and talking about a plan, then when she asked her about it, she said she was talking to Kayla about a treatment plan. Chad says that makes sense but Stephanie reveals that when she brought it up to Kayla later, she had no idea what she was talking about and said they never had that conversation.

Steve tells “Abigail” that her brother JJ is a great guy. Steve brings up Abe having a similar situation where he lost his memory and used flash cards to keep everyone in his memory straight. Steve adds that it took awhile, but Abe got his memory back. Steve talks about Kayla and Stephanie, noting that Stephanie said they had a nice visit which “Abigail” confirms, saying she wishes she could remember their childhood. Steve is sure she will eventually. Steve adds that Stephanie also told him that she said she was working on a treatment plan with Kayla. “Abigail” claims they are and that Kayla has been a huge help. Steve responds that he wouldn’t be surprised by that, if it were true.

Kayla informs Rafe that his heart and lungs sound good but they will get an MRI to be sure. Jada rushes in and is thrilled to see Rafe is awake. Jada thanks God that Rafe came back to them as she hugs him.

Gabi tells Connie that if Melinda’s gone, she guesses she’ll never see those notes. Connie asks for her own notepad off Gabi’s desk but Gabi says she doesn’t see it. Connie keeps the knife behind her back as she approaches Gabi closer but Gabi gets a call from Paulina. Gabi tells Paulina that she’s sorry but it’s not a good time. Paulina responds that it sure is as she’s at the hospital and announces that Rafe just woke up, which shocks Gabi. Gabi thanks her and says she’ll be right there. Gabi hangs up and exclaims that her brother is awake as she runs out of the office, leaving Connie disappointed with her knife in hand.

Chad tells Stephanie that it doesn’t make any sense that “Abigail” would say she was talking to Kayla if she wasn’t. Chad guesses she was probably just confused as to who she was talking to, but Stephanie said she seemed pretty sure. Stephanie tells Chad that she hates to think that “Abigail” is lying.

“Abigail” asks Steve if Kayla didn’t mention that they spoke. Steve says when Stephanie brought up, Kayla said they hadn’t spoken at all yesterday. “Abigail” suggests it was privacy between doctor and patient but Steve assures it was not. Steve says for Kayla to say emphatically that she had not spoken to her is a little strange. “Abigail” calls it a really confusing time. Steve says the truth is that she didn’t talk to Kayla yesterday. “Abigail” says it’s possible she mixed things up and talks about not remembering any of Abigail’s life despite what everyone is telling her. She remarks that it feels like she’s a different person. Steve responds that he can definitely relate to that as it wasn’t that long ago, he thought he was Stefano. Steve calls it a long story, but he was 100% convinced that he was Stefano DiMera and was a completely different person. Steve says of course it wasn’t true and he wasn’t Stefano at all.

Melinda continues to struggle with being tied up until Connie returns to the room. Connie comments on needing to get the front door fixed since it’s sticking and she can only lock it from the inside, so when she goes to work, someone could walk right in and they can’t have that. Melinda thought she was going to work. Connie responds that she was, but something came up before her mission was accomplished. Connie then informs Melinda that Rafe is awake.

Jada tells Rafe how many hours she spent sitting in the chair, waiting for this moment and now it’s happening. Jada says she can’t believe it. Gabi then bursts in and can’t believe it’s really true as she hugs Rafe and Jada. Rafe informs them that he still doesn’t know what happened to him. Gabi questions Jada not telling him. Jada says she was a little preoccupied. Gabi reveals to Rafe that he’s been out for two months in a coma. Jada calls them very long months. Gabi adds that someone tried to kill him as someone stabbed him in the back. Jada reminds Rafe that it was in the cemetery. Rafe remembers being on the phone with Paulina and flashes back to that night. Rafe recalls feeling the pain. Jada is sure it was very painful but asks if he remembers who stabbed him.

Chad asks Stephanie why “Abigail” would lie about talking to Kayla. Stephanie says she has no idea. Chad guesses she must have been talking to another doctor and just got confused. Stephanie says that could be it. Chad says it has to be. Stephanie asks who else “Abigail” would be making a plan with if not another doctor.

“Abigail” tells Steve that it must have been strange for him to believe he was someone that he wasn’t. She mentions having her doubts when Chad found her, but claims that now she knows she’s Abigail DiMera because of the DNA results. She states that she doesn’t have Abigail’s face or memories, so she understands why people have their doubts including Jennifer. Steve tells her that Jack and Jennifer lost their daughter and thought they buried her and grieved for her, so he can imagine how it would turn their lives upside down to suddenly hear that she’s alive. Steve remarks that it takes a lot to believe the unbelievable.

Paulina tells Kayla that she was just sharing the wonderful news with Abe, who is thrilled. Paulina asks how Rafe is. Kayla says he’s doing remarkably well and that Jada and Gabi are in with him now.

Jada asks Rafe if he saw the person who stabbed him. Rafe says he didn’t. Gabi asks why it matters since they already know who did it. Gabi informs Rafe that it was Jada’s ex, Bobby. Jada says he apparently wanted Rafe out of the way so they could get back together. Rafe asks if she arrested him. Gabi reveals that he actually committed suicide which shocks Rafe. Rafe guesses that’s the end of it then.

Melinda asks Connie about Rafe being awake and says that must make her worried since the man she almost stabbed to death is capable of speaking which could be a problem for her. Connie remarks that it could be, if he knew that she was the one who did it. Connie flashes back to stabbing Rafe and then tells Melinda that since Rafe didn’t see her, there’s nothing for him to remember. Melinda asks why she seems so nervous then.

Steve tells “Abigail” that he should get going as he just wanted her to know they are all thinking about her. Steve suggests she give Kayla a call as he’s sure she’d be happy to help her with that treatment plan. Steve says he’ll see her soon as he exits the mansion. “Abigail” remarks to herself that she thinks Steve is going to be a little bit of a problem.

Stephanie tells Chad that she should get back to work and thanks him for coming. Chad apologizes for not making it in time for the memorial. Stephanie understands he has a lot going on, so she appreciates him making the effort. Stephanie mentions that she and “Abigail” talked about having dinner soon. Chad thinks the more “Abigail” is around family, the sooner she’ll want to be in the kids lives. Stephanie encourages that it will happen.

Paulina brings Kayla a coffee from the Bakery and says they should be cracking champagne and throwing a party to celebrate Rafe waking up. Paulina says she’s so happy for Jada and Gabi as she assumes Rafe will be the same man he was before. Kayla confirms there shouldn’t be any lasting effects from the coma. Kayla notes that Rafe doesn’t remember anything about the stabbing, but the rest of his memory seems to be in tact.

Jada tells Rafe that she’s going to be doing a lot for him until he’s 100% again. Rafe asks who the new commissioner is. Jada informs him that it was her but she was just keeping his seat warm for him. Gabi adds that Jada’s been doing a great job. Rafe asks what’s been going on. Jada asks if he wants them to tell him now when he just got out of a coma. Rafe insists, so Jada informs him that there is a high profile hit and run case that he should know about. Rafe then has a flashback to hearing Connie’s voice after being stabbed.

Connie tells Melinda that she’s not nervous, but perturbed because things have not gone as she hoped. Connie reveals to Melinda that Gabi went to bed with EJ. Melinda laughs at that because they hate each other. Melinda thought that was exactly what Connie wanted, for Gabi to extract revenge on Stefan. Connie thought it would make Gabi miserable, but this morning, she was banging on about making EJ her side piece while taking Stefan for everything he’s worth. Connie complains that Gabi’s on cloud nine and asks what kind of revenge that is. Melinda can see why she would be frustrated. Connie shouts that she wants to pull her hair out. Connie knows Li doesn’t want her to kill anyone but she may have to disobey him this one time because there’s only one way to make Gabi pay for what she’s done.

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