Days Update Friday, September 6, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

In the interrogation room, John asks Brady to not plead guilty until he knows the whole story. John adds that for all they know, there may be mitigating circumstances and a hell of a lot more to this story which Brady questions. John suggests maybe somebody else hit Sarah or his car malfunctioned. Brady reminds John that Kristen demolished the car so they’ll never really know. John says maybe something else was overlooked and offers to do some research but Brady says nothing is coming up, so he tells John to accept that he got drunk, hit Sarah and he’s going to pay for his crime.

EJ is on the phone at the police station, saying he wants everyone on this and all ducks in a row before the arraignment tomorrow. EJ declares that Brady Black must pay for what he has done. Eric then arrives and calls EJ a vindictive son of a bitch.

Tate tells Holly that she knows that Brady is not a bad person. Holly questions if a good person drives drunk, hits someone, and doesn’t even stop to check if they are dead or alive. Tate repeats that the situation isn’t black and white, arguing that Brady is an addict and has a disease. Holly complains that Brady should’ve dealt with it instead of making someone else suffer. Tate argues that Brady didn’t mean to which Holly complains further about. Tate repeats that Brady wasn’t thinking clearly, had a relapse, and is tortured with guilt. Tate doesn’t know why Holly doesn’t have some compassion for him. Holly reminds Tate that her father was killed by a drunk driver, who probably wasn’t in the right mind either. Tate acknowledges that making it harder for Holly to talk about but points out that was a terrible accident too and that she forgave Eric. Holly then questions what he means as Tate is shocked to realize she didn’t know. Holly asks what he’s talking about and what Eric has to do with her dad being killed by a drunk driver.

Justin supposes Brady was afraid to call Maggie because he didn’t want to be judged. Maggie argues that Brady knows she wouldn’t do that as sponsors don’t judge. Maggie talks about reassuring Brady that all he ever had to do was call her and she’d be there to get him back on track and prevent him from destroying himself or anyone else and especially from driving drunk. Maggie cries that’s why it’s so hard for her to believe that Brady actually did this. Justin still finds it hard to believe that Brady would drive drunk and not attend to Sarah after hitting her. Maggie says that’s exactly it and calls it so unlike Brady. Maggie knows Brady had a relapse and that’s very sad and disturbing, but the Brady that she knows would’ve got out of the car and raced over to help Sarah because he’s a good man. Justin agrees but notes that even though Brady doesn’t remember hitting Sarah, he confessed to the crime. Maggie questions Brady not remembering and why he’s confessing to something he has no memory of. Justin responds that all he knows is that Brady is determined to plead guilty. Maggie suggests maybe he didn’t do it as she can’t help but wish there was some way that Brady could turn out to be innocent in all of this.

Fiona still can’t believe this has happened to Sarah and so soon after she and Xander got married, especially on what was supposed to be one of the happiest nights of her life. Fiona thanks God that it wasn’t so much worse. Sarah then has a blurry memory of the accident. Xander asks her what’s wrong. Sarah responds that she remembers.

John reminds Brady that they are talking about the rest of his life and his kids’ lives. Brady repeats that he is thinking about his kids. John argues that Tate needs Brady, pointing out that his mother just got shipped off to prison and asks how he will handle seeing his father go too. Brady asks how Tate would handle him not facing his responsibilities. John argues that they need Brady in their lives. Brady argues that they’ll be fine and that Theresa will be out in 6 months while Rachel has Kristen. John says that’s his point since Theresa and Kristen are not stable. John repeats that Brady doesn’t know what happened that night. Brady says that he won’t change his mind on this. Brady declares that he put Sarah in a wheelchair so it was probably only a matter of time before he did this to someone else. Brady argues that there’s no other explanation for what happened that night.

Fiona gets worried and suggests Sarah is exhausted and should get some rest. Xander asks Sarah what else she remembers. Sarah responds that she remembers the accident, walking, hearing the sound of the car, turning around, and seeing the driver but she didn’t see Brady.

EJ asks if Eric shouldn’t be taking his wife and son on a trip to Paris. Eric corrects him that Nicole is soon to be his ex-wife and Jude is his son. EJ asks what Eric is doing back in Salem. Eric responds that he came to help his brother and it looks like he came just in time to stop EJ from railroading him. EJ argues that Brady punched his own one way ticket to prison by confessing to driving drunk and maiming poor Sarah. EJ brings up Eric and Sarah being an item at one point and asks where his compassion is for her. Eric says his heart breaks for Sarah and everyone who loves her but nothing’s going to stop him from making sure Brady gets a fair shake. EJ assures that he will and remarks that he shouldn’t be surprised that Eric is defending Brady going on a bender and running over an innocent person, considering he committed the exact same crime. EJ remarks that it appears vehicular homicide runs in their family, though Brady only crippled Sarah while Eric actually killed a man.

Holly demands an answer from Tate as to what Eric has to do with her dad being killed by a drunk driver. Tate apologizes as he thought she knew. Tate then tells her to forget he said anything but Holly says it’s too late for that as she can tell by his face that it’s way more than nothing. Holly reminds Tate that they don’t keep secrets from each other and says she needs to know. Tate then informs Holly that Eric was the drunk driver who killed her dad. Holly says that can’t be true and that he’s making this up. Tate asks why he would do that, knowing he would never lie to her especially about something this important. Holly questions how he found out. Tate reveals that he overheard his mom and grandma talking about it when he was a kid like it was a big family secret. Holly questions why he never told her. Tate says he thought that she knew. Holly sits down in shock, crying that Nicole told her that the drunk driver died in the accident so she can’t believe she lied to her about this. Tate is sure Nicole just wanted to protect her. Holly argues that Nicole wanted to move her to Paris to protect her from EJ and Tate without telling her that she’d be living with the man who killed her father. Holly complains that Nicole didn’t do this for her benefit, but for the same reason she does everything, to protect the love of her life, Eric.

Justin tells Maggie that she is so gracious and forgiving. Justin doesn’t think he could be either in her shoes. Maggie reminds him that he was in her shoes, just like she was in Brady’s shoes, when they believed she caused the accident that killed Adrienne along with Eric and Sarah’s baby, but then she was found innocent as Orpheus put her in the driver’s seat to frame her for the crash. Justin wishes there was a remote possibility that Brady was framed for this crime but says there’s just no evidence to support that. Maggie doesn’t understand how a good kind-hearted person like Brady could’ve hurt Sarah and just driven off. Maggie argues that the Brady she knows and loves couldn’t have done this.

Xander questions Sarah saying she didn’t see Brady and asks who she did see. Sarah responds that there was a glare so the image is blurry. Fiona questions her not seeing the driver’s face. Sarah confirms she didn’t, but in her mind’s eye there is a figure and she can’t make out who it is. Xander suggests it could become clearer if they keep talking about it and asks her if she remembers any more details. Sarah says she’s trying but Fiona thinks that’s enough for this evening. Fiona argues that Sarah needs her rest and she doesn’t see any point trying to remember when they all know Brady hit her that night.

EJ asks Eric if he struck a nerve by bringing up the fact that he mowed down Dr. Daniel Jonas. EJ asks if Eric thinks about Holly’s deceased father when he’s lying in bed next to her mother. Eric responds that he’s here to see Brady. EJ tells him that he’s in the interrogation room and suggests he can offer absolution. EJ warns that saying the rosary won’t cut it for the jury as Brady will be doing his pennance in prison for the rest of his life. Eric informs EJ that Nicole’s lawyer is fast tracking her divorce, so he should be receiving his final decree any day now as EJ walks away. John comes out of the interrogation room and calls Eric a sight for sore eyes as they hug. John asks if he’s jet lagged but Eric says he’s okay. John asks about Nicole and Jude. Eric says they are all good and just settling in to life in Paris. John says it looks that way from his pictures. Eric assumes he came from seeing Brady and asks how he’s doing. John says he’d be doing a lot better if he wasn’t hellbent on pleading guilty at his arraignment tomorrow, so right now he’s thanking God that Eric is here because he may be their last best chance to talk some sense in to him.

Brady thinks back to drinking with Fiona at the bar on the night of the accident. Eric then arrives to see him and they hug.

Tate tells Holly that she knows Eric is a really good person and he felt horrible about what he did and was tormented. Holly mocks that Eric found a way to get over killing her dad and is ready to move on with Nicole and their baby. Tate argues that she knows that’s not how Eric is. Holly stops him and says she doesn’t need him to defend Eric like he did Brady as some things like this are indefensible.

Justin goes to the police station and asks John if he talked to Brady. John says he did but it was unfortunately pointless since Brady doesn’t want to take his advice and wants to plead guilty, so he’s hoping Eric can get through to him. Justin is surprised to learn Eric is there. John informs him that he just flew in from Paris this morning. Justin is not surprised that he would show up for his brother. John says Eric is in there now, so he hopes he has better luck at changing Brady’s mind than he did. Justin responds that maybe the mind they need to change isn’t Brady’s…

Brady questions what Eric is doing here. Eric asks where else he would be when his brother is going through this. Brady asks if Nicole and Jude are with him. Eric says they are still in Paris as he wanted all his focus on helping him. Brady appreciates him being there but says he’s not going to convince him not to plead guilty. Eric says he’s not going to do that.

Xander tells Fiona that he’s aware that Brady confessed but a positive ID from Sarah would really strengthen the case against him and prevent him from getting off on a legal technicality. Xander asks Sarah if anything else is coming back to her. Sarah says she’s trying but can’t remember. Fiona says no one blames her and suggests Xander go downstairs to get some soup while she will help Sarah get some much needed rest. Xander asks if Sarah thinks that’s best. Sarah admits soup sounds good so Xander agrees to go get her some and exits the room. Fiona tells Sarah they are alone at last.

Brady questions Eric not being there to talk him out of pleading guilty. Eric says if anyone understands he needs to atone for his sins, it’s him. Eric brings up that Holly lost her father and Maggie lost her son all because he drove drunk. Brady says he almost did the same to Sarah. Eric asks if he’s sure he was driving the car that hit Sarah. Brady admits he doesn’t remember hitting her but he remembers being in a drunken stupor so he had to have done it. Eric admires him taking responsibility and says he’ll be here for him all the way. Brady appreciates that. Eric adds that he needs to finally take responsibility for the tragic mistake that he made. Brady doesn’t understand. Eric declares that he needs to find Holly to finally tell her the truth that he caused her father’s death.

Tate tells Holly that he knows this is a lot. Holly asks him to just go because she needs to be alone. Tate doesn’t think that’s a good idea but Holly insists. Tate agrees to go but says he’s there if she needs him as he walks away. Holly breaks down crying in the park.

John tells Justin that is why they pay him the big bucks. Justin hopes he can get through to him. John says he has faith in him so he will leave him to it. John exits as EJ comes over to Justin and says he’s throwing the book at Brady. Justin tells him to go ahead but he will have him laughed out of court because he has no witnesses or evidence. EJ argues that he has a confession. Justin remarks that anyone can walk in and confess to a crime but without proof, there’s reasonable doubt which leads to an acquittal. Justin tells EJ to save himself the embarrassment and drop the charges against Brady right now.

Xander goes to the living room and tells Maggie that Sarah got hungry for soup. Xander adds that there’s good important news as Sarah had a memory from the accident. Maggie asks if she was able to tell who was driving the car. Xander says not yet but talking about it was tiring her out. Maggie offers to go up and sit with her but Xander says there’s no need. Xander says that he will bring up the soup and then is sure she will get some rest, meanwhile nurse Fiona is watching over her.

Fiona encourages Sarah to forget about her troubles and get some sleep, promising it will all seem brighter.

Holly looks up the news article on her phone, confirming that Eric was charged with killing Daniel as she is shocked to see that it is true.

Tate sits at home, looking at the article about Brady’s arrest on his phone. John comes home and tells him that he just came from seeing Brady. Tate asks how he’s doing. John responds that he’s determined to take responsibility for Sarah’s hit and run. Tate asks if John thinks there’s any possibility that Brady won’t go down for this. John informs him that Justin is working on that now, but it will come down to one volatile player.

EJ questions Justin’s sobriety if he thinks he would even consider releasing Brady when they both know he’s guilty as sin. Justin asks how EJ intends to prove that since he can’t place him or his vehicle at the scene and Brady has no memory of it nor can Sarah identify who hit her and he can’t produce the car. EJ argues that the car was allegedly stolen but they both know Brady likely made it disappear. EJ thinks he might add destruction of evidence to the list of charges. Justin argues that he can’t prove any of it, so his case is built like a sand castle. Justin asks if EJ really wants to risk his shaky legal reputation by bringing it to a grand jury.

Maggie knows Xander is anxious to have Brady convicted but they don’t want to pressure Sarah into remembering anything too fast. Xander admits he is anxious to see Brady pay for what he did to Sarah but he doesn’t want to pressure her on something so traumatic. Maggie encourages Xander to have faith that Sarah will remember eventually. Xander tells Maggie that having her and Fiona has been so important to he and Sarah as he doesn’t know what they would’ve done without them. Maggie says they won’t have to worry about that as they both love them very much and want what’s best for them, so they’re not going anywhere.

Fiona watches over Sarah as she falls asleep.

Justin joins Brady in the interrogation room. Brady tells Justin that if he’s here to convince him not to plead guilty, he can forget it because John already tried and sent Eric in as a backup and that didn’t work either. Justin announces to Brady that he’s not here to talk about the arraignment because there’s not going to be one. EJ walks in and questions what Brady is still doing there when he said he’s free to go. Brady questions what’s going on as EJ tells Justin to get Brady out before he changes his mind. Brady refuses to go anywhere until he understands what’s happening. Justin explains that he just convinced EJ that it was foolish to present a case against Brady when all he has is circumstantial evidence. Brady asks if Sarah and her family don’t deserve justice. EJ insists that they will get it as soon as he gets the evidence to prove Brady hit Sarah, then he will haul his ass back in. Justin wishes him luck with that. EJ warns that this is not over by a long shot. Justin tells Brady that they will get him home to his family.

Tate questions John about Brady’s fate being left in the hands of the one person who hates him even more than Xander does. John encourages Tate to keep the faith. John asks Tate if anything else has him down and says he can always tell by looking at his face, so if he wants to talk, he’s here. Tate explains that he’s really mad at himself because he told Holly something that he shouldn’t have and now she’s really angry and badly hurt.

Holly cries that she can’t believe they kept it from her for all these years that Eric killed her dad. Eric then arrives in the park to see her.

Xander tells Maggie that when Sarah first told him that his mom might be coming, he was livid but he understood why Sarah wanted to persuade Fiona to come to their wedding. Xander talks about the resentment he had for Fiona being absent for so much of his life, but he didn’t understand the struggles she was overcoming and now she’s here and he can see the good in her. Xander admits it warms his heart. Maggie says that Fiona showed how much she loves him by being here with all of them through this difficult time. Maggie calls Fiona a godsend which Xander agrees with.

Fiona sings a lullaby while watching Sarah sleep. Fiona then grabs a pillow and says for God to forgive her for what she’s about to do as she raises the pillow over Sarah.

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