Days Short Recap Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve and Kayla were at Stephanie’s place because there was a problem with her plumbing. While they were talking, they got on the subject of Jack, Jennifer, and Abby. Kayla said she spoke to Jennifer and she’s devastated over not believing that Abby is her daughter. She thought Jennifer was afraid of losing her daughter again so she won’t believe it. Steve said DNA test results have been altered before. Kayla said she did the test herself and the only person involved was Mark and she trusted him. Steve wondered if Abby will get her memory back, Kayla said there was a possibility, but she recommended sessions with Marlena. Steve reminded her that he had amnesia and was afraid to remember who he was. He said he was a fool then. Chad ran into Leo at the Town Square. Leo said he thought Chad would be happy now that Abby is back. Chad said Abby didn’t remember anything, but Stephanie was going to see her to see if she remembered anything. He said he wanted to get revenge on Clyde and everyone who kept Abby from him. Leo asked if there were any leads, but Chad said there weren’t. Changing the subject, Leo brought up Everett’s service and how Stephanie was planning it. Chad said she didn’t tell him anything about it. Leo said she told him when he brought her the press release for Body and Soul. When Chad said that went through him, Leo told him about being the new head writer for Body and Soul. Chad congratulated him and asked if he was going to continue being Lady Whistleblower. Leo said he thought he could do both, but he wouldn’t be able to do it. Chad said he was sorry to see him go. Leo let him know that a story on the show may sound like his life so he didn’t want him to be offended. Chad said he should have asked him first, but Leo said amnesia stories were done all the time. When Chad said a DNA test was done, Leo said tests can be faked on soap operas. Chad said his life wasn’t a soap opera.

Abby called Mark and told that since she convinced Chad to move back home with the kids, she could breathe again. She said they had to figure out the next step in their plan. While she was on the phone, Stephanie showed up. Abby told Mark she would talk to him later. After Abby introduced herself to Stephanie, Stephanie told her who she was and how she was related to her. Stephanie brought up how Abby was talking about the next step in her plan. Abby lied about talking to her doctor. When Stephanie realized she was talking about Kayla, she told Abby she was her mother. Abby brought up how Stephanie lived with her husband after she died. Stephanie apologized and said Chad had trouble moving on after her death. Abby said she didn’t have to explain since she was supposed to be dead. Stephanie said Chad never got over her and that was why they didn’t work. She said Chad asked her to come see her to see if it would spark a memory. They talked about the past. Gabi told EJ that she didn’t know why he was nervous when he wanted to get revenge on Stefan. EJ told her she didn’t have to decide right away and had time to think about it before the truth came out. Gabi wondered why he was being nice. He said he had his own heart broken and would do anything to take the pain away. Stefan showed up and found them together. When Gabi tried to explain what was going on, Stefan said he knew what was going on. Stefan said EJ was taking advantage of Gabi and wanted to use her to get revenge on him. EJ said it was more like the other way around. Stefan said Abby convinced him to talk to Gabi and not give up. He asked if they could go somewhere and talk. Gabi agreed to talk to him. When EJ tried to put Gabi’s clothes under a rug, Stefan busted him. Stefan asked if the clothes were Gabi’s. He asked if she slept with EJ and she said she did. Stefan yelled at EJ and hit him. When EJ was about to hit him back, Gabi got in between them. Stefan couldn’t believe she was defending EJ. She said she seduced EJ. When Stefan asked why, she said she hated him and wanted to pay him back for sleeping with Ava. Stefan was upset that she would do this just to hurt him and their relationship. He said she ruined things and hoped she was happy. Stefan said he made a drunken mistake, but she did her act on purpose. Gabi admitted that she did it on purpose. He said he was killing himself trying to make it up to her. Her actions couldn’t be taken back. Gabi asked if that meant he was giving up on them. He said he was. She said when she woke up she might have had second thoughts about her plan and considered lying to him the way he did about Ava, but that would have mad her just as guilty as he was. When EJ came back, she told Stefan that his brother was better in bed than he was. Stefan said they deserved each other and walked out. Abby met with Mark at the park. She told him it was tired of being around the fake family. He told her her real family was there for her. She called him bro and he called him sis.

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