Days Update Monday, September 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Paulina and Abe are at home, reading the Spectator article about Brady being the driver who hit Sarah. Paulina talks about it being hard enough to believe Brady fell off the wagon and then to drive drunk and hit Sarah. Abe can’t imagine how John and Marlena must be feeling, adding that he will call John later today. Paulina says her heart goes out to them and Sarah’s family. Paulina then says on happier subjects is how Abe is going to make Chanel a star.

Chanel practices her lines for Body and Soul in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Johnny comes in and greets her, noting that she’s up early as they kiss. Chanel excitedly talks about wanting to nail her audition for Body and Soul.

Alex goes to see Stephanie and asks if it’s a bad time. Stephanie says she was just reading the news and can certainly use a break from that. Alex assumes that she heard about Brady. Stephanie confirms that Jada came by and told her, noting that she can’t believe he’s the one who hit Sarah. Alex says he can’t either, especially since Justin is taking his case. Alex says he’s glad Brady has an attorney but worries that Xander is going to be furious. Stephanie says it’s all so awful. Alex says he didn’t want to take up her time but wanted to check on his laptop after he spilled water on it. Stephanie responds that it’s in the shop and should be fixed. Alex asks about her business proposal. Stephanie reveals she actually got the job without it which Alex says is great. Alex asks what the job is. Stephanie informs him that Abe hired her to do PR for Body and Soul. Alex then reveals that he might be working there too.

Hattie goes to the Body and Soul office where Leo is and says she thought she might find him there. Leo assumes she is Marlena and talks to her about his new job as head writer. Hattie goes along with it as if she is Marlena and congratulates him and then says they are going to have to fire Hattie because she changed her mind and decided she wants to play Charlemagne.

Roman brings Kate breakfast at the Brady Pub. Roman talks about closing the Pub for Labor Day and now he can focus on her. Kate asks if Roman ever thought about closing the Pub for a day or two on a regular basis. Roman questions why he would do that. Kate feels he works too hard and that the staff would like a regular day off or two but Roman doesn’t think his staff would like the days off their weekly paycheck. Roman adds that he hates to think about the Pub being empty for two whole days a week. Kate points out that it doesn’t have to be empty as she asks what Roman thinks about letting her and Abe film Body and Soul in the Pub.

Abe tells Paulina that he wishes he could take credit for casting Chanel in Body and Soul but it was actually Johnny’s idea. Paulina says she doesn’t care as long as she’s front row when Chanel wins her first daytime Emmy. Abe points out that Chanel hasn’t even auditioned yet but Paulina assures that she will get the part because she is talented and beautiful.

Chanel talks to Johnny about being excited and nervous but like she really understands her character. Johnny reminds her that if she gets the part, she won’t be able to be at the Bakery a lot. Chanel assures that the staff at the Bakery will have to get used to running it without her. Chanel adds that a chance to work with her director husband is all the incentive she needs. Johnny tells her that he will be directing her audition. Chanel wonders if Abe and Kate have found someone to play her love interest yet. Johnny informs her that Abe said he thinks he found the perfect guy.

Stephanie asks Alex about Abe approaching him to work on Body and Soul. Alex admits he’s never done any acting but asks how hard it can really be, saying he’d just read the lines and pretend to be somebody else. Stephanie thinks it takes talent to make people believe he’s someone else. Alex hopes he has a little bit of the talent but says if not, that’s fine and he just thought this might be fun. Stephanie asks about his role. Alex says that Abe only told him that his name is Arrow, who Leo described as a heartthrob with chiseled features and washboard abs.

Hattie continues pretending to be Marlena and encourages Leo that he will have to fire Hattie so that she can take over the role as Charlemagne but Leo remains hesitant. Leo says firing Hattie won’t be that easy since she has a contract and they can’t just get rid of her without cause. Hattie continues trying to convince Leo and offers him free therapy for a year.

Roman questions Kate wanting to turn the Brady Pub in to a soap opera set. Kate asks why not, pointing out that a lot of businesses rent out to productions and talks about how easy it would be. Roman feels it would be a lot of work but Kate insists that a crew will take care of that and they’ll put everything back at the end of the day. Roman is unsure. Kate pleads with him and talks about how desperate Abe is to make Body and Soul a hit, asking if Roman will really disappoint his best friend.

Abe agrees with Paulina that Chanel is perfect for the role of Faith. Paulina asks who Abe is thinking to play the role of her love interest. Abe responds that he definitely has the right look and energy. Abe then reveals it’s Alex. Paulina asks if he’s joking. Abe asks what’s wrong with Alex.

Alex admits to Stephanie that he’s a bit nervous as it’s a big part. Stephanie offers to go over his lines with him for the audition which Alex agrees to do. Stephanie is impressed and calls him daytime Emmy worthy.

Abe asks Paulina again what’s wrong with Alex. Paulina responds that it’s not about her as it’s not her that will have a problem with Chanel and Alex working together. Abe asks who does. Paulina brings up Johnny. Abe questions why he would have a problem with them working together, but then realizes as Paulina brings up that Alex slept with Johnny’s twin sister and with Chanel.

Johnny tells Chanel that the director part of him hopes Abe is right about finding the perfect guy but the husband part of him hopes not which Chanel jokes with him about. Chanel talks about how Faith and Arrow are supposed to be a super couple. Johnny reminds her that both characters have evil twins. Johnny encourages Chanel to let go of the pressure and just be herself. They joke with each other as they kiss. Chanel then asks Johnny to help her run her lines.

Alex and Stephanie continue going over his lines as they get close.

Leo tells Hattie as Marlena that it wouldn’t be fair to Hattie. Hattie continues pretending to be Marlena. Leo talks about how Hattie is so excited to play Charlemagne and relates to how he feels about getting to write the show. Leo declares that he can’t help Marlena with this. She tells Leo to either stand by Marlena or Hattie and asks what’s it going to be. Leo says as much as he’s come to value Marlena’s friendship, he will not be strong-armed in to firing Hattie. She questions this being the line Leo won’t cross. Hattie then starts crying that she’s never been so moved in her life and reveals that she is Hattie, which shocks Leo. Hattie says she was just acting a little bit and testing Leo, who passed with flying colors. Leo admits she did an amazing impression of Marlena but tells her never to do that again as he’s had it with doppelgangers. Bonnie then storms in and tells Leo that they need to talk about the script because it’s a total mess.

Kate tells Roman to think about how many tourists will come to the Brady Pub when Body and Soul gets underway as everyone will want to see where it’s filmed. Roman agrees to let Kate and Abe film episodes there two days a week. Kate hugs him and calls him the best. Roman says he just wants them to do as well as they can. Kate says if he means that, he will ask Kayla if they can use the nurse’s station as a set as well.

Abe thought Chanel and Allie broke up because Allie and Alex were together. Paulina confirms they were but hopes Abe isn’t too shocked when she tells him that they had a threesome which surprises Abe. Paulina says that’s the problem with having Chanel and Alex. Abe guesses that explains the sparks which Paulina questions. Abe explains that he saw Alex and Chanel arguing in the town square and their love-hate chemistry was off the charts. Paulina wonders what they were arguing about. Abe says they told him they were rehashing an ancient argument between them. Paulina calls the Allie situation a whole lifetime ago and Chanel is obviously happy with Johnny, so it might be fine. Abe admits that Chanel and Johnny don’t know that he wants Alex for the role of Arrow. Paulina is shocked that Abe didn’t tell them about it. Abe argues that he just found out about all this dirt right now. Paulina warns that Abe needs to give them a heads up before the audition or all hell is going to break loose.

Alex and Stephanie regroup and continue going over his lines. They end up getting close again up to the point where the script calls for them to kiss.

Chanel and Johnny finish going over their lines and kiss. Chanel jokes about her screen partner kissing her like that. Johnny is sure it will all be professional but will have to get used to the idea of another guy kissing his wife. Chanel assures he has nothing to worry about as she only wants him as they kiss again. Johnny suggests they go practice an epic love scene before her audition, so they head upstairs together, leaving the phone behind as Abe tries to call.

Bonnie says she’s sorry to interrupt but it’s urgent that she speak with Leo because they have major problems with the script which Leo questions. Bonnie complains about Charlemagne getting the last word in the first scene and argues that it makes her character look wimpy. Hattie questions her. Bonnie assumes Hattie is Marlena and tells her that this is between her and Leo, complaining that Charlemagne gets the better of her in every scene and compares their amount of lines. Bonnie argues that her character Cassandra is the star of the show. Hattie disagrees, so Bonnie questions why this is Marlena’s business. Hattie then reveals who she is, so Bonnie hugs her and calls it wonderful for them to be working together. Bonnie credits Hattie encouraging her to try out for the show which Hattie says she wouldn’t have done if she knew she was going to try to steal the limelight. Hattie declares that she is the star while Leo worries about what he has gotten himself in to.

Abe leaves a message for Johnny to call him back as it’s about Chanel and her acting partner in the audition today. Abe hangs up and informs Paulina that Johnny and Chanel’s phones both went straight to voicemail. Paulina urges him to keep trying as she doesn’t want them to be blindsided by walking in and seeing Alex. Paulina doesn’t understand why Alex would even want to audition, feeling he’s more of the merger and acquisitions type. Abe responds that he was, until he lost the Kiriakis fortune to Xander. Paulina guesses she could see how he would want a career change then. Abe doesn’t want to cause a problem with Johnny and Chanel’s marriage. Paulina says she knows that. Abe adds that when he saw Chanel and Alex arguing, he knew they were destined to be together. Paulina questions if he’s saying Chanel and Alex but Abe clarifies that he means their characters, Arrow and Faith.

Alex tells Stephanie that he’ll save the kiss for the actual audition and asks how he did. Stephanie encourages that he was great and a natural. Alex thanks her and asks if she has any notes. Stephanie says the only thing she would say is that he could slow down a bit and not race to the finish line. Stephanie encourages him to let the moment breathe which Alex calls a really good note. Alex thanks her and says he appreciates it. Alex decides he should get going as they hug. She wishes him luck and he thanks her again as he exits.

Bonnie goes to the Brady Pub where Roman tells her they are closed for Labor Day. Bonnie argues that Labor Day is why she’s here. Roman guesses it has to do with her work on Body and Soul. Bonnie argues that she took her grievances to Leo but he didn’t care, so she wanted to go over his head to Kate. Roman says she went out and asks what this is about. Bonnie complains that Leo is going to get the show cancelled before it’s on the air and calls Hattie a diva. Hattie then arrives at the Pub and asks Roman who would be better on the cover of a magazine between her and Bonnie.

Leo goes to see Stephanie and thanks her for the amazing press release about him. Leo hopes she can get him a feature in Soaps and Style magazine. Stephanie agrees to try.

Paulina tells Abe that she’s more concerned with protecting Johnny and Chanel’s romance than Arrow and Faith. Paulina says she has to get to a meeting and asks Abe to take care of this. Abe says he’s off to the studio now, so Paulina tells him to hurry but Kate arrives and says she’s glad she caught Abe before he went to the office. Kate announces that Roman has agreed to let them use the Brady Pub as a set. Abe says that’s great, but Kate asks what’s wrong. Paulina remarks that while Kate is out solving problems, Abe is here creating new ones.

Chanel and Johnny go to the Body and Soul office. They talk about researching soap operas and how they started in the 1930s. Chanel says she needs to get in to character and start thinking about her hot new mystery leading man. Chanel tells Johnny that she’s just messing with him as he’s the only leading man in her life. They kiss until Alex arrives. Chanel questions what he’s doing there. Alex reveals that he’s here for his audition and with any luck, he will be the Arrow to her Faith.

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