GH Short Recap Friday, August 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Molly continues to lash out at Kristina at baby Irene’s graveside. Molly tells Kristina that baby Irene would be alive if she hadn’t gone to Ava’s hotel suite to argue with Ava about Avery’s custody hearing. Molly tells Kristina she never loved baby Irene because she didn’t protect her. Molly feels hurt because she found the affidavit in Alexis’s briefcase that says that Kristina was planning to keep the baby and not give it to her.

Lois brings in high sale numbers for Deception products during her Home and Heart presentation but she still feels self-conscious about her Brooklyn accent.

Lulu is moved to General Hospital because her liver failure is worse. Maxie goes to see Lulu at the hospital and pleads with her to wake up because her family and friends need her to wake up. Lucky sneaks into the hospital to visit Lulu.

Laura wishes she knew where Lucky was so she could tell him that Lulu has taken a turn for the worse.

The audience sees a man in a mask chained to a chair struggling with a guard in an unknown location. The mask comes off in the struggle with the guard and the person being held prisoner is revealed to be Lucky.

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