Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Hattie sits in the town square, reading over her script for Body and Soul. Johnny approaches and at first thinks she is Marlena before realizing it is Hattie. Johnny introduces himself as Marlena’s grandson. Johnny says he knew Hattie looked like Marlena but calls the resemblance uncanny. Hattie remarks that people get them mixed up all the time…
Leo is in his room at the Salem Inn, reading a book about Dissociative Identity Disorder and talks about how he thinks Marlena has an alter because of Hattie. Leo declares that he has to help Marlena but he doesn’t know how. Leo suggests to himself that he will stage an intervention and calls Marlena, saying he needs to see her right away as it’s an emergency.
At the Body and Soul offices, Kate tells Abe that she’s been thinking that Annette Bening would make a great guest star on the show. Abe says he’ll keep that in mind and asks if she looked at Leo’s sample script. Kate confirms she read it last night and calls it melodramatic with hyperbolic dialogue. Abe responds that he thought it was pretty terrific. Kate agrees that melodrama is exactly what the show needs.
Stephanie is using her laptop at the Bistro as Alex joins her. Stephanie mentions that she has a meeting with a potential new client, so she’s working on finishing touches. Alex says he was going to invite her for drinks with him, Justin, and Bonnie since they are meeting him here. Stephanie wishes she could but calls a rain check. Alex talks about how breaking plates last night did the trick since it’s supposed to bring about new beginnings and now Stephanie has a new job opportunity. Stephanie thanks Alex and jokes that next time they meet up, tequila shots will be on her. Alex goes to get up from the table and accidentally knocks over the glass of water onto Stephanie’s laptop. Alex apologizes as Stephanie sees the computer is completely frozen. Alex tries fixing it but has no luck as Stephanie comments on being unable to write a completely new proposal when her meeting is in a few minutes. Alex apologizes again. Stephanie decides it’s fine and calls it an accident, saying she’ll figure something out. Alex offers to pay for her meal but Stephanie says she can’t let him do that. Alex insists but Stephanie says it’s okay. Their hands touch until Justin and Bonnie arrive to greet them. Bonnie questions what’s going on here.
Kate reads Leo’s script to Abe and comments on a scene. Abe brings up Leo’s story ideas. Kate mentions liking the idea of giving Charlemagne double lives, playing in to Hattie’s wheelhouse.
Johnny informs Hattie that they are going to be working together on Body and Soul. Hattie asks what part he plays. Johnny reveals that he’s the director. Hattie says that’s good as there are a few things he can help her with. Hattie thinks the character doesn’t sound like her. Johnny reminds her that she’s playing Charlemagne, not Hattie. Hattie says the writer doesn’t know Charlemagne like she does. Johnny believes actors and directors aren’t in the business of rewriting scripts as only a writer should do that. Hattie agrees and then heads to the Salem Inn.
Leo continues reading about D.I.D. and tells himself about how to confront Marlena about her split personality. Leo looks up Katy Perry songs for motivation. Hattie then shows up at his door. Leo says he wasn’t expecting her. Hattie says she should’ve called but she really needs his help. Hattie asks if Leo got the job at Body and Soul. Leo says he’s still waiting to hear back but he’s tempering his expectations and applying for other jobs. Hattie says it’s good to have backups and asks Leo to rewrite a script for her. Leo remarks that bad dialogues are the least of her problems which she questions. Leo then tells her that he knows what’s wrong with her. Leo tells her that she has D.I.D. Hattie asks what that is. Leo explains that it’s dissociative identity disorder. They argue until Leo shouts that he’s trying to help Dr. Evans. Hattie then responds that she is not Dr. Evans.
Chanel joins Johnny in the town square. Johnny tells her about how much Hattie looks exactly like Marlena but they are complete opposites aside from looks. Johnny jokes that working with Hattie is going to be a wild ride. Chanel encourages that he can handle it and admits she’s a little envious as she sometimes wishes she had a job that was more unpredictable and exciting. Johnny asks if she’s saying she’s bored with the Bakery. Chanel says not at all and talks about how she hired a lot of staff so the Bakery is pretty much running itself now, so she has free time on her hands now. Chanel thought she would spending that free time with Johnny, but now he will be so busy with Body and Soul.
Kate tells Abe that another story she liked in Leo’s script was about star crossed lovers. Abe worries about all the new faces. Kate points out how these two characters will be connected to the other families and how they need younger characters too. Abe jokes about how these characters were born 8 years ago and are now adults, calling it an extreme case of Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome. Kate questions the audience accepting that. Abe says they do as long as there’s a good story and an appealing actor. Kate says they have a damn good story, so now they just have to find two appealing young people for the roles.
Alex explains to Bonnie and Justin that what’s happening is he spilled water on Stephanie’s laptop and now it’s not working. Alex apologizes, mentioning how important her proposal was. Justin questions if she didn’t save it to the cloud which Stephanie confirms she unfortunately did not. Stephanie says she has to get to her meeting now so she will pitch her proposal without notes. Stephanie tells Alex not to feel guilty as it was an accident and she’s sure she can get her laptop fixed. Stephanie says bye to them and exits. Alex complains that he feels awful as he knows how hard Stephanie worked and his clumsy ass just screwed it all up. Justin informs Alex that he has something that might just lift his spirits. Justin presents Alex with documents confirming his marriage to Theresa has been annulled. Alex calls it a relief, joking that it has to be a record as they were married for 30 minutes before it all blew up. Justin encourages that now he can put that nightmare behind them. Bonnie then suggests maybe Alex can get back together with Stephanie.
Stephanie goes to the Body and Soul office to meet with Kate and Abe. Kate says she has to run an errand, so Abe will interview her on his own. Kate exits. Abe tells Stephanie that he’s glad to see her. Stephanie apologizes as she had a whole presentation ready to go but her laptop froze. Stephanie thinks she can remember most of her pitch from memory. Abe responds that won’t be necessary at this is just a formality and he knows first hand what she can do from her work with Paulina, so the job is hers if she wants it. Stephanie thanks him and knows this won’t be a walk in the park but promises to be more than willing to devote all of her time and energy to it. Abe welcomes Stephanie to the team as they shake hands.
Johnny tells Chanel that their timing is a little off as she used to be the one always too busy and now they have switched roles. Chanel knows they will still find time to be together and maybe with him pursuing his dream, it will encourage her to pursue her dream. Johnny thought the Bakery was her dream. Chanel says it was and she does love it. Johnny asks if she wants to open more locations. Chanel is thinking maybe she wants to find another creative outlet, but she doesn’t know what that is yet. Johnny brings up her yoga teaching or poetry class. Johnny mentions reading her poetry and calls it amazing. Johnny points out she could also meet other poets or publish a book. Johnny says he has to get to work. Chanel thanks him for making time and stopping by to say hi. Johnny assures that he will always make time for her. They say I love you as Johnny kisses her goodbye and then walks away.
Leo talks to Hattie as if she is Marlena’s alter. Hattie questions what he’s talking about. Leo talks about Hattie being an alternate personality of Marlena and calls her wardrobe trashy. Hattie argues that she is her own person and that Leo is not a psychiatrist. Leo brings up the book he read on multiple personalities, thinking that makes him an expert on the subject. Leo corrects Hattie when she calls him Lenny and points out that he’s also Lady Whistleblower which Hattie remarks must be his alter. Leo yells at Hattie as though he is trying to get Marlena to come out.
Stephanie tells Abe that she can’t wait to start getting the word out that Body and Soul is back. Stephanie sees some of the headshots on the table and sees Hattie, thinking at first that she was Marlena. Abe mentions trying to recruit Marlena but she turned him down. Stephanie imagines she’s very busy, but points out that Bonnie is on the show. Stephanie guesses Bonnie might need some guidance when it comes to talking to the press. Abe says that Hattie will do as they both tend to say whatever comes to mind.
Bonnie asks if she put her foot in it again. Alex tells her that she didn’t and that he and Stephanie are just friends. Bonnie points out that they used to be an item and how the situation looked when they walked in. Bonnie feels they had awesome chemistry and asks Justin if he agrees. Justin thinks they should stay out of Alex’s love life. Bonnie thinks there’s nothing wrong with them trying again but Alex insists that it’s not happening. Alex states that he and Stephanie both just got out of relationships that ended really badly so neither of them are ready for something new.
Stephanie tells Abe that she’s really looking forward to working with him and Kate. Alex tells her to come back soon. Johnny arrives and greets her. Abe informs Johnny and Stephanie of their roles with the show. They congratulate each other as Stephanie then exits. Johnny tells Abe about meeting Hattie. Abe asks what he thought. Johnny thinks she’s interesting. Abe admits that Hattie can be a handful, but she’s also very green. Johnny says that Bonnie is too but she knocked her audition out of the park. Abe thinks that Hattie can use some of Johnny’s help as well. Johnny says he’s optimistic and could tell Hattie has a flare for the dramatic.
Leo continues telling Hattie that he’s trying to get through to Marlena, so Hattie tells him to call her then. Leo compares this is to Everett having D.I.D. Hattie declares that she doesn’t need help and that Leo does. Leo shouts that he’s taking her to Bayview but when he opens the door, Kate arrives and questions what is going on. Hattie pulls away and tells Kate that Leo was trying to have her committed. Leo explains to Kate that he’s trying to help Marlena as she thinks she’s someone called Hattie. Kate explains to Leo that Hattie is not Marlena’s alter, but her doppelganger.
Bonnie encourages Alex to look at the bigger picture but Alex insists there is nothing between he and Stephanie. Bonnie apologizes for being pushy and says she just wants to see him happy after all he’s been through. Alex thanks her and assures he’ll be fine as he then exits the Bistro. Bonnie gets a text that she’s officially gotten her contract for Body and Soul. Justin congratulates her and notes that Abe said she was fantastic. Bonnie credits Johnny’s help. Bonnie looks at the contract and notes being paid the minimum. Bonnie says she’s going to e-sign it right now, but Justin stops her and tells her not to do it, calling it a big mistake.
Roman takes the trash out from the Brady Pub and runs in to Stephanie. Stephanie informs him that she just signed on to be the publicist for Body and Soul. Roman congratulates her, saying Abe and Kate made a fabulous decision. Roman talks about never being a soap guy but guesses with his family involved, he should tune in. Stephanie encourages that he will get hooked. Roman says that Kate keeps saying that but admits he doesn’t know if Kate knows what she’s getting herself in to. Roman feels that showbiz is going to be a whole new level of crazy for Kate.
Leo can’t believe it as Hattie looks and sounds exactly like Marlena. Hattie remarks that she’s heard that a zillion times. Leo questions how that’s possible. Kate points out that she did have some help from Dr. Rolf. Hattie complains about her revealing her secrets. Leo talks about thinking this whole time that he was talking to Marlena. Leo questions why she accepted his invitation to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race and not finding that odd. Hattie says she thought he was just being nice and jokes that she is popular with the gays. Leo talks about realizing why Marlena was bewildered when he talked to her as if Hattie was her and how she must have thought he had gone mad. Leo tells Hattie that he’s really sorry about the misunderstanding and trying to have her committed. Hattie thanks him and accepts his apology. Hattie is glad to know that he thinks she’s completely sane. Kate says that’s relatively speaking.
Johnny goes over the script and talks about thinking the stories are great, particularly pointing out that the one about the young couple. Abe says that he and Kate were just talking about that. Johnny reads the story summary and says he loves it. Abe says they’ll just have to find the right actors for the parts. Johnny then suggests Chanel for the role of Faith which surprises Abe. Johnny talks about how Chanel killed it when she auditioned for his movie about Marlena that didn’t get made. Abe asks about the Bakery. Johnny says Chanel was just telling him about she has free time and is looking for a new creative outlet. Abe says he can see Chanel in that part, so Johnny says now they just need to find a leading man that she has chemistry with…
Alex runs in to Chanel in the town square. Chanel asks how he is. Alex says he’s better than ever as he just got his annulment so he’s officially a free man. Chanel knows he must be relieved as she heard about how Theresa deceived him. Chanel says she’s sorry as that must have been rough. Alex says she definitely took him for a ride but says he can’t completely blame her because part of him knew he couldn’t completely trust her but he went with his gut. Chanel comments on how it sounds like Alex went with another part of his anatomy, as usual. Alex questions what she means by that. Chanel feels that Alex is driven by his hormones and that leads him to make questionable decisions. Alex asks if she cares to give an example. Chanel brings up when Alex slept with Allie while they were together.
Bonnie questions Justin not thinking she should sign the contract. Justin says she may never have acted before, but she obviously has talent and this is just the first offer, so he will try to negotiate a better deal for her. Bonnie admits she was nervous about what Justin might think of her acting on the show. Justin assures that he is so proud of her and jokes about being her plus one at the daytime Emmys. Bonnie tells Justin that she loves him as they kiss.
Leo calls Marlena and says he’s fine, claiming that there is no emergency after all and that he just panicked over a spider in his bathroom. Leo says they are still on for RuPaul’s Drag Race tomorrow and hangs up. Leo says he hates lying to Marlena, but it’s better than having her think that he needs to be committed. Kate informs Leo that he is the new head writer of Body and Soul which shocks him. Leo asks if this isn’t a prank. Kate assures that he will get his contract later by e-mail and congratulates him. Kate then exits. Leo declares that he is the head writer of a television show. Hattie exclaims that she is so happy for him and says now he can get busy fixing her script.
Stephanie tells Roman that she wouldn’t worry as she’s sure Kate is more than capable of handling her own. Roman warns that Kate can be a very tough boss. Stephanie assures that she can handle it. Roman tells Stephanie that he heard about Everett and he’s very sorry. Roman asks how she’s doing. Stephanie admits it’s been hard and now that the case is closed, Jada is going to release his ashes to her since they couldn’t locate any family. Stephanie declares it’s up to her to make sure that Everett is laid to rest. Roman hopes afterwards, she and Jada can both find peace and put this terrible tragedy behind them and move on.
Alex questions Chanel still holding a grudge against him for sleeping with Allie. Chanel points out that he did hook up with her while they were still in a relationship. Alex argues they were wasted and that Allie and Chanel were on the outs. Alex asks why it matters now that Chanel is happily married. Chanel shouts that Alex still slept with her girlfriend and that’s not okay. Alex repeats that they were on the outs and the time before that, the three of them had sex. Chanel calls that completely different because she and Allie were trying together to improve their relationship, claiming it had nothing to do with him. Alex disagrees, arguing that they were both all over him that night while Chanel says he was like a non-entity. Alex feels he played a big role while Chanel recalls it not being that big. Alex disagrees and asks why she’s being so petty. Johnny and Abe interrupt to ask what is going on. Chanel says it’s nothing but Johnny says it didn’t seem like it as they could hear them going at it from across the town square. Johnny remarks that the tension between them is off the charts. Abe adds that’s exactly what he was thinking…
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