Days Update Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Maggie, Fiona, Xander, and Sarah have wedding cake together. Maggie asks how it feels to be husband and wife again. Xander responds that it’s only been about an hour, but it’s even better than the first time. Sarah agrees and says she’s so happy that Fiona could be there for the wedding on such short notice. Fiona says she wouldn’t have missed it for the world and praises Maggie officiating. Maggie calls it pure joy for her to marry her two favorite people on the planet. Xander brings up that he did take off his first day as CEO of Titan. Maggie is sure no one will hold it against him since it was his wedding day. Xander mentions that he did have an important meeting that he was hoping Brady could close the deal on for him, but he just got a text that Brady never even showed up, so he wonders what happened.

Brady drinks at Small Bar and orders another double. Brady looks at a picture of Tate on his phone as he drinks.

Tate and Holly are back at the Horton Cabin on Smith Island. Holly complains about Sophia still being mean to her but if she tells anyone about them, she’ll have to work at the Bistro. Tate hates that Holly is in the position. Holly says the important thing is that they get to spend time together. Tate asks if Holly honestly thinks that Sophia will keep quiet. Holly says she gave her money and promised more on the way, so she’s pretty positive that she will. Tate then gets a call from Brady and hopes that Holly is right, otherwise he will be in serious trouble.

Jack goes to see Kayla in her office at the hospital. Kayla hoped to see him and asks how it went in Poplar Bluff. Jack calls it quite an adventure, but aside from all that, he’s sure that she heard they found John being held captive in an abandoned building. Kayla calls it a crazy coincidence. Jack thinks it had something to do with their search for Abigail, but he doesn’t know how it fits yet. Kayla asks if they came home empty handed then. Jack reveals that they didn’t, so Kayla asks if they found Abigail.

Chad is at the hospital with the woman from Poplar Bluff. Chad warns her against the hospital coffee and talks about overwhelming this must be for her to have two strangers thinking she could be his dead wife or dead daughter. She admits it doesn’t happen every day. Chad thanks her for flying back with them to figure out the truth. She says not to thank her yet because she’s starting to think this was a huge mistake.

Fiona asks Xander who Brady is. Xander responds that he’s his idiot cousin or now his idiot nephew. Sarah tells Xander to be nice because Brady is a good person. Xander remarks that Brady totally flaked on helping him out today so he knew he shouldn’t have left him in charge. Maggie assures that Brady must have had a good reason as he’s usually reliable. Sarah points out that Maggie knows Brady better than most. Maggie confirms they have gotten close since she’s been his sponsor. Fiona questions that and assumes Maggie is in AA too, then apologizes and says it’s none of her business. Maggie says it’s alright as they are family now. Maggie then invites Fiona to a meeting while she’s in town. Fiona says that’s very kind and she’ll let her know. Sarah gets an alert on her phone that Theresa was transferred to prison earlier today and guesses that’s why Brady didn’t show up. Xander feels he still could’ve at least called to let him know.

Holly wonders if Sophia told Brady about them. Tate decides there’s only one way to find out and answers the call. Brady tells Tate that he just wanted to make sure he got to New York since he was supposed to call him when he landed. Tate apologizes and says he forgot. Brady mentions that it’s hard to hear him. Tate claims that the camp is in the woods so there’s not a lot of cell towers. Tate then tells Brady that it’s kind of hard to hear him too and asks where he is.

Jack informs Kayla that he and Chad met someone who could be Abigail, but she doesn’t look like her which Kayla questions. Jack explains that the woman told them that she was in a really bad accident a few years ago at the same time that Abigail died and had reconstructive surgery. Kayla questions her not knowing if she was Abigail. Jack adds that she said she had amnesia as the accident left her with no memory of her past. Kayla guesses it could be Abigail. Jack responds that is why they need Kayla to do a DNA test on her.

Chad questions the woman thinking it was a mistake. She’s afraid it was a big waste of his time and questions what are the odds that she’s his supposedly dead wife. Chad knows it sounds crazy but they were sent on a search that led to her and the pieces fit together so far. She feels it’s still far fetched, so she’s worried that they are setting themselves up for a terrible disappointment. Chad says it’s hard not to get hopes up but it will all be resolved soon after the DNA test as they will know one way or the other. She agrees but questions what if she is Abigail since they can’t just be together when she doesn’t know him at all. Jack comes over and announces that Kayla is ready to give the DNA test. She says they’ve come this far so there’s no sense in turning back now.

Xander and Sarah have champagne while Maggie and Fiona have sparkling cider. Xander asks who wants to make the first toast. Fiona goes first with an old Scottish wedding blessing which Sarah calls really beautiful. Xander toasts to Sarah, pointing out that if not for her, he and Fiona never would’ve reconnected. Xander adds that they have their issues to work out, but now thanks to Sarah, they have that chance and he’s so grateful. Fiona goes to refill her glass but secretly fills it with champagne instead of sparkling cider.

Tate asks Brady again where he is. Brady claims he’s at home but Tate questions the noise in the background. Brady claims it’s the TV. Brady says he’s glad he got to camp safely and that he got to see his mom before she was transferred to prison. Tate still wishes that Brady let him stay in Salem. Brady insists it’s important he doesn’t miss camp. Tate questions if that’s the only reason. Brady asks what he means. Tate says it kind of felt like Brady couldn’t wait to get rid of him. Brady says that’s so not true and he just wants him to honor his commitment to camp. Brady adds that he can’t wait for him to come home as he misses him already. Tate says he’s glad he called and they will talk soon. Brady says he loves him and hangs up. Tate assures Holly that Brady thinks he’s at camp, although he will be going home in a few weeks. Holly hopes they won’t have to meet in secret shortly after since their parents seemed kind of open to letting them date. Tate says his mom practically gave them her blessing after getting arrested. They talk about how they still have to be careful and make sure their parents don’t find out they were sneaking around all summer. Tate says they should make the most of their time together as they kiss.

Kayla gets a swab from the woman and Jack and says they will soon find out if they are father and daughter. Chad asks how long the results will take. Kayla says she will have the lab put a rush on it then it will take an hour or two. Kayla says they are welcome to wait there and she’ll be back as she exits. The woman mentions that she’s starving and asks about getting something to eat. Chad mentions the cafeteria downstairs but she bets the food isn’t any better than the coffee. Chad then offers to take her to a place he knows which she agrees to, so they exit together while Jack stays behind.

Sarah checks on Victoria and she’s still sleeping. Maggie says she’d be more than happy to take care of her if they are planning a honeymoon. They assure she will get that chance since they are determined to get away for at least a couple of days. Xander wishes it could be longer but he can’t afford to be away from Titan for that long. Sarah says that works for her since she can’t be away from Victoria that long. Fiona adds that she’s happy to pitch in as well as she would love to spend more time with her granddaughter. Xander asks if that means she’s sticking around Salem for awhile. Fiona says yes if that’s alright. Fiona then gets a text from Brady, inviting her to join him for drinks at Small Bar. Xander notices that she looks happy and asks if the message is from her secret man. Fiona says maybe, so Xander tells her not to let them keep her as they were about to wrap up the party anyways. Fiona decides in that case, she will let him know that she’s available.

Brady gets Fiona’s text back that she is on her way. The waiter comes over and remarks that this must be Brady’s home away from home since he heard him on the phone say that he was at home. Brady accuses him of eavesdropping on his private conversation. The waiter questions Brady saying it’s private when he’s in the middle of a bar. Brady doesn’t care and tells him that whatever he says on the phone is none of his business. The waiter tells him to forget he said anything and walks away while calling Brady a jackass which causes Brady to angrily confront him.

Tate and Holly continue kissing in the cabin. She starts lifting Tate’s shirt so he questions what she is doing. Holly responds that she thinks they should have sex.

Kayla returns to her office and tells Jack that the lab is working on the samples. Jack informs her that Chad and the woman went to get something to eat, but he thinks Chad may have had a hidden agenda.

Chad brings the woman to the DiMera Mansion. She thought they were going to a restaurant. Chad says he won’t let her starve and informs her that he texted the chef on the way over to whip something up for them. She asks where they are. Chad explains that this is his family’s estate where he lived with his wife and their two kids. Chad notes that Abigail didn’t love living there but it was their home. She guesses that’s why he brought her here, hoping it would trigger some memories. Chad admits he’d be lying if he said that wasn’t true. Chad asks if anything seems familiar as she looks around the living room.

Brady tells the waiter to have the guts to call him a name to his face. He tells Brady to calm down. Fiona then arrives and questions what’s going on. Brady complains that the waiter was eavesdropping and gave him attitude. Fiona assures it was just a misunderstanding and suggests not spoiling a good time before it starts. Brady agrees and goes back to the table while Fiona apologizes to the waiter and tells him to let it go and she’ll make sure he gets a big tip. Fiona joins Brady and says she was very glad to get his text. Brady says he was glad she responded and asks how the wedding was. Fiona says it was lovely while Brady comments on not wanting to spend that much time with Xander. Fiona points out that Xander is no big fan of Brady’s either, especially since he blew off the important meeting at Titan. Brady laughs as he forgot all about it and then explains that he ran in to his son. Fiona thought he was away at camp. Brady says he is and calls it a long story, then adds that he also had to go see his dad in the hospital. Fiona asks if he’s alright. Brady responds that he will be just fine but between all that, he missed the meeting and needed a drink. Fiona suggests ordering a couple of rounds.

Maggie tells Sarah and Xander that she’s enjoying Fiona’s company and calls her delightful. Xander feels she wouldn’t say that if she met her back when they lost Titus. Xander admits he hasn’t seen her like this since he was a kid so it’s like he finally got his real mother back. Maggie is glad she got herself together and credits Sarah for it all. Maggie asks if they have any idea where they want to go for their honeymoon. Sarah says they are saving the big honeymoon so they are thinking a few days somewhere like the Green Mountain Lodge. Maggie then suggests the Horton Cabin..

Tate tells Holly that he didn’t realize she was thinking about sex or thought they were ready for that. Holly questions why they wouldn’t be unless he doesn’t want to. Tate assures that he wants to. Holly says she does too as they continue kissing. Tate then removes his shirt and they kiss onto the couch. Holly starts to undress but Tate says maybe they should talk about this for a minute. Holly questions what there is to talk about. Tate asks if Holly’s ever done it before. Holly says no and Tate hasn’t either. Holly says it’s good that they can be each other’s first. Tate brings up that he doesn’t have any protection but Holly reveals that she does.

Jack finishes a call with Jennifer, saying he will let her know as soon as he knows anything. Kayla asks how Jennifer reacted when he told her about the woman they brought back. Jack says she’s just trying to stay neutral and doesn’t want to get her hopes up. Jack adds that it’s too late for him to do that obviously. Jack talks about believing Abigail is still alive and if it’s just a hoax, then it’s like having to grieve all over again. Jack is not sure that he and Jennifer can handle that heartbreak all over again.

The woman looks at the portrait of Stefano and guesses he’s the lord of the manor. Chad explains that Stefano was his father but he passed away several years ago. She calls him very intimidating. Chad says he was but Abigail didn’t mind standing up to him. She comments on a vase which Chad notes that Abigail bought when they lived in Paris together. Chad apologizes as he doesn’t mean to pressure her. She understands that he just needs her to be Abigail.

Sarah questions why she didn’t think of her family’s cabin. Xander asks if it’s definitely empty. Sarah assures that it is. Maggie thinks it’s a great idea as it’s cozy and romantic. Maggie adds that Johnny and Chanel spent their honeymoon there earlier this year. Sarah jokingly reminds that Julie showed up and kind of ruined the romance. Maggie promises they would be completely alone with no unexpected visitors. Xander decides that sounds perfect. Sarah points out that it’s only a ferry ride away, so they could start their honeymoon tonight…

Holly tells Tate that she got protection from the drug store while waiting for him in the town square. Tate jokes that he didn’t know she had this whole agenda. Holly explains that when she ran in to Sophia, she was grilling her about if they’ve done it and when she said no, she was giving her a hard time about it. Tate questions why Sophia would do that when it’s none of her business. Holly notes that Sophia did point out that Tate rented them a hotel room on prom night. Tate insists that was so they could be alone, not so he could seduce her or something. Holly questions what he’s saying and worries that Sophia was right that he changed his mind about her. Tate assures that she has no idea how badly he wants to be with her. Holly asks what they are waiting for then and kisses him. Tate stops her and says this is a bad idea.

Fiona and Brady laugh together as he tries to explain Tate being the son of one of his exes while another of his exes gave birth to him while they continue drinking. Fiona thinks they should take this back to her place. Brady says he’d like to but he has to go home because his family needs him. Brady and Fiona then kiss at the table.

Kayla tells Jack that she’s so sorry that he and his family are going through this. Kayla asks how JJ reacted to the news. Jack says that he think Clyde is lying and refuses to believe his sister is alive. Kayla hopes he’s wrong and says she will go check the tests so hopefully they can finally get answers.

Chad and the woman eat sandwiches at the DiMera Mansion. Chad talks about how the sandwich was a Vietnamese meal that he and Abigail had ordered in the past. Chad then gets a text that the DNA test results are in.

Holly asks Tate why this is a bad idea. Tate doesn’t like that Sophia made her feel insecure, so he feels like they’d just be doing it to prove a point like Sophia is forcing them in to it. Holly questions if he feels forced. Tate says that’s not what he means and repeats that he doesn’t like that Sophia made her feel weird for waiting and he doesn’t want that to be the reason they decide not to wait. Holly admits she gets that and she doesn’t want that to be the reason either. Holly says when they actually do go through it, she wants to spend the whole night with him. Tate says he would like that too as they hug. Holly decides she should get back to the Kiriakis Mansion and put Maggie’s key back, not that anyone’s looking for it tonight anyways…

Xander and Sarah walk through the town square. Sarah says they can catch the last ferry to Smith Island. Xander jokes about Sarah bringing all her clothes when she won’t need them as they kiss. Sarah then gets a call from Maggie and asks if she’s on her way. Maggie responds that she can’t seem to find the key to the Horton Cabin and wonders if Johnny and Chanel still had it. Sarah confirms they gave it back to her and she put it in the drawer in the study. Maggie assures it’s not there so Sarah decides she will come over and help her find it. Sarah tells Xander that they have half an hour before the next ferry. Xander offers to go with her but Sarah tells him to go buy their ferry tickets to save time.

Chad and the woman return to Kayla’s office where Jack tells them that Kayla will be back soon with the test results. Jack asks where they went to eat. Chad tells him it was his family estate. Jack asks if she recognized anything but she didn’t. Kayla then returns with the DNA test results and offers it to them to open. The woman suggests Chad do the honors. Chad then opens the envelope and reads the test results, so Jack asks what it says.

Fiona goes driving with Brady passed out in her back seat. Fiona says there was no way that she was going to let him drive home in this state. Sarah then walks out of the town square and in to the street, causing a crash with Fiona’s car.

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