Days Update Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At the DiMera Enterprises office, Gabi goes over ideas for Gabi Chic with Ava. Ava tells her it all sounds great but Gabi notes her being distracted and questions why Ava seems anxious. Ava responds that it’s her first project at DiMera and she wants it to go well for both of them. Gabi says that’s the goal. Ava asks Gabi how Rafe is doing. Gabi responds that he’s unfortunately the same. Ava says she’s sorry to hear that and she hopes he makes a full recovery and that they catch whoever attacked him.

In the interrogation room, Bobby as “Everett” tells Jada that he’s not a murderer. Jada argues that he was freed from Bayview the same day that Rafe got stabbed and then Stephanie went to visit him as he was getting out of the shower. Jada questions if he was washing off evidence from a bloody crime scene. He says no, so Jada asks why he looks so guilty. He laughs it off and repeats that he’s not Bobby. Jada calls him her best suspect in two stabbing attacks, so her next move will be to get on the phone with some experts to come evaluate him as she’s pretty sure they will tell him that he’s still Bobby and not Everett, so he better come back with some better responses. He then admits that he’s Bobby but insists that he did not stab Li or Rafe, but he can tell her who did, so Jada asks who it was.

Connie comments to herself on planting gloves to stay out of prison but Leo knocks on the door, saying he needs to talk to Everett and asks if he’s in there. Connie questions what the hell he wants. Leo says that he just wants to talk to him about Stephanie.

Stephanie leaves the Brady Pub and calls Jada, leaving her a message about her run-in with Leo and how Leo suspected that Bobby isn’t Everett. Stephanie mentions that she hopes she convinced Leo to keep his mouth shut because the last thing they need is for him to publish that in the Spectator.

Jack goes to the Spectator office to see Chad. Chad says he just heard Xander gave Jack his half of the paper back and calls it the best news he heard all day. Chad tells Jack that he looks forward to working with him again and asks if he’s here to talk shop. Jack responds that he’s actually here to talk about Abigail. Jack mentions just coming from the lab where they are moving painfully slow in enhancing the video of the woman that Clyde claims is Abigail. Chad asks if he had a breakthrough .Jack says not exactly, but he recruited the help of an old friend who has introduced some innovative AI techniques in to the mix. Jack says if that doesn’t work, they won’t be able to help them anymore. Jack wanted Chad to know that today they are going to find out if the video is a dead end or not. Jack declares that if it is a dead end, he will go back to Boston to tell Jennifer that they are back to square one, as if she wasn’t upset enough that they dug up Abigail’s grave. Chad points out that if it doesn’t pan out, they have nothing since Abigail’s grave is empty and Clyde’s in solitary so they can’t ask him any questions. Chad declares that if it isn’t true, he can’t rest until Abigail is back with them, resting in peace. Jack decides he will go back to see if he can speed things up but Chad stops him.

Leo continues calling out to Everett from behind the door and then says if he’s not there, he’ll just see him at the office. Connie then accidentally knocks something over in the room, causing a sound that Leo hears so he continues to call out for Everett. Leo then decides Everett must not want to talk to him and walks away. Connie sighs in relief, saying that was close.

Jada asks Bobby who stabbed Rafe if it wasn’t him. Bobby hesitates and says to give him a second. Bobby then suddenly says he doesn’t feel that well.

Gabi tells Ava that she’s counting on Jada to find the bastard that did this to Rafe. Gabi then gets a call from Stefan, who says he needs to see her at the Bistro. Gabi says that she and Ava are in the middle of the Gabi Chic launch campaign but Stefan says it can’t wait. Gabi asks him what’s going on. Stefan would rather discuss it in person, so Gabi says she’s on her way and hangs up. Ava asks if everything is okay. Gabi says that Stefan apparently has something to tell her in person and wants her to come to the Bistro. Ava hopes it’s nothing bad. Gabi guesses she will find out and apologizes to Ava. Ava tells Gabi not to worry about it and to go ahead. Gabi then exits the office. Ava wonders why she suddenly doesn’t feel so well.

Jada asks Bobby how gullible he thinks she is and tells him that this isn’t second grade where he can fake being sick. Bobby responds that he’s not faking it and repeats that he doesn’t feel that well as his head is spinning. Bobby suddenly says he has to go and runs out of the room while Jada yells after him that she just needs a name. Jada then gets a call.

Connie plants the bloody gloves in Bobby’s room and the note she typed on his laptop, then plants a bottle of pills on his nightstand.

Chad tells Jack that the half of the paper he bought from Gwen belongs to him. Jack assures Chad that he wants him to keep it since it was always meant to be Abigail’s. Jack declares that someday it will go to Thomas and Charlotte as that’s what Abigail would want and how it should be. After Jack leaves, Leo arrives at the Spectator office and greets Chad. Leo tells Chad that he has a good problem in having too many gossip items to choose from including Alex being out as Victor’s heir, Xander being set to star in Body and Soul, or if he should turn his lens inward this week which Chad questions. Leo explains that Everett is back from Bayview and the question is if he seems like himself. Chad says he hasn’t spoken to him much since he wouldn’t know. Leo talks about Everett being holed up in his room all the time, so he hasn’t seen him much either. Leo mentions knocking on his door earlier and getting totally blown off.

Connie sneaks out of Bobby’s hotel room and leaves the key card on the floor outside.

Jada finishes her call in the interrogation room, saying to let her know immediately. Stephanie arrives and asks if it’s a bad time. Jada says she’s up to her eyeballs but they need to debrief. Jada informs Stephanie that Bobby admitted to faking Everett’s emergence to get out of Bayview and that he only pretended to be integrated so people wouldn’t suspect he was still Bobby. Stephanie realizes that he was in to Jada then and believes that’s why he stabbed Rafe to get him out of the way. Jada notes that Bobby vehemently denied doing that. Jada adds that Bobby says he knows who did but as soon as she pressed him for specifics, he got sick and said he had to go home.

Bobby returns to his hotel room in pain and finds his keycard on the floor, wondering what is wrong with him.

Kristen goes to the DiMera Enterprises office and tells Ava that she hopes she’s not interrupting. Ava says not at all and that she’s just working on the Gabi Chic relaunch campaign, showing her that they came up with “Chic is Back”. Kristen suggests “Chic Never Left” which Ava likes. Kristen then asks where Gabi is. Ava responds that she had to leave because Stefan summoned her to discuss something he apparently couldn’t talk about over the phone. Kristen calls that unacceptable on only Gabi’s second day. Ava reveals that she actually told Gabi that she could go. Kristen questions why she would do that. Ava explains that she fears the inevitable is about to happen so she wants to get it over with. Kristen questions what she’s talking about and tells her to be serious. Ava clarifies that she just fears that Stefan is planning to tell Gabi that they slept together while she was in prison.

Gabi goes to the Bistro and questions Stefan why it’s closed and what’s wrong. Stefan responds that he wanted one on one time with his wife. Gabi questions doing that now. Stefan asks when if not now. Gabi suggests not when she’s in the middle of an ad campaign and complains that she has a zoom meeting with an investor in Dubai in two hours. Stefan reminds her that she shares her calendar with him and he knows her meeting is tomorrow. Stefan tells Gabi that he missed her and asks if that’s okay. Gabi admits she’s missed him too and she hates that she’s working at DiMera while he’s not, but he has to understand how important this is to her as making Gabi Chic a global brand will take a lot of her time and attention. Stefan assures that he understands and asks her to just give him a minute as he surprises her with roses. Gabi asks what those are for. Stefan questions if she really has to ask as he wishes her a Happy Anniversary.

Leo asks Chad if he should’ve kept knocking on Everett’s door. Chad says no and tells him not to take it personally since Everett is just focusing on his mental health and probably needs some space. Leo wonders if Everett was released from Bayview prematurely. Chad apologizes for being edgy. Leo says he gets it as he’s always on edge. Leo calls it crazy around here since Xander is out and Jack is in. Leo adds that when he heard one of the old owners was back, it made him wonder if Gwen was on her way back too. Leo acknowledges that Gwen hated him in the end, but she was the best friend he ever had and he threw it all away. Leo then realizes that today is Gwen’s anniversary.

Gabi apologizes to Stefan for forgetting their anniversary with Rafe’s stabbing and everything going on with Gabi Chic. Stefan questions how she could forget when they got married twice on this day. Gaib says she’d rather forget the disastrous double wedding with Dimitri and Gwen, but she still blanked. Stefan tells her it’s okay and he just thought maybe she would be expecting something, so he wanted her to be surprised. Gabi tells him that she was and this was so sweet. Gabi thanks him as they kiss. Stefan then tells her that’s not her only surprise as they are only just beginning.

Leo can’t believe it’s been a year since Gwen and Dimitri had the double wedding with Gabi and Stefan. Leo points out that Gwen and Dimitri never even got divorced. Leo complains about how he threw away his entire friendship with Gwen for Dimitri, who unceremoniously dumped him in a letter that didn’t even make any sense. Leo talks about Dimitri meeting a guy in prison and wonders if it’s even true. Chad asks if he thinks he was making it up. Leo says maybe Dimitri didn’t want him to know that he’s going back to Gwen and reclaim his inheritance. Chad thinks that’s all a stretch. Leo asks if Chad has heard from Dimitri since he’s his nephew. Chad responds that he hasn’t and probably never will. Chad asks if it would be less upsetting if Dimitri went back to Gwen rather than ending up with another man. Leo thinks it would be more upsetting if he went back to Gwen because he’d be worried that Dimitri would break her heart all over again. Chad doesn’t think coming up with crazy ideas is doing any good. Leo guesses he just misses them both a lot and wishes things turned out differently.

Stephanie tells Jada that Bobby not being Everett is why he was so cold to her. They talk about Bobby saying he knows who stabbed Li and Rafe. Jada says every time she asks for a name, he has a convenient excuse. Jada says she doesn’t think Bobby is really sick so Stephanie asks why she let him leave. Jada responds that she had no choice since there wasn’t enough evidence to hold him. Stephanie brings up Bobby admitting to lying to get out of Bayview but Jada says that’s not a crime. Stephanie worries that now that Bobby knows they are onto him, he could be packing his bags to skip town. Jada admits he could be but there’s no legal means to stop him, so her hands are tied. Stephanie declares that she doesn’t have to follow police procedures so she’s heading over there right now and rushes out of the room. Jada then hurries out after her.

Bobby crawls in to his bed in pain. Bobby then finds the bottle of Digoxin pills on his nightstand.

Kristen thinks Ava is being paranoid about the whole Stefan situation and advises her to stop bringing it up in public places because you never know who might be listening. Connie then arrives with two coffees. Kristen questions who she is. Connie introduces herself as Gabi’s new executive assistant. Ava notes that Gabi did mention hiring an assistant and introduces herself. Connie asks where Gabi is. Ava says that she’s not in at the moment. Connie says that Gabi told her to be there at 10 AM sharp and she brought her a latte with extra foam which Kristen takes instead. Kristen takes a drink and then says it’s awful, questioning what Connie put in it. Connie then thinks back to spiking Bobby’s coffee with the Digoxin pills. Connie tells Kristen that she didn’t put anything in her drink.

Bobby remains struggling on his bed and thinks back to Connie showing up at his door, realizing that she caused this. Bobby weakly pulls out his phone and tries to dial 911.

Chad tells Leo that he can’t stare in the rearview mirror for too long as he has to look forward. Leo says he’s trying and apologizes for laying this all on him. Chad says it’s fine and that he hopes good things happen for Leo. Chad encourages that Leo has a lot going for him. Leo tells him not to hold back. Chad tells Leo that he’s smart, funny and he at least tries to be a better person. Leo remarks that he rarely succeeds but thanks Chad, saying it means a lot. Chad tells Leo that it’s okay to feel lonely because moving on from the love of your life is sometimes impossible. Leo tells Chad that he knows what’s going on with Abigail and assumes there hasn’t been any updates. Chad says not yet. Leo hopes that Chad doesn’t ever have to move on.

Gabi asks Stefan about another surprise. Stefan says he even surprised himself a little bit as he wrote Gabi a poem which he started while they were apart and finished it last night in hopes that he could recite it to her on their anniversary. Stefan intends to put it to music one day and send it to her. Stefan then recites his poem to Gabi which she calls beautiful as they hug. They wish each other a Happy Anniversary as they kiss.

Kristen asks Connie to bring her some sweetener for the coffee. Connie argues that she works for Gabi. Kristen tells Connie that Gabi works for her and tells her to hurry up as Ava directs her to the break room. After Connie leaves, Ava worries about if she heard them talking about Stefan. Kristen says they are just lucky she didn’t come in a minute sooner. Ava then gets a text from Gabi, informing her that she’s not coming back as she’s taking the rest of the day off because her and Stefan are celebrating their anniversary. Kristen guesses Ava has nothing to worry about then. Ava agrees that she just needs to chill out. Connie returns with sweetener for Kristen. Kristen mentions a scheduled meeting. Connie asks where her desk is. Kristen tells her to ask Gabi as she and Ava then exit the office. Connie then decides on an open desk and takes a seat.

Stephanie and Jada go to Bobby’s hotel room at the Salem Inn. Stephanie knocks on the door, calling for Everett. Jada reveals a keycard and says the manager doesn’t need to know that she doesn’t have a warrant. Stephanie hopes they aren’t too late. They enter the room and are shocked to find Bobby unconscious on the bed. They try to wake him up. Jada checks his pulse and confirms he’s still breathing but his pulse is very weak. Jada questions what Bobby did. Jada then finds the Digoxin pills and asks how many he took.

Connie declares that she has now washed her hands of the Bobby problem and can now focus on making Gabi and Stefan pay for what they did to Li. Connie then reveals that she hid outside the door and overheard Ava tell Kristen about her and Stefan sleeping together while Gabi was in prison. Connie then remarks to herself that the perfect ammunition just fell in to her lap.

Gabi tells Stefan that his poem was so beautiful. Stefan credits her for inspiring him and says he falls more in love with her every day. Stefan pours them glasses of champagne and toasts to the year ahead which Gabi says will be the best one yet and then they kiss.

Leo sits alone in the town square and calls Gwen. Leo is shocked that she actually answered and says he was just thinking about her as today is her anniversary. Gwen tells him to go screw himself and hangs up. Leo remarks that Chad was right that he should’ve just left well enough alone.

Jack returns to the Spectator office and informs Chad that he’s got their enhanced video on a flash drive.

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