Days Short Recap Thursday, August 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jada and Bobby were standing over Bobby’s body. His eyes were closed, and his pulse was weak. Jada found a pill bottle and asked him how many he took. He said he didn’t take them. She pleads with Bobby, and he told her that he’s Everett. Connie was relieved that she took care of Bobby. Now she wants to focus on making Stefan and Gabi pay for what they did to Li. She couldn’t wait for Gabi to find out that he slept with Ava. Connie jumped when Ava showed up. She tried to suck up to Ava, but she just stared at her. Connie headed out when she found out that Gabi was spending the day with Stefan. Jack told Chad the video was enhanced by 70%. They pulled up clearer footage of a woman in an empty room, but they still couldn’t see her face. Jack and Chad scanned the video for clues. Chad noticed something in the video. Jada called for help at the Salem Inn while Stephanie sat with Bobby. He whispered that he tried hard to get back to her. Everett was sorry that he didn’t make it. Stephanie urged him to keep fighting. Everett told her that he felt dizzy. He told her that he loved her and never stopped. Everett closed his eyes, and his head lolled. Jada checked his pulse and apologized to Stephanie. She told her that they got there too late. They wondered what he meant when he said he didn’t take the pills. Also, they wondered what made Everett come back. Jada wanted to start from the beginning and put on latex gloves. She saw a note on his laptop. Jada believed it was a suicide note. She read the note Connie wrote. The note made it seem like Bobby stabbed Rafe. Stephanie held Everett’s head in her arms. Jada continued to read the note and saw that Bobby didn’t have a reason to live if he didn’t have her. The note proved that Bobby was guilty and wanted to help Jada get a promotion. Jada ran to the cabinet and found the bloody gloves Connie put in there.

Stefan admitted to Gabi that he kissed Ava to keep up their cover but that was it. Connie walked in the Bistro, and Gabi introduced her to Stefan. She was distracted because she looked around the restaurant. Stefan tried to get her attention, and she gave Gabi papers to sign. Gabi wanted to make him forget about kissing Ava. Stefan wanted to know if they were good. Since he kissed her twice, Gabi thought they were okay. Chad noticed a billboard in the video. He and Jack realized it was a Missouri area code that covered Poplar Bluff. It’s the home of Clyde, so they headed out. Jada collected the evidence as the attendants bagged Everett’s body. Stephanie and Jada finished reading the “note.” He regretted any harm he caused anyone. The note stated that he hoped he and Everett could be at peace. After Bobby’s body was taken, Jada noticed his phone on the floor. She saw that he tried to call the police but didn’t hit send. Jada wondered why he would call the police if he tried to kill himself. Connie planned to keep Stefan’s affair quiet until she found the perfect time to reveal it. She saw the attendants taking Bobby’s body away.

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