B&B Update Thursday, August 1, 2024

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Update written by Brenda

Someone is lurking in Bill’s house.

Bill and Poppy are in the bedroom. Bill assures Poppy that nothing will tear them apart. As they start to make out, someone opens the bedroom door. Poppy screams.

R.J. and Luna are kissing at in Katie’s office at Forrester. He asks her what it will take to get her to come to his home so they can spend time alone. She says, “soon” and apologizes for spending so much time at home with her parents. She thinks it’s important since they are becoming a family. Katie walks in and says, “That’s wonderful.” She says she hopes Luna’s mother remembers that they aren’t Bill’s only family.

In Steffi’s office, Carter tells Steffi that he thought she was joking about not going to Monaco. He suggests that she take a commercial flight. She says she did check into taking another flight, but it was delayed, and she would miss the meeting with the prince, so she decided not to go at all. Hope, eavesdropping at the door, smiles smugly when Steffi says she can’t believe she lost her passport. Hope goes into Steffi’s office and snarks that her mother and Steffi’s father must be having a nice flight across the Atlantic alone. Carter says he received a text from Ridge asking him to lock in the summit itinerary before they land. Steffi says that’s because it’s a business trip, not a romantic getaway. Carter says the prince’s media liaison will meet them at the jet and escort them to the palace. Hope wonders at Ridge and Brooke’s royal treatment but notes that the prince is a fan of Forrester Creations and especially her mother. Steffi says she would have liked to see The Prince and the “Brookes Bedroom” launch, but since she is staying home, she will focus on other collections, mainly “Hope for the Future.”

In Katie’s office, Luna tells Katie that she doesn’t appreciate her trashing her family and that the accusations that Katie hurled at Poppy were completely uncalled for. R.J. wonders what Katie accused Poppy of. Luna tells R.J. that Katie suggested that Poppy had something to do with the deaths at Il Giordino. R.J. is shocked. Luna says Tom and Hollis both died of tragic drug overdose accidents. Katie asks them what if someone had something to do with it.

Bill pensively approaches the still-ajar bedroom door and opens it to find Will on the other side. Bill is excited to see his son. He tells Poppy that that is his son, Will. Will closes the door and runs away.

In Katie’s office,  R.J. tells Katie that everyone is freaked out about the deaths at Il Giordino, but to call it a murder and blame Luna’s mom is going too far. Katie says she doesn’t want to think about Bill being involved with someone like that. Luna counters, “he isn’t.” Katie says she has to trust her instincts. She says Poppy freaks out every time the subject comes up. Luna suggests Poppy feels attacked. R.J. suggests that it’s not Poppy; its Katie feeling weird about the change in Bill’s life. He reminds her that Bill unsuccessfully tried to win her back for a long time before he moved on. Katie insists that she is not jealous; she’s concerned. She says it happened so quickly. Luna concludes that is what Katie’s real problem is. Katie asks Luna why Poppy waited so long to tell her that Bill Spencer was her father. Luna says her mom did what she felt was best at the time, and she doesn’t hold it against her, especially now that they are so happy.

Katie says Poppy doesn’t seem happy, she seems edgy. Luna says she and her mom have been alone for a long time and this is a big change, but an amazing one. She tells Katie that she and Poppy are not interlopers; they are family and Bill asked them to move in with him because he loves them, and Katie will have to accept that. Katie says goodbye to R.J. and leaves to go home to her parents.

In Bill and Poppy’s bedroom. Poppy buttons her sweater and Bill is upset that Will’s welcome home was waking in on his dad in the bedroom with his girlfriend. Bill throws on a shirt and goes after Will. He finds Will in the living room. They hug. Bill apologizes for what Will walked in on. Will asks his father if that was “her.”

In Steffi’s office, Steffi says she didn’t schedule any meetings today because she thought she would be in Monte Carlo. Hope concludes that Steffi wants to discuss Hope’s line while Ridge is away. Steffi says she and Carter went over “Hope for the Future’s” numbers, and other than the philanthropic tie-in the numbers are down. She says that overall, she thinks the line is in trouble. Hope observes that Steffi didn’t even wait a day before threatening Hope’s line. Carter says it isn’t personal; the numbers don’t lie, and “Hope for the Future” is falling short of projections. Hope protests that there is a preview scheduled and people haven’t seen the new designs yet. Steffi says they aren’t even getting calls about it. She says matter-of-factly that “Hope for the Future’s” time is running out. Hope asks Carter to give her a minute to talk to Steffi privately. Hope tells Steffi that she knows what she is up to, and she is not going to get away with it.

In Katie’s office, Katie tells R.J. that it was not her intention to upset Luna. R.J. asks what her intention was. He concludes that this is his fault because he should not have told Katie about Poppy’s mints. Katie corrects him that they were drugs. R.J. asks Katie why she thinks Poppy had something to do with the overdoses at Il Giordino. She says he has to admit that there is enough evidence to suspect or suggest. She reveals that she found out that Tom Starr was one of the acts that played at the music festival the night that Bill and Luna met and supposedly conceived Luna. R.J. asks Katie if she remembers every band she has ever seen in her life. Katie says this is different. That night was supposedly so magical because she met Bill so she should have remembered every detail, yet she acted like she had never heard of Tom Starr. She says she doesn’t trust Poppy or the way she rapidly moved in with Bill and created an instant family.

At Bill’s house, Will concludes he should have called before he came. Bill disagrees, he says Will doesn’t have to call before coming to his own home. Will repeats his question, “is that her?” Bill says yes and says he wants to introduce them properly. Will thinks now is not a good time. Will asks Bill if it is completely over between him and Katie. Poppy comes into the room and introduces herself to Will. Will says he is going to go but Bill and Poppy both ask him to stay. Luna comes home. Bill introduces the siblings to each other.

In Katie’s office, Katie tells R.J. that Bill is not the ogre that R.J. makes him out to be. She says family is the most important thing to Bill and it is also his biggest blind spot. R.J. asserts that a paternity test proved that Luna is Bill’s daughter. He tells her that her conspiracy theory is not good for her. R.J. says Luna has always wanted to know who her father was and now that she and Bill have found each other, it’s good for everyone. He observes that Will has a sister now.

At Bill’s house, Will and Luna awkwardly greet each other. Bill suggests that they hug. Will isn’t ready for that. Luna concurs. Once again, Will says he is going to go. Bill insists that he stay. Poppy says she and Luna can go to the apartment so Bill and Will can have time alone. Bill forbids it. Poppy doesn’t want Will to feel unwelcome in his own home. Bill tells Will that he wants the four of them to spend some time together getting to know each other. He asks Will if he can’t show some kindness to Luna and her mom. Will retorts that he doesn’t know them. He says its Bill’s deal and he isn’t a part of it. Bill says yes, Will is. Will protests that Poppy and Bill hooked up a long time ago, and now they expect him to act like they are his family. He refuses and leaves.

In Steffi’s office, Steffi asks Hope what she won’t let her get away with. Running the company? Doing what’s best for the business? Steffi tells Hope to look at the documents that Carter left. Hope says she doesn’t need to look at a spreadsheet to know that Steffi has it out for her. She asks Steffi to give her new team time. Steffi says Carter and Zende are talented but might do better working on something else. Hope concludes that Steffi is using her position to attack her and her line. She says she is not going to let Steffi destroy her hard work.

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