Days Update Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie and Jada agree that it’s possible that “Everett” isn’t really Everett. Stephanie doesn’t get why Bobby would pretend to be Everett but then realizes it got him out of Bayview.

At the hospital, Bobby as “Everett” tells Kayla that it’s none of her business then apologizes for sounding rude. He talks about dealing with a serious mental illness and trying to get his life back on track while working under a new boss, so it’s been a really stressful time. He tells Kayla that worrying about Stephanie’s feelings just isn’t his top priority right now and apologizes again. He remarks that first he sounded rude and now he sounds insensitive. He repeats that he has to focus on his mental health and tells Kayla that he needs to get to a therapy appointment as he walks away.

Paulina is at home finishing a call. Abe walks in and asks what that was all about. Paulina complains that Everett has called her office four times looking for a statement on Rafe’s stabbing and when she finally got a chance to call back, he was unavailable. Abe encourages her to take it easy since “Everett” just got out of Bayview. Paulina says she just doesn’t need a reporter wasting her time when she’s dealing with a police commissioner in a coma. Paulina adds that she has not one single lead as to who put Rafe in a coma and that she also needs to appoint an interim police commissioner while Rafe is out. Abe asks who she is thinking of. Paulina calls Jada the best possible candidate so far but with Rafe in a coma, she imagines Jada wants to spend any free time at her bedside.

Connie sneaks in to Rafe’s hospital room and reaches towards his machines but Gabi walks in and questions what she is doing in there. Connie says that she saw the news about Rafe and the stabbing and she’s sorry to intrude but she feels so terrible about what happened to him. Gabi questions her knowing Rafe. Connie says she doesn’t personally but feels like she does because all the citizens of Salem feel grateful to Rafe for keeping their streets safe. Connie claims that she can’t believe someone would stab Rafe and that she came to visit him to see if she could help. Gabi tells Connie to cut the crap and tell her why she’s really there.

Abe is sure Paulina is right that Jada is focusing on Rafe and his recovery. Paulina says that Jada might want to put as much overtime on the job as she can to nail the bastard who attacked Rafe. Paulina says she plans on reaching out to Jada right before her appointment with Kayla. Abe encourages Paulina to take deep breaths so she doesn’t get another lecture on her blood pressure. Paulina says she’s not worried as she hasn’t felt this good in years, so she’s sure she will get an excellent report.

Stephanie brings up Marlena releasing “Everett” from Bayview. Jada says she was there and he was very convincing, so there was no way to think it wasn’t him. Jada suggests maybe he’s just a really good actor. Stephanie wonders why he’d be faking it now and what has changed. Jada thinks she has an idea.

Bobby goes to Marlena’s office which is empty and tells himself that being Everett is stressing him out and he’s not sure how much longer he can keep it up. Marlena then comes in and asks if he was talking to someone. He says just himself and jokes that it’s the first sign of insanity.

Connie tells Gabi that she got her and she’s not here because of Rafe, but because of Gabi.

Kate goes to see Abe, who says he’s eager to hear how things went in LA. Kate responds that it wrapped up a little sooner than she thought. Kate explains that the producers loved their proposal and thought the financials were solid and they were eager to continue the show but say they don’t have the means. Kate then reveals that they gave a resounding yes and announces that Body and Soul is now theirs as they excitedly hug.

Kayla sets Paulina up in a hospital room for her check up. Paulina asks if there’s any updates on Rafe but Kayla says unfortunately no. Kayla asks how Paulina is feeling. Paulina says physically she’s never been better. Kayla tells her that her test results are all excellent, but she does have one concern.

Gabi questions Connie saying she’s there because of her. Connie reminds her that she asked for her resume as Gabi Chic, so she wanted to bring her a hard copy and came up with some ideas for the business. Gabi questions Connie coming to her comatose brother’s hospital room, hoping to run in to her to give her a resume. Gabi argues that sounds nuts and tells Connie that this is getting creepy. Gabi adds that she never saw her until the other day but now every time she turns around, there she is. Gabi tells Connie that she does not have time for a stalker and tells her to leave now. Connie responds that she’s sorry but she can’t do that.

“Everett” asks Marlena if they can end their appointment early today. Marlena questions why they would do that. He claims to be really busy and that he has so much to do that his head is spinning. Marlena brings up that when he was released from Bayview, he assured that he was 100% dedicated to his recovery. He claims that he is but his stress level feels like it will impede his recovery more if he stays instead of just going home to deal with stuff and get his life in order. Marlena knows his job is important to him and his relationship with Stephanie is important, but says they have to agree that his treatment takes precedence. He respond that at least Stephanie won’t be an issue anymore because he broke up with her.

Stephanie and Jada wonder why Bobby was so eager to get out of Bayview. Jada talks about only visiting him because Stephanie asked her to. Stephanie asks about Bobby wanting to rekindle their relationship. Jada confirms that Bobby was coming on very strong and it felt the same in Rafe’s room which felt very strange because Everett never wanted anything to do with her. Stephanie says if it’s really Bobby, that would explain why he dumped her and let Jada know right away. Jada remembers being with Bobby when Everett supposedly re-emerged and it wasn’t until she was questioning him about Li Shin’s murder. They realize that if he’s still really Bobby, that means he knows who really killed Li Shin and he’s pretending to be Everett to cover up the truth.

Abe tells Kate that this is incredible and says he felt like he was mourning Body and Soul when it was cancelled. Kate stops him and says there is one major issue that could make the whole deal unravel.

Paulina tells Kayla that she’s had so many things wrong with her this year and asks if this is nothing major because she doesn’t think she can take any more bad news. Kayla tells her the good news is that they caught this before it turned in to bad news, so that makes it not that big of a deal. Kayla reveals that her cholesterol is moderately elevated. Paulina mentions her mother dealing with that and she’s now 93. Kayla brings up Paulina’s medical history. Paulina knows elevated bad cholesterol increases chances of a heart attack or stroke. Kayla says they need to get that level down, so Paulina asks how to do that. Kayla talks to her about a low fat diet. Paulina tells Kayla that she is not taking any meds.

Gabi questions Connie not leaving and threatens to call security. Connie explains that she won’t leave because Gabi needs her which she questions. Connie asks when Gabi last slept or ate, arguing that she has so much on her plate with Gabi Chic and getting her life back in order while now having to spend every free moment with Rafe. Connie says she can relieve her of that burden by being her assistant, adding that she’s offering her services for free as it would be her honor to serve her. Gabi repeats that she doesn’t have the time for this. Connie asks her to just think about it and goes to get Gabi some coffee.

Marlena questions “Everett” breaking up with Stephanie as she thought rekindling their relationship was one of the main reasons he wanted to be out of Bayview. He says that it was and he really likes Stephanie, but when he got out, he felt overwhelmed with work and therapy. He claims it didn’t feel fair to Stephanie to make her wait around until he’s mentally healthy. He adds that after their last session, he feels like he’s starting to feel some of Bobby’s feelings. Marlena notes that could be a sign of progress. He talks about being reluctant to face everything that happened in his past but now he thinks he’s ready and asks Marlena to hypnotize him again.

Stephanie wonders why Bobby would bring up Li Shin’s murder to her and then not tell her anything about it. Jada knows it’s strange and says Bobby was stringing her along until she threatened him with never seeing her again. Stephanie wonders if Bobby could have had something to do with Li’s murder. Jada doesn’t know and says at one point, she thought Bobby could never hurt a fly but she also thought he’d never be a liar. Jada then gets a call from the police station and instructs them not to give Everett Lynch anything on the investigation of Rafe’s stabbing or any leads either. Jada is shocked to learn that he called three times. Jada says she will handle it and hangs up, wondering what the hell is going on with him. Stephanie goes over Bobby being desperate to get Jada back and if he thinks that Rafe is the only thing standing in his way, maybe he’s also desperate to know the status of Rafe’s stabbing. Jada then wonders if Bobby could’ve been the one who did it.

Abe asks Kate what the problem is. Kate says they were always concerned about getting the original cast to relocate to Salem. Abe mentions recasting some of the minor characters. Kate informs him that the three main characters are impossible to relocate as two of them are contracted to other projects in LA while another is married to a makeup artist there. Abe asks why they can’t just fly them out when they need them. Kate says they don’t have the budget for that. Abe argues that the three female leads are iconic and the fans have loved them for decades, so it wouldn’t be Body and Soul without them.

Stephanie knows it sounds crazy to think that Bobby stabbed Rafe. They agree that it’s a huge leap, but Jada points out that the timing does check out since Rafe got stabbed after Bobby was released from Bayview. Jada adds that there are no other obvious suspects here. Stephanie remember seeing Bobby at his hotel room that day, so she could be his alibi. Jada asks if she remembers what time it was. Stephanie checks her phone and sees that Marlena called her at 3:07, so she was there in about 10 or 12 minutes. Jada notes that was after she found Rafe at the cemetery since she called the ambulance at 2:24, so if Bobby does have an alibi, it’s definitely not Stephanie.

Marlena begins hypnotizing “Everett” and says they will begin with the good memories of his mother. He recalls asking why his mom let him hurt him. Marlena questions who. He tells Marlena that he sees his father with the big belt buckle and screams for his dad to stop.

Gabi sits at Rafe’s side and wonders if he can hear her. Gabi recalls when they had breakfast the other day and praises him as her brother. Gabi pleads with Rafe to wake up so he can help identify who did this and they can wipe that scum off the Earth.

Connie goes to get Gabi’s coffee at the hospital and calls her a diva bitch, complaining that after she finds a way to get rid of Rafe, Gabi is going to pay for what she did to Li Shin.

Kayla questions Paulina not wanting to take medication. Paulina says she already takes pills for blood pressure and her thyroid so she wants no more. Kayla asks what if it’s not a pill and the benefits outweigh the risks. Paulina hates feeling like she’s crumbling inside as she thought her health problems were over. Kayla encourages with these measures, they will be over for quite some time. Paulina apologizes for being grumpy and complaining when not many people have been as lucky as she has. Kayla notes that she is important to a lot of people and loved by so many. Paulina asks her not to tell Abe about her giving her a hard time about the medication because he will lecture her. Kayla thinks that Abe would be proud of her for contemplating this. Paulina feels that Abe has been so preoccupied with Body and Soul that he hardly notices her, but at least it gives him something to do other than moaning about it being cancelled.

Abe tells Kate that he guesses their only answer is to recast the show. Kate questions doing that and says they don’t want to be a pale imitation of the show, unless they reimagine the entire thing. Kate suggests calling it the next generation and setting it in the future but Abe says that wouldn’t be his show. Kate knows it’s a lot and that casting is only part of it as they need directors, writers, and crew. Kate says they have a big learning curve ahead of them.

Connie brings Gabi her coffee and says she hopes Rafe wakes up soon so he can go back to work and maybe he can catch his own assailant. Connie tells Gabi that she’s her gal if she needs anything else. Gabi thanks her. Gabi then tells Connie that she looked at her ideas and was kind of blown away. Gabi adds that her resume is very impressive. Gabi admits that she could use someone like her right now on a trial basis. Connie declares that she will prove her worth to her and she can’t wait to get started.

Jada and Stephanie talk about Bobby possibly stabbing Rafe. Stephanie remembers that Bobby was getting out of the shower when she showed up and maybe he was getting rid of evidence. Jada then remembers that Bobby was reading a murder mystery in Bayview. Jada says it’s all speculation but she’s had stranger theories turn out to be true. Stephanie questions how to figure out if it is true.

Marlena brings “Everett” out of hypnosis and tells him that he’s safe as she asks him what happened. He says he just hasn’t remembered that until now. He tells Marlena that his father Robert Stein terrorized him and that must be why Bobby came out that day to protect him and stayed until now. He says now that he remembers everything, he doesn’t need Bobby to protect him anymore. He says he has Bobby’s memories and feelings, like he’s a complete person now. He says he should’ve done this months ago like Marlena encouraged him to but he was too scared. He calls it incredible and doesn’t know how he can ever thank Marlena, calling her a miracle worker.

Paulina runs in to Gabi at the hospital and says she’s so sorry for what she’s going through. Gabi says she just came from seeing Rafe and there’s no change. Paulina assures that they are all praying for him and they will find whoever did this to him. Paulina promises that justice will be served.

Abe admits he has a big learning curve while Kate has television experience. Kate says she doesn’t with a scripted show. Abe jokes that he makes up for his lack of experience with a lot of enthusiasm. Abe suggests they hold off on casting and declares that Kate should play one of the roles. Kate says not to look at her since she’s just a producer and points out that even if she agreed, he’d still have two more roles to recast. Abe responds that he knows exactly who should play those roles too.

Kayla goes to Marlena’s office and says she wants to talk to her about Everett Lynch as she had an encounter with him this morning that left her quite troubled. Marlena mentions her session with him also left her troubled. Marlena says it went well but almost too well as he appeared to have a major breakthrough that she wouldn’t have expected for some time. Kayla asks if she thinks he’s putting on an act. Marlena doesn’t know and talks about him being so intelligent and clever to take drastic measures to secure his self preservation. Marlena says if the session was not as it seemed, then she thinks she made a serious mistake in releasing him from Bayview.

Bobby appears in Rafe’s hospital room and says he’s sorry as he never meant for this to happen to him. Bobby says he knew Connie was a wacko but if he knew she was going to try to kill him, he would’ve stopped her. Bobby says as a reporter, he should’ve asked more questions. Bobby adds that he never wanted Rafe to die, he just wanted him out of the way so he could have Jada all to himself.

Jada wants to bring Bobby in for questioning but says she will have to handle it very delicately. Jada instructs Stephanie not to say anything to anyone because the last thing they need is for someone else to know that they think Everett is Bobby and that he might be the one who stabbed Rafe, as Connie appears around the corner.

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