Days Update Monday, July 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Kate goes to see Chad at the Horton House and tells him that she and Abe have an exciting new project that she’s hoping he will invest in. Chad asks what the pitch is but Kate asks if he’s sure this is a good time since he seems distracted. Chad then informs Kate that there was a bit of a surprise when they went to Abigail’s grave.

At the hospital, Kayla tells Stephanie about Abigail’s grave being empty. Stephanie asks if this proves she’s alive. Kayla says not necessarily since Clyde could’ve had someone remove the body. Stephanie calls that evil and says she wishes Steve wasn’t in Greece so he could help Chad out. Kayla says Steve will be back soon. Stephanie notes that if Abigail is alive, that means she’s been apart from her family for so long and she wonders how or in what condition she’s in. Kayla calls it too much to fathom right now. Stephanie adds that even before this came up, she’s been thinking a lot about Abigail because of Everett. Kayla says she’s sorry as she knows it’s been rough. Stephanie wants so badly to help Everett but worries it’s impossible to reach him.

Bobby picks out a shirt in his room at the Salem Inn.

Gabi comes out from the Brady Pub and runs in to Jada. They hug as Jada says it’s so good to see her and such a relief that she’s finally free. Gabi still feels like she’s dreaming. Jada assures that she’s back where she belongs and that Rafe is so happy since it broke his heart when he couldn’t prove her innocence. Gabi knows Rafe and Jada did everything they could. Jada thanks her but says Rafe and Stefan deserve all the credit for giving the evidence to the judge that got her cleared. Gabi says she’s grateful and relieved to know who really killed Li. Jada then reveals maybe they don’t.

Rafe calls Paulina from the cemetery and says they finished processing the scene and to send someone down to fill in the grave. Rafe tells her that an open grave can definitely be dangerous. Connie then arrives and stabs Rafe in the back. Connie remarks that it looks like the open grave was the least of his worries.

Paulina tells Abe that she was on the phone with Rafe and then he just cut off. Paulina guesses it was bad reception and that Rafe will call back if he needs her.

Rafe struggles on the ground and reaches for his phone but loses consciousness. Connie states that it’s nothing personal but a deal is deal. Connie declares that Bobby wants to be with Jada and Rafe was in the way. Connie thinks back to making the deal with Bobby. Connie states that now Bobby has a clear path to winning back his ex and no reason to out her as Li’s killer.

Gabi questions Jada not thinking Gil was Li’s killer because Bobby said it was someone else and asks what exactly Bobby said. Jada says that Bobby just said that he saw the killer and he was about to tell her more but they got interrupted by Everett.

Stephanie tells Kayla that she talked to her aunt Kimberly about Everett and she mostly told her to be patient which is hard to do when she can’t do anything to help. Stephanie mentions asking Jada to talk to Bobby, hoping she could convince him to let Everett out. Kayla asks how that went. Stephanie doesn’t know but assumes if she made any progress, she would’ve heard by now. Stephanie then gets a call from Marlena, who tells her about “Everett” coming back. Stephanie is excited and hangs up, then tells Kayla that Everett has re-emerged and has been released from Bayview so she has to go see him. Kayla stops her and asks if she’s sure that’s a good idea. Kayla suggests giving Everett time to reacclimate. Stephanie brings up that they just talked about impatient she is and points out that she hasn’t seen Everett in a month and a half, so she needs to go talk to him and know that he’s really back. Stephanie says watching him go through all this has made her realize how much she cares about him, so Kayla tells her to go ahead and be with him. Stephanie then exits the hospital.

Bobby has a drink and remarks that when he and Jada were good, they were crazy about each other so he can’t wait to pick up where they left off, assuming Connie keeps up her end of the bargain. Bobby then imagines Jada showing up at his door to be with him. Bobby hopes all his dreams come true and finishes his drink.

Jada tells Gabi that now that “Everett” is back in control, she can’t get what she needs from Bobby snice Everett can’t access what Bobby saw that night. Gabi relates to knowing how challenging split personalites can be since Abigail had Gabby. Jada says she’s relieved that Everett is back, but she can’t help but hope there’s a way to get the information from Bobby. Gabi brings up Rafe thinking that Bobby is playing games to spend more time with her. Jada says her gut tells her that Bobby was being straight with her. Gabi questions how to explain Li’s bloody fingerprint on Gil’s black book.

Connie declares that it’s time to make Rafe disappear and jokes that no one can say she didn’t give him a proper burial.

Paulina makes a call to have the cemetery workers fill in Abigail’s grave so they don’t get a lawsuit from someone falling in. Abe says he’s just trying to process Abigail’s coffin being empty. Paulina calls it creepy as hell. Abe points out that it could mean Abigail is really alive. Paulina says it must be so hard on Chad to not know and that he must be going out of his mind.

Kate tells Chad it’s unbelievable and asks if he really thinks there’s a chance that Clyde has Abigail. Chad admits that the empty coffin seems to back up his story. Kate says they all know Clyde is capable of some crazy things. Chad says that Rafe and Kayla said the same thing. Kate questions Chad thinking he might be telling the truth. Chad informs her that there’s a video that he got from a flash drive inside of a safety deposit box. Chad says in the video, you can’t see her face but it could be her and it’s killing him that Abigail could be out there somewhere and he has no idea how to find her. Chad says he must have watched the video a thousand times and it could be Abigail or it could be another of Clyde’s games. Kate says she’s so sorry this is happening to him and asks if there’s anything she can do. Chad thanks her and says he sent the video in to be enhanced and Jack is there now, so there’s nothing to do but sit around and wait. Kate decides she will wait with him. Chad goes back to asking about her business proposition and says he could use a distraction. Kate asks if he’s sure. Chad says he is and asks what she and Abe are working on. Kate then asks Chad how he feels about soap operas.

Abe reads up on Body and Soul on his laptop. Paulina jokes with Abe about missing his favorite TV show. Abe explains that he and Kate might try to save his favorite TV show which Paulina questions. Abe reveals they’d be producing it themselves. Paulina didn’t know he had an interest in TV production. Abe admits it’s Kate’s idea as she thinks they can create a soap opera and now that Body and Soul has been cancelled, they might try to buy the rights. Paulina says it sounds perfect to her. Abe asks if she doesn’t think it’s too ambitious since it will be a lot of hard work. Paulina calls it a labor of love and they already have a built-in audience. Paulina adds that Abe already knows the show so well. Abe says he thought he did but there are decades of history with the show so you’d have no idea of all the outlandish stories that have been told over the years. Paulina tells Abe to try her. Abe then reveals there are aliens, talking dolls, and split personalities.

Bobby gets out of the shower as Stephanie shows up at his door and asks who he was expecting.

Jada admits to Gabi that she doesn’t know how the pieces of the puzzle fit together yet, but she thinks Bobby really saw something that night. Gabi says if Gil murdered Li, they know Gil is dead but if it wasn’t Gil, she doesn’t like the idea of the killer just walking around free. Jada decides that she should go find Rafe to fill him in on what happened with Bobby. Gabi informs Jada that Rafe said he was heading to the cemetery to check on Abigail’s grave.

Connie tells herself that she will cover Rafe with enough dirt and no one will ever know. She remarks that it sounds like something from a true crime podcast. Jada then comes calling for Rafe so Connie runs away. Jada then finds Rafe on the ground with the knife in his back.

Kate explains to Chad about how she and Abe plan to produce Body and Soul. Chad says he doesn’t know anything about soap operas. Kate says she and Abe are very confident that they can grow the existing audience and make a substantial profit. Chad mentions having a good time working on Johnny’s project with him so he agrees to dip his toe in the entertainment world one more time.

Paulina jokes with Abe that she would love being married to a big time TV producer. Abe says he and Kate have to secure the rights first. Paulina questions if this means they need to move to LA. Abe says definitely not since there are tax incentives to shoot locally. Paulina asks if he thinks he can convince the actors to move from Hollywood to the Midwest. Abe says he hopes so as he knows the fans hope to use the same person, but if they have to, they can always recast since they do that all the time on soap operas and fans seem to be cool with it.

Gabi calls Ava and leaves a message, saying she’s sorry for ambushing her earlier and she doesn’t blame her for rushing off but she wanted her to know she’s serious about reviving the Gabi Chic brand and she’s already putting together a team. Connie then appears behind her and says that’s so exciting as she asks where to sign up.

Jada questions who did this to Rafe and checks his pulse, confirming he is still alive. Jada urges Rafe to stay with her as she calls for help.

Bobby pretends to be Everett and claims to Stephanie that he ordered room service, so he was expecting the food. He asks how she knew he was discharged. Stephanie says that Marlena told her and she can’t believe he’s back as she was so worried that she’d never seen him again. Stephanie hugs him. He says he appreciates her concern. Stephanie says she has so much to tell him that she doesn’t know where to begin. He says he has something to tell her too, so she tells him to go first. He then tells Stephanie that he’s afraid that they can’t see each other anymore.

Paulina tells Abe that she’s relieved that they can stay in Salem while he works on Body and Soul as she would hate to be so far away from Chanel. Abe jokes that if it was a few weeks ago, she would’ve been pushing for them to move to LA. Paulina says not now since Chanel and Johnny are staying. Paulina says that Chanel is doing well and is anxious to reopen the Bakery. Abe assures that he would never ask her to leave her kids or her job as Mayor. Paulina talks about everything going on at City Hall and the fallout from EJ’s press conference where Gabi exposed EJ as a liar. Abe calls that pretty shocking. Paulina jokes that if Abe and Kate ever have any trouble coming up with stories for Body and Soul, they can still that one. Paulina talks about the district attorney trying to pass another man’s baby off as his own. Abe admits this town has some pretty wild stories if they ever need inspiration.

Kate tells Chad that she will send the paper work over for him to sign but there’s no rush as she knows he has a lot on his mind. Kate asks him to keep her notified about Abigail which Chad agrees to do. Kate doesn’t want to get his hopes up, but thinks it’s worth noting that he has lost Abigail before and by some miracle, she came back to him, so it’s not a remote possibility that it could happen again. Chad admits he’s definitely thought about that too and maybe that’s why he’s never been able to move on all these years because subconsciously, he feels like she’s still out there.

Stephanie questions “Everett” not wanting to see her anymore. He says it’s not about what he wants but about what he needs and that Marlena thinks he has a long way to go before he’s fully integrated and it will take a lot of therapy. He says that means he shouldn’t be dating anyone right now because he has to focus all his energy in to becoming mentally healthy. He tells Stephanie that he’s so sorry. Stephanie says she understands his mental health comes first and she will be there for him as a friend. He thanks her and says he feels awful about this, but he knows it’s for the best and that it wouldn’t be fair to her with his mental struggles for them to be involved. Stephanie says she gets it and respects his decision, but if he needs her, she’s there for him. He calls her the best and says he’ll never forget how hard she fought for him. Stephanie says she just wants him to be happy and tells him to take care as she then exits the room. Bobby then rolls his eyes and smiles.

Connie introduces herself to Gabi and reminds her that she was at her press conference which Gabi remembers. Connie remarks that she knew Gabi didn’t kill Li Shin. Gabi says she’s glad they finally found the evidence to prove her innocence. Connie says she couldn’t help but overhear that she plans to revive Gabi Chic and says she’d love to work for her. Gabi asks if she has any experience in corporate retail. Connie says that she does and that she has all of her products. Gabi suggests she send her resume. Connie promises that she won’t regret giving her a chance and remarks that she’s extremely loyal so she wouldn’t have to worry about her stabbing her in the back…

Jada watches as Kayla and a nurse work on Rafe in a hospital room. Kayla mentions that he’s lost a lot of blood and orders an x-ray and ultrasound. Jada tries to ask how bad it is but Kayla tells her she needs to leave the room and promises they will take care of him. Jada calls out to Rafe that she loves him as she exits the room.

Kate goes to Abe and Paulina’s to announce that Chad is going to invest in the show which Abe calls wonderful. Kate believes they have the capital to make the show. Paulina wants in on it too and says she can write them a big check. Abe and Kate don’t think that’s a good idea, pointing out that they will need city permits to shoot local and she’s the Mayor. Paulina sees where they are going. Abe says that’s why he didn’t ask her to invest but they do appreciate the offer. Kate adds that the other good news is that she arranged a meeting with the studio and they are interested in selling the rights to Body and Soul. Abe exclaims that this is actually going to happen. Kate declares that they are going to bring Body and Soul back from the dead.

Stephanie goes to see Chad and tells him that Kayla told her about Abigail, so she came to see how he’s doing. Chad says he’s hanging. Stephanie hopes there is a positive outcome. Chad asks if there’s any update on Everett. Stephanie responds that he was released from Bayview today. Chad guesses that’s good news. Stephanie thinks back to “Everett” breaking things off with her. Stephanie tells Chad that it is good news and that he has a long way to go but at least Bobby is not in control of his life anymore…

Connie goes to see Bobby at the Salem Inn. Bobby questions what she’s doing there and worries about someone seeing them together. Connie tells him to relax and assures that she was careful. Bobby explains to her that he faked being Everett so he could get out of Bayview and avoid telling Jada that she killed Li as he promised. Bobby then asks what she’s doing to hold up her end of the bargain.

At the hospital, Jada makes a call saying to search every inch of the cemetery and find the son of a bitch who stabbed Rafe. Jada thinks back to when she first agreed to move in with Rafe as she holds back tears. Gabi then arrives and asks Jada where Rafe is. Jada informs her that they are working on him now. Gabi asks how he is. Jada says he’s lost a lot of blood after being stabbed from behind. Gabi questions who could have done this.

Bobby asks Connie how soon Rafe will be out of the picture. Connie responds that it’s already done which Bobby questions. Connie assures that Rafe is not going to be a problem for him or anyone else ever again.

Kayla and the nurse go over Rafe’s charts but Rafe flatlines and goes in to shock. Kayla orders the nurse to increase the oxygen flow as they are losing him.

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