Y&R Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Devon: I mean, I think the key is communication, right? In order to divide these companies successfully, we’re gonna need cooperation from leadership in all the divisions.

Nate: Agreed. Word is already starting to spread about the board vote. People wanna know how to proceed. What’s to come?

Devon: I mean, the message is simple. The company is strong. Just gonna be two separate, solid entities.

Nate: As it was before the merger.

Devon: Exactly. And I wanna be fair to Billy and Jill, but obviously I’m gonna be more focused on our side of things.

Nate: Oh, speaking of which, I’ve got some ideas on how to streamline the overall process. In particular, to shore up the Winters entities.

Devon: Nice. Well, let’s hear it.

Nate: Well, um… You know, should I hold off until Lily has a chance to hear this? I imagine we wanna get her input.

Devon: Yeah. I don’t know if she’s gonna be joining us today. I’m not really sure where we stand. I haven’t talked to her since the vote.

Nate: Well, I hope that’s not a bad sign.

Devon: I think we’re about to find out.

Nate: Hello, Lily.

Lily: Hello.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Hi. Uh, sorry, I haven’t been in touch. I just wanted to wait until after the board meeting for things to calm down.

Devon: Yeah, it’s okay. Have things settled down enough for you to tell Billy you’re not gonna be joining him at Chancellor?

Claire: All right. First, I think we should check our supplies. Are you ready? All right. Do we have snacks?

Harrison: Yes, for us and for the ducks.

Claire: Very important. What else?

Harrison: Zippy stayed home, but we have other toys and water.

Claire: Fun, food, water, all the essentials. We are prepared.

Harrison: Don’t forget, we have shovels for digging and journals so we can write down what we find. But what are we looking for?

Claire: Today, we continue to be scholar adventurers, and our topic this afternoon is worms. You see, worms are really important. They’re not just long and slimy. They actually help the soil to make sure it gets all the best nutrients.

Harrison: Does what they do help the caterpillars and other animals?

Claire: There’s only one way to find out. We will conduct our research. Let’s go find some earthworms to study.

Harrison: You’re the best, Claire.

Claire: No, you are. Come on, let’s go.

Katie: The rule is whoever calls shotgun first sits in the front seat.

Johnny: The rule is whoever’s older. Besides, I’ve called it way before, like, in my head while I was sleeping last night.

Katie: That doesn’t count.

Johnny: Yeah, it does. You snooze, you lose.

Victoria: Do I need to step in here?

Johnny/Katie: No.

Victoria: Okay, then. Lemonade is on me.

Billy: Ooh, Mom’s buying. Soak it up.

Victoria: Don’t encourage them.

Billy: Let me see. Let me see the eyes. All right. Bags don’t look too bad. That’s good. In between the riding and the swimming and the gaming and the sleepovers, you’re getting a little bit of rest.

Johnny: I mean, you can’t blame us for making the most of our summer.

Billy: You will never hear me complain about you being happy. Plus, you both look healthy, and I’m grateful for that.

Johnny: Aw, you’re getting soft in your old age.

Billy: You make fun of me all you want, but I know how lucky I am and I will never forget that.

Victoria: Well, um, we’ll let you go, but give Chelsea my best.

Johnny: Oh, same with me. And Connor, too.

Billy: I will. Hey, how about we do movie night later this week? Pizza, popcorn, the whole thing.

Katie: We don’t have to do everything as a family.

Billy: One of these days, you’ll be glad we did. And if it makes your old man happy, you’re gonna have to suck it up. I love you both. Be nice to Mom, okay?

Billy: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi. Uh, I don’t want to interrupt. You should– you should go. You should– you should go be with the kids.

Billy: It’s okay. They’re with Victoria and I want to be with you. Hey. You’re trembling. Are you okay?

Sally: Thanks. Yeah. So, it’s like we never left. Chloe and I are back. Literally. All systems go. Everything’s firing.

Adam: That’s good.

Sally: Yeah, I’m just so relieved to be back doing what I love, where I belong. And it really feels like the right move for Chloe, too.

Adam: How so?

Sally: Well, our work together is tied in fashion. We’re great partners, and not to brag, but Summer is thrilled with the work we’re doing.

Adam: Of course, she is.

Sally: Oh, my gosh. Wait until you see Marchetti’s new evening gown, designed by yours truly. It is gorgeous, if I do say so myself.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: And maybe I can even model it for you at home.

Adam: I can’t wait.

Sally: Adam, is something wrong?

Adam: Hm?

[ Chelsea panting ]

Sally: Adam?

Adam: Mm-hmm?

Sally: Where did you go just now?

Billy: Look, I think I know what happened.

Chelsea: You do?

Billy: You saw Johnny, you didn’t expect that and it kind of threw you. I mean, that’s– that’s understandable, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Yeah, it’s true. It did.

Billy: Don’t feel bad that he didn’t come over here, okay? He told me to say hello to you and to Connor. He asks about you all the time.

Chelsea: You know, I completely understand. I wouldn’t want to put him on the spot, you know, when he’s in front of Katie and Victoria. I think it’s just me. I think my emotions are just all over the place right now.

Billy: Of course, that makes sense.

Chelsea: And it’s hard, you know, to see Johnny like that when Connor is…

Billy: Yeah, it’s tough. Connor’s suffering. Connor’s going to be all right. He’s going to be back and better than ever. He’s strong, just like his mother.

Chelsea: And, you know, I mean, it makes me happy to see how well he’s doing. He’s thriving. He’s– he’s growing up. It warms my heart. It gives me hope.

Billy: I’m glad. How about you? How are you feeling? Did you get some rest?

Chelsea: A little bit. I– I took a nap. I’m not 100%, but I’m getting there.

Billy: Okay, well, we can fix that. Did you get something to eat?

Chelsea: Uh, no, and I’m actually pretty hungry.

Billy: Good. Plus, you owe me a do-over for breakfast. So, how about we go grab lunch? Society?

Chelsea: Sounds perfect.

Lily: Um, Nate, would you mind giving Devon and me a moment to chat?

Nate: Yeah, definitely. Uh, we’ll talk later.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: What do I get the feeling I’m not gonna like what you’re about to say?

Lily: I haven’t told Billy that I’m not joining him yet.

Devon: Hm. And why’s that?

Lily: I think it’s too soon.

Devon: Okay. Well, Nate and I have already started discussing the details of the separation, so it’s probably a good time to pick a side.

Lily: Devon, I told you that I needed time after the vote to think about this before I just jumped ship.

Devon: And how much time will you need?

Lily: I don’t know. I need time to process, given what the separation means.

Devon: Right. I hope you can understand that I’m finding it a little difficult to trust that you’re being honest with me.

Lily: Why?

Devon: Because you knew that Jill was sick this whole time, and that’s just another secret that Billy shared with you that you didn’t share with me. I had to hear it from him right before we had a board meeting.

Lily: I wanted to share it with you, but Billy told me that in confidence.

Devon: I understand, but were his feelings more important than mine?

Lily: No, but Jill swore him to secrecy. He wasn’t supposed to tell me, so it wasn’t my information to just pass along.

Devon: No, I understand that. And I also respect Jill’s decision not to tell us about her health issues. But still, it all just adds to the uncertainty of this whole situation. And last time you and I talked, things got a little heated. So, I just want to know where your head’s at. That’s all.

Lily: I don’t know. I didn’t expect Jill to react negatively to the demerger, so now everything just feels off to me.

Devon: And hearing you say that makes me feel like you’re starting to pull away, and that you’re thinking about throwing away our plan and choosing to join Billy over me.

Adam: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to space out. Um, I’m really happy that things are going so well for you at Marchetti.

Sally: Thank you. But you don’t have to force enthusiasm. Look, I know you’ve been through a lot lately and I’m here for all of it. The good, the bad, the ugly. Whatever it is, you can tell me.

Adam: I’m just, I’m thinking about the trip to Baltimore and how stressful it got, the worry, the intensity.

Sally: Look, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through all this. I mean, what you and Chelsea have had to endure, it’s just unbearable.

Adam: Sally, um, there’s something that I need to–

Billy: Hey.

Sally: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi. Nice to see you both.

Adam: You too.

Sally: Are you guys here for lunch?

Billy: Yeah. That’s the plan.

Sally: Well, why don’t you join us?

Billy: Yeah. We can do that.

Victoria: Ah, this is nice.

Johnny: Can I say something?

Victoria: I don’t know. Can you?

Johnny: Ha ha. It’s just, Chelsea seemed kind of sad at Crimson Lights.

Victoria: Oh, well, you know, I think she’s just stressed out with everything that’s going on with Connor. Billy said not to worry. He said that she’s managing.

Johnny: Good. I just don’t want her to get too upset, you know?

Victoria: I do.

Johnny: And Connor’s been through a lot, finding out we were brothers, what happened to his mom, going to that special boarding school, and that was all before the OCD.

Katie: Do you think he’ll be okay, Mom?

Victoria: I know that Connor’s receiving some excellent treatment at that clinic in Baltimore.

Johnny: I just wish there was more I could do for him.

Victoria: Honey, you have his back and he knows that. That’s what counts, all right?

Katie: Maybe we can do something with Connor when he comes home, like all of us together.

Victoria: Oh, so you are willing to do things with us.

Johnny: Maybe there’s hope for you.

Claire: Hey, Harrison, look who it is.

Victoria: Hi.

Lily: I haven’t decided to let our plan go.

Devon: You haven’t decided to let it go yet. And you also haven’t told Billy the truth, which is why I’m concerned.

Lily: Jill was just so disappointed when she found out that we’re breaking up the company, and if she knows that I’m leaving, she’s gonna be devastated.

Devon: She’ll be sad for a minute, and then she’ll understand because you’re gonna be joining your family and she’s never gonna knock you for doing that.

Lily: Well, I’d also be leaving Billy hanging.

Devon: I– No, you’d be doing Billy a favor.

Lily: How is that?

Devon: Because you and I both know that he’s wanted to run this company for a long time now by himself and he gets to do it.

Lily: I don’t think he wants that. He proposed a very solid partnership.

Devon: Billy’s not gonna tell you that he secretly wants you out.

Lily: I think I could read Billy Abbott.

Devon: Yeah, I bet you can. But why do you trust him so much?

Lily: Because we have history and we make a good team and I don’t think he’s gonna wanna lose that.

Devon: But what do you get out of this whole situation? Because you know that he’s a loose cannon, and all you’re gonna be doing is keeping him in line.

Lily: I’ve done it before.

Devon: Is that fulfilling to you, though? Because, clearly, the guy is desperate for more power and maybe he’s convinced himself that he wants to work with you, or he knows that it’s gonna make his mom feel better to have you on board.

Lily: Oh, right, because he could never just value me as a partner.

Devon: That’s not what I’m saying at all. My point is that he should value you as a partner. He’d be stupid not to.

Lily: Well, he was smart enough to know what we were up to.

Devon: What do you mean?

Lily: He called me out. He told me that he knew I was playing him and that I was gonna back out.

Devon: And how’d you respond?

Lily: I denied it, of course. I told him that I needed time to think. I mean, I think he bought it.

Devon: Hm. Well, I mean, I guess the good thing is, is at this point, Billy can’t stop our plan. The only person who can do that is you.

Sally: Have you had any updates on Connor?

Chelsea: Uh, not yet. And believe me, I check my phone every two minutes.

Adam: Yeah, doctor said it could be a little while.

Billy: Well, hopefully, you get some good news soon.

Adam: Thank you. Us, too.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sally: You ordering your usual?

Billy: Oh, yeah. Can’t go wrong with the empanadas.

Adam: I didn’t realize the two of you knew each other so well.

Billy: My love for the empanadas is no secret.

Sally: Hardly.

Billy: Actually, Sally and I ran into each other a few times while you were away.

Sally: Yeah, we’ve gotten coffee and touched base about Connor. Nothing for you to be jealous of. And I know from Adam what a roller coaster this has been. I’m really impressed with you two and how you’re handling it. It can’t be easy.

Chelsea: I– I actually don’t think I’m handling it well, to be honest. I break down a lot. There are moments I think I’m just gonna completely lose it.

Billy: Well, you may feel that way, but–

Adam: But you never do. You’ve stayed so strong throughout everything.

Billy: I agree.

Chelsea: You’ve done the same.

Billy: Both of you have been great, you know? You’ve been able to put your history aside and really be there for your son. That’s important.

Sally: Yeah, exactly. And that’s not always easy.

Adam: You do what you have to do when your kid is hurting.

Harrison: Claire, these are my cousins. That’s Katie and Johnny.

Claire: We’ve actually already met.

Victoria: Harrison, you– you know that Katie and Johnny are Claire’s brother and sister, right?

Harrison: Wow, you’re so lucky.

Johnny: Yeah, she seems pretty cool.

Victoria: Claire and Harrison have become really good pals.

Harrison: We’re studying worms. Do you want me to show you? We’re digging them up over there.

Johnny: Sure, why not?

Harrison: Great, come on. You can use my shovel.

Claire: Uh, I hope that’s all right. I don’t want to interrupt your family time.

Victoria: No, what are you talking about? You’re family, too. I just, I hope that we’re not, you know, getting in the way of work for you.

Claire: No, the more the merrier. Uh… Katie, do you want to come, too?

Katie: Worms? I’ll pass.

Claire: No problem. If you change your mind, we’ll be over by the big trees.

Victoria: It sounds like a good time. Worms and all.

Katie: If you like that kind of thing.

Lily: I just wish that you could understand this isn’t easy for me.

Devon: I do understand this isn’t easy for you. I just think you’re trying to please too many people. Especially Jill.

Lily: Well, she means a lot to me.

Devon: Yeah, she means a lot to me, too.

Lily: No, it’s more than that. I feel guilty.

Devon: What do you feel guilty about?

Lily: She took a huge chance on me. It was a risk for her to have me run Chancellor. I mean, she basically handed me her company.

Devon: Right, and you did a great job. You exceeded all of her expectations. And now she has her son running the show. And she has Chance here. And they’re going to carry on her legacy. That’s her family.

Lily: I know that. I just, I will always feel grateful that she had faith in me.

Devon: Well, yeah, of course you will. But you also know that Jill picked you because she knew you would do great things.

Lily: Yeah, and I did. She gave me the leeway to make my own decisions. And this company grew beyond anything I could have expected.

Devon: And that’s just a testament to what you’re capable of.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, she saw something in me that I didn’t. She saw me as a leader.

Devon: Lily, you can tell me. Are you hesitating because you don’t want to walk away from everything you created at Chancellor? You can’t let it go, can you?

Sally: Well, the trip to Baltimore must have taken a lot out of you both. You saw Connor, had a good day. Then you heard he was going into inpatient treatment.

Adam: It just, it was– it was so abrupt. I mean, one minute we’re hanging out with him and he’s happy and he’s positive and then, the next…

Billy: You get the news.

Adam: Yeah. It, uh, it was a gut punch.

Sally: Man, I would have been climbing the walls with nothing to do but wait.

Chelsea: It was excruciating, not being able to see Connor or speak with him.

Adam: And not know what was going to happen next.

Sally: Well, I hope you two were at least able to find ways to distract yourself from all the waiting and worrying.

Billy: Yeah, I think that’s the worst part about it, you know? Then, you start to spiral.

Sally: It’s an awful feeling, having no control over the situation and feeling like you can’t help but just fixate on all the what-ifs.

Adam: Well, last night, we got blind drunk. That helped.

Billy: I don’t blame you, you know? Of course, that’s probably why you’re tired today.

Chelsea: No, he’s exaggerating. We ate a couple drinks and we called it a night.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Um…

[ phone ringing ]

Chelsea: Oh, this is the clinic. It must be one of Connor’s doctors.

Adam: Ooh, answer it.

Chelsea: Hi, this is Chelsea.

Chelsea: Well, that’s great to hear. What a relief. Yes, yes, he’s here with me right now, actually. I will let him know. Thank you, Dr. Hammond.

Adam: What happened?

Chelsea: Connor was released from inpatient an hour ago. He’s back in his room.

Adam: Oh, my God, that is great. Thank God. Um, what else did she say? I mean, how’s his state of mind? Is he doing okay?

Chelsea: Um, she said he’s doing great. He had a breakthrough. He’s, uh, stopped himself from disassociating.

Adam: What? He did?

Chelsea: I know. Yeah, I’m getting so excited. I know I shouldn’t get too excited, but I can’t help it. I mean, this– this feels big. The doctors think he’s turning a corner.

Adam: That’s our boy.

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: That’s our boy.

Victoria: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Where are you going? No, sit down. Come on. I know, I’m your boring mom.

Katie: You’re not that bad.

Victoria: Gee, thanks. Sit. Talk to me.

Katie: About?

Victoria: I don’t know. Tell me. How was your last day of school?

Katie: It was fine. Just packed up, said goodbye to everyone.

Victoria: How did your Spanish test go? Did you talk to your dance teacher about next fall?

Katie: I think I did muy bien on the test, and Miss Scott says I’m ready for intermediate ballet next year.

Victoria: Oh, that’s fantastic! I’m so proud of you. So, um, is there anything in particular that you want to do this summer? Any friends that you want to hang out with?

Katie: Some people from Walnut Grove wanted to hang out, and some friends from my old writing class.

Harrison: Do you think ducks eat worms?

Johnny: You could try to feed them one.

Harrison: Can I, Claire?

Katie: Gross.

Victoria: Maybe you and I could go to Chicago one weekend, and we could do some shopping and see a show.

Katie: Just you and me?

Victoria: Yeah, would you like that?

Claire: Let’s stick with the peas and oats for the ducks.

Johnny: No fun, Claire.

[ group laughing ]

Victoria: Uh, I would like that. I mean, I would like to spend as much time with you as I can while you’re home.

Victoria: I figured you’d be too busy with Claire, your first daughter.

Johnny: I’m going to make an ice cream run. You guys want anything?

Victoria: Uh, would you like anything, sweetheart?

Katie: Oh, for once in my life, I actually get a vote?

Victoria: Uh, you know what, just get us both chocolate. Thank you.

Johnny: Get you some, Mom. But not for the grump. What’s wrong with you?

Billy: I mean, again, it’s just such great news.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I’m so happy for Connor.

Sally: And for you two. I mean, for all of us, really. It’s just a relief.

Chelsea: It really is. I’d like to call Connor. You think it’s too soon?

Adam: Well, why don’t we text him? Tell him we heard the news and we can video chat him. You know, whenever he’s up for it. No pressure.

Chelsea: Good idea. I like that.

[ phone ringing ]

Adam: Oh–

Chelsea: Oh, it’s Connor.

Adam: He wants to video chat. Should we do it at my place, since it’s closest?

Chelsea: Uh, do you mind if I head out?

Billy: No. Of course not.

Adam: I don’t want to dine and dash, but–

Sally: No, go, go, go. Talk to your son.

Adam: You’re the best.

Chelsea: I’ll text you.

Billy: Bye.

Chelsea: Bye. All right, yeah. It’s okay.

Billy: Bye.

Sally: Bye.

[ Sally sighing ]

Billy: Quite the day.

Sally: Yeah, really. Mmm. Really happy for them, though.

Billy: Yeah, of course. Me too.

Sally: Yeah. I have to admit, I was holding my breath when Chelsea got that call.

Billy: Mm. Me as well.

Sally: It’s kind of a glimpse into what they’ve been dealing with. You know, all the ups and downs. This whole ordeal has really bonded them, hasn’t it?

Billy: Yeah, it has.

Devon: Listen, I understand how you’re feeling.

Lily: You do?

Devon: I do, yes. Completely. Because before today, I mean, this all was just an idea that we were talking about. It wasn’t real. But then when we had the meeting, and we had the vote and we divided the companies up, you’re suddenly faced with everything you stand to lose.

Lily: Yeah, maybe you’re right, you know. It’s just really hard to leave this all behind.

Devon: Yeah, but you have to remember, you’re not leaving behind the same company that you started at. Billy is running the show now. And I promise you, he is not going to give you the same freedom that you had when you worked with Jill.

Lily: And you will?

Devon: Well, what’s that supposed to mean?

Lily: I mean, come on, Devon. It’s not a secret. We all know how much you love to be in charge.

Devon: You’re saying that I’m a– a control freak?

Lily: I mean, you said it.

Devon: Well, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

Lily: Okay, well, then fine. Like, tell me how you think this is going to work. Do you really think that we’re going to be equal partners?

Devon: Yes, of course I do. I mean, I was equal partners with Neil. And you were right there with us. You saw it. We worked out just fine. And now this is our opportunity to build something together as a team.

Lily: I really want to believe that.

Devon: Then believe it. It’s just going to be you and me. There’s no one to answer to. It’s us.

Lily: I know, but we have had issues at work before. I mean, it hasn’t been easy.

Devon: Okay, and when we had those issues, we got past all of them. Right? You know what I come from, Lily. There is nothing that would make me happier than to run our family’s company, with my sister. And I know Neil would want the same thing for us. And regardless, that has to sound better than working for your power-hungry ex.

Lily: You know, sometimes I feel like you just don’t want me to be around Billy because you have issues with him.

Devon: Well, that’s ridiculous to think. You can take Billy completely out of this scenario. It’s not about Billy. Okay? It’s about you and me. Are you really ready to just give up on the idea of running our family’s company?

Lily: I didn’t say that.

Devon: Yeah, but the fact we’re even having this conversation means that you are considering doing that and joining Jill and Billy, right?

Lily: I mean, if I said yes, what would that mean for us?

Devon: I mean, is that something you would actually do? You’d stay at Chancellor and not come to Winters with me?

Lily:: I asked what that would mean for us.

Devon: Yeah, I don’t know what that would mean. Because I already kind of suspected you felt this way, so–

Lily: I mean, look, you don’t even need me. You and Dad started Hamilton Winters, and I came on board later.

Devon: Right, I understand that. That’s not the point. The point is that I agreed to pull the trigger to separate these companies, because you made me believe that you were going to come and work with me.

Lily: I know. I know. I know.

Devon: And now you’re telling me that that might not happen. So, it’s disappointing.

Lily: I know. At– I don’t mean to let you or Dad down. Okay? That is not my intention.

Devon: I know. I’m sure it’s not your intention, but the end result is the same.

Lily: Look, Devon, I have to do what’s right for me. Okay? And I honestly don’t know if you and I would work well together.

Devon: Okay. All right. Do I count you out, then?

Lily: No, I didn’t say that. Just– I just — I, I just need some time. Okay? Please.

Devon: Okay. I hope you make the right decision.

Lily: So do I.

Nate: So, what happened? Where do things stand with Lily?

Devon: I wish I knew.

Adam: So, how about that lunch?

Chelsea: Oh, my God. So awkward.

Adam: Right?

Chelsea: I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my whole life. I can’t believe you told them we got drunk in Baltimore. Why would you do that?

Adam: Because it’s true.

Chelsea: Well, yeah, and it’s what led to us making a huge mistake, Adam.

Adam: Chelsea, I figured the more honest that we can be, the better. We can just talk about the surrounding circumstances and avoid this specific issue.

Chelsea: I’m not sure I can do this. The lying and the guilt, it’s eating at me.

Adam: What good would it do to tell them the truth? It’s only going to hurt them to know. Okay? It was a one-time thing. We were– we were desperate, and we were confused.

Chelsea: Overwhelmed.

Adam: It was about solace, and comfort. But we have to put it behind us and move forward. Connor needs us, and he needs our attention. We got some really good news today. Let’s focus on that.

Chelsea: You’re right. I know you’re right.

Adam: Are you ready?

Chelsea: Yes.

[ video ringing ]

Adam: Hey, buddy.

Chelsea: Aw, it’s so good to see you.

Connor: You guys, too.

Chelsea: How are you?

Adam: We heard you had to go into inpatient treatment. If you want to talk about it, we’re– we’re happy to listen.

Chelsea: But only if you feel comfortable.

Connor: I’m good. I guess they told you what happened. The nurse caught me with a pen, trying to hurt myself.

Chelsea: Yes, Dr. Hammond told us.

Connor: Inpatient was scary. I was alone, and I couldn’t leave my room the first day. They checked on me every half hour.

Chelsea: Sounds intense.

Connor: The OCD was really bad. I couldn’t control it. Couldn’t stop it. It was like it was mad, and wanted to hurt me, or make me hurt myself.

Adam: That does sound scary.

Connor: But then I realized, I wanted to fight back. It was all up to me, and I knew I could do it. I don’t know how exactly, but all of a sudden I forced myself not to zone out, to stop the hitting.

Chelsea: Dr. Hammond said you had a breakthrough of some kind.

Connor: I took control. I pushed the OCD voice away, the one that told me I didn’t deserve to be happy. I called the nurse for help.

Adam: Good for you.

Connor: The next day, the voice got weaker and weaker. Same with the urge to hurt myself. It was like everything I’ve learned finally snapped into place.

Chelsea: Oh, Connor, that’s wonderful.

Connor: There is something else. It might scare you, but I think it’s important for you to hear.

Sally: Well, I’m glad that Adam and Chelsea were able to work past their differences for Connor’s sake. I would hate to think what it would be like otherwise.

Billy: Me too.

Sally: Hi, Lily.

Lily: Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Lily: Hi.

Sally: Well, I’m guessing you two have work to discuss, and I have work to do. So, I will see you around.

Billy: See you.

Sally: You as well.

Lily: Good night. I’ll see you.

Sally: Bye, you too.

Billy: Is– is Sally right? Do we have work to discuss?

Lily: Uh, have you spoken to Jill? Is she feeling better after the meeting?

Billy: I haven’t been able to catch up with her yet. She’s in another round of treatment, so she’s focusing on that.

Lily: Yeah, as she should.

Billy: Look, she’s going to be fine with the separation, Lily. She’s going to come around.

Lily: Does Jill ever come around?

Billy: Well, she will, once she finds out what we have intended for the company. However we got here, whatever plans or deals were made, it doesn’t change my faith in what we can do together. But the truth is, you have been hesitant, so it’s hard to know what you think.

Lily: Well, you’re not the only one who feels that way.

Billy: Well, I won’t have to doubt you anymore, if you just tell me that you’re in.

Victoria: Okay, you guys just take a breath. Okay?

Harrison: Katie! These are for you.

Katie: Oh, did you put him up to this?

Claire: Honestly, I thought he picked them for Summer.

Harrison: My mom can have some too, but you look sad. I thought they’d cheer you up.

Katie: Thank you.

Harrison: I was sad for a while, but Claire helped me feel better. She’s fun. Maybe we can all have fun together.

Katie: You know what, Harrison? I’d like to go with you for ice cream after all. What flavor do you like?

Harrison: Chocolate, duh.

Katie: Okay then, chocolate it is. Can you hold these?

Johnny: You’re such a sucker, falling for some flowers.

Victoria: Well, that was, um…

Katie: Come on.

Adam: Well, whatever it is that you want to tell us, we’re ready to hear it.

Connor: Before I went into inpatient, sometimes I would just let the OCD take over, give in to the obsessions, to hurting myself. It just felt too hard to keep fighting.

Chelsea: I’m sorry. That sounds hard.

Connor: It was easier to give the OCD all the power, because then I got a break. But then I realized when I fight the OCD, I’m fighting for myself. The way you both have always fought for me.

Chelsea: Mmm.

Adam: And we always will, Peanut.

Chelsea: We love you so much.

Connor: Now that I’ve faced it, I don’t feel like I want to hurt myself anymore. Give in to the OCD. That’s over.

Chelsea: Well, Dr. Hammond said all the doctors are very pleased with your progress.

Connor: They think I’ve turned a corner. And for the first time, it feels like it might actually get better.

Chelsea: Oh. You are so brave, Connor.

Adam: And we’re so proud of you.

Nate: What did she say? Is she going with our plan?

[ Devon sighing ]

Devon: She hasn’t decided yet. But she’s definitely wavering.

Nate: Did you try to convince her otherwise?

Devon: I really did. I gave it my best pitch. But, uh, she won’t commit.

Nate: Seriously?

Devon: Yeah. I mean, if she wants to stay at Chancellor, that’s going to be something that we have to respect.

Nate: There’s got to be a way we can fix this.

Devon: Mm.

Nate: What’s our next move?

Devon: Hell, I think at this point, the only thing we can do is prepare for the possibility that the new Winters company will not have Lily Winters.

Billy: You’re doing it again. You’re hesitating.

[ Lily sighing ]

Lily: Billy, I just… I…I don’t know.

Billy: Lily, I just need to know. Are you in or are you out?

Lily: I’m in. I’m in. I’m– I’m ready to move forward.

Billy: You sure?

Lily: Yes. Yes. We’ll make an announcement. We’ll– we’ll plan a launch. And it’ll be Lily Winters and Billy Abbott. Force to be reckoned with.

Billy: Damn straight. Great. Let’s get this thing rolling. Trust me. You’re not going to regret this.

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