B&B Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Brooke: You were wanting to go back to Thomas to run away from your feelings for Finn. And you’re terrified of becoming just like your mother. You didn’t want to make the same mistakes. Come on, Hope. Tell me that you see that.

Eric: Thomas. Hey.

Thomas: Hey.

Ridge: There you are. I’ve been looking for you.

Eric: What are you doing?

Ridge: I was looking for you.

Eric: I’m here. I live here. Yeah? And how about you? I mean, are you excited? I mean, the big day’ll be here any minute now.

Thomas: Big day? What big day?

Eric: The day you exchange vows with your beautiful fiancée in front of a throng of well-wishers.

Ridge: A what? A throng?

Eric: A throng.

Ridge: How many people in a throng?

Eric: I’m not exactly sure.

Ridge: Okay.

Eric: All right. A small group of friends and well-wishers watching you marry the beautiful Paris Buckingham.

Thomas: Hmm.

Eric: You excited?

Thomas: Don’t I look excited?


Eric: It actually does show. I’ve never seen you happier.

Thomas: Well, that’s thanks to Paris.

Eric: I can’t wait to welcome Paris into this family. I can’t wait.

Ridge: Hear, hear.

Eric: And whatever the two of you decide, whenever you decide to do it, I’m just happy you’re gonna do it here in this room. In this house.

Luna: God, this is so great, hanging like this, my mom and my dad.

Bill: You wouldn’t rather be hanging with R.J.?

Poppy: Well, next time, we can invite him to join us.

Luna: Yes. I’d like that. And R.J. would, too, I’m sure.

Bill: Really? I’m not R.J.’s favorite person.

Luna: No. He knows how much this means to me, finally finding my father after all these years. He’s been totally supportive.

Bill: Good. I’m glad.

Luna: And he loves that I’m happy, and what makes me happy is this. My dad and my mom. My family. Nothing’s ever gonna come between us ever again.

[Bill chuckles]

[electricity buzzing]

[light switch clicking]

Deacon: Hollis, I need another case of cabernet out here, pronto!

Thomas: You know, Paris and I were thinking when we finally do the ceremony, we might wanna do it out by the pool. We could have everybody in their swimwear, including the bride and groom. What do you think?

Eric: I think that’s an interesting idea.

Thomas: Yeah. It’s very interesting. It’s different, and I think that Douglas would really love it.

Eric: You know, I have– I have some shorts I like that I wouldn’t mind wearing. And I even have some little black ones like your father used to wear in the ’80s.

Ridge: Oh.

Eric: And Donna has dozens of suits to pick from. I could probably wear one of hers, though it might pull focus.

Thomas: Granddad, you’re right. That would definitely pull focus. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I tried to put one over on him.

Ridge: You should know by now that he’s always gonna be one step ahead of you.

Thomas: Yeah.

Eric: Whatever the two of you decide and whenever you decide, it’s gonna be a very special day.

Ridge: I agree. It’s gonna be amazing. Everyone’s behind you.

Thomas: Well, everyone except for Hope. She’s still really upset about this whole engagement thing.

Brooke: I know you never wanted to be like me.

Hope: You’re my mother. I look up to you, and I have always admired your strength and your accomplishments. It’s just…

Brooke: It’s just I haven’t been a very good role model in my personal life. And I know that. I do. Especially when I was younger, I was… very selfish. I would do whatever I wanted, and I didn’t care. I hurt a lot of people– my friends, my family, my children. You were right there, honey. You were right there in the middle of it. And I know you experienced a lot of that fallout. And I’m… so, so sorry. I mean, that’s why you’re the person you are today, why you’re so cautious with everything, and… you are, um– you’re careful, you know? You don’t wanna make the same mistakes that I made, and I understand that. But the reason why I’m saying these things is because I need you to see what’s driving your desire to be with Thomas. You need to see that, honey. Just… let him go. Please, just support his engagement to Paris.

Poppy: Okay.

[Luna laughs] Well, this, um– this is definitely a first for me.

Luna:, Oh, come on, Mom, we used to have caviar every single day when I was growing up.

Bill: Yeah, doesn’t everyone?

[Poppy laughs]

Poppy: Okay. You two are making fun of me.

Bill: No, we’re not making fun of you. We’re enjoying watching you experience something new.

Poppy: Mm-hmm.

Luna: And did you know that Italian caviar is considered one of the best, if not the best in the world?

Poppy: Oh, is that so? And, um–And who told you that?

Luna: Dad, of course. He’s been giving me a crash course on the finer things in life.

Bill: Well, what can I say? I wanna expose both of you to everything that the world has to offer.

[Hollis sighs]

Deacon: Hey, what are you doing? You’re crushing the grapes yourself back here? What’s taking so long with the vino?

Hollis: I’m sorry, boss. I’m coming right now.

Deacon: Come on, come on.

Thomas: Yeah, so, my relationship with Paris really threw Hope big time. I mean, when I came back to town, she thought that I was coming to restart our relationship.

Eric: But you had already moved on with Paris, so…

Thomas: Yeah. And I know that that hurt Hope. And I’m sorry it did.

Ridge: I am, too, but you need to find a woman that was devoted to you.

Thomas: I’m glad you understand.

Eric: Hope will, too, I’m sure, one day.

Thomas: Yeah, I just… I hope that my happiness doesn’t come at her expense.

Ridge: You make that sound that this is–it’s your fault. It’s not.

Thomas: I know it’s not my fault. But, look, I’ve moved on with my life. I’ve found happiness, and it seems like Hope is kind of lost, and that makes me sad.

Ridge: She’s a strong woman. She will find her way. She will move forward.

Thomas: Yeah. Well, speaking of moving forward, I hope you understand I’m heading back overseas with Paris and Douglas.

Ridge: No, we understand. We just don’t like it. But you gotta do what’s best for your son and what’s best for you. That’s what I want.

Thomas: Thanks, Dad.

Eric: Me, too. Me, too, Thomas. Good for you.

Hope: What you’re saying makes sense. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it until now.

Brooke: Sweetheart. Don’t beat yourself up. You’re going through a complicated, emotional time, and you need to be patient with yourself.

Hope: I do care about Thomas, though.

Brooke: I know this is hard, sweetheart. But you don’t need a man. And I know that you would like to meet the love of your life.

Hope: Like you and Ridge?

Brooke: Well, like an idealized version of Ridge and me. I mean, we have had our challenges.

Hope: Yeah, still you did always find your way back to each other.

Brooke: Yeah. We realized that we didn’t wanna live without each other. And I don’t see that for you and Thomas. Honey. You are a catch.

[Hope scoffs] You are. And your perfect man is out there somewhere. But it’s not gonna be Finn. It can’t be Finn. For obvious reasons. Hmm. You do know that, don’t you?

Hope: Oh, I would never, Mom. I’m not a homewrecker.

[Brooke sighs]

Brooke: I know that, sweetie.

Poppy: Okay, wait. You actually went with your dad to Spencer Publications the other day?

Luna: Yeah. And it was crazy. I mean, talk about impressive and exciting.

Bill: Yeah, Forrester Creations pales in comparison, doesn’t it?

Poppy: Ooh.

Luna: Well, um, they are very different companies, that’s for sure. And…you know what? All my life I’ve dreamt of being in fashion. But after visiting Spencer, I can see that there are other possibilities.

Bill: Aha. An open mind. I like it. That means I can lure you over to my team, to the good guys. You have Spencer blood, and that means the family business is your birthright now.

Deacon: Oh, you know that table for six tonight? It’s a table for 10 now. Apparently, they got some last-minute out-of-town guests. Mr. Harper himself called, asked if we could accommodate. The guy runs a studio. Are you even listening to me?

Hollis: Huh? Yeah. What?

Deacon: No. Like hell you are. Come on. You’re zoning out here. What’s going on with you?

Hollis: You wanna know the truth?

Deacon: Yeah.

Hollis: Man, I can’t stop wondering why Tom overdosed that night.

Brooke: Mmm. My goodness.

[laughs] You’re in a good mood.

Ridge: Oh, yeah. Just had a great talk with my son.

Brooke: Oh. I had a… good talk with my daughter.

Ridge: You did? You don’t… seem sure.

Brooke: Yeah.

Ridge: Is she on board finally with Thomas and Paris being engaged?

Brooke: Mm, yeah. I think so.

Ridge: Good. That’s what I want. I want everyone to be happy.

Brooke: I want that, too.


Thomas: Sorry to interrupt.

Hope: Thomas, hi.

Thomas: You look busy. I won’t take too long.

Hope: Uh, no, it’s– it’s fine. What’s–What’s up?

Thomas: I wanted to let you know my plans.

Hope: Actually–Okay, uh, before you do that, I– I believe I owe you an apology.

Thomas: An apology for what?

Hope: Well, you came back here to Los Angeles, excited to start this next chapter of your life with your engagement to Paris, and I, uh, didn’t exactly handle it well. And for that, I am truly sorry, Thomas. You deserve better from me.

Bill: I mean it. You’re a Spencer, the daughter I never knew I had. But now that I do, I want you to have everything that comes with being a Spencer.

Luna: Thank you.

Bill: No. Thank you. Thank you for coming into my life, for being the amazing young woman that you are. I know I’ve said it before, but I could not be prouder as a father to call you my daughter.

Luna: I feel the same way. I am so proud and thrilled to be your daughter.

Bill: Does that mean you still want me to adopt you? ‘Cause if so, I am ready when you are.

Luna: I was ready the moment the paternity test said that you were my father.

[Luna sniffles]


Hollis: Tom, man, I’m sorry…

[electricity buzzes] …about going through your personal stuff.

Thomas: You do not need to apologize, Hope. I left town and we were completely in love with each other. And I come back and Douglas runs into your arms. Of course you thought I was back to pick up where we left off.

Hope: Oh, it’s, uh– it is no secret that this has been a struggle for me, learning about you and Paris and what it means for you, for us, for our family. So, yes, my feelings have been a bit all over the place. But, um, you know how I feel. You know that I feel like it’s a bit of an overnight engagement, that you were just rushing into a future with another woman and trying to leave our past behind as quickly as possible.

Thomas: That’s not what this is.

Hope: No, I know. You’ve explained it to me what evolved between the two of you over in Europe. I know. Ultimately, what I am trying to say with this apology is that if that is what you want, a future with Paris, then I wish you the best.

Thomas: You mean that?

Hope: Yeah. I mean, maybe this is all meant to be, right? And if it is, I–I– I hope it is everlasting and wonderful.

Thomas: That does mean a lot to me. Look, I, uh– I meant to tell you about my plans. I’m heading back to France with Paris and Douglas. And I know that you wish you had spent more time with our son.

Hope: Yes. But I am sure we will be able to work it out. I understand that he now has a home in France and he is happy there, so…

Thomas: You know, I am never gonna take our son away from you. I promise. Douglas loves you so much.

Hope: And I love him… so much. Look…

[Thomas sighs]

[Hope sighs] This is really hard. Um, I’m sorry for everything. And, uh, I hope you understand me having to move on with my life. And I know that’s exactly what you’re gonna do. But… I want you to make me a promise. A lot a guys are gonna come calling. Pick the right one. And promise me you’ll make it work no matter what. Come here. Bye, Hope.

Hope: Bye.

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