Days Update Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Abe wishes Paulina a Happy 4th of July. Paulina asks if it is happy, noting that she is relieved to know Chanel’s miscarriage wasn’t her fault but she’s still so sad for her and Johnny. Abe says at least they aren’t moving to LA. Paulina admits she’s not a fan of that city and asks how anyone gets anywhere in that traffic. Abe brings up LA being where they produce his favorite show. Paulina realizes the time and says he’s missing his favorite story. Abe turns on the TV and finds it weird as he questions what happened to Body and Soul.

Marlena sits at home, finishing a call with Johnny as she sends her love to Chanel and says she’s sorry about the baby. Marlena says she will check on them both tomorrow and hangs up as Steve shows up at her door. Marlena calls it a nice surprise and invites him in. Steve says he won’t stay long as he knows she’s busy but he wanted to give her a heads up about a conversation he just had with Jada.

Stephanie goes to the police station and tells Jada that she’s worried they are going to lose Everett forever and the only way for that not to happen is for Jada to speak to Bobby. Stephanie asks Jada to please speak to her ex husband. Jada asks what happened. Stephanie explains that Marlena asked her to go to Bayview with her to talk to Everett, thinking he would be most responsive to the person who knows him best but he was still Bobby and he wanted nothing to do with her. Stephanie says she’s not the one who knows Bobby best as that would be Jada, so she might be the right person to get through to him and the only one who could convince him to let Everett out.

Bobby decides against taking his meds at Bayview and hides the pills inside his bedpost. Bobby declares that he’s happy the way he is, with Everett out of the way for good.

Julie joins Chad in the living room of the Horton House and asks if he really thinks he will see anything new by watching the video over and over again. Chad says no but it’s all he can think about it. Julie feels the same and talks about waiting on the technicians to see if they can prove it. Chad wonders if Abigail is out there somewhere. Chad complains that it’s going to make him crazier than he already is. Julie encourages him to stop looking at the video then. Julie asks if the technician was optimistic about getting a clearer picture. Chad says no beyond enhancing it but they will try to find any information on the electronic signature to make sure it wasn’t tampered with. Julie asks if Chad is ready for some answers on whether Abigail is alive or not. Chad says he used to know the way that she moved and he just doesn’t remember but he feels he should know if it’s his wife or not. Julie feels this is exactly what Clyde wanted, to give him enough information to drive him crazy. Chad says it’s working and remembers the night he brought her to the hospital when Kayla told him that she was gone. Chad asks if Kayla could’ve been wrong and missed something. Julie suggests he should talk to Kayla then.

Kayla is shocked to learn Body and Soul was cancelled and asks Kate if they said why. Kate says it was apparently a disagreement between the producers and the network. Kayla comments on it being a popular show and wonders if Abe knows. Kate is sure he does since he reads all the soap boards and magazines. Kayla brings up when Abe was staying with her and Steve and how he told her that one of the characters reminded him of her. Kate notes that he said the same to her. Kayla worries that Abe won’t be happy about the news.

Abe doesn’t get it as the local news shouldn’t be on for another hour. Paulina suggests maybe they changed the lineup and says she has to get to the office. Abe guesses he will watch the weather report as Paulina then exits. Abe wonders what happened to Body and Soul, stating that it better not be canceled.

Jada doesn’t know if her visiting Bobby is a good idea since he wants her back, so she doesn’t think she’s the best person to bring out Everett. Stephanie suggests making it very clear that she’s through with Bobby and never wants to see him again. Jada asks if she thinks that will work. Stephanie says it might. Stephanie adds that Marlena says Bobby is trying to protect Everett by keeping him buried inside but questions what kind of life that is. Stephanie says this isn’t about her relationship with Everett, but he’s a good person so she wants him to have his life back. Jada decides she wants that too. Stephanie gets that it’s hard for her. Jada says it’s really hard to wrap her head around the fact that the Bobby she knew and loved never even existed. Stephanie says that Marlena said Bobby’s personality will always be part of Everett as their personalities will be integrated. Jada realizes that means Bobby would be gone and agrees to see what she can do. Jada asks if she wants to go now but Stephanie says she can’t go with her since she lost it on him earlier and doesn’t think she would be welcomed back. Jada guesses she could get in by showing her badge and agrees to do her best. Stephanie thanks her as they hug.

Marlena questions Steve turning himself in for helping Clyde escape. Steve says he needed to come clean but tells Marlena that he left John and Ava out of it, by saying he acted alone. Steve needs her and John to be aware because Jada didn’t buy his story, but she has no evidence that anyone else was involved. Steve advises Marlena not to let Jada bluff her in to any answers if she asks questions. Marlena asks Steve if he’s sure about this. Steve confirms that he is and tells Marlena to make sure John knows as soon as he’s back which she agrees to do. Steve asks how John is doing since he knows he went to Greece to pay his respects to Konstantin’s daughter but he thought he’d be back by now. Marlena knows he wanted closure but feels like he hasn’t been himself lately as they haven’t been able to talk on the phone and when they text, he’s been very terse. Steve asks if she thinks something is wrong. Marlena reveals that she thinks John doesn’t want to come home. Marlena then informs Steve that before John left for Greece, he tried to kill him. Steve questions that. Marlena explains it was at Maggie’s wedding and how she had been teaching him techniques to resist Konstantin’s brainwashing. Steve says it was working since Konstantin produced the Pawn card and ordered John to shoot him, but he resisted and Konstantin had to do it himself. Marlena reveals that John admitted to her later that in all the chaos, the card had an effect on him as he heard Konstantin’s voice in his head, telling him to shoot Steve and he went as far as picking up the gun while feeling disoriented and unsure of what to do. Steve remembers John holding the gun and Sarah saying something to him but it was like he didn’t hear her. Steve points out that John didn’t pull the trigger. Marlena talks about how difficult this has been for John and suggests he could be staying away because he doesn’t want to hurt Steve. Steve asks what she thinks. Marlena talks about doing work to deprogram him. Steve asks about the Pawn card. Marlena says she has it and doesn’t think John would hurt anyone, but that he’s worried. Steve declares that if John left because he’s afraid of hurting him, then he’s the one that has to go there to bring him back home.

Kate goes to see Abe, who says he was just going to call her. Abe says he can’t believe they pre-empted Body and Soul. Kate realizes he doesn’t know and then informs him that Body and Soul was cancelled.

Stephanie meets with Paulina in the town square and says she’s so glad they could meet. Paulina is glad she’s not dealing with the recall anymore and can get back to running the city with no distractions. Stephanie says that’s not quite true as she’s concerned there’s another PR nightmare brewing.

Jada goes to see Bobby at Bayview. Bobby mentions reading a murder mystery that she recommended. Bobby guesses Marlena or Stephanie sent her over here. Jada confirms they are very worried about him and she is too. Jada says she realizes now that he had no control over all the things she blamed him for. Bobby states that he never stopped loving her and that’s the truth. Bobby brings up that they had good, happy times together and he never meant to hurt her. Jada says she knows, so Bobby asks if they can get past it and if she can ever accept his apology. Jada responds that she can and she does. Jada tells Bobby that she still cares about him.

Chad doesn’t think he should talk to Kayla since she’s close with Jack and Jennifer and they agreed not to say anything until they knew for sure. Julie encourages that Kayla can be discreet but Chad feels he can’t ask her to do that since she wouldn’t even be able to tell Steve. Julie thinks Chad owes it to himself to get answers. Chad calls it a slim chance but Julie says if he doesn’t ask, he’ll never get any answers.

Bobby questions Jada still caring about him. Jada says she wants him to get well and out of Bayview. Bobby asks if she wants him to come home. Jada says when he’s feeling better. Bobby guesses she means she wants Everett to come home and calls it so stupid that for a second, he actually thought they had a chance. Jada reminds him that she’s with Rafe now and says that Everett is the real him while Bobby is just his alter. Bobby questions her words, arguing that they had a life together. Bobby complains that she’s talking about him like he’s a parasite, illness, or defect on Everett’s personality and not a person. Jada says she didn’t mean it like that. Bobby yells at her, asking if she has any idea of the horrors that Everett has seen in his life that he protects him from. Bobby says it makes him sick. Jada says she knows that he’s done so much to protect Everett from these horrible memories. Jada suggests maybe he’s a little too strong and that if he let Everett come back out to face the truth, he would be helping himself.

Paulina asks Stephanie what PR nightmare they are dealing with now. Stephanie informs her that people aren’t happy with the way she fired Melinda and replaced her with EJ. Paulina questions why they care. Stephanie explains that it projects instability but she also fired a woman of color and replaced her with a rich white man, who she just fired and has a record of corruption so the optics are not good. Paulina says she doesn’t like it either but she did what she had to do, arguing that Melinda was accused of stealing a baby so she thinks she was justified in her decision. Paulina adds that EJ resolved the conflict of interest that caused her to let him go in the first place. Stephanie says they can use that. Paulina adds that she offered Melinda the head of sanitation position and feels that isn’t her problem that she declined. Stephanie argues that it is her problem if it gets in the way of her being mayor as people are saying she treated Melinda like trash.

Abe questions why they would cancel Body and Soul when it’s been on for decades. Kate says she read there were critical issues behind the scenes and says she’s so sorry since she knows how important the show was to Abe during his recovery. Abe questions it just being over with no goodbye or thanks for watching.

Marlena reminds Steve that he can’t go to Greece because he would be violating the terms of his bail. Steve informs her that Justin is working with the district attorney’s office and he thinks he can get him a deal because of the circumstances of Clyde threatening his son, so he could get off with probation. Marlena says that would be wonderful. Marlena knows John would never want him to take the fall for him. Steve feels it was the right thing to do for everyone involved. Marlena tells him that she’s so grateful because she doesn’t know how much more John could handle. Steve calls John his best friend and partner, so he needs him back healthy and he has his back no matter what. Marlena assures that John is grateful to him for that. Steve adds that John never would’ve agreed to help break Clyde out or been in this mess with Konstantin if it wasn’t for him, so he owes him his life. Marlena responds that John would say the same thing about him. Marlena knows how much Steve wants to bring John home.

Chad goes to see Kayla in her office at the hospital. Kayla says it’s so good to see him. Chad asks if she has a few minutes so Kayla asks what she can do for him. Chad calls it kind of a sensitive subject so he asks to keep it between them which she agrees to. Chad calls it a complicated question about Abigail.

Steve tells Marlena that he can’t sit around while John needs him. Marlena appreciate that but John told her he wants to do this on his own. Steve feels that John just didn’t want her dragged in to it but he’s been involved since the beginning. Steve then gets a call from Justin and says that’s great news. Steve thanks him and says he’s with Marlena, so he’ll call him back. Steve hangs up and announces that EJ must have been feeling charitable as he just got a suspended sentence and 100 hours of community service. Marlena calls that wonderful news. Steve declares there is now nothing stopping him from going to Greece. Marlena appreciates it and is so grateful to him as she knows John will be as well. Steve assures that John is going to be okay as he hugs her.

Chad shows Kayla the video and asks what she thinks. Kayla says it could be Abigail but it’s so grainy that she can’t really tell. Chad says that’s the problem, but Clyde said it so he can’t just dismiss it. Kayla agrees not to say anything to Jack and Jennifer but questions why he’s telling her now. Chad brings up that Kayla was the last person to be with Abigail before she died, so he needs to know what those final moments were like. Chad states that miracles could happen, so he asks Kayla if she thinks it’s possible that Abigail could be alive. Kayla responds that maybe there is.

Paulina tells Stephanie that she can’t just ask for a do-over, fire EJ, and hire Melinda again. Stephanie agrees they don’t need another recall campaign against her. Paulina says she would offer Melinda another job, but she only wants to be district attorney. Stephanie agrees to no more personnel changes then. Stephanie thinks Paulina needs to lean in to the changes she’s already made and convince the people that reinstating EJ was the best choice. Paulina asks how to do that. Stephanie suggests launching a PR campaign that makes EJ look heroic, pointing out that he campaigned to get Gabi free which Paulina calls a generous interpretation of events. Stephanie encourages that people love the idea of righting a wrong and Gabi is now out thanks to EJ. Stephanie says that Paulina is going to have to sell it and she knows she can. Stephanie suggests scheduling a press conference where she can tout what EJ did for Gabi and use it as a launching pad for her own future. Stephanie thinks it will go a long way to restoring goodwill. Paulina is glad she thinks so, but reveals that she does not.

Bobby guesses that Jada came to get rid of him. Jada says that’s not true. Bobby argues that she wants Everett to take over and for him to go away forever. Jada admits she wants Everett to come back out because it’s what is best. Jada acknowledges that Bobby will always be a part of him. Bobby says that’s easy for her to say. Jada repeats that it’s what is best and healthy. Bobby talks about there being so much pressure on her now that everyone wants Everett to come home. Bobby guesses he could give her something that Everett never could. Jada reminds him that it’s over between them. Bobby says he wasn’t talking about that but declares that he can help her solve a crime.

Kate tells Abe that Body and Soul being canceled could be really good news for them and the show they are creating. Abe says he’s frustrated as now he’ll never know the outcomes of the stories on Body and Soul. Kate suggests maybe they still will.

Stephanie questions Paulina not holding a press conference. Paulina claims she’s not one to brag about her accomplishments, then admits maybe she is, but right now feels like it would come off as disingenuous. Paulina feels good PR is not supposed to seem like PR which Stephanie agrees with. Stephanie suggests having EJ give the press conference then since he isn’t shy about bragging about himself. Paulina laughs about that being true and agrees to contact EJ. Paulina feels she needs to be locked up in an asylum for trusting EJ. Stephanie checks her phone and says she’s waiting to hear news on an old friend.

Jada questions Bobby saying he could help her solve a crime. Bobby responds that he may have information about an unsolved crime that she may find useful. Jada asks if he committed the crime. Bobby brings up a cold case and says he can help her solve an important one if she lets him, but if Everett comes back, she’ll never know the truth. Jada calls that awfully convenient and questions him not mentioning it earlier. Bobby says he’s had a lot on his mind. Jada says they can talk about it, but he has to tell her what kind of crime they are talking about. Bobby responds that it’s just a murder.

Kayla tells Chad that when Abigail was brought in, she had lost so much blood that it was nearly impossible for her to survive, but she was sitting at Steve’s bedside when he flatlined and she was sure he was gone, but by some miracle, he came back to them. Kayla brings up what happened to her, Marlena, Kate, and Bo, so she would never say something is impossible. Chad questions how something like that could happen in this case. Kayla says there are drugs that could be given to slow down a heart rate and breathing that could mimic death. Chad compares it to Romeo & Juliet. Kayla mentions that Abigail’s body was taken to the morgue but a full autopsy was not performed since she had been through enough. Kayla adds that her body would still have had to be embalmed and prepared for burial which would’ve been done by the funeral home, so there’s only one way to know if that happened.

Abe asks if Kate is saying they can do something about canceling Body and Soul. Abe suggests starting an online campaign to rally the fans. Kate thinks that would take too much time and they don’t know if it would work. Kate suggests instead of creating their own new show, they try to buy the rights to Body and Soul. Kate feels it would make it easier on them and a lot of loyal fans would be so happy. Kate adds that they would be the reason that the show and those characters live on.

Steve goes to see Kayla in her office and asks if she wants to grab lunch. Kayla mentions it being a busy day and asks what’s going on. Steve reveals Justin called and his deal came through so he will not have to serve time. Kayla hugs him and calls that great news, but guesses there is bad news too. Steve says it’s just news as he announces he needs to go to Greece which Kayla questions. Steve says he just spoke to Marlena and it sounds like John is in a bad way, so he’s going to be there for him.

Stephanie goes to see Marlena, who asks what she can do for her. Stephanie says she came to talk about Everett. Marlena doesn’t think she can get her in to see him again. Stephanie says she knows and apologizes for losing it the way she did. Marlena understands it was difficult to see him that way. Stephanie says she realized she would not be able to get through to him, but she’s hoping Jada could because of their history. Marlena calls that a very good idea and says she will call her but Stephanie reveals she’s a step ahead and that Jada is with him as they speak.

Jada questions Bobby having evidence about an unsolved murder and asks whose murder. Bobby says he can’t tell her that part yet. Jada argues that this is nothing to tease about and to tell her if he knows something. Bobby tells her to come see him tomorrow and they’ll talk about it then.

Paulina calls EJ and leaves a message to call her back as there’s something she needs to discuss with him. Chad approaches and says he needs to ask her a favor. Chad says he normally wouldn’t ask but he’s desperate so she tells him to go ahead. Chad asks Paulina’s permission to exhume his wife’s body.

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