Days Update Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Kate goes to Abe and Paulina’s apartment where Abe answers the door. Kate says that Roman told her about Chanel and she’s so sorry. Kate brought flowers for Paulina which Abe notes was very kind of her. Kate asks how Chanel is doing. Abe admits she’s taking it pretty hard. Kate asks about Paulina. Abe says she is also taking it hard as she’s heartbroken for her daughter and blames herself for the miscarriage which Kate questions. Abe explains that when Paulina rescued Chanel from Smith Island, she exposed her to radiation and thinks that could be the reason that Chanel lost the baby. Abe adds that Paulina is at the hospital now, trying to find some answers.

Paulina goes to the hospital and asks Kayla if she has a moment. Kayla says she does and says she’s so sorry that Chanel lost the baby. Paulina asks if Chanel has been discharged yet. Kayla says last she heard, Chanel was resting comfortably and asks if she can do anything to help. Paulina states that Kayla can tell her that it wasn’t her fault.

Johnny checks on Chanel in her hospital room and asks if she’s in pain. Chanel says she’s fine, but she just had a dream about having their baby shower. Chanel says in her dream, they were so happy. Chanel cries that she then woke up and realized they will never meet Noel because they are no longer with us and they’ll never know if it was a boy or girl. Chanel breaks down crying as Johnny hugs her.

Stephanie goes to see Marlena, who says she heard the good news that Steve was released from the hospital. Stephanie confirms she and Kayla are doing their best to get Steve to take it easy, joking that he can’t sit still to save his life. Marlena is glad he’s okay and at home. Stephanie thanks her but guesses that Marlena didn’t ask her to come over for an update on Steve which Marlena confirms. Stephanie guesses this is about Everett and asks if he’s made any progress. Marlena responds that she’s afraid he hasn’t and that Bobby is still in control.

Steve goes to the police station to see Jada, who questions what he’s doing there. Steve says that she said she needed to see him. Jada says she was going to come to him but Steve says he saved her a trip and asks what’s up. Jada informs Steve that she’s sorry to have to do this, but she’s afraid she has to book him for a felony. Steve assumes it has to do with breaking Clyde out of prison. Steve says he knows the drill and waives his right to an attorney and his right to remain silent. Steve questions why they are doing this now when Justin was working on a deal for him. Jada says that a plea deal is still possible, but since he confessed to a crime, she still has to formally charge and book him. Steve responds that it won’t be his first time posing for a mugshot. Jada warns that if Justin doesn’t find a way to get him out of this, he’s looking at up to five years in prison.

Paulina tells Kayla that she didn’t sleep last night, knowing Chanel is in pain and that she could’ve caused that pain. Kayla argues that miscarriages happen more than people think and could be caused by any number of things. Paulina says that Mark told her the same thing but Chanel blames her and she blames herself. Paulina asks Kayla if there’s any way to know for sure what caused Chanel’s miscarriage.

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s sorry he wasn’t there when she woke up. Chanel says it’s okay for him to take a break. Chanel asks if he ever talked to Peyton Russo. Johnny says he left a message but hasn’t heard back. Johnny says he’s probably on set and has bigger things to deal with. Johnny then gets a call back from Peyton. Chanel encourages that maybe he still wants him to come to LA to work on the film. Johnny then answers the call.

Kate tells Abe that she feels so badly for Chanel, Johnny, and all of them as she offers anything she can do. Abe says they will let her know and he appreciates her company. Abe offers her a cup of coffee which Kate accepts. Kate adds that she was going to wait, but she thinks now may be the right time to pitch him an idea about them working together. Abe didn’t think she was serious about that. Kate asks how Abe feels about them working together in the TV business.

Stephanie asks Marlena if Everett’s doctors at Bayview haven’t been able to help him. Marlena explains that Everett’s alter has been protecting him most of his life which is why it’s hard for the professionals to break through. Marlena adds that the staff think it might be helpful if they had someone that knew Everett personally to create a breakthrough. Stephanie assumes that’s why she asked her to come over. Stephanie states that she and Everett were obviously close, but they didn’t know each other for very long and asks if a relative would be better. Marlena says yes but they don’t know anything about Everett’s family, so at the moment, Stephanie is their best bet. Stephanie then agrees to do whatever she can to help and asks if they should head over there now. Marlena says she’s free. Marlena reminds Stephanie that he can be volatile like at the intervention. Stephanie declares that she can handle it as she will do whatever she can to get Everett back.

Kate reminds Abe of the talk show she produced that pushed her housewares line. Abe asks if she’s thinking of reviving it. Kate says no and that she wants to do something new. Kate is thinking about scripting programming, reminding him of when she ran Titan publishing. Kate wants to apply that skill to producing their own television show. Abe says he would never bet against her doing what she sets her mind to, but he doesn’t see where he fits in. Kate argues that he ran the entire police department and mayor’s office, so she thinks television production would be child’s play for him. Abe is unsure about that. Kate admits it would be a learning curve for both of them but says she knows that they collaborate brilliantly and make a wonderful team. Kate adds that she really misses working with him. Abe admits he misses it too and decides that Kate has his attention, so he asks for more.

Johnny tells Peyton that he totally understands and thanks him for calling. Johnny says he would love the opportunity to work together again and thanks him again as they hang up. Chanel asks what he said. Johnny says that he was just really kind and said he’s sorry for what they are going through but they can’t stop the production just for him, so he’s already replaced him. Chanel says that’s too bad but suggests maybe he could join at another time. Johnny assures that he’s not going anywhere because the only place he wants to be is right here with her.

Kayla tells Paulina that she hasn’t had a chance to look at Mark’s notes or Chanel’s charts from yesterday, but she remembers Chanel’s radiation levels were fairly low. Paulina asks Kayla to look at the charts to see if Mark missed anything. Kayla says she will be happy too but she won’t be able to discuss it with her without Chanel’s consent. Paulina says that’s fine as if even if she was at fault, at least Chanel won’t have to live with the uncertainty.

Jada takes Steve in to the interrogation room where he explains that when he broke Clyde out of prison, he took him to the airfield where Clyde was supposed to tell him where Tripp and Wendy were, but Clyde double crossed him and had Officer Goldman knock him out. Steve tells her that when he came to, they were both gone. Jada asks if there’s anything else he wants to add. Steve claims that’s the whole story. Jada then ends the recording and tells him off the record that she totally gets what he did and why he did it because his son was in danger and he couldn’t trust the police department because Goldman was on Clyde’s payroll, so he had no choice but to bust him out. Steve appreciates her saying that and asks if she thinks a judge will feel the same way. Jada thinks he has a pretty good chance but says the only problem is that his story is complete BS. Steve asks what she means, insisting he never would’ve helped Clyde if he hadn’t been threatening Tripp and Wendy’s lives. Jada says she’s not questioning his motives, but his means. Jada says Steve admitted to acting alone, but asks if Ava was involved with this at all. Steve insists that she knows he doesn’t trust Ava so if he wanted someone to watch his back, it wouldn’t be her. Jada brings up Clyde sending the video of Tripp and Wendy to Ava, who sat on it for some time, so she thinks Ava had been planning something. Steve insists it wasn’t with him and that he’s the only person that Clyde asked to bust him out. Jada reminds him that Ava admitted Clyde was blackmailing her in to running drugs through the Bistro. Steve points out that Stefan already took responsibility for everything that happened there. Jada remarks that Ava has a way of getting men to take the fall for her. Jada questions why Steve is protecting Ava after everything she’s done to he and Kayla, assuming it’s because she’s Tripp’s mom. Jada then brings up that they have eye witnesses and security footage showing two people in hazmat suits escorting Clyde to safety after the chemical spill. Jada states that Steve admitted to being one of them and asks who the other was. Steve claims it was Rebecca Goldman. Jada asks if it was John but Steve says of course not. Jada argues that they are partners. Steve says they are partners at Black Patch, but not in crime. Steve questions if she has any actual evidence that he’s lying to her about what happened that night. Jada admits she doesn’t and calls it just a hunch. Steve tells her that her hunch is wrong.

Abe suggests to Kate that they could do a cop show. Kate says that’s not exactly her thing and asks how they could top Law & Order. Abe asks what she has in mind then. Kate informs him that she called Will last night and he advised her to find a project they are absolutely passionate about. Abe says when he thinks of TV shows, he’s been watching Body and Soul which Kate laughs at. Abe says he understands now why people get addicted to soap operas because the characters start to feel like family. Abe tells Kate about one of the characters on Body and Soul reminding him of Kate. Abe mentions that he has some episodes recorded, so he will show her.

Johnny wheels Chanel out of her hospital room where they run in to Paulina, who asks if they are going home. Johnny confirms that Mark gave them the all clear. Johnny says they should get going but Paulina stops them and says there’s something she needs to say to Chanel. Chanel says she doesn’t want to talk right now. Paulina says she could just listen and it won’t take long. Paulina repeats how sorry she is and how if she could go back in time, she would do things differently. Paulina tells Chanel that she loves her and didn’t mean to harm her or her unborn child. Paulina says she doesn’t have to forgive her, but she just wanted her to know that she will regret what she did for the rest of her life. Chanel asks Johnny to take her home now. Kayla then comes over and tells Chanel that she was just reviewing her lab results and she thinks there’s something she should know.

Stephanie and Marlena go to Bayview where Bobby Stein asks what they want. Marlena says they are here to talk to Everett. Bobby says Everett isn’t here but he can take a message. Marlena says they know that Everett lives inside of him because he protects him, but they aren’t here to hurt him. Bobby mocks that they just want him to do years of therapy and confront his past, so that’s not going to happen. Stephanie says they just want to help him but Bobby argues that they don’t know the difference between helping and hurting, so he tells them to get the hell out. Stephanie tries to get through to Everett and asks him to talk to her, saying he doesn’t have to be afraid. Bobby tells Stephanie that she’s wasting her time. Stephanie continues telling Everett that he can trust her and she can help him deal with whatever happened in his past. Bobby tells her to shut up. Bobby says he’s been in here for weeks and questions where she’s been, arguing that things got a little hard and Stephanie abandoned Everett like everybody else. Stephanie says she cares about Everett. Bobby calls her a liar and says he protects Everett from everyone including Stephanie. Bobby tells her to get out of his face and repeats that Everett is not here. Bobby declares that he wants nothing to do with Stephanie, saying he finds her desperate and unattractive. Stephanie wants to hear that from Everett and tells Bobby to let him out.

Abe finishes showing Kate an episode of Body and Soul, commenting on the characters’ similarities to Kate, Kayla, and Marlena. Kate jokes that Abe spending time with that delusional nurse has skewed his reality. Abe wants to get back on track and asks Kate for her thoughts on the show. Kate admits it holds people’s attention and she’s all for strong female characters. Abe asks if she agrees then that they should produce their own soap opera.

Jada guesses she has no choice but to accept Steve’s statement. Steve points out that she has no evidence to the contrary. Jada remarks that her dad always said he was trouble. Jada asks how Kayla feels about him taking the fall. Steve says she’s not happy about it, but understands why he did it and is for him taking responsibility for it. Jada guesses being married to Steve is no walk in the park. Steve admits that he has tested Kayla’s limits lately but vows to find a way to make it up to her. Jada hopes his deal comes through soon, so he has a chance to do that.

Chanel asks Kayla what she found out. Kayla explains that Mark ran some more tests and the results just came back, confirming it was not radiation exposure. Kayla reveals that Chanel had a partial molar pregnancy that happens at conception. Kayla notes it’s not very common but basically the fetus was not viable from the very beginning. Chanel asks if this means she was always going to lose her baby. Kayla says she’s afraid so. Chanel then gets up and hugs Paulina as they cry. Chanel tells Paulina that she’s so sorry for blaming her. Paulina says she has nothing to apologize for. Chanel admits she was so cold and mean to her. Paulina assures everything will be okay. Kayla says now that they know why she had the miscarriage, they’d like to monitor her for a few months to make sure there are no complications. Paulina asks if she can do that remotely because Chanel and Johnny are moving to LA. Chanel then reveals that their plans have changed and they have decided to stay in Salem.

Kate tells Abe that she read that soaps are a dying genre. Abe talks about stories in entertainment borrowing quite a lot from soap operas. Kate brings up soap operas being produced in LA and doesn’t think they are prepared to relocate. Kate suggests they could run it from here which would also be cheaper, noting that she will put money in and has some contacts. Abe thinks they are going to do this then. Kate suggests doing some research before they commit, but admits she’s really excited.

Steve jokes with Jada about his mugshot. Jada tells Steve to get to the courthouse because his bail hearing starts in ten minutes. Steve is glad Justin was able to put that together so fast. Jada says she is too. Steve asks if she means that since he knows that he frustrated earlier. Jada says that’s only because she cares about him. Steve repeats that her dad would be proud of her like he is. Jada thanks him and says it means a lot as they hug. Steve tells her to have a good day as he then exits.

Marlena tells Stephanie that this isn’t working so they need to go. Stephanie apologizes for losing it. Bobby jokes that he could see if there’s any rooms since Stephanie has lost it. Marlena knows Bobby thinks he’s protecting Everett, but argues that he’s making things worse and that Everett will never be free or safe until confronting his own issues. Bobby argues that Marlena thinks she’s always right but he’s been protecting Everett for so long and he’s only made it this far because of him. Bobby warns that if they keep pushing, no one will ever see Everett again.

Kayla goes to the Brady Pub and finds Kate, commenting that she is engrossed in something on her tablet. Kate informs her that she and Abe are starting a new business venture and will be developing a soap opera. Kayla questions the idea and asks if they have any experience. Kate jokes that sometimes she feels like she’s living a soap opera, but otherwise they don’t so that’s why she is doing research. Kate then says that Abe is going to freak out as she discovers in the Soap Opera Digest that Body and Soul is being cancelled.

Paulina goes home and tells Abe that Kayla informed them that Chanel’s baby wasn’t viable since conception. Abe is relieved that means that Paulina is not to blame. Paulina worries that Chanel was going to hate her for life. Abe encourages that she would’ve forgiven her eventually, but now she can be there for her. Paulina then reveals that Chanel and Johnny have also changed their minds about moving to LA.

Johnny and Chanel go home to the DiMera Mansion. Johnny asks if she needs anything. Chanel says just him and asks him to hold her. Chanel says it’s such a relief to know the miscarriage wasn’t her fault or her mom’s and that it just wasn’t meant to be. Johnny encourages that they will get through this together. Chanel apologizes for Johnny losing his dream job. Johnny says to forget about it and tells her that sharing his life with her is already a dream come true. They say I love you to each other as they kiss.

Everett’s voice inside of Bobby tries to tell him that he has to let him out and he should’ve let him talk to Stephanie and Marlena because saying he didn’t want to talk to Stephanie wasn’t true. Bobby insists that he knows what’s best for Everett and it sure isn’t Stephanie.

Stephanie goes to the police station and tells Jada that she’s worried they are going to lose Everett forever and the only way for that not to happen is for Jada to speak to Bobby. Stephanie asks Jada to please speak to her ex husband.

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