Y&R Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Nikki: Jack! Hi, good to see you.

Jack: Hey. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing.

Nikki: And yet, you haven’t called.

Jack: Ringer on my phone works.

Nikki: Touché.

Jack: No, seriously. No– no judgment. I’m… I’m happy to see you. I– I assume you’ve been busy. How’s the outpatient program?

Nikki: I have good days and bad, but overall I’m doing well. Today, I feel strong.

Jack: Well, I hope you found a new sponsor and that he or she is giving you all the support you need.

Michael: Voila. What you see before you is a cappuccino with extra foam, and a chai latte. For your pleasure.

Diane: When I said surprise me, I didn’t expect you to be so adventurous.

Michael: You know me better than that.

Diane: Yes, you like a grand gesture.

Michael: All right. Are you going to pick one or am I going to have to do all the work here?

Diane: I’ll take the chai.

Michael: Yes, you will.

Diane: Thank you. You know, I was really happy to get your call. It’s like you have a sixth sense. You could tell I needed someone to vent to today.

Michael: What’s the topic?

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: I fired Kyle from Jabot this morning.

Michael: Oh. I wasn’t expecting that. Ah, that’s the stuff of a Greek tragedy.

Diane: I was looking for a little support, Michael. Not comparisons to tyrannical parents.

Michael: All right, all right. I’m sorry. What I meant to say is, that couldn’t have been easy. You know, I know exactly how important the family is to Jack and, you know, John Abbott’s legacy is still a guiding force of theirs.

Diane: Yes, don’t I know it. And Jack was not pleased. But I really didn’t have a choice. I mean, Kyle was undermining me. He was looking for any opportunity to prove that he was better suited for my job than I am.

Michael: Doesn’t sound very professional of Kyle.

Diane: Uh-uh.

Michael: Well, maybe a little time off will, um, shake a little sense into the boy.

Diane: Oh, I doubt he’s doing any self-reflecting. Especially since he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. And besides, it almost sounds like he’s already found another job.

Michael: Hmm. Really? Where would Kyle land so fast?

Diane: I’m not sure. He– he was kind of vague about the details, but he just– he said he had something in the works. You know what? It almost sounds like he welcomed being cut loose.

Michael: I wonder.

Diane: What? Have you heard any rumors? Do you know something?

Michael: No, no. It’s– The timing’s interesting.

Diane: Michael, don’t be so cryptic.

Michael: Okay. It’s just a hunch, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Kyle’s job can be traced right back to Victor.

Diane: What?

Victoria: Mmm. You do make a really excellent cup of tea.

Cole: Hmm. Well, I was always a coffee guy before I lived in England. But the Brits, they made me appreciate a good afternoon cuppa.

Victoria: Oh, look at him now. He could serve the King.

Cole: Well, I was always amazed at how seriously they took their tea rituals. You know, it’s a lot more than just boiling water.

Victoria: Oh, you’ve mastered it, for sure.

Cole: Hmm. Well, I could teach you.

Victoria: Mm-mmm. No, I know you could, but I prefer you serving me, actually.

Claire: You two are adorable.

Cole: All right, okay. On another subject. I was hoping that we could have dinner tonight. The three of us. My treat.

Claire: I would love that, but you two are going to have to go without me.

Victoria: Okay. Enough with this whole matchmaking thing.

Claire: That isn’t it. I have other plans.

Victoria: Oh, well, I’m– I’m so happy that you’re making friends. You going to have another girls’ night with Mariah? Is Tessa going to join you this time?

Claire: Actually, it’s with Kyle.

Audra: Hello.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. Look at the two of you. By now, I thought you might have strangled each other, but that obviously is not the case.

Audra: Well, thank you for meeting us, Victor. Uh, we wanted to tell you we’ve smoothed out our differences.

Kyle: And how excited we are to be working with each other.

Victor: I’m so glad to hear that. Please have a seat. You know, I somehow felt that you would reach common ground.

Kyle: Your pitch was persuasive.

Victor: Thank you. Are you all right with leaving Jabot?

Kyle: It’s done. I’m out completely.

Victor: Huh. Welcome.

Audra: Well, we are ready to move full speed ahead. The first step is a press release announcing Glissade’s new leadership team.

Kyle: And how we will be presenting ourselves as the next big thing in the industry, highlighting my experience at Jabot.

Audra: Yeah, we’ll work on that language. Uh, for now, we wanted to see how you wanted us to position your role.

Victor: I want you to keep my name out of it. The mystery investor will remain a mystery.

Victoria: Is this a date?

Cole: I mean, I haven’t even had a drink with this young man yet. Sussed out his intentions.

Claire: Don’t you start.

Cole: Only seems fair to me. I mean, you’ve been giving it to us here.

Claire: It’s not a date. And the topic is going to be Harrison. I– I overheard a heated conversation between Kyle and Summer earlier. I heard lawyers mentioned. So, Kyle suggested we talk about it at dinner.

Victoria: Are you sure you should be going?

Claire: Why wouldn’t I?

Victoria: Because Kyle is technically your boss. And so is Summer. I mean, what if he is trying to win you over to his side of some argument? You should not get in the middle of some conflict between Harrison’s parents. Especially if it’s some legal battle.

Claire: I think you’re overreacting. If anything, he wants a friendly ear.

Victoria: Well, I don’t like it.

Claire: Well, I’m not worried. And you shouldn’t be either. I should go. I have an errand that I want to run first, and I don’t want to be late. You two have a lovely dinner without me.

Cole: Hmm. So, let me guess. You’re going to worry.

Victoria: Oh, absolutely.

Kyle: Victor, I… I hope you don’t mind me asking a question.

Victor: No, go ahead.

Kyle: Why invest so much money into Glissade if you want to remain anonymous? Newman Enterprises used to be quite the player at one point in time. Even rivaled Jabot. I think we should play that up in the press. Why wouldn’t we?

Audra: Well, I think it’s Victor’s prerogative if he wants to be named or not.

Kyle: Well, I just don’t understand the secrecy. Unless, there’s a reason you don’t want your involvement.

Victor: Well, Kyle, there’s nothing nefarious about my decision. All I want to happen is that Glissade succeeds on its own merits. And yours.

Kyle: I’m sorry. I’m– I’m just having a difficult time believing this is just a selfless gesture.

Nikki: I haven’t replaced you yet, not that you are replaceable.

Jack: Nikki, this is an important part of your recovery. You know that. I am sorry I left you in the lurch here.

Nikki: No, you didn’t, Jack. I’ve just been busy focusing on my outpatient treatment, and I decided to wait until that was over, because it can be pretty intense. But I see it as serving the role of a sponsor.

Jack: Okay, I can see that. But if it is that strenuous, a sponsor could offer a lot of support.

Nikki: I know. I know. And don’t worry. I will do it. Soon. I’m feeling so well that, uh, I’m ready to go back to Newman Media.

Jack: Hey, that is great. Work has always given you purpose and focus, and that kind of accomplishment can be empowering.

Nikki: Thank you.

Jack: For what?

Nikki: Understanding that about me.

Jack: You and I know each other pretty well.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Well, Victor is fighting me on it. Even though I told him I would ease my way in and share my responsibilities, he is digging in. But I know, I know. It’s only out of concern and love.

Jack: He does have a powerful need to protect you.

Nikki: He insists that he knows what I need better than I do. It’s infuriating. It– it’s exhausting. I want to go back to work.

Jack: Well, hopefully, Victor will come around soon.

Nikki: Ever the diplomat. Look, I hope things have calmed down between you and Diane. I still feel guilty that I’m the reason that you jeopardized your life and your marriage.

Diane: What are you saying? You think Kyle’s going to work for Victor Newman?

Michael: I don’t know if that’s exactly it. It’s, like I said, the– the timing. I just think there’s a connection between all this.

Diane: All what?

Michael: Remember how you witnessed Victor firing me?

Diane: Oh, that’s hard to forget.

Michael: Hmm.

Diane: Mmm.

Michael: Well, in order to get back into his good graces, he gave me sort of a loyalty test. I was supposed to rekindle my friendship with you.

Diane: Excuse me?

Michael: Yeah! I had the same reaction.

Diane: Yeah, but why would he do that? How does our friendship benefit Victor?

Michael: I don’t know.

Diane: Okay, hang on a second. So, that’s why you invited me for coffee? You’re sitting there pretending to be my friend when what you’re really doing is pumping me for information for Victor?

Michael: If I didn’t think of you as a true and trustworthy friend, why would I be telling you all this?

Diane: Well, I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe it’s part of your strategy. Maybe the two of you staged that whole firing in front of me so that I would feel sorry for you, and now you’re pretending to confide in me, when what you’re really doing is helping your boss plan some kind of attack on me.

Michael: Attack?

Diane: Yeah.

Michael: I would never do that to you.

Diane: Well, I don’t know if I believe you. Victor’s manipulations are legendary, and for some reason, the man inspires loyalty in you.

Michael: Please, please just listen to me? I don’t– Listen! I don’t think you’re the target.

Diane: Well, I’m sure Victor doesn’t want you to befriend me because I’m lonely. He clearly has an agenda.

Michael: You think? Of course, he does. After he asked me to do this, he asked Cole to cozy up to Kyle. Now, think about it. Why? Why would he do that?

Diane: Um, okay, so maybe it’s because Claire is Harrison’s nanny, and he doesn’t trust the Abbotts, so he wants Cole to be pals with Kyle, so that it’s some sort of extra security for Claire under the evil Abbott roof.

Michael: No. I’ve known Victor a long time. I know the way he thinks. It’s bigger. It’s bigger than that.

Diane: So, what is it?

Michael: What’s the common denominator between you and Kyle?

Diane: Of course. This has to do with Jack.

Jack: You are not responsible for any tension in my marriage. That’s on me. I’m the one who chose to take the pills that night.

Nikki: Because you were trying to help me.

Jack: Yes, but I think you’ll agree, I went a step too far. And frankly, it was Diane’s fear of my actions that made me see that clearly.

Nikki: So, she was angry.

Jack: She was furious.

[ Nikki sighing ]

Nikki: The things that happened that night are still causing trouble for you, and I hate that. Jack, be honest with me. Diane is the reason why you decided not to continue as my sponsor.

Jack: Her fear may have been a factor, but don’t blame her for this. It was my choice.

Nikki: Well, as much as I would like to, I can’t hold it against her.

Jack: Stop blaming yourself, too. Look, we have worked our way through this.

Nikki: You have, really?

Jack: I swear. We are on the other side of that particular conflict.

Nikki: So, there’s another one.

Jack: The tension between Diane and Kyle hit a breaking point today.

Nikki: That’s what’s been weighing on you.

Jack: It is tearing me apart.

Nikki: Talk to me, Jack. Let me be there for you the way you have been here for me.

Audra: Victor’s investment is a big vote of confidence in the company and us.

Kyle: It would be, if he wasn’t remaining anonymous.

Audra: Leave it.

Victor: Audra, that’s all right. I actually respect Kyle’s suspicion, and his skepticism. Indicative of an active mind.

Kyle: Thank you.

Victor: But my decision stands, and I want you to now redirect your active mind to the business at hand, okay? I expect great things from both of you.

Kyle: Thank you, Victor.

Audra: Thank you.

Kyle: Bye.

Audra: Here’s a helpful career tip. Don’t disrespect the person signing your paychecks. Or are you trying to insult your way out of a job?

Kyle: Oh, I’m not going anywhere. Victor and I go way back. You heard him. He admires someone who looks at all the angles.

Audra: Yeah, apparently not enough to answer all your obnoxious questions.

Kyle: What? You’re telling me you’re not at least suspicious of his motives.

Audra: The– the why doesn’t matter. He made it possible for me to take Glissade from Tucker. I don’t see why you can’t let it go.

Kyle: Oh, I don’t know. A gut feeling? Come on, Audra. He purchased a cosmetics company that, if we succeed, will rival Jabot. Then he lured me away from that family company and made me co-CEO.

Audra: Well, it didn’t take a lot of luring. Sounded like you were ready to jump ship.

Kyle: Yes, because there has been a lot of behind-the-scenes drama that has made me dissatisfied. You’ve known this.

Audra: I’ve known about you pretending it existed to double-cross Tucker.

Kyle: And now it’s all real, and Victor’s taking advantage of it. But there’s no way he could have known about how I felt before he gave me the job offer. That’s what bothers me. He came to me out of the blue, said that I should have the top spot over my mom. He was working me. I didn’t bite. I didn’t agree with him. Not at first.

Audra: Doesn’t mean he doesn’t sense your real feelings. He’s savvy. Good at reading people.

Kyle: Yeah, so am I. Which is why I think this job offer has very little to do with Victor’s great confidence in me. No, no, this is about Victor versus my father. He… He is up to something.

Audra: And what if he is? Is that a deal-breaker? Are you going to go running back to play third fiddle at your family’s company again?

Kyle: All I want is Glissade to be a success. If that is a blow against Jabot, all the better.

Diane: Victor’s hatred of Jack is epic. I should know. I was wounded in many of their battles. But is this really war again?

Michael: Please, I’ve never bought any of their declarations of peace. They were tenuous at best. And now, these two seemingly innocuous requests of Cole and me to befriend you and Kyle. I– I can’t stop spinning scenarios in my head. And none of them are good.

Diane: Well, Victor was furious with Jack when he, you know, overdosed, took pills, to try and help Nikki. He said it was stupid, it was dangerous, and that Jack would regret it.

Michael: Yeah, and he didn’t waste any time riling you up about it, from what you told me about that conversation I walked in on.

Diane: Yeah, it was right before you were fired. Victor made a big point of sitting down and– and telling me how Jack’s actions were a massive betrayal of me.

Michael: He was trying to stir up trouble between you and Jack.

Jack: Ever since I made Diane my co-CEO, and moved Kyle to the Chief Operating Officer spot, the conflict between them has grown.

Nikki: Kyle hasn’t liked taking orders from his mother.

Jack: No, more like he’s telling the whole world that he is the better person for her job, including Diane.

Nikki: Hmm. She didn’t take that well.

Jack: No, not well at all. She tries to talk to him, that only makes matters worse. He denies it, claims she’s overreacting, being too sensitive. He’s only doing his job.

Nikki: Well, is he?

Jack: He’s overreached. He definitely has. And a few too many times, and Diane felt she had no choice but to fire him.

Nikki: Oh, my God. How did he take that?

Jack: Not well. I’ve stayed out of it, hoping the two of them could work things out, and now I regret that. If I’d only somehow intervened, maybe we could stop things from escalating this far.

Nikki: Jack, it is not your fault. I doubt you could have changed the outcome. Maybe it was just a momentary flare-up, and they’ll come around.

Jack: I’m not so sure. Kyle may have found a new job.

Nikki: What? Where?

Jack: He won’t say.

Kyle: Here I invite you to dinner and I’m late.

Claire: Oh, so rude. No. I’ve only been here for like two minutes.

Kyle: Still, I apologize.

Claire: No need. Busy day?

Kyle: To say the least.

Claire: Well, I know you said you wanted to fill me in on what was going on between you and Summer, but I get the feeling you’d rather forget about today.

Kyle: Well, tempting as it is, I think I need to process it. Things got even more complicated after I saw you.

Claire: Happy to listen.

Kyle: Well, first, I think I need to fill you in on what you walked in on between Summer and me. She wants to revisit our custody arrangement.

Claire: It’s because of me, isn’t it?

Kyle: Uh, I suppose that’s part of it. She’s not, um, getting used to you being Harrison’s nanny as quickly as I thought she would.

Claire: Am I being fired?

Kyle: What? No, no, of course not. Harrison adores you. Summer accepts and acknowledges that. She appreciates it.

Claire: Thank goodness.

Kyle: I think there’s something else at play here. Summer doesn’t like a business move I’m making,

Claire: Mmm, why would Summer care about that?

Kyle: I need you to keep this quiet for now.

Claire: I won’t tell a soul.

Kyle: Summer doesn’t like who I’m going into business with. A woman named Audra Charles.

Claire: Audra? I know Audra from my time at Newman Media when I was Nikki’s assistant.

Kyle: Huh.

Claire: She’s a powerhouse. I got the sense that she didn’t trust me, but she had good reason.

Kyle: Well, she doesn’t trust me either.

Claire: But she hired you?

Kyle: Well, she runs a cosmetics company, and I know the industry.

Claire: And why would that bother Summer?

Kyle: Audra and I worked together before, and we have a tumultuous history.

Claire: So, why would you leave your good job Jabot to work together again?

Kyle: I was fired by my mother.

Claire: Well, now this all makes a little bit more sense.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Claire: Can I give you some unsolicited advice?

Kyle: Sure.

Claire: Revenge is never worth it.

Cole: You’re awfully quiet.

Victoria: Sorry, I just– I can’t shake this worry that I have about Claire.

Cole: Well, I know you have concerns about her having dinner with Kyle, but she assured you that it’s all right. And she was so excited and upbeat.

Victoria: Yeah, but that’s what I’m worried about. I just don’t want her getting caught in the middle of something messy.

Cole: It’s just a meal.

Victoria: Yeah, but what is Kyle’s agenda? She said that Summer mentioned lawyers. I mean, clearly there is some kind of conflict between the two of them. And if it’s about Harrison, what if Kyle is trying to get Claire on his side?

Cole: That’s a lot of assumptions.

Victoria: Well, I have been in divorces and– and custody battles, and– and it can get very ugly. And– Summer, she’s– she’s never trusted Claire. She never wanted her to be Harrison’s nanny in the first place. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see this ending well.

Cole: Vic, it’s just– it’s just none of our business.

Victoria: It is! It is our business when Claire might be caught in the middle of all of it.

Cole: Okay, okay. All right.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I– I know I’m worrying about the what-ifs. I get that, but this is all so new to Claire, and I feel like it’s my job to look out for her.

Cole: You’re doing a great job. I mean, look at how far she’s come.

Victoria: Mm. Yeah, well, a big part of that is due to you.

[ Cole sighing ]

Cole: It’s the great joy of my life to see her so happy.

Victoria: Yes, I want– I want her to stay that way.

Cole: Well– Vic, Vic, listen, honey. We have got to let her make her own choices.

Victoria: Yes, I know that, but we also– We have to at least try to undo some of the damage that Jordan did raising her. That witch was nothing but… revengeful, and– and she taught her nothing but manipulation. And we need to show her that there’s another life, and try to steer her away from conflict.

Cole: You’re right, about all of that. But there’s also a part of that that’s leading by example.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I don’t follow.

Cole: To teach her to enjoy the here and the now, and no more of the spinning these worst-case scenarios.

Victoria: Are you saying that’s what I’m doing?

Cole: Did you see how happy she was when she walked out that door?

[ Victoria sighing ]

Victoria: Yes, but I–

Cole: Okay, I think for tonight, that we let her have dinner with a friend, free of any worries or strife.

Kyle: Taking this job with Audra, it isn’t about payback.

Claire: So, you have no feelings about your mother firing you?

Kyle: Oh, no, I have plenty. Uh, relief, excitement, hope. I– it’s the best thing that could have happened. I mean, things with my mom were becoming untenable. I was ready to quit.

Claire: But she beat you to it?

Kyle: I rescued a deal for the company that she was about to botch. Her ego was hurt, so she handed me my walking papers.

Claire: And what about your father? Doesn’t he have the last word?

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm. He backed her up.

Claire: Ouch.

Kyle: Mm.

Claire: That’s gotta hurt.

Kyle: No, it– it was the best thing that could have happened. I mean, I can leave the family company without any guilt. I can put all that frustration behind me and now I can show the world what I can do. I– I’m free to show what Kyle Abbott can achieve when he’s not being held back by good old mom and dad.

Claire: I’m glad that you seem so happy about it.

Kyle: I am. You know, I– I– I want to toast to my new freedom. I– I want to turn this dinner into a celebration, uh… to my day of liberation.

[ Claire laughing ]

Michael: So, did Victor’s tactics work?

[ Diane laughing ]

Diane: Well, I knew he was pushing my buttons. But like I told you then, I was as upset with Jack as he was. Maybe even more so. I mean, Victor and Jack are sworn enemies, but Jack is my husband. I expected better of him. And as much as I hate to admit it, Victor’s right. I– I did feel betrayed by the risk Jack took for Nikki.

Michael: So he did. He did. He stirred up trouble between you and Jack.

Diane: No, because I knew Victor was goading me. I didn’t run home and start a fight about it.

Michael: No, but it did get under your skin.

Diane: All right, well, there hasn’t been any more problems about that. I think that knowing that Jack’s not Nikki’s sponsor any more has helped.

Michael: So, it hasn’t caused any lingering issues between you two?

Diane: Why are you pushing me on this?

Michael: Because if this is Victor’s new mind game, I’m trying to see if it’s working.

Diane: Well, Michael, you even warned me yourself about Jack and Nikki’s incredible bond. But no, there hasn’t been any more tension on that front.

Michael: Then fine, so things are still solid between you and Jack. That’s a relief.

Diane: Why are you telling me all this, anyway? If– if Victor’s really planning all this, then you’re betraying his trust. I mean, I thought the whole point of befriending me was to prove your loyalty to him.

Michael: Because I get the sense that I might have to step in and protect Victor from himself.

[ Diane chuckling ]

Diane: How noble of you.

Michael: And more importantly, I care about you, Diane. You’re my friend. And I don’t want to see you trapped in another Victor-Jack war. You’ve turned your life around. You don’t need Victor to implode it now.

Victor: Thank you.

Diane: Oh. Oh, by all means, Victor. Join us.

Victor: So, I understand your son Kyle is leaving Jabot?

Diane: Oh, listening to idle gossip? How unbecoming.

Victor: Well, I gotta tell you that I’m not surprised, because every time I’ve run into him in the past, he seems to complain about being constrained by his parents.

Diane: You know, Victor, why don’t you find someone else to aim your insults at today?

Michael: Yes, Victor. Diane’s not looking for a fight.

Victor: I’m not fighting, I’m just making an observation, you know? Yeah. I’m not blaming you for his dissatisfaction, I blame Jack.

Diane: Well, I’m probably going to regret this, but how do you figure that?

Victor: You know, he made the egregious mistake of appointing you as co-CEO of Jabot. You certainly weren’t qualified, were you? By doing so, he demoted his own son, therefore causing a lot of upset and dissatisfaction. And you are hardly qualified to fill that position, are you?

Diane: Wow, I do regret that. Um, my promotion was not just Jack’s decision. Kyle was very much a part of the discussion. But you know what? Your rumor sources are correct. Kyle is leaving Jabot, and I heard that he might already have another job.

Victor: Hm.

Diane: Hm.

Victor: Well, I’m sorry that he’s leaving you. Let me ask you something. When will you run out of excuses for Jack Abbott?

Diane: Well, let me ask you something. When are you going to explain yourself? Because I know that you hate me as much as you hate Jack, and yet lately you’re trying to protect me. So, what are you up to?

Nikki: Why would Kyle be secretive about his new position? You’re going to find out about it anyway.

Jack: That’s the worst part of it. Kyle is so bitter, it’s like he’s holding back information just to punish Diane and me.

Nikki: Well, he might be mad at her, but he worships you.

Jack: Well, he may have at one time, but not right now, and I hate it. We live in the same house, we are family first and foremost, far more important than anything that happens at the office.

Nikki: And you will find a way to remind him of that. He just needs time to cool off.

Jack: God, the look in his eye when I backed Diane and her decision, it cut right through me.

Nikki: So you agreed with her that he needed to be fired?

Jack: No, in the moment, I understood he pushed her to that decision, but now I’m wondering what it’s going to cost us. I mean, it’s one thing to lose a COO, it’s quite another when your son decides to cut you out of his personal life.

Nikki: Jack, I can see that you’re hurting. You will find a way to bring your family together, I know it. That’s who you are.

Kyle: To a new chapter.

Claire: I’ve never really had champagne like this before.

Kyle: Oh, you mean this expensive? It’s definitely a different experience than the cheap stuff.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: No, I mean, I don’t really drink alcohol.

Kyle: Wait, you’re kidding. I could have sworn I’ve seen you with a drink.

Claire: You’ve seen me with the seltzer and lime. Sometimes, I order a glass of wine to fit in.

Kyle: What about margarita night with Mariah?

Claire: Sometimes, I take a few sips so that no one feels weird. Mariah went through all that effort. I didn’t want her to feel awkward or like she was drinking alone. But you’d be amazed, people don’t really seem to notice if you don’t make a big deal about it. And here I am making a big deal about it. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put a damper on your celebration.

Kyle: No, no, no, no, I had no idea you were sober.

Claire: Oh, no, it’s– it’s not like that, it’s just… Jordan forbade it. She said it clouds your judgment, so I never developed a habit or– or a taste for it.

Kyle: Well, let’s get you a mocktail to toast with.

Claire: Well, hang on there, just a second. I’m actually quite curious. Champagne always seemed so elegant to me, like something that fun and carefree people always have in the fridge, ready to pop open with any excuse.

Kyle: Mm, I don’t want to corrupt you.

Claire: Well, I can take a sip. To toast. To new chapters.

Kyle: For both of us. Hm?

Claire: Mm!

Kyle: Hm. Hm.

[ Kyle laughing ]

Claire: Bubbly.

Kyle: Nice try, but that is not a face that says carefree and fun.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: I guess I’ll have to stick to my usual.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. One seltzer and lime, coming up.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Victor: But you’re quite right, I do not like you. But my loathing of your husband supersedes that. Hope you both end up desperate, and alone and miserable. And I’m sure I won’t have to lift a finger to make that happen. You do it all on your own.

Diane: Wow. There’s the Victor that I know so well.

Victor: Mmm.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Michael, kindly follow me to the ranch. Some business to discuss.

Michael: I thought I was fired.

Victor: I’ll see you at the ranch.

[ Diane scoffing ]

[ Michael scoffing ].

Michael: I admire your fortitude for sitting through all that hot mess without exploding. And thank you for not throwing me under the bus by revealing what I told you.

Diane: Well, I wouldn’t have done that to you. And I doubt it would have helped get a straight answer out of him anyway.

[ Michael chuckling ]

Michael: The man remains a mystery.

[ Diane laughing ]

Diane: I think you like the challenge of figuring him out. And I hope you do. Because I’m convinced you’re right. He’s after Jack. But how? What is his plan of attack?

Michael: Well, by the way he’s prodding you, he’s definitely ramping up against Jack. But how and when the attack will happen, only Victor knows for sure.

Diane: All right, follow him to the ranch and see what you can find out. I need to tell Jack about this so we can get ahead of it, before it’s too late.

Kyle: Oh, thank you for joining me. I had a good time. Talking to you made the stress of today disappear.

Claire: Are you sure that wasn’t the champagne?

Kyle: That may have played a part, given that I had to drink most of the bottle.

Claire: Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you with that.

Kyle: We should do this again. Find you a perfect signature mocktail.

Claire: Something that says fun and elegant and carefree?

Kyle: I don’t think you need a drink to say that. It’s who you are.

Claire: I’d like to do this again sometime.

Kyle: Yeah, me too.

Claire: Bye.

Kyle: Bye.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Cole: Well, you’re being just a little obvious.

Victoria: What? I thought I heard something, that’s all.

Cole: Ah, you’re watching for Claire to come home from dinner.

Victoria: Look, I know it’s silly. I know she’s a grown woman, but I can’t help it. We– we weren’t there for her teenage years. We didn’t get to be there for her first date.

Cole: Are you going to pounce on her the moment she walks through the door?

Victoria: Yes, I am. And I don’t care what you say. I — I want all the details. I want her to recount the whole evening. I’m a mother. It’s my prerogative to be overprotective.

Cole: Well, I’m not going to try to talk you out of it anymore because I think it’s sweet. And if you’re going to continue to be the worried mom, I am going to be the reassuring dad.

Victoria: Okay, then. You can tell me what I want to hear.

Cole: Our daughter is safe, and she’s happy, and she’s going to stay that way.

[ Cole chuckling ]

Diane: Oh, good. I’m glad you’re home. I have some news.

Jack: Please tell me you worked things out with Kyle.

Diane: No, no, no. But I was having an interesting conversation with Michael Baldwin. And Victor showed up and started talking about Kyle leaving Jabot.

Jack: But how would he know that already?

Diane: That’s exactly my question. Jack, I think Victor’s up to something. And Michael thinks that Kyle’s job prospect has something to do with Newman Enterprises.

[ door opening ]

Jack: Kyle would not dare to… Hey! What are you up to with Victor Newman?

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