Days Update Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Lucas comes downstairs at the Brady Pub and joins Kate at a table. Kate asks if he slept well. Lucas talks about it being so much better than prison, the monastery, or the motel in Montana. Lucas mentions that he did hear someone crying unless he was dreaming. Kate informs him that was Ava because Roman just told her that Harris broke her heart and left town following a lead on Megan Hathaway. Lucas hopes he finds her. Kate says knowing Megan, Harris has a better chance at finding Amelia Earhart. Lucas guesses she’s right, but wishes he had a chance to say goodbye to Harris and thank him for making the moves to get him out of jail. Kate remarks that it took him long enough, but now she would thank him too because she got her son back. Lucas then reveals that he’s not back for long.

Chad joins Julie in the living room of the Horton house. Julie hugs Chad and says she was so worried when he didn’t come home last night and asks where he went. Chad informs her that he went to the police station and was told that Clyde had just been taken to super max, so he drove all the way out there. Jack then walks in and questions why he would want to do that.

Abe and Paulina are at home and find that Jules left a blanket and Carver left a stuffed animal. Paulina guesses they’ll have to mail them but Abe suggests using it as an excuse to visit Eli and Lani. Paulina likes the way he thinks and talks about how she just said goodbye to one daughter and now she has to say goodbye to another along with another grandbaby growing up thousands of miles away. Abe believes that Chanel might be back before she knows it and adds that Paulina will be plenty busy which she questions. Abe then shows Paulina an article announcing Paulina is victorious as the recall effort has failed. Abe congratulates Paulina as the Mayor.

Johnny is with Chanel at the hospital for a checkup. Dr. Mark Greene enters and asks how Chanel is feeling. Chanel says her morning sickness is gone and she made an appointment for when they move to LA. Johnny asks if everything is good. Mark says overall, the baby seems to be developing normally but there is one concern that he would like to discuss.

Leo goes to prison and tells himself to remember he is strong. Leo declares that he has a lot to say to his mom and she is going to sit there and listen. Leo practices what he’s going to say until his mother, Diana Colville, enters and remarks that he was always a little clumsy. She tells him it’s been awhile and asks to what she owes this. She asks if he has a script with him. Leo calls it just some notes as they can’t all go through life unfiltered like her. She talks about when Leo was a kid. Leo informs her that he started therapy and Marlena told him that he has to confront his childhood traumas. Diana mocks him having nothing better to do than listen to that new age quack. Leo argues that Marlena is a top notch therapist. Leo asks if Diana just screams at her ex husband through a payphone. Diana warns that she’s still his mother and he will treat her with respect. Diana laughs at him going to therapy and tells him to man up. Diana tells Leo that he’s not crazy, so she questions why he needs therapy. Leo responds that it’s because of her.

Johnny asks Mark what his concern is. Mark reveals that today’s ultrasound showed two soft markers that could mean nothing but could also mean an abnormality, so he’s going to refer them to a specialist in Los Angeles for further tests. Chanel asks if it could be from radiation. Mark responds that her exposure to radiation was brief, but there is no way to know for sure.

Paulina complains about the article calling her a radioactive mayor. Abe encourages that now it will all blow over now that the Concerned Citizens of Salem was revealed to be EJ DiMera. Paulina still can’t believe she had to reinstate EJ to make this go away, especially since she promised Melinda the job. Abe asks if she offered her something else. Paulina confirms she did but she was insulted and told her to take the job and shove it. Paulina mentions needing a head of sanitation but she has no one else in mind with the market so tight. Abe then reveals that he might be interested.

Chad didn’t realize Jack was still here. Julie says he decided to stay the night. Jack mentions that he’s driving back to Boston later this morning. Chad is glad they get to say goodbye then. Jack first wants to back up and questions why he’d want to see Clyde again and if Clyde has told him everything he wants to know. Jack hopes Chad didn’t go after Clyde would a revenge plot in mind. Chad says he did as he found him in Montana and was going to pull the trigger but he didn’t because Abigail wouldn’t have wanted that. Jack agrees that Abigail would have wanted Chad to think of their kids and how much they need him now. Jack says as much as he wants Clyde to rot in Hell, he’s really glad Chad didn’t make that choice. Jack decides he should get going and hugs Chad, saying he’ll see him soon. Jack hugs Julie and tells her the same. Julie starts to cry and then stops Jack.

Chanel asks if Mark is saying that if something is wrong with the baby, it could be from radiation exposure. Mark says they can’t rule it out at this point. Mark brings up having a sister with down syndrome and how she’s brought so much to his life. Chanel mentions that she will miss Felicity. Mark says she was hoping to say goodbye. Chanel hoped the same but notes that there flight isn’t until later tonight so she will try to meet up with her, thinking it will do their hearts a lot of good.

Paulina questions Abe wanting to be her head of sanitation. Abe points out that he knows the job and the town has a need. Paulina thought he was enjoying retirement and questions if Abe really wants to be her subordinate. Abe says if it means spending more time with her, absolutely. Paulina says she would love that too but she would be concerned about it being viewed as nepotism. Abe questions if that’s what she is really concerned about. Paulina asks what that means. Abe then declares that he feels she really doesn’t want him working for her.

Kate complains that she did all that fighting to free Lucas and now he wants to pack up and move to Phoenix. Lucas says she knows that he wanted to be with Will and Allie, explaining that he misses his kids and grandkids while also feeling he still needs to make amends for what he did to Sami, so he’s surprised they are speaking to him at all. Kate argues that they know Sami tormented him and drove him to do what he did, but she always get a pass. Lucas feels it still doesn’t justify his behavior. Kate agrees that she can’t just blame Sami, but points out that she could blame herself.

Diana mocks Leo blaming her. Leo says he’s not blaming her. Diana asks if he came all the way here to make her feel guilty and calls that a waste of time. Leo brings up that last time he was here, she called him a worthless human being that nobody could ever love. Leo accuses her of gaslighting him for his entire life. Leo brings up Diana telling him that he was destined for stardom so he humiliated himself in a talent show because she lied to him in telling him that he could sing. Diana claims not to remember any of that but says if it really happened, maybe it was good character building for him. Leo declares that he’s not going to sit here and take this, so he’s going to say what he came to say and she is going to listen to him. Diana questions him expecting her to listen to his whining, moaning, and blaming her. Diana asks how many times Leo has come to visit her in all of these years and not sending her a birthday card. Diana says anything would’ve been better than nothing and calls him selfish. Diana complains that he shows up once in a blue moon and it’s all about him and his childhood traumas. Leo argues that what he’s been through has meaning. Diana screams that she’s had it and calls for the guard. Leo reads off his prepared notes that he isn’t worthless and that he did what she said all his life because all he ever craved was her love but nothing was ever enough for him and nobody ever was which is why she had no friends. Diana mocks his self pity. Leo talks about Diana letting him believe he was John’s son without thinking how that would affect him and then John ended up hating him too. Leo talks about learning to lie, cheat, and betray from her. Leo then declares that she never should’ve been a mother in the first place. Diana then takes Leo’s papers and rips them up.

Lucas asks how it was Kate’s fault that he went crazy and kidnapped his ex. Kate suggests it could be in his DNA, pointing out the extremes that Philip went to in order to hold on to Chloe, so maybe they both inherited this madness from her. Lucas argues that she never did anything like what they did. Kate says not for a man but for her kids, she did. Lucas says she’s protective and overbearing but she’s fiercely loyal and has always been there for them which is all that matters. Lucas talks about that being why he has to be there now for his kids. Kate acknowledges that they miss him a lot, so she gives him her blessing to go see them in Arizona as long as he promises to come back. Kate tells Lucas that she will miss him so much, but she’s so grateful that he’s free. Lucas assures that he will never take his freedom for granted again.

Julie tells Jack that she wants him to have the time capsule since she has tried everything to open it and she thought about Jennifer being so close to Tom and Alice. Julie says Jennifer is clever, so maybe she has the magic touch. Jack agrees to take it to her. Julie tells Jack that he means so much to all of them and asks him to come back soon with Jennifer which Jack agrees to do. Jack hugs Julie and they say goodbye. Jack tells Chad that he loves them both. Chad says the same and to give their love to Jennifer. Jack then exits the house. Chad worries to Julie that he thought she was going to tell him. Julie points out that they don’t have anything to say. Chad hoped they would have good news before they left, but now he wonders if they will ever know anything at all.

Paulina admits that she doesn’t love the idea of Abe being her new head of sanitation but not for the reasons he thinks. Paulina feels he’s vastly overqualified for the job but she would love to work alongside him as equals and she doesn’t want to be his boss. Abe says he understands since the last thing he wants to do is make her uncomfortable. Paulina says she appreciates that and tells Abe that something else will come along. Abe agrees to be patient. Paulina jokes that it’s too bad he doesn’t have the skills to take over the Bakery. Abe suggests Chanel could give him a crash course. Paulina says it would unfortunately have to be over a zoom call.

Johnny and Chanel walk through the town square. Johnny asks if she’s okay. Chanel thought she was at peace with leaving everything behind but she’s not. Johnny encourages that she’s opening a new bakery in California. Chanel says it’s not that but she really convinced herself that everything was going to be okay with their baby, even though she knew there could be risks and everyone tried gently to tell her that she was being naïve. Johnny asks if Chanel is saying she’s changed her mind about the pregnancy. Chanel says it suddenly just feels so real and they weren’t planning to start a family this soon, so she worries about not being prepared to be a mother. Felicity joins them and asks if Chanel is okay. Chanel says she’s fine and thanks her. Felicity asks if she’s sure. Chanel guesses she’s just having mixed emotions since part of her is feeling really excited to be moving to California while another part of her is feeling really sad to be leaving Salem. Felicity says she’s sad too as she will miss her a lot. Chanel and Felicity hug as they say goodbye.

Abe and Paulina talk about how they will miss the Sweet Bits Bakery. Paulina talks about being first in line when Chanel opens her California location. Abe suggests swinging by the Brady Pub to pickup some takeout. Paulina asks him to pickup some for Chanel and Johnny too which Abe agrees to do. Paulina repeats that she’s going to miss them. Abe says at least they will have each other close by as they hug.

Julie questions if Chad is giving up. Chad says he’s just frustrated and he can’t believe they shipped Clyde off so fast before he could even talk to him. Julie thought Rafe wanted to talk to Clyde too about information to get Gabi out of jail. Julie wonders if Rafe could intervene for Chad but Chad says the feds said no exceptions. Chad knows there’s a slim chance that Abigail could be alive, but he can’t rest until he gets some answers. Julie feels exactly the same and assures she’s with him all the way. They decide that if they are going to find out who the woman in the video is, they are going to have to do it without Clyde.

Diana tells Leo that she is not to blame and it’s not her fault that he is the way he is. Leo asks if she means him being gay. Diana calls him single, friendless, disloyal, unloving, and unloved. Diana mocks him wasting his money on therapy with Marlena and wasting her time. Leo states that he came to get things off his chest, so this was for him not her. Diana asks if it worked and if he feels better. Leo says he can only remember one other time when he poured his heart out to her and it was the first time his dad hit him after he got a B on an exam. Leo says his dad never looked at his grades or cared but for some reason, that one really pissed him off and he hit him so hard. Leo recalls begging Diana to make him stop, but she told him to suck it up and be a man, so that’s what he did at 9 years old. Leo declares that when he finally killed him to protect both of them, she blamed him for all of it. Leo argues that as his mother, she was supposed to protect him but she never did. Leo asks if she’s going to say anything. Diana responds that she is at a loss and bored. Leo guesses he was expecting too much for her to apologize. Diana tells him not to visit again. Leo responds that he won’t and walks out.

Felicity gives Chanel her favorite stuffed animal, saying she wants her baby to have it. Chanel and Johnny promise to take care of it. Felicity says she has to go home now and says goodbye to them as she hugs them. Chanel promises they will talk soon as Felicity then walks away. Chanel forgot she told Felicity that they were having a baby. Johnny calls it very sweet of her to give. Chanel sometimes feels like she forced Johnny to go through with the pregnancy. Johnny assures that she didn’t force him. Chanel feels she didn’t leave any room for disagreements. Johnny admits it took him awhile to warm up to the idea, but now he’s completely on board. Chanel asks if the test results didn’t change anything for him. Johnny says not at all. Chanel talks about how a child can be born perfectly healthy but you still never know what could happen down the road. Chanel brings up Theo being autistic but he’s a wonderful guy and Felicity is an amazing person. Johnny says they will be so blessed to have each other and the baby on the way. Chanel tells Johnny that she loves him. Johnny says he loves her too and promises they will get through whatever life throws at them together as they hug.

Chad tells Julie that he watched the video a thousand times and he still goes back and forth on Abigail definitely being alive and definitely not alive as there’s no possible way. The doorbell rings so Julie goes to answer and excitedly brings Lucas in. Chad greets Lucas and asks what he’s doing there. Julie announces the news to Chad that the rest of Lucas sentence has been completed. Chad hugs him and congratulates him. Lucas then reveals that he just came to say goodbye which Julie questions. Lucas explains that he’s going to Arizona to see Will and Allie but says it won’t be long. Chad mentions that the kids will be happy to see him. Lucas notices Chad’s computer open and asks what they have here. Julie encourages that it’s alright as long as he doesn’t tell Jack or Jennifer which Chad agrees with. Chad tells Lucas that he has to keep it quiet. Lucas agrees not to say anything to anybody and asks what’s going on. Chad then reveals that it’s a video that might possibly be proof that Abigail is still alive.

Leo goes to the hospital and says to wait until Marlena gets a load of that visit. Leo remembers Marlena doesn’t take walk-ins so he makes a call, saying he needs to see Marlena ASAP. Leo is told it will be tomorrow and tries to argue that it’s an emergency but then agrees to be there tomorrow. Leo then sits down and repeats his final conversation with his mother and declares that he won’t visit her again and he never wants to see her again. Leo starts to say she can burn but then says she can’t because she is his mother and as sad as it is, he still wants her to love him. Leo starts to cry as Mark appears and asks if he’s okay.

Chad asks what Lucas thinks. Lucas thinks Clyde is playing mind games with him as he doesn’t see how the video shows that’s Abigail but he knows Chad needs to find his own truth. Chad says he was going to have the footage enhanced next. Lucas knows they all wish it could be Abigail. Julie assures they wish that more than anything in the world.

Abe goes to the Brady Pub and greets Kate. Kate asks if he’s there for breakfast. Abe says he’s picking up takeout for Chanel and Johnny as they are leaving town later today. Kate guesses that’s going around since Lucas is leaving town as well. Kate mentions that Lucas says he’s coming back but she feels the universe is trying to tell her to stop obsessing over her children, get on with her life, and maybe get a job. Abe admits he had a similar thought earlier. Kate says they used to have a lot of fun in the Mayor’s office. Kate asks if Abe has ever thought about going in to business again and partnering up. Abe asks what kind of business. Kate says she hasn’t thought of that yet but she will let him know when she does. Kate then goes to put his order in.

Chanel and Johnny go to see Paulina, who asks how the appointment was. Chanel starts to respond but Johnny says everything’s fine. Paulina is thrilled to hear that and hugs them. Paulina hopes they are hungry since she just sent Abe to the Pub. Chanel mentions her stomach growling but then gets a sudden pain.

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