GH Transcript Tuesday, June 11, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[ Sighs ] [ Door opens ] What is so important that I had to cancel a meeting to come down here? Very happy to see you haven’t stabbed yourself again. So that’s a plus. What’s going on? Oh, sorry to pull you away from your busy morning. A confession would certainly make it worth my while. Tenacious to a fault. Uh, I called you because they’re sending me back to Pentonville today. I can’t interfere with that… even if I was so inclined. Yeah. I didn’t expect you to. I wanted to give you a heads up before I go. For old time’s sake. Former Director Brennan. Commissioner Devane. What could the two of you possibly have to discuss?

Yeah. [ Sniffs ] Ahh. [ Knock on door ] [ Knocking continues ]

Hi. Uh… S-Sorry for my — Sorry for my attire. I was — I had a revelation in the shower and then I hastened to my screen to check it out. Have you been at this all night? Uh, no. I spent the evening with Maxie and the kids. We had Violet Finn over for a sleepover, but when the kids went to bed, uh, “pretending” to be asleep, I decamped for the Metro Court. Did you get any sleep? Negative. I’ve been too busy. Okay, well, did you make any progress? I did just, uh, penetrate the FBI’s firewall. Oh, that’s excellent, Spinelli. But I’m sad to report that I’m no closer to finding what Agent Gates has on Jason than I was a week ago. Okay, we go in there. Positive. See how he’s doing. Maybe he’ll be receptive. I just hope he won’t keep lying to us or himself. I can’t leave my niece in an unsafe situation. God forbid something happens to that little girl under his care. It would destroy him. He’d never forgive himself. So it can’t happen. Not on our watch. [ Cellphone rings ] It’s Elizabeth. I’ll call her back. Let’s just get this over with. Okay. We really need to talk about your brother. Call me when you get the chance. Thanks. No luck?

If Chase doesn’t call in minutes, we’ll try again. Mom, what’s going on?

Maybe he’s sleeping it off, can’t hear you. Maybe he’s not even home. He left the door unlocked? Go.

[ Door closes ]

Finn?! Hey. What a nice surprise. Uh… A little early, though. What brings you guys by?

I see that you were able to get into the FBI’s evidentiary database. Very good, Spinelli. Excellent work. That’s huge. Thank you. It was a fortuitous breakthrough. But unfortunately, accessing the actual files has proven impossible. The database has ironclad security. No access unless you’re an actual agent with proper credentials. Which means we’re gonna have to move on to plan “B” in order to obtain the clearance. Yeah. I fear you’re right. Um, I’ve been tracking Agent Cates with the hotel security cameras for the last few days. I made a printout of his movements, and I’ve also ascertained that he carries his FBI credentials in his wallet. The I.D. card used to enter the facilities? Yeah. And access to the computer. I’m quite certain the card has a digital key that will access the database. Okay, well, all we need is a card reader, and we can use Agent Cates’ access. Right. So I presume you have a plan as to how to nab said credentials without Agent Cates being the wiser? I do, and if Agent Cates sticks to his routine, our window of opportunity is about to open up. Mr. Brennan has been arrested and charged. His fate will be decided by the courts, not the local police commissioner. Perhaps you need to clarify that for yourself, Agent Cates. I don’t need a lecture on judiciary protocols. Thank you all the same, though. Well, I’m pretty clear on it. What I’m not sure about is what the two of you have to discuss. Unless it’s reminiscing about the good old days of the WSB. See, I can’t quite decide whether you need more coffee or if you should lay off caffeine altogether. Is there a problem, mate? Brennan’s guard has orders to contact me whenever he has a visitor. Oh, you make good time. Were you sleeping in the hospital on-call room? [ Scoffs ] You still haven’t told me why you’re here, Anna. I might if I knew myself. Why am I here, Jack? I just wanted to say goodbye. But I suppose the concept of someone wanting to see someone else confounds Agent Cates, since no one ever wants to see him. Oh, I hope you have a good trip back to prison, Brennan. Enjoy your double-talk, Anna.

What the hell was all that about? That’s the reason I asked you here. I wanted to give you a heads up. Agent Cates now thinks you’re the secret head of Pikeman. Mom, did you and Jake in a fight or something? No. Sorry. I’m just checking to see if Chase has texted me yet. Why? What happened? [ Sighs ] Finn and I broke up. Don’t stress about it. I mean, you and Finn broke up before, but you got back together. That’s not happening this time. Look, I don’t know about the future, but it’s pretty clear that Finn can’t be a part of our lives. It’s just so random. Right after his dad died? Yeah, that’s part of the problem. He’s not handling Gregory’s death very well. In fact, he’s not handling it at all. And that’s why you’re breaking up? No. Well — [ Sighs ] The relationship just isn’t gonna work out. It’s too bad. I thought Finn and Violet were gonna move in with us someday. But…Are we gonna see her still? I don’t care if I ever see Finn again. But Aiden’s right. What about Violet, Mom? You left your door unlocked. Was it? With everything going on, I must have forgot to lock it last night before bed. So I’m assuming Violet’s still at Maxie’s? Yeah. Good. Did you talk to Elizabeth? No. Should I?

We ended things last night. Um…I’m — I’m really sorry, man. Me too. Very sorry. Was this all part of the breakup or…? It was my fault. Well, what happened? [ Laughs ] Wow. This place… This place is a mess. Should really get it cleaned up before Violet gets home. Speaking of Violet, um, Chase and I, we had an idea. Given the information you just gave us about you and Elizabeth breaking up, maybe the timing’s just right. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Uh, Brook Lynn and I are gonna move in with the Quartermaines for a little while. I mean, we have so many wedding presents, and we want to get our place ready. Yeah, maybe even paint, right? Yeah. Yeah, maybe. It’d be nice to be by the water. Yeah, and there are always so many kids around, you know? Leo, Danny, Scout, Wiley, Aiden, Jake. Uh, and James, he’s gonna take riding lessons with Cody. So Georgie will be there. Uh-huh. Sounds like a full house. Yeah, but it’ll be fun, though, right? So we were thinking maybe, uh, Violet could come hang with us for a while at the Quartermaines’. Better than summer camp. There’s always so much to do. And now, thanks to Sasha, the food is amazing. You really think I don’t know what you’re doing? There’s no way you’re taking my daughter from me.

Violet is still your cousin, and that will never change. Yeah, but you and Finn are breaking up, so we won’t see each other like we used to. People drift apart and next thing you know… We won’t let that happen. Even if you and Finn are mad at each other, can’t you guys figure something out? Maybe they can’t. Maybe Mom has a reason to be mad. Obviously there’s something that I don’t know. Jake seems to know. Don’t I have the right to? Okay. Alright, alright. There’s just no easy way to say this. But your brother saw Finn coming out of a bar last night, and he was drunk. You sure it was him? Finn doesn’t even drink. Yeah, it was him, alright. And he had some drunk woman all over him — Okay, we don’t need the details. I don’t know why not. Aiden needs to know what kind of guy Finn really is. This doesn’t sound like him. You sure you didn’t mistake someone else for Finn? I mean, what bar is by the cineplex, anyway? Yeah. You never did say how you saw Finn coming out of a bar that was nowhere near where you told me you’d be. Violet’s not going anywhere. She stays with me. I’m her father. Finn, nobody’s trying to take Violet away from you, okay? Of course not. Look, we just want Violet to have a fun summer, especially after her grandfather’s death. It’s not gonna happen. So for once in your life, take no for an answer.

I’m gonna talk to my brother alone, okay? I’ll catch up with you later.

Might want to catch up to her, bro, ’cause you’re leaving, too. No, I’m not going anywhere. I got you some breakfast. I don’t think you can survive off of just chips. Oh, thanks. Um, he’s back. Got back to the hotel minutes ago, looking rather agitated. Although that may just be his face. He’s quite disagreeable. Do you know, he coerced me into surrendering proprietary surveillance footage by threatening to throw Maxie in jail? Hmm? Oh, look, he’s leaving his room. In his swimwear. Morning swim. Sticking to his routine. Oh, elevator up to the pool. What’s that in his hand? Looks like a belt bag. Probably has keys, phone, wallet… And any credentials that he doesn’t want to leave in his hotel room.

Ah! Ah! Easy. I got it. [ Sighs ] Why are you bringing my prior relationship with Anna into this? Maybe you and Anna planned that bust. That’s interesting. Why? Maybe you were too conspicuous as the head of both Pikeman and the WSB. But I’m not head of Pikeman. Maybe that bust was a handoff of power from you to Anna. What’s her role at Pikeman, anyhow? Oh, you’ll have to ask Anna about that. Don’t worry. I will. So it’s all right then just to delay the transport for a… Yeah. Thank you. No, no, I’m sure that’s gonna make the prisoner very happy. But the sooner we get him back to Pentonville, the better. Yeah. Thanks. Bye. [ Door opens ] Okay. So transport is gonna be here closer to noon. So that gives us plenty of time to finish our conversation. Why do you think the FBI is after me? Well, I don’t know if the FBI is after you, but Agent Cates certainly is. So he claimed that the guard was instructed to call him whenever I had visitors. But, uh, the speed suggests he was already tailing you. Yeah. Well, he did out and out tell me that he didn’t trust me when he first came to town. WSB connection and everything. Yeah. So it stands to reason that he wouldn’t like us talking. But I don’t care. You know, I’m gonna let him stew on that. I’m not hiding anything. I’m not really worried. Well, you should be. Agent Cates is a true believer. You know, the most dangerous of all. Really? Enlighten me. Cates and those like him truly believe that God and the law are on their side. Anything they can do can be justified because it makes the world a better place according to their own definition of better. They didn’t make allowances for human weakness. They’d rather wreck themselves and everyone around them than compromise on their beliefs. I know people like that. You’re right. They can be dangerous. But so can too much cynicism, Jack. Have you ever believed in anything? Like, anything at all? Oh, I’m so sorry. These are new shoes. I’m not used to wearing them. Gosh, I’m so embarrassed. Don’t be. Are you okay? Can you walk? Oh, yeah, I think I’m okay. My pride is just a little bit bruised, but I’ll be okay. Oh. Ow. I take that back. My ankle. Yeah. Let’s get you, uh, Let’s get you off of that. Um, how about that one over there? Okay. Uh, may I? By all means. Yeah. Whoa. Wow. You’re strong. Thanks. Oh. Here we go. Okay. I’m so sorry to be a bother. No, don’t be. Excuse me. Could I get an ice bucket and a towel here? You should probably ice that ankle to keep it from swelling. Yeah. I mean, I should have known better than to road-test these new shoes at the pool. I’m actually really, really good in heels. I mean, I prefer them to flats, but these are really cute, though, don’t you think? Uh, well, I’m not a big shoe connoisseur, but they sure look good on you. Ow. That was fast with the ice. Do you think you can help me? Oh, yeah. Of course. Okay, thanks. Ahh! Easy, easy. There we go. Okay. Gosh, you are such a gentleman. Thank you so much for helping me. I really appreciate this. Are you a guest at the hotel? Uh, yeah, actually. I’m, uh, I’m here on business. Oh. Well, I am a local. I have, uh, friends that are in the hotel, so my family comes here a lot in the summer. Yeah? Yeah. So, uh, you’re married? No. I’m…single, divorced, two kids. Thank you. You’re such a gentleman. I appreciate this a lot. Of course. Are you in the medical profession or something? No, no, I am just accident-prone. Oh. Well… you seem very gracious. Thank you. You should rest that ankle for about minutes or more. Okay. Well, I would certainly do that, but… I’m gonna get awfully bored.

You’re a cop, right? Why don’t you go catch some real bad guys, bro? Don’t make me one of them. Nobody’s calling you a bad guy. But maybe you could use some help. So don’t be too proud or stubborn to accept it. I don’t need your help. I can take care of myself. Not from what I can see. Unless Violet’s cleaning up after you now. Leave her out of this. I was here alone, going through Dad’s things. I’m sorry if I made a mess. Okay. But I don’t think Dad left this out. You were drinking yesterday. I saw you doing shots at the memorial. Yes. I’m not the first person to have a drink at their father’s funeral. Do not bring Dad into this. You had more than one or two shots yesterday. And judging by this bottle, those two glasses and the hangover you’re wearing, I’d say you had quite a night. Congratulations, Detective. You solved the mystery. There’s no mystery. It is pretty damn obvious. And if you don’t think that it’s obvious, you have a bigger problem than I thought. We, um…That is… Okay. Just stop. Just quit while you’re ahead. We’ll deal with what you were up to later. The fact is, you were someplace you weren’t supposed to be. And I’m sure it crossed your mind not to tell me about Finn to avoid getting in trouble yourself. But you did tell me. And I really appreciate that. Both because I needed to know what is happening with Finn. But also, because I’m your mom and I just need to know you will always come to me when things are difficult. I will. Okay. And one more thing. I’m really glad you called your dad and asked for help.

Hey! You’re just in time for breakfast and Sudoku. Here. Help yourself and have some coffee. Oh, wait. Oh. On the other hand, I think you have had enough coffee. Honey, what happened? Did you and Chase have a fight? No. His brother. You and Finn had a fight? Gregory just died. And I know how much they both love their father. I mean, they should be bringing them together, not pulling them apart. Oh, man. You know what? I have seen this so many times. Weddings and funerals — brings out the best and the worst in people. You know, it’s all those emotions and an old family dynamics. Sometimes they just explode. But, you know, things will calm down in time. No, Mom, this is so much worse than that. I just feel so terrible for Chase. He has so much responsibility. I mean, he’s taking care of Gregory’s entire estate, and he’s grieving, too. He needs his big brother, and he is nowhere to be found. Wait. What are you talking about? Did Finn leave town? Finn is in a full-blown alcoholic spiral. We just came from there, where Finn was hung over and completely unreasonable, and Chase stayed back to talk to him, but I could already tell you how that’s gonna go. Okay. First time’s a charm. [ Scanner beeps ]

It’s a little late in the proceedings, but, uh… I should formally introduce myself. How do you do? I am John. Hi, John, I’m Samantha. My friends call me Sam. You mentioned you were divorced with two kids. Yeah. How long you been divorced? Uh…six years now. Less said about that, the better. Bad breakup? Yeah, that’s an understatement. Um… Let’s just say my ex wasn’t exactly who I thought he was. He lied to you? All the time, John. What about you? Don’t see a ring on your finger. Divorced too. Ahh. Yeah. People always let you down. In what way? Oh, well, my ex had everyone believing that he had died. And my son thought his father was dead and that — that hurt. And then he just turned up. I was kind of shocked. Yeah. That’s, uh, that sounds highly unusual. Dysfunction aside, where you at least happy he was alive? Sure. Yeah, but conflicted about… everything else. I mean, it brought up a lot of stuff for me. I get that. My ex-wife passed away, and sometimes I’d fantasize about where we’d be if she hadn’t. How different my life would be.

I wonder what time it is. I should, uh, I should get my phone. Excuse me. Hey, may — may I… be honest with you for a moment? Of course. What you shared with me just now, I didn’t mean to come off as flip about — about it. Because, you know what? Sometimes I think about my ex and I before everything went wrong. When things were good, you know? Now we never even talk anymore. What’s your ex doing these days? You know what? I…um…I’m tired of talking about exes. Life goes on, right? Just move on. You know what? I think my ankle is doing pretty good. minutes is up. Do you want more ice? No. No. Actually…Yeah. I’m not in the mood for a swim anymore. I don’t want to push it. It was really nice getting to know you, John. Are you gonna be in town for a while? I’m not sure. But I hope I see you around. Yeah. I sure hope so. Would you mind helping me with my shoe? Of course. I think I got the hang of it now. Ooh. And I feel like Cinderella. I go out of my way to warn you, and you repay me by probing the depths of my psyche? Anna… hardly seems fair. No, I’m curious. Like, genuinely, have I ever really known the true Jack Brennan? I mean, I — I thought I did. You’re a rising star. You’re a fair-haired, golden boy. You know, it was no surprise that you made director. I mean, it was only a surprise that you fell so fast. Like, how does Pikeman fit into all this? Why on earth did you steal that money and start that company? Did you sell out? Did you abandon your principles? Did you even have any? I believe in democracy and good manners. Food for the hungry. But at the end of the day, man’s got to pay his bills. Agent Cates, on the other hand, and his misguided quest for justice will burn through his budget, wreck his health, piss off his superiors, and spend sleepless nights trying to prove that you’re an evil genius. Top cop by day, Pikeman mastermind by night. Well, the irony isn’t lost on me that Cates is trying to take me down for something that you actually did. Alcoholism is a terrible thing. You have seen it in your own family, so I know you’re not naive about it. Uncle Vito and Aunt Betsy. Yeah, yeah. Both of whom were not at your wedding. Because we knew sending them an invitation would be a waste of an invitation. You know, when I was growing up, your Uncle Vito was my favorite uncle… until the drinking took over. Yeah, I remember when I was a kid, they always used to stop by on the holidays. They’d take turns leaving the room and I’d hear them in the kitchen rattling ice cubes. And I would think, like, “Wow, they are thirsty.” Yeah, well, you got that right. But it wasn’t water they were thirsty for. And then later in the night, they’d be bumping into things, and I thought it was just because they were old, but… now I know it is because of the drinking. Yeah. And we tried, you know, we tried to get them into AA. We tried to get them to see a doctor, but it never worked. And after years and years of broken promises, we realized that they had to commit to their own treatment, but they never did. Yeah. You know, they say that God protects fools and drunks. But I don’t really see it, you know, because they’re still alive, but what kind of life is that? I don’t want that for Finn. [ Sighs ] I just hope and pray that Chase can get through to his brother. Well, you know, maybe Finn will… Will be able to help himself, you know? But…it’s very sweet of you and Chase to try and help him. Yes, of course I want to help Finn. The truth is, he is a grown man. He is either gonna get himself into recovery or have to live with the consequences of his disease. But Violet — Violet is a child. Her mother hasn’t been heard from for years. Finn has been a sole parent, and he’s not exactly capable of parenting right now. And Elizabeth, yeah, is her aunt, but she’s got kids of her own. So that leaves me and Chase. And we will do everything in our power to keep Violet safe… even from her own father. [ Scoffs ] You can wave that bottle around all you want. What I do in my home is my business. I know what you’re thinking. I’m not an alcoholic. You’re a drug addict, and drinking and getting high lead to the same results. You need help. Buddy, just because you got married doesn’t make you the man. Like you’re gonna come in here and tell me what to do. This is not about me, Finn, and it is not about my wife, no matter how hard you try to deflect. What? So you got all the answers now, huh? Not everybody has your perfect life, Chase. I’m trying to do the best that I can. Okay, keep fooling yourself, because nobody is buying this crap right now. You don’t know what’s going on inside me! You don’t know the pressure that I am under! Then tell me. I don’t want to talk to you. You know what? I’m gonna clean up this mess, and I’m gonna go keep rolling, just like I always do. You do not have to do this alone. Alright, I can put on some coffee and we can talk about it while we straighten up. You don’t get it, Golden Boy. You wouldn’t understand it anyway. Where’s all this coming from? My life isn’t perfect. I nearly died a few years ago. Do you remember that? I remember I saved you. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Do you have any idea how many calls I’ve been on like this? Some drunk or drugged-out son of a bitch tearing his family apart at the seams. Look around, Finn! Look what you’ve already made of your life. It’s a mess! I just lost my dad. I can’t take losing my brother, too. Talking to your dad now? That’s cool. I only called him because I thought Mom might need some backup. Finn didn’t give you a hard time? No, no, no. But having Jason show up, I was grateful for the support. I want you to always feel like you can call your dad for help. It’s not like I had a bunch of people to call. Well, you did the right thing. And it meant a lot to him that you called. Did it for you, Mom. Not me or him. Well, thank you. Does, um, does that mean I’m forgiven for lying about the movies with Gordo? Not a chance. These shoes were murder. Any progress? Well, your operation worked perfectly. I’m in. Okay. What did you find out? I don’t think you can fully comprehend just how many records the FBI is storing in its evidence docu-vault. So ask me in a month. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll find what Agent Cates is holding over Jason. Have a good trip back. Yeah, Jack? I hope you’ll come out to visit me, Anna. I’ll miss our conversations. Yeah. Me too. I do have one more question. If you want to know my religious affiliation, I was raised Catholic, but it’s been a few minutes since I attended mass. I’m the only witness that can tie you to the op that started all this. Would you have killed me… Jack… if I hadn’t arrested you first?

I’ve never been any good at hypotheticals.

I am not surprised that you’re focused on Chase’s feelings, but I really want you to pay attention to your own. Because I know you feel so much grief about Gregory. I do. It’s just…I’m so worried about Chase. He believed Finn when he said it was a one-time thing. So now Chase is not just feeling betrayed by his brother’s lies, he’s also beating himself up like he should have seen it sooner. Because he’s a cop, he should know better. Oh, well, he’s a little brother, you know. He’s hoping for the best. And who knows? Maybe he’ll get through to Finn. Maybe Finn will seek out some help. I don’t know, Ma. Something tells me that this is gonna be a whole ordeal for all of us. [ Sighs ] Look… I’m your ma, okay? And I’m gonna say this even though I know you’re not going to, but… it’s not supposed to be this way. You — You are supposed to be blissfully happy in Florence, and you’re supposed to come home for months of newlywed magic. Instead, you’re — you’re dealing with problems that could — that could hurt an entire family. Florence isn’t going anywhere. And nothing can compare to what Chase and I have found with each other. We are each other’s person for life. We will get through whatever life throws at us. So being sad or worried or even scared for Chase, that’s just a part of that now. I am so happy you found that kind of love. I’m sorry if what I’m going through is bothering you. I’ll tell you what, bro, I will — I’ll try to fall into line and not be a problem anymore. So this is what you want to do? Nothing I say is gonna get through to you? Nothing. So you can stop reaching down from your pedestal. I’ll be down here in the mud with the rest of humanity. Hey, the rest of humanity has nothing to do with you trashing your life and disappearing into a bottle. You’re gonna judge me, too? There’s a lot of that going around. No doubt. Bottom line is you are a grown man. You can make your own decisions. And clearly, I can’t stop you. So have at it. Trash your life. But Violet shouldn’t have to watch her father self-destruct. And that is where we have a problem. Violet is the only good thing in my life. And I will not let you and Brook Lynn steal my daughter from me, so for the last time, get the hell out. Go!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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