Y&R Transcript Friday, June 7, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Traci: Ashley? Alan? Where are they? Ashley! Alan! Ashley? Ashley? Alan? Oh, okay, where are they? Where are they? Uh, ashley? Ash–

[ Knock on door ] Thank god. Thank god. What are you doing here? What do you want?

Tucker: Well, hello, traci. I didn’t know you were in paris.

Traci: What are you doing here, tucker?

Tucker: I came to see alan. What are you doing here? Are you and ashley staying with him?

Traci: What do you wanna see alan about?

Tucker: I have a couple questions for him. How is ashley? Is she here?

Traci: Um, sorry, tucker. I am not at liberty to talk to you about ashley right now.

Tucker: Traci, I spoke to her on the phone earlier, and she did not sound okay.

Traci: I appreciate that you’re concerned about her, and I understand, but you also promised her that you would respect her privacy, so can you do that for her right now?

Tucker: Not if the fear I heard in her voice was real. No, I can’T. May I come in?

Traci: Oh, uh, no, it’s kind of late, don’t you think?

Tucker: It’s okay, I’m kind of jet-lagged.

Traci: How did you find alan’s address?

Tucker: Oh, I found it because I found it. I’m gonna ask you again. Where is ashley? Is she with alan?

Traci: You can ask me that all night.

Tucker: Okay. Well, if they went out, they’ll have to come back at some point.

Traci: What do you want to ask alan about?

Tucker: I wanna know why he acted like he’d never seen me before in his life when I bumped into him earlier. And I’d like to know why ashley, his pseudo-patient, sounded terrified on the phone. Are you absolutely certain alan can be trusted?

[ Alan panting ] I’ll be honest.

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Traci: Yes, alan can be trusted. Ashley trusts him completely. I trust him completely.

Tucker: So, why do you think he would act like he never laid eyes on me when I bumped into him on the street?

Traci: I have no idea.

Tucker: What’s going on, traci?

Traci: What do you mean?

Tucker: Something is off with you. You seem rattled, anxious.

Traci: Oh, I do? Thank you, dr. Mccall. You and alan should actually set up a practice together.

Tucker: So everything’s hunky-dory, is it? Ashley’s making good progress with alan?

Traci: I am trying really hard to be patient with you, tucker. I appreciate that you care about my sister, and I believe that your intentions are good.

Tucker: Well, then talk to me. If you believe my intentions are good, there’s nothing you can’t tell me.

Traci: Well, that might be true, but as this is a private family matter and I am respecting her wishes, I won’t tell you.

Tucker: If she needs anything, a new doctor, anything, put me to work. I’ll make it happen.

Traci: I’m sorry, tucker. This is not your place anymore.

Tucker: Well, this all started when ashley and I were still together, and this is the second time she’s come to paris for answers, so I’m not sure it isn’t my place.

Traci: Is that why you followed her here?

Tucker: I didn’t follow her here.

Traci: Right, right. Coincidence.

Tucker: Yes, actually. I was already coming on business when jack happened to mention she was here.

Traci: Well, if that’s true, I’m sure that jack didn’t tell you this so that you’d come and get involved.

Tucker: That’s true, but jack didn’t hear what I heard in ashley’s voice.

Traci: And what was that exactly?

Tucker: Fear.

[ Traci sighing ]

Traci: Tucker, you are sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. You’ve got to let this go. She is in good hands.

Tucker: I prefer to see that for myself.

Traci: Okay, look, I appreciate that you really care deeply for my sister. I do. I really do. I always have, but maybe you’re taking whatever you heard in her voice out of context. This therapy with alan, from the outside, it doesn’t look pretty, but he has been able to help her retrieve really traumatic memories. She just needs a little time to process this.

Tucker: And you don’t see any conflict of interest in this? That an old friend of hers is suddenly acting as her therapist? I also find it a– a strange convergence of events that he would suddenly pop back into her life at the exact same time as these so called traumatic events. You don’t see any possibility of an ulterior motive here, really? No agenda?

Traci: No, no. Tucker, I’m the one who called him in to help. He’s just helping. This isn’t pretty, but in the end, she’s gonna be better.

Tucker: What about you?

Traci: What about me?

Tucker: Am I taking your anxiety out of context, too?

Traci: Oh, no. It’s just strong coffee.

Tucker: Is it? No. You’re afraid.

Traci: Of?

Tucker: Whatever you’re not telling me. It’s curious that you claim to trust alan implicitly, and yet you won’t tell me where he and ashley are. If everything were above board, that would be no problem, would it?

Traci: Look, not everything is an intrigue. Some things are just private because they’re private.

Tucker: And you’re sure this is one of them? Because I can’t help but wonder why, when I ran into him on the street, dr. Laurent would act as if I were a complete stranger. And I’ve been turning it over and over in my head. It doesn’t fit anything in my playbook. Because if I were him, I’d wanna keep me close before I took what I wanted. Why give away the game? Whatever he’s setting me up for, why play it this way? So, I have a feeling alan’s work with ashley isn’t quite what it appears to be. And I think you do, too.

[ Alan grunting ]

[ Alan panting and grunting ]

Traci: The work that alan is doing with ashley, the look of it is just part of the story. I’ve been to every single session. And you know how she can sound sometimes. But I have to believe that everything is to a positive and therapeutic purpose. And as to your run-in with alan on the street, people can not recognize other people for any number of reasons, hardly any of them nefarious. Maybe he just didn’t expect to see you in paris, so it just didn’t compute.

Tucker: Or maybe he just doesn’t like me.

Traci: Well.

Tucker: I’m sure ashley has told him some glowing things about me.

Traci: And you’re usually so good at making friends. And on that topic, did you come to paris with your fiancé?

Tucker: No, audra and I have hit a bit of a snag.

Traci: Oh, I didn’t know.

Tucker: Traci, are you gonna give me any straight answers?

Traci: Just because you’re not getting the answers you want doesn’t mean I’m not being straight with you. And I am under no obligation whatsoever to share any of my sister’s private business with you. That is her story to tell. She will decide what to share and not to share.

Tucker: Okay. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is none of my business. But I’ll tell you what, it should be. Because despite myself, and to my detriment, I continue to care about her. And my concern for her well-being is one of the reasons I’m not here with audra. And despite all the animosity I get from the abbotts, present company excluded, of course, I keep coming back to get kicked around because I care about ashley. So, here I am, in the city of light. And instead of strolling the champs-elysées with audra, I’m sitting here in this strange man’s townhouse watching you drink coffee in the middle of the night.

Traci: Okay, well, I hate to disappoint you, tucker, but as you say, it is the middle of the night. So please, feel free to go at any time. Because I have a feeling that you will still care about my sister in the morning.

Tucker: I have a feeling you’re right. But since I’m just gonna come back and ask the same questions… you think alan would mind if I just–

Traci: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. L-bas. Bon soir, tucker.


[ Alan grunting ]

[ Alan panting ]

Tucker: Okay, I’ll go. But think about this, traci. You’re here to help ashley. Now, I’m here to help. So, you don’t have to do this alone. And I trust you, so if you say alan is legit, I’ll go on your word.

Traci: Thank you, tucker.

Tucker: But my mind won’t be put at ease until I see for myself.

Traci: That’s fine.

Tucker: By the way, you never answered my first question.

Traci: What question?

Tucker: Are you and ashley staying here with alan?

Traci: No, we’re staying at ashley’s apartment.

Tucker: So, what are you doing here so late?

Traci: Well, there’s that nose again where it doesn’t belong.

Tucker: But I wouldn’t find ashley at her apartment now, would I?

Traci: No?

Tucker: Three cups, traci. Three cups.

Martin: Well done. I knew I could do it.

Ashley: Do what?

Martin: Crack the code. Solve the riddle.

Ashley: What are you talking about?

Martin: My brother thought he had all the answers. Played god with his patients. Let them think he knew best, but I knew best. I know best. And you just helped me prove it.

Ashley: Helped you prove what?

Martin: Well, as they say, if you, uh, figure it out, you will be my favorite subject.

Ashley: You’re martin.

[ Ashley groaning ]

Martin: Stop it. Stop it.

Ashley: What are you gonna do to me?

Martin: Shh, be quiet, be quiet. I told you to be quiet or it’s gonna go bad for you.

Ashley: Help!

Traci: Upstairs!

Martin: I told you to be quiet. You used to listen to me.

Ashley: Where are alan and traci, what have you done?

Martin: What does it matter?

Ashley: Did you hurt them?

Martin: I am the one who cured you, not alan. Do you understand that? I am the one who’s smarter. I’m the one who’s better.

Ashley: You need help.

Martin: What did you just say?

Ashley: I said alan loves you, he’ll help you, martin.

Martin: Not another word!

[ Ashley screaming ]

Traci: Ashley! Oh, my god. What?

Alan: Martin?

Traci: Oh, my god.

Martin: Don’t come any closer.

Alan: I don’t wanna fight you, martin, okay? But you need help.

Martin: Yeah. Because anyone different from you, smarter than you, is delusional, right? Broken. But I am not broken. I am smarter than you and just as sane.

Alan: Let’s just go down to the living room and talk about it, okay?

Martin: What, so you can call them up and have them take me away and lock me up again?

Alan: It doesn’t have to be like that, martin. We can find a different way.

Martin: We? The magnificent laurent brothers. You cannot help me and you never could.

Alan: It doesn’t have to be me, okay? But you just can’t go on like this, really.

Martin: I’ve never felt more alive. You know what I want, alan? And what I’ve always wanted? Is to be an only child.

[ Alan and martin grunting ]

[ Ashley screaming ]

Ashley: Alan! Oh, my god!

Traci: Ashley. Please, don’T. No. Please, ashley, stop. Please. No.

Did you know…

Tucker: You wanna lay down or sit down?

Alan: Just that chair over there is fine.

Traci: Come on, ashley.

Alan: Thank you.

Traci: Come and sit down.

Tucker: Ambulance is on their way.

Alan: Ambulance won’t help martin now. I just can’t imagine, he’s still out there on the road by himself.

Traci: I’m so sorry, alan. The police just want us out of their way for a little while.

Alan: The irony is that, uh, martin probably saved my life. I landed on him and…

Traci: Ashley. Ashley, are you all right?

Ashley: I’m just scared. What are you doing here, tucker?

Tucker: I came to see alan because I was worried about you. And frankly, I didn’t trust him. I saw him in the street, or who I thought was him, and he didn’t recognize me, but I didn’t know he had a twin brother. I guess you didn’t either.

Traci: Tucker, not the time or place, please.

Tucker: Okay, can– can someone just explain to me what the hell just happened here?

Alan: I don’t– tucker, I don’t think ashley wants to relive this right now. And I just need to talk to her first. I think it’d be best if you go, okay?

Tucker: Are you serious? After everything that just went down, you want me to walk away? Leave her in your hands? I don’t think so. You’ve done a bang-up job so far.

Traci: I will take care of my sister, tucker.

Tucker: Well, I’m a witness. The cops are gonna wanna take my statement.

Traci: Okay, so go down now and find out if they’re ready for your statement. If they’re not, just wait there until they are ready.

Tucker: Ashley?

Traci: But you have to go.

Alan: Look, leave her be. Tucker, please, leave her be, okay, man?

Tucker: Okay. Ashley? Hey. Um, I’m gonna be in paris a couple more days. If she needs anything, anytime. Okay? Anytime.

Traci: Okay.

Ashley: I’m sorry.

Alan: What? Ashley, you’re not to blame for anything.

Traci: Alan is right. You cannot blame yourself.

Ashley: I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible.

Alan: There’s no way you could’ve known that the answers would lead to martin.

Ashley: That’s the noise we heard?

Alan: Yeah, he hit me on the back of the head and… he zip-tied me and threw me in a closet.

Traci: And then he came down here pretending to be you. And I– I completely bought it.

Ashley: Yeah, we both did.

Alan: Yeah, we were twins. When we were little, we did all the twin things that twins do, you know? Pretended to be each other and… I’d always get in trouble for the stuff he’d do. As an adult, he became adept at imitating me as a therapist. And we used to laugh about it. When he was on his meds, feeling better, more like himself. Not too funny now, though. The idea that he hurt you in my place, that he had access to you, that he gained your trust. I guess I became resigned to the fact that he would never be happy. But, I don’t know, I guess he’s at peace now, huh?

Traci: Alan, is there anybody that you need to contact? Because I would be very happy to make those phone calls for you if you’d like.

Alan: Um, we used to have some cousins that we’re not very close to. It’s– you know, just been the two of us in the last many years. There’s a– a sadness and grief that he’s gone, but… I don’t know, I’m kind of relieved he’s at peace. It sounds strange, doesn’t it?

Traci: No, not at all.

Alan: It’s over now.

Ashley: Um… my memories… uh, I’m kind of putting the pieces together. I think I kind of understand what happened.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Alan: The moments falling into place, that’s from the night you were with martin, right?

Ashley: Yes. I mean, he was impersonating you, so I trusted him. And in the beginning, he was fine. I mean, we were– we were sitting on this sofa, actually, and we had brandy, and he was fine.

Alan: And when did that change?

Ashley: When we started talking about the fight I had with tucker, then his tone became darker and frightening.

Traci: How so?

Ashley: I don’t know, really. It’s more of a feeling I have. It’s more like a bad feeling.

Alan: Do you remember anything he did that night, or?

Ashley: Not really. I mean, the rage that I saw in martin’s eyes tonight, I saw that same rage that night. And…

[ Ashley crying ] He did something to me. I don’t know. I don’t know what it was, but I do know that’s when I started to confuse tucker and martin. That’s all I know, that’s all I wanna know right now. I don’t wanna know anymore right now.

Traci: Oh, my god. Ashley, oh, my god. This is breaking my heart. I am so sorry to see how much you’ve suffered.

Alan: But, we have some clarity now, all right? Ashley, in her traumatized state, thought it was tucker that was terrorizing her, and thought he would continue to do so. The alters emerged to protect you from that.

Ashley: But they were wrong. Because I was confused, so they were confused. I can see them so clearly now.

Alan: Where– where do you see them?

Ashley: I see them in this white room, which just goes on for infinity. And there’s ash and she’s just– she’s just a kid, really. She’s the smartest one of the whole bunch. And then there’s belle. Belle thought that maybe if I would just fall in love, it would solve all my problems.

Alan: One of the alters looked like it wanted to, uh, take control over the others.

Ashley: Yeah, that was ms. Abbott. And she thought that tucker was the threat. And so, she thought the way to protect me was to kill him. And I’m telling you, if she had had more time, she would’ve done it.

Ashley: I still can’t believe the lengths that my alters would go to, to protect me.

Traci: So far as to kill tucker.

Ashley: I know. Tucker. You know, he just always knew when I wasn’t really me, and when something was off. Oh, god. And I– I feel that if ms. Abbott had had the chance, honestly, she would’ve found a way to kill him. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be insensitive. I know that you loved your brother.

[ Alan scoffs ]

Alan: We were just characters in martin’s twisted fantasy. Especially you, ashley.

Traci: Alan, he was your brother. He did something horrible, but this must be unimaginably painful for you.

Alan: Twins are, uh, unique beings. And in our case, it was almost as if we had the same brain, you know? Shared thoughts. And like he was always troubled, jealous. But at some point, something changed. He became angry and violent. He started to descend in some kind of darkness. Became someone I didn’t recognize. Someone I was afraid could harm himself or others, or… I tried to help him. He didn’t want my help. There’s nothing anyone could’ve done to stop this. The way it ended was inevitable. I’m just glad we were here to help ashley get her life back. And you will.

Ashley: So, what happens now? (Vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn’s disease

[ Alan sighing ]

[ Traci sighing ]

Alan: Oh, ashley, you– you should get some sleep.

Ashley: I’m too wound up. I can’t sleep.

Traci: The police seemed to understand what happened. I mean, they– they, um, they understood our story and didn’t have a problem with it, as bizarre and awful as it is.

Alan: Yeah, well, martin’s criminal record and his history of violence, I really wasn’t too worried about that.

Traci: Alan, how are you feeling?

Alan: Oh, uh, it’s just a sprain and some bumps and bruises. I’m fine.

Traci: I think you know that’s not exactly what I meant. I meant, how are you feeling?

Alan: Oh, a lot of self-recrimination, you know? I should’ve kept better track of him. You know, the fact that he hurt ashley and pretty much everyone she knows. And what he did to himself. Anyway, it’s gonna– it’s gonna take some time.

Traci: Yes, it is. But do me a favor, will you? Be gentle with yourself. Be as gentle as you have been with my sister.

Alan: Thank you.

Traci: Uh, ashley, how about you, honey? Are you gonna stay in paris for a little while longer? Or are you ready to go home?

Ashley: Home sounds incredible right now, but I don’t think I’m quite ready for home yet, am I, alan?

Alan: Uh, in my professional opinion, no. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you asked last night, about what happens next, and uh, I really think you should continue the work.

Ashley: But I’ve accomplished so much. I mean, I had a breakthrough, didn’t I?

Alan: Yes, you did. That was the battle, and it was huge that you won, but I’m afraid the war isn’t over yet.

[ Cell phone buzzes ]

Tucker: Hello. Yes, this is tucker mccall. Yeah, I– I– I really don’t have time to discuss that right now. Did you not hear me? I said I will deal with it later!

[ Tucker screaming ]

Ashley: I don’t understand. The alters are gone. Can’t you just recommend a good therapist in the states for me?

Alan: Ashley, yes, we have identified the alters that have emerged, but we don’t know what created them in the first place. And I think this incident with martin only released them. It did not create them.

Ashley: So, you mean they’ve just been inside me?

Traci: Since when?

Alan: Well, a classic scenario would be from childhood trauma.

Ashley: You mean to say that something happened in my past, like my distant past, that I don’t remember?

Alan: Just as you can’t remember certain recent events. Look, whatever happened with martin to trigger the release of those alters, that– that’s important, okay? But whatever created them, that– that had to have happened from intense childhood trauma. And you’re gonna have to face that somehow. And that means more than just a weekly visit to a therapist.

Ashley: What are you suggesting?

Alan: I would advise your next move to go to a controlled, safe environment for treatment.

Ashley: No, no, no, I am not. I am not going to an institution. I’m not going.

Alan: Okay, ashley, hear me out, okay? Listen to me. This is an incredible clinic that specializes in your disorder. I’m on the board there. It’s just outside of paris. I can call today and get you admitted. But I mean, obviously, I can’t force you. This has got to be your decision.

Traci: Alan, her time at fairview did more harm than good. This clinic of yours–

Alan: They are kind, well-trained, professional. I swear to you, I promise.

Traci: Ah, does it have to be so soon?

Alan: I think the sooner the better.

[ Cell phone buzzes ]

Traci: Oh, jack. Jack.

Jack: Hey.

Traci: Is everything okay?

Jack: I don’t know. I woke up in the middle of the night. I worried about ashley and I realized what time it would be in paris. And I thought I’d check-in. How are you? How is she?

Traci: Oh, jack, I wish you were here. I’m jonathan lawson,

Jack: What’s wrong? What happened? Traci, are you and ashley okay?

Traci: I’m so sorry. Everything’s fine. We’re fine. She is just fine.

Jack: Traci, talk to me.

Traci: It’s just that I have so many things to tell you, jack. Things are kind of resolved, mostly. And she’s made this great breakthrough. And she’s finding some answers, the kind of answers she really needs, as difficult as they may be.

Jack: Well, good. I was ready to climb through the phone.

Traci; believe me, I wouldn’t have minded if you did, but somehow just hearing your voice makes everything better.

Jack: Can I talk to ashley?

Traci: Yes, of course. Let me check with her. Hold on. Ashley, it’s jack. Do you feel like you’re ready to talk to him?

Ashley: Hi, jack.

Jack: Hey, great to hear your voice. How are you doing?

Ashley: I’m so sorry for just all the problems I’ve caused for you and the family.

Jack: I don’t care about that. What’s important now is that you’re safe and you’re gonna be all right.

Traci: No, that, I do not know. Why listening to my brother’s voice just got to me like that? It has to be exhaustion or something. Oh, my god. Alan, I’m sorry. You and ashley have been through so much and I’m babbling about being tired.

Alan: No, traci, you have been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You’ve been so kind and– and loving to ashley, even to me, who doesn’t deserve it.

Traci: Don’t say that.

Alan: I know. I just– I just hate that I brought all this pain and terror into your lives, it’s–

Traci: No, you didn’T. Your brother did. Look, alan, I know better than most people that sometimes things happen that are just out of your control. Things you could never imagine or predict. Things you could never reel back in. And what did you do in the middle of all that? You helped my sister find herself again. She’s got peace for the first time in I can’t remember how long. And that is a credit to you, alan.

Alan: A lot of credit goes to you, too.

Traci: I’m her sister.

Alan: It’s not automatic. We can love our families very much and still fail them deeply in the worst possible way.

Traci: Oh…

Ashley: I would love nothing more than to come home and put all of this behind me, but, um, alan thinks I need to go away for a little while, jackie, before I can do that.

Jack: Meaning a hospital?

Ashley: Well, he’s calling it a clinic. I think we both know what it is, though, right?

Jack: Where? Here in the states?

Ashley: No. It’s outside of paris. And he wants me to go today. But, jack, after what happened the last time, I’m just not sure I can do it.

Jack: I understand. It’s a tough call. But whatever decision you make, it will be the right one. Look, you’re one of the strongest, bravest people I know. And has dad was fond of saying, “and you’re an abbott. Abbott’s can do anything.”

Ashley: Thank you.

Jack: Whatever you do, whatever you need, just remember, traci and billy and I are there for you, always. I love you, ash.

Ashley: I love you, too.

Alan: Have you made a decision?

Ashley: You’re right. The work has to continue. So, um, I’m ready for it now.

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless…

[ Knock on door ]

Adam: Don’t– don’t answer it.

Sally: Why?

Adam: Because it might be trouble.

Cole: I just wondered whether we could have dinner together, like a date.

Michael: There is reason to believe that the dormant war between victor and mr. Abbott is about to reignite

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