Y&R Transcript Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Cole: Hey.

Victoria: Hello.

Cole: Is this a bad time?

Victoria: Uh, no, not at all. Come in.

Cole: Oh, okay. I’m sorry to drop in like this, but I just had to know how claire’s first day on the job went. I mean, is she here?

Victoria: Oh, not yet, but I’m really glad you’re here because I’ve been checking the clock every few minutes. It’s– it’s much more fun to have somebody to wait with. But you should’ve seen her when she left earlier. She was just– she was so excited. She was practically bursting.

Cole: Oh, well, I’m kind of bursting myself. I mean, vic, she’s come so far, so quickly.

Victoria: I know.

Cole: I couldn’t be more proud.

Victoria: I know. I know, it’s like mom said, it’s– it’s a whole new chapter for all of us.

Cole: Yeah.

Claire: Harrison and I have tidied up his room and he’s drawing his third picture of the caterpillar’s backyard.

Kyle: You were great with him today. I knew you would be.

Summer: Harrison seems to be back to his silly self again, so thank you.

Claire: I had a great time. I have to ask, as trials go, how’s this one going?

Summer: It’s going well.

Kyle: Out of the park.

Claire: If there’s nothing else.

Kyle: Uh, claire, before you go, um, there’s something you need to know.

Summer: Why do I get the feeling I’m not gonna like it?

Kyle: Jordan is alive.

Kyle: And now jordan’s incarcerated in a maximum security facility.

Summer: Jordan is alive. You knew about this, didn’t you?

Claire: I did.

Summer: How long exactly did you know?

Claire: Since early this morning.

Summer: And you didn’t think that this was important enough to tell us that your aunt, our son’s kidnapper, was still alive?

Claire: My parents and nikki thought it would be best if victor shared the news.

Kyle: Victor came by earlier. He wanted to tell you in person, but I told him I would take care of it.

Claire: I wanted to tell you right away. I knew how much it was gonna upset you. But I also wanted to honor my family’s wishes. At least jordan’s somewhere that she can never hurt anyone ever again.

Summer: Unless she burns it down like the last prison she was in.

Kyle: Jordan will never see the light of day again. All right, we’re good here. So, if you wanna take off…

Claire: Same time tomorrow?

Kyle: Absolutely.

Claire: See you then.

Summer: One day. One day on the job and she’s already keeping secrets that change everything.

Ashley: Why are you saying that you weren’t here? We sat right there. We talked and we had some wine together.

Alan: Uh, uh, I’m sorry.

Ashley: No, listen. Why are you doing this to me? It happened.

Traci: Maybe, ashley, you’re just confusing the night.

Ashley: I’m not confusing anything at all, traci. We had an in-depth conversation, alan, we caught up. You have to remember that. I told you all about the problems I was having with tucker.

Alan: Again, ashley, I am sorry, but–

Ashley: I don’t know why you’re doing this to me. I’m telling you right now, it happened.

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Cole: Hey, there she is. The nanny extraordinaire. How was it?

Victoria: Well, I think that smile says it all.

Cole: Ah!

Claire: It was the best day ever. We had so much fun. I mean, harrison’s great. He’s so funny and he’s smart and curious. He had a whole list of things that he wanted us to do and I’m proud to say that we checked them all off. I’ve never had so much fun with caterpillars.

Cole: Wait, wait. I’m not quite sure what that means, but it sounds great.

Victoria: So, is he still recovering from the kidnapping? Or, I mean, is there lingering upset?

Claire: I think he’s honestly bouncing back. Of course, it’s a process, but kyle and summer have consulted a therapist and he’s surrounded by so much love.

Cole: Well, honey, you were a big part of that support system. The bond that he shares with you makes a real difference. You’re able to relate to him and to help him heal.

Claire: Kyle has said the same thing.

Victoria: Well, I’m sure that summer’s noticed, and now she’s probably lightened up a bit, right?

Claire: Well, I’m not sure I would call it lightening up exactly. She definitely treated me more like an employee than a relative. And it didn’t help when kyle told her about jordan being alive. She accused me of purposefully holding back information.

Victoria: What? That is ridiculous. Do you want me to talk to her and let her know that dad was the one who asked you to stay quiet about it?

Claire: No, I don’t need you to talk to my boss/cousin for me.

Cole: Yeah, well, she’s ready to go.

Claire: Kyle came to the rescue, actually. He explained everything, but not that it had much impact.

Cole: Well, just give it some time. I’m sure she’ll come around eventually.

Claire: I hope so. But luckily for me, kyle has been 100% supportive. He has such great energy. He really makes me think I can do this.

Cole: Oh, well, it sounds like you’ve made a friend.

Summer: Did you know about jordan earlier today?

Kyle: No, of course not. Victor came by earlier when I–

Summer: You’re so determined to hire claire. Maybe you did. Maybe you hid it from me because you know that this is a game changer.

Kyle: Summer, nothing has changed.

Summer: How can you say that? Her aunt, our son’s kidnapper, is still alive.

Kyle: And what? You can’t think claire had any involvement with jordan surviving. What did she do? Pull her body out of the river? Hide her in a closet?

Summer: Are you seriously mocking me right now?

Kyle: Look, I know it’s a lot to take, but you can’t blame claire for any of it.

Summer: I am so sick of you telling me what to think and how to feel. It’s condescending. It’s offensive.

Kyle: I’m sorry. That’s not what I want. But jordan is no longer a threat. And whether she’s alive or dead, it has no impact on claire taking care of harrison.

Summer: The timing of it, kyle. Our son was kidnapped. And that person’s two most recent targets are now hanging out every single day. It’s not safe.

Kyle: Summer–

Summer: Look, if we let claire go now before harrison gets even more attached–

Kyle: We’re not firing her. You said yourself our little boy is back to his sweet self. We’re not taking that away from him.

Summer: It’s not just up to you, kyle. This is my decision, too.

Alan: I’ve been to a lot of bars in paris, but I have never been to this one.

Traci: Okay, maybe you’re just confusing the location.

Ashley: I’m not confusing the location. Everything about this place is familiar to me. I even recognize the bartender. I think his name is jean-pierre. Go ask him.

Alan: Look. What do you remember about our conversation?

Ashley: Okay, well, I’ve told you a multitude of times that I was talking to you about the problems I was having with tucker. How many more times do I have to say it to you?

Alan: I understand, but, I mean, specifically, what did I say? I mean, how did I respond?

Ashley: What are you saying to me? Am I creating some kind of a psychosis? Am I delusional? What is happening?

Alan: No, I– ashley, I– I don’t think you’re making it up.

Ashley: Then why won’t you admit that I’m telling you the truth?

Alan: I think it happened exactly as you say. It just didn’t happen with me.

Ashley: Okay. I don’t understand anything you’re saying.

Alan: I believe you spent the evening with, uh, my brother. Alice loves the scent of gain so much,

Summer: Thank you for meeting me.

Chance: Of course.

Summer: I hope I didn’t take you away from anything too important.

Chance: Chancellor-winters can survive without me. You are much more important.

Summer: Did you find out anything about jordan?

Chance: I talked to my guys. Everything that kyle is saying checks out. Jordan’s being held in one of the highest security facilities in the country. No one’s ever escaped this place.

Summer: Well, she burnt down the last prison she was in, so let’s hope that this place has a little bit better security.

Chance: I’m told that they are aware of her history and they’re taking extra precautions.

Summer: I guess my grandpa would be raising hell if they weren’T.

Chance: Hey, I gotta ask you. Why didn’t you turn to victor on this? Why me?

Summer: Because my grandpa is one of claire’s biggest champions, along with the rest of the newman family. Every time I bring up a concern about her, her history, they tell me that I’m being unfair, when I’m only trying to protect my son. So, you are my impartial hero.

Chance: Well, uh, not so impartial. I am 100% on your side. Always.

Summer: That means a lot to me.

Chance: Hey, this is good news. Jordan’s not a threat anymore, but you don’t seem too relieved.

Summer: Claire knew that jordan was found. She showed up to her first day of work and she didn’t say a word to kyle and me.

Chance: What?

Summer: Yeah, the family thought that my grandpa should be the one to tell me and I guess she wanted to respect that.

Chance: You don’t agree?

Summer: All I know is that it’s her first day on the job and she’s already keeping secrets. Jordan may not be able to hurt harrison, but the person that she groomed since birth now has direct access to my son.

Claire: I saw the cutest book on caterpillars I wanna order for harrison. I’ll be right back.

Cole: Have you ever seen her so happy?

Victoria: Hm.

Cole: No? Yes? Hey, what’s going on?

Victoria: Kyle.

Cole: What about him?

Victoria: I want for claire to make friends, of course, but I’m just not sure that he’s the right choice.

Cole: Well, I don’t– I don’t see an issue. He seems like a great guy.

Victoria: He is. I mean…

Cole: What?

Victoria: Well, I mean… his relationship with summer, you know, it’s– they have this history. It’s complicated. And it’s obvious that summer’s not completely on board with claire being harrison’s nanny. There’s gonna be some friction and claire will be at the center of it.

Cole: Well, I’m sure they’ll eventually get over that, you know, for harrison’s sake.

Victoria: Yeah, I know, but there’s more than that. Kyle, he just doesn’t– well, he hasn’t always had the best judgment. He’s had several divorces, the affair with harrison’s mother. Not to mention that long ago, he was dating that shark, audra charles.

Cole: Past tense. Maybe he’s learned something.

Victoria: Am I overthinking?

Cole: Well… I think you’re being a mom. And maybe just a little on the overprotective side. But that’s completely understandable because you love our daughter so much. I think the positive here is– is that she’s made a real friend. And I think that’s exactly what she needs.

Tessa: Hey, stranger. It’s good to see you.

Mariah: Kyle. Oh, my goodness, we have been so worried about you. Um, do you have time to sit?

Kyle: Yeah, I’d like that.

Tessa: Thank you.

Kyle: Thanks.

Mariah: I don’t even know what my first question is. I mean, hearing that harrison was kidnapped by that maniac.

Kyle: Right.

Tessa: I mean, all I can think is if someone did that to aria, I would lose my mind.

Kyle: Summer and i pretty much did.

Mariah: How is he doing?

Kyle: We’ve been lucky. The love and support from family and friends, it’s really helped. And thanks to sharon, she hooked us up with a therapist who’s been great at guiding us through it all.

Tessa: So, harrison’s fine?

Kyle: He’s had nightmares, but he’s getting better every day. He’s practically back to his old self.

Mariah: I’m really glad to hear that. How are you doing? Well, I know you. You’re probably busy taking care of everybody else and not thinking about yourself.

Kyle: Seeing harrison happy is all I need. Here’s proof that the little boy is back to his goofy, healthy self.

Tessa: Oh, look at that smile.

Mariah: Oh, my gosh. He’s loving whoever’s taking the photos. Summer taking it?

Kyle: Actually, it was his new best friend, claire.

Tessa: Oh, we’ve met her.

Mariah: Yeah, she’s sweet.

Tessa: Yeah, pretty amazing, considering her horrendous history.

Mariah: Wait, wasn’t she also kidnapped with harrison by her nut job of an aunt who raised her?

Kyle: She was. It was a terrifying experience for both of them. But coming out the other side together, surviving together, it’s really bonded them. I mean, claire and harrison, they’re best buds. She’s even his nanny.

Mariah: She’s what?

Alan: Thank you guys so much for coming back here.

Ashley: I don’t understand why you wanted to.

Alan: Well, I just didn’t wanna discuss all of this in public, especially in a bar that my brother might return to.

Traci: Were you afraid that we might run into him?

Alan: This is a conversation I never wanted to have, but, um, once you told me what happened, I began to consider an alternative possibility about what you experienced here.

Ashley: That has to do with your brother?

Alan: My twin, martin. He’s a sociopath. New herbal essences is packed

Chance: Has claire given you a reason to worry about harrison?

Summer: No. She was perfect. Upbeat, responsible. I– I haven’t seen harrison that happy in a while.

Chance: Well, hey, that’s something.

Summer: It is. And I’m grateful. But nobody wants to remember that claire was also the perfect assistant to my grandma before she tried to kill them all.

Chance: Yeah. You think she’s putting on some sort of act?

Summer: She seems genuine. But chance, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if jordan did reach out to her and start triggering claire’s old hatred for the newmans, and then my son is ground zero for that. And when I express my concerns to kyle, he just– he tells me I’m overreacting.

Chance: Oh. Yeah, co-parenting requires a certain amount of respect if it’s gonna work.

Summer: Yeah, you would think. But he won’t even consider rethinking hiring claire, even though it was supposed to be on a trial basis.

Chance: Do you regret agreeing to it?

Summer: I feel like I was guilted into it. Like I had to somehow prove that claire is an accepted and trusted part of the newman family. And to do that, I have to let her look after my son?

Chance: Yeah, no one should force you into a decision that important.

Summer: I know. But whatever reservations I have, it is impossible to deny how much claire means to harrison. Being around her makes him feel like they’re both safe, free from jordan and.. I– I want him to have that peace of mind.

Chance: What about your peace of mind?

Summer: How can I have peace of mind? When the very reason I agreed to hire claire is part of why I wanted to say no?

Victoria: I know you are probably right. I’m just really glad that claire is settling in enough to make some real friends.

Cole: So, no more worrying?

Victoria: No, no more worrying. When did you get so wise?

Cole: I’m just trying to be a good dad.

Victoria: You’re a great dad.

[ Cell phone buzzes ] What was that about?

Cole: Well, I am sure that it’s nothing, but I do have to take off. I’m gonna check back in with you and claire later.

Victoria: Oh, okay, well, um, thank you for coming by. I know that it meant a lot to claire and to me.

Traci: A twin brother who is a sociopath? Well, this is not as unlikely as it sounds.

Ashley: I was married to somebody in that situation. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.

Alan: I’m sorry to hear that. Um, I’m sorry my brother found his way into your life.

Traci: I assume you’re not close?

Alan: Not any longer, no. Um, martin always had sociopathic tendencies. He was in and out of therapy. His whole childhood is on various anti-psychotic medications. When he was taking effective medication regularly, he was a– a sweet, loving boy that grew into a man I was proud to call my brother.

Traci: But when he wasn’t on his medication?

Alan: When he was off his meds, he became belligerent, rebellious. I mean, just so much anger. Watching martin, trying to process what he was going through, trying to understand him, trying to help him, that’s why I became a psychologist.

Ashley: But, we’ve known each other a long time. Why did you never tell me you had a brother?

Alan: Well, we had a pretty big falling out.

Traci: What happened?

Alan: We lived in a house outside of paris together, mainly so I could monitor him, you know, but he was doing well. He was taking his medication regularly. He was thriving. I was so impressed, I offered him a job transcribing my handwritten notes of my sessions. It was a solitary job, but one martin embraced.

Traci: Did something change?

Alan: Yeah, I didn’t foresee something I should’ve thought of. Some of those sessions involved patients that underwent severe trauma, and when he read that, he flipped out. He– he accused me of playing god with their lives and controlling his. He became angry, resentful. He went off his medication. I tried to have a conversation with him, but then, manically, he demanded I cure him on the spot, and when I told him that that’s not how therapy works, he became enraged. Violent.

I have type 2 diabetes, but I manage it well

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Chance: Wait a second. Are you jealous?

Summer: Look, I– I know how stupid it is. I know, and I hate even hearing the word. I– I do, but I mean, if I’m honest, yes. I’m– I’m mom. I’m the one that has to make him eat his vegetables and brush his teeth and go to bed on time. Claire is all new and exciting.

Chance: Hey, you know your kid is crazy about you, right?

Summer: I don’t wanna feel this way. I don’T. I– I was never jealous of the last nanny. I wasn’t, but she also wasn’t this bright and shiny claire.

Chance: Who just so happens to have a dark and scary past.

Summer: You understand?

Chance: I mean, yeah, look, all harrison sees is a fun new friend. Well, you know what this friend was capable of in the past, right? So, to see harrison get excited about claire when you know the truth, I mean, sure, that’s gonna cause some complicated feelings.

Summer: Exactly. I mean, claire showed up this morning at the house with brownies, harrison was practically doing cartwheels. As harrison’s nanny? You just said how sweet she is.

Mariah: I just– her history, you know? That doesn’t make you worry? A teensy bit?

Kyle: No. There’s no dark side waiting to come out. Claire has gotten the help she needs, worked through her demons, and she’s all the stronger for it.

Mariah: And summer just accepted this?

Kyle: Not at first. It took some time, but I got her to see the truth. Look, bottom line is harrison adores her. He feels safe around her, happy. Isn’t that what’s supposed to matter?

Tessa: Um, does she have any experience with children?

Kyle: She’s done some research. She’s focused, intuitive, thoughtful. She has this energy she brings to everything. And not just interacting with harrison. It’s the way she lives her life. Like, even a trip to crimson lights is an adventure. She takes joy in the simplest things. It’s charming, inspiring, even, to see how positive she is.

Mariah: Wow. Seems like harrison isn’t the only one who thinks that claire is very special.

Claire: Success.

Victoria: Oh, you were able to get the book?

Claire: I was. And another one. It’s interactive, it’s perfect for kids harrison’s age. I just always wanna be ready for the next question ’cause he’s so curious.

Victoria: Looks like the newman work ethic is alive and well.

Claire: I may have learned a thing or two from watching my mom work.

Victoria: So you’re a big fan of kyle.

Claire: Yeah, he’s great. He accepts me and he’s been so supportive. It doesn’t hurt that he’s a lot of fun. I mean, I wouldn’t have this job if it wasn’t for him.

Victoria: I’m happy that he convinced summer to hire you. I have known kyle a long time. He’s a complex guy.

Claire: If you’re worried that I’m overstepping and expecting my new boss to be my best friend, I’m not.

Victoria: No, I’m not worried. I’m not. I just– I would like for you to have friends outside of work. For your world to be full and rounded.

Claire: I want that too. But right now, my only focus is on being a part of this family and living a life that I can be proud of.

Ashley: Did martin attack you?

Alan: Uh, yes. He can be quite violent when he’s off his medication. But I was able to subdue him eventually.

Traci: I– I’m so sorry. What happened?

Alan: Well, I tried to get him back on medication, and then I began investigating inpatient facilities.

Ashley: What happened? He didn’t like that?

Alan: Yeah. He took it as a complete betrayal. We had a huge argument and he just– he ran off. I spent two years using private investigators trying to find him, but, uh… well, I began to realize it was becoming an obsession and unhealthy, so I let it go.

Traci: Not being able to help your brother, it must be so painful for you.

Alan: Yeah. There are times when I still feel like I failed him completely.

Ashley: Have you seen him since then?

[ Alan sighs ]

Alan: No, no. But since it seems you’ve met with martin recently in the bar, he’s obviously still around. Which also means that, uh, he’s keeping track of my connections.

Ashley: He’s keeping track of me. You didn’t live this strong,

Traci: Alan, why do you think he’s keeping track of your connections?

Alan: My phone. When I was in florence that week that ashley was here, I stupidly left it at my house and I guess martin got in and accessed my phone, maybe got a hold of my contacts.

Traci: Well, that would certainly explain why you remember having a phone conversation with alan.

Alan: It is possible that martin answered the phone pretending to be me and then went to go meet you.

Ashley: And then my picture probably popped up on your phone and that’s how he recognized me in the bar.

Alan: Yeah. But we have a mystery to solve. We have to get a better understanding of what could have caused your did.

Ashley: And that mystery has everything to do with your brother.

Alan: Well, we don’t know the extent of his involvement yet at this point, but right now my focus is you. And that is not gonna change.

Tessa: Well, I am gonna get back to work. I am just so glad to hear that harrison is doing well. Give him a hug for me.

Kyle: I will. Hm.

Mariah: Did you clock the look?

Kyle: Hard to miss.

Mariah: Yeah. I just feel like I’m asking the questions that need to be asked.

Kyle: Hm, but do they?

Mariah: I’m just trying to understand what’s going on here, kyle.

Kyle: Really? Because it sounds like you’re judging.

Mariah: No, no. Absolutely no judgment here. Of course, I think that claire deserves a second chance. I told her that myself.

Kyle: But?

[ Mariah sighs ]

Mariah: I hate that I’m even saying this, but I feel for summer on this one. I mean, she’s so protective of harrison.

Kyle: And I’m not?

Mariah: I’m just saying, as aria’s mom, I would want the best possible candidate as a nanny for her. Maybe not someone whose aunt had just kidnapped my child.

Kyle: Mariah, the nanny was kidnapped too.

Mariah: And that makes it better?

Kyle: Okay. Okay. I get it. Summer questioned my judgment too.

Mariah: And look, this is nothing against claire, okay? I just– there’s– there’s a lot of young women out there who are qualified. You know, maybe not someone who’s just getting a grip on her new reality.

Kyle: You know, I’ve gotten to know claire. She has succeeded against all odds. Her strength, her honesty, her intense desire to do the right thing, that’s who I’m entrusting harrison with. You have to believe it. If I thought there was the slightest possible risk, I wouldn’t push for this.

Mariah: All of this admiration for claire… is there maybe something else going on?

Victoria: I’m sorry if you thought that I was being a–

Claire: A mom? I love it. And I do kind of know how you feel when I question you about dad now.

Victoria: Oh, about our intentions towards one another?

Claire: Something like that. When I asked you about dad, I wasn’t overstepping, was I?

Victoria: No. No, of course not. You’re– you’re my daughter. We can talk about anything, really. You could ask me anything. And I hope that you’re okay with me asking you questions.

Claire: Yes, I love our conversations. What you think about everything, what makes you laugh. This might sound kind of weird, but… somehow I feel like I’ve always known you. I feel like I’ve known you all my life. It’s kind of weird, though, ’cause we’ve only actually been family for a few months.

Victoria: It’s not– it’s not weird. It’s not weird. It’s just, you know, it’s that mother-daughter thing. It’s like the best thing in the whole world. And I, you know, I hope that you’ll always feel free to be open and honest with me about anything. Anything that’s on your mind.

Claire: Good, because I do have a question for you. Did dad really show up for me or was I just a good excuse for him to stop by to see you?

Cole: Hey, victor. You wanted to see me?

Victor: Cole. You got here rather quickly. I assume you were on the property somewhere.

Cole: At the tack house.

Victor: Yeah.

Cole: Victoria and i were eager to hear about claire’s first day on the new job. She knocked it out of the park.

Victor: Yeah. I saw claire earlier, I’m aware.

Cole: But I assume that you didn’t summon me here to talk about my daughter.

Victor: So, cole… I want to talk to you about your betrayal. Or do you think I’d forgotten? Hi. What’s your name?

Cole: I didn’t betray you, victor. I wanted to protect you, protect the family. From what might have happened if jordan were discovered in that cage downstairs.

Victor: I protect my family.

Cole: There’s nothing wrong with a little help from someone every once in a while.

Victor: So, you followed me in my own home. A home to which I had welcomed you.

Cole: I just hope that you can see that my actions were merely trying to repay you for your kindness.

Victor: You went behind my back. You were about to free jordan.

Cole: No, not free her, victor. To get her into a legitimate maximum security facility where she can’t hurt us anymore. And also, just equally as important, is so that you couldn’t be prosecuted for holding her prisoner.

Victor: Stop giving me excuses.

Cole: Michael and I were only trying to help.

Victor: For your information, I fired michael baldwin for his part in this.

Cole: Well, I– I’m really sorry to hear that. But you can’t fire me.

Victor: I can tell you to stay away from my family. And stay the hell away from my daughter.

Victoria: Your father, he couldn’t wait to hear about your first day as harrison’s nanny, so he was here for you.

Claire: And maybe you.

Victoria: Well, maybe. Maybe just a little bit. But he really was very concerned about how the jordan news would affect you, so he wanted to see for himself that you were okay.

Claire: I am. I worry about the impact on nikki, but other than that, jordan’s in the past. I feel strong. I’m so excited about our family. The future. That’s all I care about.

Kyle: Is that what you think? I’m crushing on the nanny? My son was just kidnapped. I am trying very hard to co-parent with summer and working with my mother is next level impossible. So why would you even go there?

Mariah: Uh, she’s pretty, smart, fun…

Kyle: I hired claire for harrison. My son feels safe around her. I couldn’t ask for anything more as a parent. So, do you have any other questions?

Mariah: Nope. Asked and answered.

Kyle: Hm.

Mariah: Kyle, I sincerely hope that claire is everything you’ve said. And that she’s a perfect fit for harrison.

Kyle: She is. As long as summer doesn’t change her mind.

Summer: Of course you don’t have any reason to worry about kyle and me.

Chance: Okay, I’m just making sure. ‘Cause I’m, uh, I’m pretty darn happy, I’m not gonna lie.

Summer: I am too. It’s really– it’s not that kind of jealousy. It’S… like the other day, I ran into kyle and harrison and claire here in the park and they had just gotten off the ferris wheel. And they were all laughing and having this great time.

Chance: You wanted to be a part of that?

Summer: Kyle told me later that harrison was so excited to go on the ferris wheel. That he wanted to invite claire along with him. Not me. Not mom. It was claire that he wanted to call.

Chance: And you’re starting to feel like you’re on the outside looking in. Well…

Alan: Do you remember anything else that happened with my brother that night?

Ashley: I don’t remember anything else! I’m sorry. Look, it’s just a complete blank.

Traci: Okay, alan, what are you thinking?

Alan: Well, given what martin can be like when he’s off his medication, I believe that something traumatic might’ve happened between him and ashley that night.

Ashley: Why wasn’t I afraid of you? I mean, if something traumatic happened and I thought you were him, then wouldn’t I be afraid of you?

Alan: Uh, I don’t know. I– I guess it depends on what trauma actually occurred.

Traci: But if you find that out, it will not only help ashley, it will also lead you back to your brother.

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