Y&R Transcript Monday, June 3, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sally: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Sally: Thank you for meeting with me.

Nick: Of course, anytime.

Sally: So, what’s going on?

Nick: Ah, you know, Newman family. There’s never a dull moment.

Sally: Yeah, yeah, Adam told me about them finding the… Jordan.

Nick: Yeah, it seems Jordan’s got more lives than a cat. So what’s up? What, uh, what’s on your mind?

Sally: Well… Okay, um…

Nick: You seem nervous.

Sally: Is it that obvious?

Nick: Sally, it’s me. Come on. You know you can talk to me about anything.

Sally: I do, yeah. It’s just that this is not gonna… It’s gonna be a very difficult conversation.

Nick: Oh. It’s one of those, huh?

Sally: Yeah.

Nick: All right, well… Let’s just get into it.

Sally: So I have some good news… And some bad news. Which one do you want first? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Tucker: So, all the names on that list are companies now under the Glissade umbrella. I would like you to contact the CEO of each of them. And tell them to cancel any current or upcoming meetings with Audra Charles.

Haley: Should I give a reason?

Tucker: Just tell them the order comes directly from me and… That Ms. Charles no longer has any association whatsoever with the company. Okay. Thank you. Game on, Audra.

Audra: No, this one looks like I’m gonna a funeral. Hmm. Not bad. This one says, trust me, I’m in charge. Forget about that deadbeat Tucker McCall.

Audra: This is Audra Charles. Yes, Mr. Lemaire. I’m so looking forward to our meeting tomorrow. How is your lovely wife, Danielle? Oh, I’m so pleased to hear. So, about tomorrow… What, you can’t? May I ask why? Tucker McCall did what? There must be some sort of misunderstanding. No, no, no, Mr. Lemaire. Let me try and work this out. Let’s keep that meeting on the– It’s– it’s a mistake. Okay, no. I– I understand. Goodbye. I see what you’re up to, Mr. McCall. And if you think you can get away with this, you’ve underestimated me again.

Ashley: I know I spoke with you that evening.

Alan: Well, it– it’s impossible, Ashley. I was not in Paris that week.

Ashley: I cannot be wrong about one of the few things I remember.

Alan: Okay, let– let’s just go back and, um…

Ashley: I am going back, Alan.

Traci: Okay, so– so you were leaving the bistro after Tucker stormed out.

Ashley: I told you this. I went for a walk and I called Alan. Clearly, you don’t believe me.

Alan: No, we’re just trying to piece this together, okay? The mind can play tricks with memories and moments at the best of times. And you– you were under a lot of duress. You took a big leap of faith, marrying Tucker, and then you saw it all unravel in a very short period of time.

Traci: Yes, yes, that’s true.

Ashley: Okay, then obviously, you think I’m wrong.

Traci: No, no, no. That’s not what you mean, is it, Alan.

Alan: Not at all. We’re just trying to piece this all together, okay? So, Ashley, after the bistro, do you remember where you went?

Ashley: I went for a walk, Alan.

Alan: Okay.

Ashley: I told you this.

Alan: All right, just imagine walking. Do you see yourself arriving anywhere or something like that?

Ashley: I stopped in at a bar and I had a glass of Bordeaux and I remembered how much you like Bordeaux, correct?

Alan: Yes.

Ashley: Okay, and that’s when I called you and I asked you to join me.

Alan: Um, did you talk to me or did you leave a message?

Ashley: Why are you testing me like this? Because you don’t believe me?

Alan: That is not my intention, I–

Ashley: You don’t think I’m telling you the truth, but I am. You and I were together that night. I know it happened.

Nick: So it’s a good news, bad news thing. All right, well, I’m gonna let you choose which one you wanna dig into.

Sally: Okay. So, Chelsea is taking a leave of absence from Marchetti to focus on Connor. And Summer wants me to fill in.

Nick: She does?

Sally: Yeah. Miracle, right?

Nick: Uh, yeah, I’m very surprised considering the issues you’ve had. But I’m happy for you. Um, also very proud of Summer for letting bygones be bygones.

Sally: Yeah.

Nick: I’m taking it this was the good news portion.

Sally: It is, yeah.

Nick: I guess the next question is what does this mean for your design company?

Sally: That is the bad news.

Nick: Yeah, kinda had a feeling that was it.

Sally: Look, I really tried to keep it going. I really did, but the current was always against us. We could just never find our footing.

Nick: And I’m sure it didn’t help that Dad wouldn’t fold your company into Newman Enterprises.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, though, that was probably for the best because Victor and I would’ve butted heads from the beginning. He’s never gonna trust me.

Nick: Yeah, I’m sorry about that, Sal.

Sally: But I will pay you back.

Nick: You don’t have to.

Sally: No, I promise. Every cent.

Nick: No, you don’t have to do that.

Sally: But Nick…

Nick: Sally, what I did was not a loan. It was an investment. And sometimes investments fail. That is the way the business world works.

Sally: Yes, I know. But you had faith in me and you put money behind that faith. And I can’t help feeling like I– I’m letting you down.

Traci: Ashley, it’s not because we don’t believe you. We’re just trying to help you remember.

Ashley: And I remember speaking with you that night, Alan. But you’re telling me that’s impossible because you were in Florence. So what am I doing? Am I just blocking everything out for some reason? What? What are you thinking?

Alan: I– I just– I had an idea.

Traci: About what, Alan?

Ashley: About how pointless it is to try to dig memories out of a black hole.

Traci: Ashley, don’t say that.

Alan: Do you remember the name of the bar?

Ashley: I don’t know.

Alan: Well, if we went back there, do you think maybe we could find it?

Ashley: What difference would it make? If I remember a name or whatever, it means I’m hallucinating or fantasizing. Maybe you should just go ahead and institutionalize me after all.

Traci: Ashley, stop it. That is not what’s going to happen. We came all this way to help you. We are going to get to the bottom of what’s going on with you. And quitting is not an option.

Alan: I think we should focus on that night. If you can recapture your memory of it, it might hold the key to everything.

Haley: I’ve called all the names on the list.

Tucker: Fantastic. Now, please book a meeting with the board of directors.

Haley: What’s the topic?

Tucker: The order of business is to officially and permanently remove Audra Charles from the board.

Audra: Yes, I understand. Uh, when can we reschedule? But I’ve been your point person from the beginning. Tucker McCall has never even seen your company. Let me guess. You’re cancelling the meeting. Cancelled. Cancelled. Cancelled! No, before you hang up and make a terrible mistake, I’d like to let you in on a little secret. As you may recall, Tucker McCall was recently exposed as having knowledge of a horrible scandal at his previous company. He hoped that little problem would go away, but it hasn’t. So, he’ll be stepping down as CEO of Glissade. I’ll be taking control of the company very soon. No matter what Tucker tells you. Yeah, that’s right. I’ll be the next CEO.

Nick: Sally, you didn’t let me down in any way, shape, or form.

Sally: Yeah, but I feel like I did. I came to you with all these stars in my eyes, and I–

Nick: You also came to me with a solid business plan, with a five-year projection of where you thought your company was going to be.

Sally: Which turned out to be nowhere.

Nick: Again, not your fault. Businesses fail. That’s what happens for a number of reasons. It could be the economy. It could just be bad timing. It could be because there’s a stubborn businessman who’s holding a grudge.

Sally: Yeah, well, one of Victor’s many legacies.

Nick: Let me ask you this. Did you give it everything you had?

Sally: Seven days a week.

Nick: Then you don’t owe anything to anyone. Especially me.

Sally: I still wanna pay you back.

Nick: Not gonna happen.

Sally: Nick, it is important to me.

Nick: Sally, I’m not taking your money. So, deal with it. What I want is for you to focus all of your talents and energy into Marchetti. And they’re gonna be very lucky to have you.

Sally: You’re amazing, Nick.

Nick: I mean, it’s kind of the rumor.

Sally: I mean it. Seriously, I mean, most exes, they wouldn’t be so generous or kind. Especially after the way things ended with us.

Nick: Well, I’m not one of those businessmen who hold a grudge.

Sally: You’re more than that. You’re a really great friend.

Nick: I am, uh, curious. Why did Summer agree to take you on at Marchetti?

Sally: Well, it didn’t take much convincing, actually. Um, it was more we had to get past our grudges, which she had some pretty legitimate ones against me. So once I let her get those off of her chest, including how I treated you…

Nick: She went there?

Sally: She did. Yeah, she did. And I– I almost let her have it.

Nick: Almost?

Sally: Mm-hmm, yes, but once I promised her that I would be on my best behavior, she offered me the job. Probably helps that it’s temporary, and that she has to get a line into production and– and lost her creative director. And I also get the feeling that she just has a lot on her plate and just really wanted one less thing to worry about.

Nick: It’s been a pretty rough time for her lately.

Sally: Yeah, I can only imagine. But I’m really thankful for the chance.

Nick: Well, I would say good luck, but I suspect you’re not gonna need it.

Sally: Thank you, Nick. For everything.

Nick: I’m always in your corner. No matter what, you don’t have to worry about that.

Nick: All right, bye.

Sally: Okay, bye. Okay…

Audra: Hello.

Sally: Bonjour.

Audra: Hey, Sally, what’s up?

Sally: Well, I don’t really wanna interrupt your croissants and champagne, but do you have a minute for some good news?

Audra: You have no idea how desperately I need that right now.

Sally: Well, you are speaking to the new creative director of Marchetti.

Audra: Shut up. Really? Wow, congratulations.

Sally: Thank you. Yeah, I mean, it’s just an interim position until Chelsea Lawson comes back, but hey, at least it’s a foot back in the fashion door.

Audra: Well, I am thrilled for you.

Sally: Thank you.

Audra: And forget interim. You’re gonna be running that place before long.

Sally: Yeah, well, I’m not gonna get too ahead of myself. I mean, I’m just really grateful for the shot. Ah, it doesn’t sound like things are going as well for you in Paris.

Audra: Ugh. Well, you know, just Tucker trying to scorch the earth and erase me from the company.

Sally: Can he legally do that?

Audra: He’s gonna give it his best effort, but I’m not gonna give up. I’ll never give him that satisfaction.

Tucker: Excuse me. Hey, Alan. How’s it going? Where’s…

Ashley: Let’s do this.

Alan: What, now?

Ashley: Yeah. I might not remember the name of the bar, but I think I can find it.

Alan: Well, uh, I mean, maybe we should do this fresh. We just had a long trip. I– I think we should do it in the morning.

Ashley: No, I don’t wanna sleep. I’m afraid of what might happen. Let’s go now.

Alan: You’re exhausted, Ashley, you need some rest. I mean, the more tired you are, the less likely you are to figure this out.

Ashley: Alan, you’ve been telling me for minutes that we need to do this. We need to get to the bottom of it, and now you’re trying to talk me out of it. What’s going on with you?

Alan: I’m only thinking about you, Ashley. I have no other agenda.

Ashley: Perfect. Then we’re gonna do this tonight. I’ll make coffee.

Traci: All right, what– what’s going on, Alan?

Alan: Traci, I just–

Traci: No, no, I saw your face when she said that she was with you that night. What are you thinking?

Alan: Uh, I’m thinking maybe her blackouts started earlier than we thought.

Traci: But you said that they were caused by some traumatic event.

Alan: Yes, that’s true.

Traci: And I thought we had already sort of agreed that the argument with Tucker was not that event. I mean, even Ashley says that it wasn’t what she thought at first, and the wait staff confirms it. So was the argument with Tucker the thing that caused the other personalities?

Alan: Uh, it’s possible, but it’s very, very unlikely.

Traci: Okay, then why would Ashley have a blackout that night? What happened to her that would shake her up so much?

Sally: Okay, you’re gonna have to catch me up on the latest between you and Tucker because you left for Paris before we had a chance to talk.

Audra: Well, we are officially, definitely done.

Sally: Well, yeah, I mean, that much I figured, but what about everything else?

Audra: I came to Paris to make that move on Glissade I told you about.

Sally: But how? I mean, doesn’t Tucker have complete control?

Audra: Well, I’m still a member of the board, so that gives me some leverage. Although I’m sure he’s trying to figure out a way to get rid of me there, too.

Sally: So what else can you do, then?

Audra: Use Tucker’s complete lack of people skills against him. You know, I’m the one who’s been meeting with these European hotshots doing all the hard work while Tucker stayed in the background. I’m the one they know. I’m the one they listen to.

Sally: But what happens when Tucker finds out what you’re up to?

Audra: Oh, he already knows. And he’s coming after me with everything he’s got.

Tucker: I don’t get it.

Haley: Do you need something?

Tucker: Oh, no, no. It’s nothing to do with you. I’m just– I ran into this person I know, this guy Alan, on the street earlier, and he completely ignored me. He seemed to lack any recognition of me whatsoever. Anyway, I think I’m gonna go for a walk, clear my head a little. You good?

Haley: I’m good.

Tucker: Good.

Audra: Look, I don’t believe this. You checked into the same hotel? Is this part of your plan to keep tabs on me for the rest of my life?

Tucker: Need I remind you that you’re the one who keeps inserting yourself into my orbit?

Audra: Only because you refuse to acknowledge my right to be a part of this company.

Tucker: You have no rights. And whatever rights you have are determined by me, and I’ve decided you have none. As of now, you don’t exist at Glissade.

Audra: Okay, if you think canceling my meetings is gonna stop me, you’re mistaken.

Tucker: You’re making a fool of yourself here.

Audra: And you keep forgetting. I know where you keep all your dirty laundry.

Tucker: I’m terrified.

Audra: You think you’ve got all your bases covered, Tucker, but you don’t.

Tucker: Well, if you’re referring to your position on the board of directors, that technicality will be solved momentarily.

Audra: Really?

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Audra: Do you think that they’re still gonna let you do that after I tell them what your plans are? To break all the companies down into small, bite-sized pieces, and then sell them off to the highest bidder. I know you told them that you wanted to grow their businesses, build them all up. Which we both know is a lie. I can show them what you’re really gonna do because I wrote your damn prospectus, Tucker. What? Have I finally gotten your attention?

Tucker: Okay, what’s it gonna take for you to back off?

Victor: But we were talking about that deal in Taiwan. What? Don’t you think it’s time… Huh? Uh, listen, I– I’ll call you back later. Bye. Hi, son. What brings you by?

Nick: I just wanted to come by and see how everybody’s doing. Where’s Mom?

Victor: She is at an outpatient session.

Nick: And she’s doing all right?

Victor: Yeah. Have a seat, son.

Nick: All right. I was just worried about how she’d… you know, take the news that Jordan was found alive.

Victor: Yeah. Well, I told her about that, and she, of course, was shocked. But you know, she knows that Jordan is now put away for good.

Nick: Let’s hope that’s true.

Victor: Well, I’ve seen the facility. Trust me, it’s like Fort Knox. Not gonna get out of that. No way. Let her rot in hell in there.

Nick: I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d be more relieved about that.

Victor: Gotta be honest with you, I’m a little worried about your brother Adam.

Nick: What’s going on with Adam? I know that he and Chelsea were flying out to see Connor. Have you heard from them? Did something happen?

Victor: Uh-uh. Not heard from them. And you just mentioned Connor. I’m worried about him, too.

Nick: Yeah. It’s awful, seeing your kid hurting and realizing there isn’t anything you can do to fix it.

Victor: Yeah.

Nick: We’ve both been there.

Victor: We certainly have, my boy. But, you know, Adam, I think, just had made wonderful progress. And I– I’m so proud of him. Didn’t you feel that he had made progress?

Nick: Yes. I can also admit that I was wrong to assume that it would never be possible.

Victor: Yeah, well, I’m afraid that this could– could crush him again, you know? Lead him back into darkness.

Audra: So, does this mean you’re finally giving up?

Tucker: I just wanna make this as painless for you as possible.

Audra: Yeah, don’t do me any favors.

Tucker: Would you like me to buy you out? In my opinion, that would be–

Audra: That is so sweet, Tucker. You’re always looking out for me.

Tucker: I’d make you a fair offer.

Audra: You still don’t understand, do you? What I want is for me to win and for you to lose, and I would like that to happen as quickly as possible.

Tucker: You’re gonna walk away with nothing.

Audra: Well, that remains to be seen.

Tucker: Why? Why so vindictive?

Audra: This has nothing to do with vengeance. Hey, that’s your game and your weakness.

Tucker: What is it you want?

Audra: I want Glissade. I want it all.

Ashley: I was just thinking to myself. What caused me to black out that night? You know?

Traci: We were just asking that same question ourselves.

Ashley: Okay, when I go back to that evening and I– I left Tucker in the bistro, I was angry with him and upset, but I wasn’t afraid of him or his rage. At that point, I still knew what had actually happened. I mean, it later became morphed into something more terrifying. So something must’ve happened that colored everything else after that.

Traci: That is such a brave and important realization.

Alan: Yeah, uh, the question is, when and why did the change take place?

Ashley: That’s what we’re gonna find out.

Traci: Are you absolutely sure that you’re ready to do this right now?

Ashley: I am. And I know you have every reason to doubt what I say and what I do, but I promise you, I am me. And those other personalities, they– they’re trying to protect me. They don’t want me to find out the truth, but I have to, and I have to do it now, because I know that I’m closer than ever to getting the answers.

Sally: Chloe. Hey.

Chloe: Hey back.

Sally: Look, I– I– I hate the way things ended last time we talked.

Chloe: Okay.

Sally: I want to apologize. And to let you know that I am starting work at Marchetti, and I will find a way to bring you in.

Chloe: Fat chance of that.

Sally: No, hey, if Summer could let me work for her, why not you?

Chloe: Because she needs you more than she needs me.

Sally: But what if I need you?

Chloe: Really? You mean that?

Sally: Yeah, I miss you.

Chloe: Well, it hasn’t been that long.

Sally: And I– I do miss you giving me a hard time about Adam.

Chloe: Well, I would gladly do that, even if we aren’t speaking. I mean, I can send you daily emails.

Sally: Seriously, how am I supposed to do this job without my best partner? And my best friend.

Chloe: You know, I’ve been trying to think of an excuse to call you, but…

In unison: Stubborn.

Chloe: It hurts to have to close our business. Even though I know deep down it is the right thing to do. And I took that out on you. And I’m really sorry.

Sally: And I’m really sorry for not being more sensitive and seeming like I was throwing my new job in your face.

Chloe: I really am happy for you. You know, you are going to knock them dead at Marchetti. Summer is so lucky to have you.

Sally: Thank you. But in the end, it’s just a job. And they come and go. But good friends… good friends are forever.

Nick: Dad, I think you’re wrong about Adam.

Victor: You do?

Nick: Yeah. The situation with Connor is tough, but… I think instead of breaking Adam, I think this is gonna make him stronger.

Victor: Surprised to hear you say that.

Nick: I’ve been watching him, you know. The way he handles things now. Particularly when things aren’t going his way. Instead of burning everything down the way he’s done in the past, he just sort of takes a step back, listens. I give Sally the credit for that.

Victor: Well, I have a different opinion about that, but, you know…

Nick: Look, I know you don’t like Sally, but can you just admit that they’re good for each other?

Victor: Let’s just agree to disagree about Sally. What’s far more important is what actually warms my heart, is that the bond between you and your brother’s growing stronger.

Nick: Yeah, I never thought it was possible.

Victor: You know, he craves your approval more than anyone’s.

Nick: Well, I don’t know if I’d go that far, but we’re in a good place. And this thing with Connor is just– I mean, it’s the worst. I’ve told him repeatedly, you know, if there’s anything I can do to help, he just has to ask.

Victor: You know, I sometimes never thought that I’d see the day where you and Adam began to respect each other. Really, it makes a big difference in my heart, okay? I know that if we as a family stand together, nothing would bother us. We’d conquer anything.

Tucker: So you intend to take over Glissade from me?

Audra: That’s right.

Tucker: Sure. Piece of cake.

Audra: I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy. I know you have all your guns pointed in my direction. But I’m not gonna be intimidated, and in the end, I’ll win for one simple reason.

Tucker: And what’s that?

Audra: I want it more than you.

Tucker: I think you’ve clearly shown that you don’t know what it is I truly want it. And how hard I’m willing to fight for it.

Audra: Glissade was nothing more than a rebound play for you. You struck out at Chancellor-Winters. You struck out at Jabot. So this was supposed to be your consolation prize. Oh, and it was all gonna be for Ashley.

Tucker: So, uh, just the other day when, uh– when Ashley came to me and yet again tried to convince me that she and I belong together, and I turned her down flat without hesitation. Because despite all this I love you. Was I lying to myself? Maybe you’re the one engaged in self-deception.

Audra: Am I? You came up with the idea to pour new life into Glissade with Ashley. Then you try to reboot it to try to prove something to Ashley. Okay, I don’t have any of that baggage weighing me down. For me, it’s just about the company. You know, if you were a decent ex-partner, you’d just let me have it. Your obsession is still with Ashley, and that will never change. Which is fine with me because she clearly needs you much more than I ever will.

Traci: So, Ashley, this is the fifth bar we’ve been to. You sure you don’t wanna just call it a night? Ashley?

Ashley: This is it.

Alan: Are you sure?

Ashley: Yeah, I’m positive.

Alan: Well, what– what do you remember?

Ashley: We sat right over there.

Alan: Okay. Um, what else?

Ashley: Okay, um… I called you, you joined me, we had a glass of Bordeaux, and I was wearing the same thing I had worn when I was at the bistro with Tucker. So that means that whatever happened had to be that same night.

Alan: Uh, all right, but do you remember any part of the conversation we had, or…?

Ashley: Because you don’t remember because you weren’t there.

Alan: Look, Ashley, let’s– let’s just try to get through this, okay? Just remember as best as you can.

Ashley: All right, it wasn’t anything terrible or intense. Uh, I told you about Tucker’s ultimatum. I realized that I couldn’t separate from my family or the company, and you were indignant on my behalf. You completely supported my decision. We had another glass of wine, I think. And then…

Alan: Yeah, and then what– what– what else? What happened?

Ashley: I don’t know.

Traci: Ashley, try, try. You’re so close.

Ashley: It’s just a blank.

Alan: Okay, well, I think we should take this table because, um, there’s something we should discuss.

Chloe: You know, I do miss the fashion world, but I don’t know. I– I think you’re being overly optimistic about Summer bringing me in at Marchetti.

Sally: Hey, let me handle that part.

Chloe: I burned a really big bridge.

Sally: Yeah, well, I torpedoed that same bridge, and Summer still brought me back. Yes, she will probably have me on a short leash, but since hell was already frozen over, we might as well take a shot.

Chloe: Thank you.

Sally: Well, it hasn’t happened yet. So thank me afterward.

Chloe: Yeah, but I just– you know, I really appreciate it even being asked. And I’m even happier that I have my friend back.

Sally: We’re a team, remember? We work better together. And we will convince Summer that it is a smart, creative move to hire us both. But you have to be all in.

Chloe: I can do that.

Sally: All right. Let’s do this. Okay…

Tucker: Hey, Ashley. Uh, I know you’re in Paris. And as it happens, I’m in Paris, too. Actually, no, um… As luck would have it, I ran into your friend Alan on the street, but he acted like I was a complete stranger, no recognition of me whatsoever. I just hope that doesn’t mean that… Well, anyway, I hope everything is working out for you and, uh, that you’re find the answers you’re looking for. Bye.

Alan: Let’s get back to the time you called me to meet me here.

Ashley: Alan, I called you. You joined me. We had some wine.

Alan: Okay, what else do you remember?

Ashley: What is going on with you? Because obviously something is.

Alan: I’m just concerned, all right? A friend of mine says she met me here during the week I wasn’t even in the country.

Ashley: It’s something more, and I’ve been sensing it all evening. What’s going on?

Traci: I have, too, Alan. Please, look, we came all this way for the truth. We put our entire trust in you. Don’t hold anything back from us now, please.

Alan: Okay. You say you called me to meet me here. Have a glass of wine together. But the truth is, Ashley, I’ve never been in this bar before in my life.

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless”

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