GH Short Recap Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Alexis is nervous about her hearing to overturn her disbarment and considers not going to the hearing.

Kristina goes to Michael to tell him she saw Sonny beating up Dex and that Jason stopped Sonny. Then, Sonny told Dex and Jason he would empty a gun into their heads. Michael tells Kristina that Sonny’s choices have nothing to do with them and his choices are not their fault.

Sonny goes to Dante and tells him that Dex provoked him and he was defending himself.

Dante tells Sonny he will talk to Kristina, but he is done defending him to everyone he will have to face what he has done if Dex decides to press charges against him. Michael talks to Dex at the park and asks him if he is going to press charges against Sonny.

Finn returns home from leaving Violet at school and discovers that Gregory has died in his sleep. Finn takes a drink before he calls the paramedics to come take Gregory’s body away. The coroner tells Finn that Gregory died of heart failure between midnight and two in the morning. The coroner tells Finn Gregory didn’t feel any pain. Finn calls Chase and Brook Lynn and tells them the sad news just before they board the plane to Italy. Violet arrives home and Finn wonders how he will find the words to tell her that her grandpa has died.

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