GH Short Recap Thursday, April 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Trina offers to babysit Ace on a regular basis to help Laura when she is busy, so she takes Ace to the park to play. Ava and Laura worry that Trina may want to spend time with Ace because he is her only link to Spencer and that it might keep her stuck in her grief.

Kristina goes to Carly and Nina because she is concerned about Ava’s influence on Sonny but they both tell her they are done with Sonny and he makes his own decisions. Nina does warn Kristina that Ava will do anything to get what she wants and right now she wants Sonny. Kristina tells Nina she will get Ava out of Sonny’s life.

Jason tries to persuade Sonny not to kill Dex because everyone will know he ordered the hit. Jason tells Sonny that Josslynn told Kristina that he ordered Dex to kill Cyrus in the hospital. Jason warns Sonny that if he tries to kill Dex he will have to stop him. Sonny tells Jason he will die trying to stop him from killing Dex.

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