GH Short Recap Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Gregory has an ALS episode where he loses the feeling in his legs and has trouble breathing but Violet is brave and goes to get the oxygen machine and helps him put on his oxygen mask. Violet runs to get Finn and Chase. Finn calls an ambulance but, by the time the ambulance gets there, the feeling in Gregory’s legs has returned and his breathing is better. Gregory refuses to go to the hospital and later tells Brook Lynn and Chase that he won’t allow them to cancel the wedding and he will officiate at the wedding.

Kristina talks to Molly about what Josslynn told her that Sonny ordered Dex to kill Cyrus when he was at the hospital. Molly knows what Josslynn said is true, but she can’t tell Kristina the truth because it is part of the case against Sonny.

Josslynn talks to Jason about her worry that Sonny will have Dex killed if he joins the Police Academy. Jason promises Josslynn he will not let Sonny kill Dex because he will protect him.

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