Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 9, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ms. Abbott:  I said wake up.

Ash:  Hey! You pulled me back in.

Ms. Abbott:  Because you’re interfering with my plan, and now I have to do damage control to get us back on track.

Ash:  Your plan is dangerous. It’s going to backfire. We’re supposed to protect Ashley,


Ash:  What do you mean? You’re going to pull tucker’s girlfriend into this mess?

Ms. Abbott:   Mm-hmm. My plan is genius, so you stay out of it. Or I just might have to make you disappear for good.

Ash:  You can’t do that. Ashley created me to protect her from you.

Ms. Abbott:   Mm. That’s so sweet. I’m the only one that’s looking out for her best interests.

Ash: You’re going too far, and I’m going to stop you.

Ms. Abbott:   I’m in control of this situation. I am stronger than you and even ashley. Just look at her. She’s so weak. She’s so vulnerable. Where would she be without me? When you have chronic kidney disease,


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