Days Short Recap Friday, April 12, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Konstantin told Maggie that he had to leave town. She said she didn’t want him to leave. He said there was another way for him to stay. Johnny and Chanel spent time with each other at the Horton cabin. Abe asked Sarah how Paulina was doing. Sarah said she was doing great. She told him they were going to scan her to see if her levels were okay. If they were okay, Paulina could come out of isolation. Abe said Paulina was going to work through isolation. Sarah thought he would be the one who got through to Paulina. Maggie asked Konstantin how she could help. Konstantin said it was hard to get a work visa and he didn’t have any family. He said the possibility was marriage. Maggie thought it would bring up red flags. She said she had access to good lawyers who could look into it. Konstantin said she was generous. She said she would find a way to extend his visa. Xander showed up with Victoria. He told Konstantin that he was exonerated of Harris’ attempted murder. Konstantin said luck was on his side. Xander said it wasn’t luck because he was innocent. He asked if Konstantin was leaving town and needed a ride to the airport. Sarah set it up so Abe and Paulina could see each other virtually.

Maggie told Xander that she didn’t want Konstantin to feel as if he had to rush back to Greece. Konstantin thanked Maggie and said he didn’t know how he was going to repay him. Xander said Konstantin couldn’t go back because of his criminal past. Maggie said she understood there was going to be problems, but she didn’t doubt that Konstantin could return back to his homeland. Konstantin thanked Maggie for understanding. Xander talked to Maggie about returning back to Titan. Maggie asked if Xander was coming back, Xander said he had his hands full with the paper. Julie ran into Maggie and told her she had to get out of the Kiriakis mansion for one night. Abe tried to talk Paulina out of working but it didn’t do any good. Chad ran into Xander at the mansion. They talked about Konstantin. Xander changed the subject by letting him know he was going to take an active role in the paper. He talked to Chad about Stefan’s arrest. Chad said Stefan made choices based on his love for Gabi. He said they would do the same thing. Xander wanted him to provide more insight. Chad said he wanted to stay out of his family’s business. He said he could talk to EJ since he was having a press conference. Xander wanted the information about the press conference. When Konstantin and Maggie went outside, they talked about Victor and how Salem felt like home. She asked if he was sure about it feeling like home after everything that happened. When Johnny and Chanel were about to make love, Julie showed up.

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