B&B Short Recap Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Il Giardino bartender Hollis helps Deacon set up for Sheila’s memorial service. Deacon wishes that more people would attend.

Liam visits Hope at Forrester, wondering if she’s really going to the service. She tells him that she’s going, to support her dad. He’s also shocked that Finn might attend.

Steffy is not happy to hear that Finn is going to Sheila’s service, either. Later, Liam visits Steffy so that they can both be shocked together about Finn and Hope. Liam uses the opportunity to point out that there’s something wrong with Finn for going to the service.

Deacon is grateful that Hope and Finn show up to the service. Finn asks Deacon why he thinks Sheila suddenly threw away all of her progress and attacked Sheila, but Deacon has no answers. Deacon prepares to say goodbye to Sheila.


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