GH Short Recap Thursday, March 14, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny talks to Lois and tells her he is confused about why Jason wants to kill him. Sonny also doesn’t know for sure if Jason shot Dante and he is also feeling guilty because the last time he talked to Dante he told him to stop standing in his way.

Anna and Molly are also conflicted between the Jason they used to know and the Jason that has returned to Port Charles. Anna and Molly want to believe that Jason would never shoot Sonny and Dante. If he did, he is either being pressured by someone to do it or he is doing it to protect Sonny.

Drew and Willow have a long talk about the fact that he broke up with Carly because Jason will always be first in her heart. Jason tells Michael what he has been doing for the past two years. Jason explains to Michael that after he found his way out of the cave on Cassidine Island he tried to help Brit and the others, but he couldn’t help them. Jason made his way out of the cave and two men were waiting outside. He was taken somewhere and put in a room with no windows. Jason tells Michael that a man whose identity he can’t reveal to him has leverage so powerful on him that the man forced him to be a mercenary all this time. Jason found out Hamish was going to kill Sonny, so he made sure Hamish missed the shot. Jason later recalls a meeting he had with John after he was brought to Quantico from Greece. John tells Jason he has proof of RICO charges that could put him in jail for twenty years.

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