GH Short Recap Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Laura hits Heather over the head when she sees Heather trying to kill Cyrus with a saw inside the hospital chapel. Heather is about to leave the chapel with a policeman when she begins to have shortness of breath. Jason calls 911 and leaves a t-shirt tied around Dante’s chest, as well as, elevating his legs. Then, he leaves minutes before Dex, Josslyn, and Chase arrive to help Dante. The ambulance finally arrives and Dante is rushed to the hospital. Dex and Josslyn go to the Quartermaine’s mansion and tell Sam and Olivia Dante has been shot.

Sonny tells Ava to take one of his guards and go to Spinelli’s place and get the surveillance footage before John can get the footage.

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