GH Short Recap Friday, March 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Scout’s friends and family get together at the Quartermaine mansion to celebrate her birthday.

Jake catches Danny vaping in the Quartermaine stables and he takes away the vaping cigarette from Danny because he doesn’t want his brother to vape.

Sam asks Drew to spend some time with Danny in hopes that Danny will talk to Drew about what is bothering him.

Felicia makes Maxie realize that she and Spinelli have always been a little in love with each other even when they were with other people. Felicia understands that Maxie is scared she and Spinelli may break up but she needs to take a chance because their relationship might last this time. Maxie calls Spinelli and leaves a message in his voice mail for him to return her call.

Spinelli tells Sonny the fake summit of the mafia families is ready and he will be watching everything on surveillance cameras. Mrs. Wu isn’t happy that Sonny brought Ava to the summit to act as mediator.

Michael tells Carly he asked Josslyn to bring Dex back to Port Charles to protect Sonny. Michael tells Carly he is going to help Sonny and he doesn’t care if Sonny gets angrier with him.

Dante and Chase head to the hospital and interview Selina Wu’s guard, Mr. Li, who was found severely beaten on the docks. Mr. Li tells Chase and Dante about Sonny’s plan to draw out the mob boss killer. Dante later tells Anna and John about Sonny’s plan and they all head out to stop Sonny from taking matters into his own hands.

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