Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Chance and Summer go out on a date at Society and continue to get to know each other. Nick and Phyllis are also at Society and Phyllis tells Nick that Chance and Summer make a cute couple. Nick thinks it is too soon for Summer to be dating again since her divorce from Kyle became final not to long ago.

Ashley tells Tucker that it doesn’t matter what she found out in Paris she knows he is gaslighting her. Tucker swears on the soul of their grandchild that he didn’t pay the staff of the bistro in Paris to lie to her about their argument. Ashley tells Tucker that she is going to make sure that Devon and Dominic will never be a part of his life. Ashley arrives home and tells Traci she doesn’t know what is happening to her.

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