Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Alexis and Sonny have a talk about their concern that Kristina may not be able to be so close to her biological child and allow Molly and TJ to raise the child. Alexis tells Sonny that she is scared that Kristina may change her mind and decide to keep the baby and not give the baby to Molly and TJ. Sonny and Alexis decide to step back and trust that Molly and Kristina know what they are doing and everything will be okay. TJ has a talk with Kristina because he needs to hear her say she will be comfortable being the aunt to her biological child. Kristina assures TJ that she doesn’t want children right now, because after she gives birth to the baby, she is going to concentrate on running the youth center. Kristina assures TJ she will be happy being the baby’s cool aunt.
Lucy and Scott begin their plan to take Tracy’s money by pretending to argue backstage of the Home and Heart channel before Sasha and Cody’s, appearance. Scott takes Tracy’s side in the argument and Lucy fires Scott as the lawyer for Deception.
Olivia tells Lois that Ned was not the person who turned Drew and Carly into the SEC but, she and Ned have decided to keep the identity of the person a secret in order to keep peace in the family.
Elizabeth helps Finn talk through his treatment of Mr. Muldoon and he remembers that Mr. Muldoon told him he had a second house in Beacher’s Corners and sometimes went to the doctor when he was there. Elizabeth calls some nurses she knows in Beacher’s Corners and finds out Mr. Muldoon saw a doctor their before he came to the hospital and saw him.
Felicia takes strands of Cody’s hair from the hairbrush the hairstylist used to comb his hair before his Home and Heart appearance. Sasha sees Felicia give the hair sample to a messenger and ask the person to take the sample to the hospital lab and tell them to put a rush on a DNA test.
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