GH Transcript Wednesday, November 15, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


So lovely to welcome back the ladies of deception. Especially now that those issues with the deceptor are behind us. You know, rumor has it that there was a problem with intellectual property theft. You know me. You can trust me with the insider 4-1-1. Was that the real issue? Oh, haven, haven. Haven, haven, haven. Haven. Haven. Everything is just super-dandy with deception. There’s absolutely no issue. Oh, well, that is great. Except where is your spokesmodel? And please don’t tell me she’s in the bathroom “powdering” her nose. You…

[ Chuckles ] You know what? You can take your not-so-clever innuendo and shove it up your nose. Sasha is just fine and wonderful and back to her glorious, gorgeous self. Do I have to remind you? You, “home & heart.” You called us begging to have us come and do another sales shoot for the deceptor. You know, we may have called your office once or twice.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Clears throat ] Well, just to let you know, we’ve brought our lawyer because we want to make sure you are not up to any of your ridiculous shenanigans. Austin, you are positively radiating stress. This is not a healthy way to live your life. You’re — you’re late. Trust me. The lord is the way to inner peace. I don’t understand why we had to meet at all, and i really don’t understand why we had to meet in public. Calm down. I bring you tidings of great joy. Hey, pop. I’m, uh, sorry. I, uh — I didn’t mean to interrupt. You know, if I didn’t, uh, know any better, I — I would say that you were meditating. Trying to, anyway. Really? Since when? You know. Just — it’s new. Just trying things out. Well? Is it — is it helping? I will have an arnold palmer, please. And spike it with some bourbon. Are you okay with that? No. Spike away. Yeah? Okay. Good. ‘Cause it’s been a grueling couple of days. I’ll also have an arnold palmer. Hold the spike. Okay. I’ll go get those drinks. Thank you. Thank you. I have also had a grueling couple of days. So who gets to go first talking about their misery? Rock, paper, scissors? Alright. Oh. I’ve lost you already. Hello. Good to see you. Thanks for agreeing to meet me. Molly: Thanks for asking. Well, would you look at that? I am looking at that. And to see my girls reconnect makes my bad week a little less bleak. Tj. I’m so glad you’re here. Andrea. Hi. Hi. How are you feeling? Is there somewhere we could talk privately? Sure. Let’s, uh — let’s go into one of the exam rooms. I’m so sorry to bother you at work. -It’s not a problem. -I know how busy you are. I probably should have called to see if you were even here. No. It’s fine, andrea. Really. So tell me what’s going on. You — you seem a little upset. I am. It’s about the baby. So…molly and kristina have mended fences? Finally. Now I get to stop being a referee and I get to be mom again. Well, don’t keep me in suspense. How did it happen? I think the biggest thing is that her surrogate, andrea, is almost through her first trimester. Oh, well, that’s wonderful! And a great reason to broker a truce. Yeah. You know. At least for now. Those two have always been a little scratchy with each other on occasion, so I’m not sure this will be the last one, but you know how sisters are. Okay. I looked over these contracts. I made some notes on post-its, but I’m e-mailing you more detailed comments. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much, molly. I’ve been doing a lot of research online, but it’s just — it’s so nice to have an actual attorney double-check everything. I’m happy to help. What are sisters for? Tj: Let me call molly. If youhave an update about the baby, she should be part of this. Tj, I’m so sorry. I-I lost the baby. I woke up from a sound sleep last night with cramping. Um, it was so sudden, I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t even have time to get to the E.R. Are you sure? I mean, maybe it was just bad cramps. I was bleeding. Heavily. I-I went to the nearest hospital this morning, and the doctors at mercy, they did blood work and an ultrasound, and they confirmed it. I — I miscarried. I lost the baby. Curtis: Is it helping? Uh, pop, I don’t know if I can answer that accurately because meditation is still so new to me. Uh-huh… but from everything I’ve read, they call it a practice for a reason. Because, you know, you really have to commit to it and you have to stay consistent and you have to calm your mind so you can let things go. Yeah. Easier said than done. Yeah, ’cause I’m struggling with quieting my mind, you know, and I have to stop, you know, making everything so important, you know, the day-to-day stuff that I thought mattered. You know? It — it’s counterintuitive to me, pop, because I’m a man who — who sets goals and I achieve them. But with meditation, I’ve learned that the more you push, the further you are away from achieving your — your — your inner silence or — or detachment. But you’re sticking with it. Because it must be helping you somehow or you think that it will. There are times where I feel like I got it, where I achieve a sense of focus a-and calmness, where I feel dialed in. Yeah, yeah, it sounds like the way I feel when I’m playing with my band and I get to improvise a solo on my clarinet. Diddly dee bop, shoo bop, shoo bang! Right? Right? You’re not — you’re not forcing it. You’re feeling it. Yeah. Right? That’s it. That’s it exactly. But I will say, pop. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna ask you to join meditation with me.

[ Both laugh ] I wouldn’t do that to you. Yeah, well, well, well, I’ve been meditating for years. Wha… I thought you’d be interested to know that your cousin mason will be making a plea deal soon. Yeah, no, h-he already told me his great idea to tell the cops it was my idea to kidnap ava. Oh, ye of little faith. His plan is to admit to being the only person responsible for the kidnapping of ava jerome. Of course, he intends to claim that he had no intention of killing her. Oh, he had every intention of killing ava. Still, mason’s attorney firmly believes that he will be sentenced to no more than 20 years with the possibility of parole after ten. Ten — ten years is a long time. I think it would be a lot easier for mason if he were to just turn me in. Don’t you think? You know, perhaps my faith in god gives me more belief in people because mason has sworn to me that he won’t mention your name. And I trust him. That means you’ll be in the clear. Good. Because detective falconeri — he’s been asking an awful lot of questions. And I’m gonna need for you to get him off my back. This is great. Thanks. Thanks for the update. Oh, oh. Wait, wait, wait. Did I say we were done?

[ Groans ] Ms. De havilland. Big fan. Maybe I can get an autograph later, but we need to talk about that dirty trick that you pulled on sasha gilmore… hm. …Trying to get her to have a meltdown on your show to, you know, goose up those ratings. Well, we can’t have that happen again, alright? No — no kids untethered. No — no babies yelling. None of that stuff. Otherwise, I will slap a lawsuit on you that will make your head spin. Okay? Do you understand that? Oh, yes. And I’ve got to tell you that I cannot be held responsible for the bad behavior of my previous producer who went rogue on me. Yeah, but producers take their cue from the fifth floor, which is you. That producer is gone. They worked alone, and they have since been fired. Right, julie? Uh, yes, ms. De havilland. Okay. Thank you.

[ Sighs ] So, anyway, uh, no funny business. Otherwise, I will have to slap a lawsuit on you, and you’ll be at the top of it. And I will argue emotional damage. And — and, by the way, mr. Baldwin here is known throughout courthouses everywhere for being king of punitive damages. You know, what happened when sasha was here for her last appearance was a minor glitch which you two are obviously trying to grossly exaggerate, but…it is a glitch that will not be repeated. Of course, this is all a moot point if your spokesmodel doesn’t show up.

[ Chuckles ] Maxie, could you please let sasha know that we’re ready for her? Maxie? Maxie, let sasha know we’re ready for her, please. Right. Yeah. Just one second. What is going on with you? Minor hiccup. I’m handling it!



How am I just learning about this now? Pop, how come you’ve never told me that you meditate? I guess it just never came up. H-how did you start meditating? A fellow musician — he told me about it. He said it was a great way to promote focus and creativity. So — so I tried it. I had really hoped that it would help keep me grounded, hold off another schizophrenic episode. Of course, now I know I was misdiagnosed. I was never at risk of schizophrenia. But all that being said… curtis, I can’t tell you how — how grateful I am for what — what meditation has brought into my life. Son, so much of life, it’s just — it’s just clutter. Thinking things are important when they really aren’T. So — so I found that, yeah, yeah, it can be great to be in the moment. You know, biddily dee bop boo. All of that. In the moment, that can be great, but so can — so can just stepping back and listening…

[Softly] To the quiet. How come — how come you never recommended this to me before? Oh, I figured after you — after you were shot, you —

[ Sighs ] I mean, after you were injured, you were being inundated with advice from all sides. I didn’t think you needed another voice from me thrown into the mix. And besides, I, um — I’d always hoped that you’d come to meditation on your own. And look at you. I’m so glad that you did, son. Ha ha! Ohh! Alright. You go first. What was so grueling that you had to spike your arnold palmer? Okay, well, “grueling” is, uh, not the right word. I think I was being a little overdramatic. In no. I feel guilty. Alright. Fine, fine. It’s not about work. It’s personal. Ohh! It’s about D.A. Scorpio, is it? Mm-hmm. What’s the problem? “Problem”? Um, look. Okay. It just seems like every time robert and I are sort of cruising down the highway, a blast from his past comes to run us off the road. I’m sure you didn’t do anything wrong. There could be a number of causes for the miscarriage. Have you told molly yet? No, I-I just — I couldn’T. No. It’s okay. It’s okay. I should — I should probably be the one to tell her. You just concentrate on healing. You have been through a traumatic experience. I’m so sorry. We’ll talk to your ob-gyn, run extensive tests, and then we’ll wait for you to fully recover before — before we try again. No. Tj, I’m sorry. I can’T. I can’t go through this again. Okay, so once this round of paperwork has been filed, renovations can actually begin. That’s great! Do you have a target date for the center to open? Yeah. If everything stays on schedule, june of 2024. I mean, that’s what I’m pushing for, at least. Wow. By june, tj and I will be able to bring our baby to your dedication ceremony. Maxie: Look! Here is our spokesmodel. Hi, everyone. Right on time. Hi. Sasha, it’s so good to have you back at the “home & heart” studio again. Haven, hi.


How am I just learning about this now? Pop, how come you’ve never told me that you meditate? I guess it just never came up. H-how did you start meditating? A fellow musician — he told me about it. He said it was a great way to promote focus and creativity. So — so I tried it. I had really hoped that it would help keep me grounded, hold off another schizophrenic episode. Of course, now I know I was misdiagnosed. I was never at risk of schizophrenia. But all that being said… curtis, I can’t tell you how — how grateful I am for what — what meditation has brought into my life. Son, so much of life, it’s just — it’s just clutter. Thinking things are important when they really aren’T. So — so I found that, yeah, yeah, it can be great to be in the moment. You know, biddily dee bop boo. All of that. In the moment, that can be great, but so can — so can just stepping back and listening…

[Softly] To the quiet. How come — how come you never recommended this to me before? Oh, I figured after you — after you were shot, you —

[ Sighs ] I mean, after you were injured, you were being inundated with advice from all sides. I didn’t think you needed another voice from me thrown into the mix. And besides, I, um — I’d always hoped that you’d come to meditation on your own. And look at you. I’m so glad that you did, son. Ha ha! Ohh! Alright. You go first. What was so grueling that you had to spike your arnold palmer? Okay, well, “grueling” is, uh, not the right word. I think I was being a little overdramatic. In no. I feel guilty. Alright. Fine, fine. It’s not about work. It’s personal. Ohh! It’s about D.A. Scorpio, is it? Mm-hmm. What’s the problem? “Problem”? Um, look. Okay. It just seems like every time robert and I are sort of cruising down the highway, a blast from his past comes to run us off the road. I’m sure you didn’t do anything wrong. There could be a number of causes for the miscarriage. Have you told molly yet? No, I-I just — I couldn’T. No. It’s okay. It’s okay. I should — I should probably be the one to tell her. You just concentrate on healing. You have been through a traumatic experience. I’m so sorry. We’ll talk to your ob-gyn, run extensive tests, and then we’ll wait for you to fully recover before — before we try again. No. Tj, I’m sorry. I can’T. I can’t go through this again. Okay, so once this round of paperwork has been filed, renovations can actually begin. That’s great! Do you have a target date for the center to open? Yeah. If everything stays on schedule, june of 2024. I mean, that’s what I’m pushing for, at least. Wow. By june, tj and I will be able to bring our baby to your dedication ceremony. Maxie: Look! Here is our spokesmodel. Hi, everyone. Right on time. Hi. Sasha, it’s so good to have you back at the “home & heart” studio again. Haven, hi. hi. Um, just so we’re clear, I am here to promote deception’s product. I am not here to have my past exploited. You know, we have been all over that. And I can assure you there will be no glitches and technical difficulties today. I would sure hope not. And while lucy and scott are representing the company, I speak on my own behalf. And I promise you that I will remain professional as long as you do the same. Otherwise, I will walk off the set. Do you ever answer your phone?! I have been sending you text messages for hours! No. Never mind. I don’t care. Listen to what I’m about to tell you. These instructions are very important. Everything I do that’s for my health is an accomplishment. It is only because of my good will that you are free. I had nothing to do with ava’s kidnapping, and you know it. I’m the victim here. And you know that, too. And mason knows it. And I can only hope to god that ava knows it. You were a victim? Is that really how you see yourself? Yes! Mason grabbed ava to force me to testify on your behalf, get you an early release from pentonville. And I did that. And the only reason I did that was to save ava. You really disappoint me, austin. After everything I’ve done for you, I expected more gratitude. Sasha: Let’s do this. Okay. Fine. Let me walk you through the show. Alright. You know what, lucy? I hope there are some shenanigans because this lawsuit would file itself. This is what we call… “easy money”! Shh! What? Bite your tongue. Listen. For sasha’s sake and for the sake of deception, we have to hope this whole relaunch of the deceptor goes off without a hitch. Hey. What’s the big emergency, maxie? I was just in the middle of having a horse shod. A horse what? Shod. Shod. Not — not — it’s — fitting a horse for shoes. How can you of all people not know what that means? Really? Okay. Focus. We’re in the middle of relaunching the deceptor. Deceptor? You mean that, like, funky wand thing you wave in your face? So it’s that simple. You ready, my dear? No! Not yet! Sasha will be reintroducing the deceptor with the new male “face of deception”! Sasha, lucy, and cody: What? Holly sutton is back in town? Mnh-mnh. Not holly. Another one of robert’s exes. Anna devane. You read the article in the invader? I did. I know all about the accidental shooting of a 15-year-old girl. And even though no names were mentioned, I know that anna devane shot charlotte cassadine. So, of course, all my concern and sympathy is with charlotte. How’s she doing, by the way? From what I understand, she’s on track to make a full recovery. Excellent. Excellent. That’s wonderful. I have tremendous compassion, also, for anna. I mean, my goodness! She thought she was shooting an intruder in her home. The intruder turns out to be a 15-year-old girl. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through! So, of course, I absolutely understand that robert wants to support her during this very difficult time. But once again, robert is focused on some woman from his past and not you… and that hurts your feelings. By june of 2024. That’s less than a year away. I will be running my center, and you will have a baby! Those are huge life changes, I know. And, honestly, I cannot wait. Can I tell you a secret? Mm-hmm. I have even started thinking about leaving my job at the D.A.’S office. What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. You love your job. I know — I do — but it’s so demanding. I mean, it just makes sense. I can’t be working an 80-hour week with a newborn. I’ll need to find a less-demanding job to make time for the baby. Those are words I never thought I would hear come out of your mouth. Tell me. Have you ever received…

[ Inhales sharply ] …An answer from your meditation? Like clarity on something that you were struggling with? As a matter of fact, I have. Really? Do tell. All the years I was away from the family, I never stopped missing all of you. So one day, I’m — I’m meditating, and this certain image, it just drops into my head. It was you and your brother tommy. Y’all were playing, playing in that park across the street from the old house. I don’t know why my brain went there, but… but it was clear, man. It was so clear. I could feel the sun shining on me. I could — I could smell the grass. And you and your brother — you and your brother, y’all were laughing. Y’all were having a good old time. “Hee hee hee.” I knew at that moment I had to see my family again. And that’s what brought me back to port charles. That’s what brought me back to you. And aunt stella and tj and now trina. I don’t know whether to thank meditation for giving you that memory… or to thank you for having the courage to come back to your family. But either way, I am so glad you’re back, pop. Portia: Yeah. Come on in! Portia. D-do you have a minute? Tj, is everything alright? No. No. Everything is — is not alright. Okay. Come — come sit right here. Have a seat. What’s going on? Andrea. She… your surrogate. S-she, uh… she miscarried. No. No. No. Tj. Andrea said it, uh — it happened last night. She started cramping and… was bleeding, and she went to mercy. And they told her that she lost our baby, that she lost molly and — molly’s and my baby. Andrea was so upset, she — she said that she couldn’t face molly. And now it’s — it’s on me to tell her. And I don’t know how to do that. I don’t — I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that. Molly was so upset when she learned that she couldn’t carry a child herself. And… when we found andrea, we — we had so much hope. And I don’t know how to do that. I don’t — I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that. Molly was so upset when she learned that she couldn’t carry a child herself. And… when we found andrea, we — we had so much hope. So tell me how I’m supposed to tell molly. How am I supposed to tell her that our child is gone? When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd

he is the male “face of deception”?

[ Chuckles ] Oh, absolutely not. I mean, this guy threatened to drop trou and streak on a live broadcast! Maxie: [ Chuckles ] Okay, first of all, cody didn’t actually streak on your show. And, second, isn’t the deceptor the most popular product that “home & heart” has ever carried? You would have to verify that with my sales department. Oh, I have, and I can show you a copy of your report any time you want. The reality is, the deceptor has been unavailable for months, and now that it’s back, people are clamoring to get it. So you can either do your broadcast the way lucy and I want, or we’re taking our best-selling product to another shopping channel. Now, in the past, the deceptor has been marketed strictly as a product for women, but after we did more thorough research, it turns out that men are just as interested in a product that will freshen up their face. So all you men out there watching this, this segment is for you. Yes, and I’m gonna demonstrate on my good friend and former stuntman cody bell. Cody, why don’t you tell us about some of the stunts you’ve performed in your career? I’d be happy to, sasha. Um, let’s see. I’ve, uh — I’ve crashed cars. I’ve jumped out of airplanes. I’ve wrecked motorcycles. Basically, if there was anything to break, I’ve done it. Wow!

[ Chuckles ] Well, it sounds like your body really takes a beating. And you know what? I bet that your skin does, too. And that’s where the deceptor comes in. Because even for men who have never used a moisturizer a single day in their lives, this product will help smooth out your skin and get rid of all those fine little lines. Well, if the deceptor can help with this beat-up mug, then it truly is a miracle worker. Well, I say let’s put it to the test. Let’s do it! Alright.

[ Buzzing ]

[ Sighs ] I guess it’s time for us to take a little trip down memory lane. No, no, please. That’s just — that’s not necessary. You seem to have forgotten how I paid for you to go to medical school. No. And how I continued to support you during your residency. I have not forgotten. I invested in you, and now I expect a return on that investment. Okay. As long as we’re remembering things, here’s how i remember it. I have spent years paying you back, doing your favors. And the way I remember it, when I lied for you at your parole hearing, you told me I was free. And so you are. Free to live your life. Free to practice medicine. Unless and until I need your services. You know, in the beginning, I… I had misgivings about the whole surrogate situation. Hm. You know, not — not the process itself, but I just felt like we rushed into the whole thing. We found out that molly couldn’t carry a child, and we — we jumped on the first solution. And then andrea got pregnant. That baby, it felt so real to me. All of my misgivings went away. All of them. And I was so invested in my child. I imagined myself just — just holding my baby. And I know that molly — she imagined the same thing. So she’s gonna be just as devastated as you are. And you need to be the one. You got to be the one she hears it from. I know how difficult this whole thing is, but I think that you and molly can get through it because you have one another. And take it from me, okay? Please don’t let this loss build a wall between you and molly. I know I’ve always been laser-focused on my career. For as long as I can remember, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer. Because mom was a lawyer. That was the original inspiration, but as I got older and the more I learned, the more the law challenged me and inspired me. But now, with andrea pregnant with our baby, things are different. I mean, life’s all about tradeoffs. If I were to give myself fully to the law, I’d be neglecting both my relationship with tj and the baby, and I’m not willing to do that. So what are you gonna do? Diane: I hear myself saying all of this, and I realize it’s just this ironic conundrum. How do you mean? Look, if robert scorpio were the kind of man who could distance himself from the troubles that anna devane is going through — even though, admittedly, this shooting is her problem to solve — well, then… then he wouldn’t be the kind of man that I would be attracted to. It’s precisely because he is so loyal and principled and ridiculously stubborn… that I find him so compelling.

[ Chuckles ] My mom’s alzheimer’s hello, curtis. Hey, babe. Oh, honey. Mwah! How was your day? You know, I just had the most enlightening and interesting conversation with my dad. As it turns out, we’re both into meditation. Really?! Wow. I… yeah, I guess that does fit into his laid-back personality. But you, huh? Finding it helpful? Yeah. Yeah, I am, very much. Uh, you know, when I start thinking too many negative thoughts, it helps me stay… calm and centered. I’m glad to hear that. Babe. Is everything okay? I got some news today. Okay, well, judging by your expression, must not have been good news. Um, well, sometimes when something bad happens, it makes you think about all the good things that are going on in your life. Did something happen with one of your patients? No. No, no. I, um… I just wanted to thank you for our daughter.

[ Exhales sharply ] We made that beautiful little girl together.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, we did. And we’re so lucky. And I’m grateful. I’m just — I’m just grateful for every day that we get to spend with her. You know, I never realized how much I wanted children until I was told I’m not physically able to have them. It just put everything in perspective. So when andrea told us she was pregnant, I just — i knew that my daughter or son would become my first priority and work would have to come second. Well, your son or daughter is gonna be the luckiest to have you as a mom. Thank you. But the baby is not coming for months, and I have to turn in a motion by friday, so I better get going. Yes. Same. Okay. So what are you gonna do about all this? I know you — when you identify a problem, you always find a solution. I’m doing it. I’m sitting here working it out with my best friend. Yes, what’s happening to anna is very serious, so, of course, I’m gonna be understanding that robert wants to be there for her. And I also have to remember that a lot has happened. Things have changed since he and I had our blowup last summer. How so? Well… holly and anna are in the past, and I know that robert is making me a priority. So that, of course, gives us tremendous potential for the future! It’s — it’s difficult what’s going on with anna, but it is just A… a detour on the highway of love, and it is not a dead end. Alright. I-I’m gonna have to stop you right here. What is with all the driving metaphors?

[ Chuckles ] So how does your face feel, cody? Cody: Well, haven, it actually feels great, but I’m not so sure I could do this at home by myself. Sasha here makes it look so easy. Oh, cody, I promise you, anyone can do this. Because the deceptor is doing all the work! And I have to say, it’s really making your skin look fresh. Sasha and cody together are golden. I mean, you really can’t force that kind of chemistry. I mean, people want to feel that it’s real. And when it happens, it’s money. Guess what. We are back. Deception is gonna make so much money.

[ Laughter ] Cyrus, I just don’t understand. I thought you were a reformed man. I thought you were a man of god. Oh, and that I am. Well, then live up to your end of the bargain. Because we had a deal. I did what you said. I did what you told me to do. You told me that you needed somebody to testify on your behalf at your parole hearing, tell the judge that you weren’t a risk, that you couldn’t possibly hurt anybody else. That’s what I did. I lied to a judge under oath, and I did that so that you could walk around a free man. Here you are.

[Chuckling] I don’t know what you want from me. Life is full of unexpected consequences. One never knows when one mayneed the services of a doctor. And how fortunate for me that I have you in my corner. You don’t own me. I’m gonna pay you back. Cyrus, I’m gonna pay you back every penny that you laid out for me to go to med school. I don’t want your money, austin. What do you want from me? I gave you the very life you’re living! I want your gratitude and your loyalty! And if you can’t supply those… then you can deal with your cousin mason by yourself. My dry eye’s made me a burning,stinging, 5-times-a-day,… …makeup smearing drops user. I want another option that’s not another drop. Be very careful, austin. It’s only my intervention that’s preventing mason from naming you as the mastermind behind ava jerome’s kidnapping. Yes. I know. You already said that. As well as any number of other crimes that happened around the hospital last summer, like the death of gordon stevens. I didn’t kill gordon stevens. I don’t know. The police might come into possession of some evidence that indicates otherwise. It all depends on you and whether or not you fully understand the concept of gratitude. Okay. I’ll do it. I’m sorry. I’ll — I’ll — you’ll do what? Whatever it is that you want me to do. I’ll do it. I’m your guy. That is so generous of you. Thank you, austin. Despite all of the obstacles that we made for each other and all those years apart, we’ve come back together. Mm! As a family. And I couldn’t agree with you more. So you want to tell me what prompted this big philosophical discussion? Can we just say that I’ve had a shift in perspective and I realized how different… no. No. I’ve realized how empty my life would be if I didn’t have trina in it. But we did. And for that, I’m just — I’m just so grateful. Well, that makes two of us. Ohh. Thank you for dinner. Thank you for lending a sympathetic ear. You’ve listened to me a gazillion times. It’s what besties do. I know. I know. But let’s face it. It’s been a while since I’ve had a romantic problem to solve. So do you now have an answer? I do, thank you. Good!

[ Cellphone rings ] Speak of the devil. Alright. Well, take it ’cause I’ve got to get back to work. D.A. Scorpio. Are your ears on fire? I was just talking about you. Oh! Excuse me. Yes? Um, my daughters were having lunch here, and one of them left a tablet, so I’ll be happy to return it. Thank you. Mm-hmm.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey, tj. Bad news. Oh. What — what’s wrong? I met up with kristina earlier at the metro court to give her some advice on a contract, so I think I’m gonna have to stay a little late at the office tonight. I guess I won’t be able to do that next year when the baby’s here. Molly, we need to talk right away. I’m only talking about working another hour or two. Molly. Please. It’s important. I need you to meet me at home. So… I think the shoot went rather well, don’t you? That’s putting it mildly. You know, I’ve never seen a product sell out so fast. Well, that’s ’cause lucy does know what she’s doing. Thank you. Yes, well, and we are very eager to have cody and sasha come back and make another appearance. Aw, gee, are you actually admitting that you were wrong about them? Honey, the numbers don’t lie. The audience really seemed to love them. We can’t wait to have them back. Aw, honey. I just don’t know. I’ll have to check my calendar, but I will get back to you. You did great, mr. Bell! Oh. Thanks, julie. I think you even impressed haven. And that is almost impossible to do.

[ Chuckles ] Aah! Sasha! That was so fantastic! Best sales pitch I have ever seen! You and cody, you were so natural together! You guys were dynamite! Thank you, maxie, but I can’t do this. Do what, exactly? I can’t work with cody anymore. What?! Why not?!

[ Chuckles ] Isn’t it obvious? I have feelings for him.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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