Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Josslyn goes to Wyndemere to interview Ava’s butler. Josslyn finds Ava’s cellphone and a grape lollipop under the coffee table. Ava’s butler gives Dex and Josslynn the footage from Ava’s security camera. The footage is blurry so Dex and Josslynn take the footage to Spinelli who also hacks into the harbor security camera. Dex is able to see that Mason took Ava in a truck. Spinelli thinks Ava might be inside a warehouse near the harbor.
Mrs. Wu continues to put pressure on Curtis to sell the Savoy to her, but Aunt Stella throws Mrs. Wu out of the house.
Cyrus tells Laura he might get an early release due to his health. Cyrus tells Laura he is jealous of Sonny because the people in Port Charles respect Sonny although everyone knows he is in the mob.
Sonny and Nina exchange wedding vows.
Michael gets a call from his contact at the SEC and finds out Nina turned Carly and Drew into the SEC.
Cyrus is released from prison and is ready to continue going after Sonny.
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