GH Short Recap Friday, October 6, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Michael if he and Willow and the kids will go to Anna’s wedding in Puerto Rico. Michael tells Sonny that he will talk to Willow about going to the wedding.

Kristina tells Sonny she will go to the wedding. Dante tells Sonny he can’t go to the wedding because he has too many things going on right now.

Nina tells Valentin that she will help him find Charlotte a therapist when she returns from her wedding.

Anna asks Robert to use his WSB contacts to find out who in the WSB is targeting her.

Alexis and Gregory begin to investigate the judge in Crew’s trial and they agree with Sonny and Carly that the judge gave Drew a harsh jail sentence because he wants to be appointed to a higher court. Alexis decides to write an article hoping to get Crew’s sentence commuted.

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