Days Update Friday, August 11, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Chad questions why the hell Stephanie threw wine in his face. Stephanie then reveals that she knows he went behind her back and warned Alex to stay away from her.

Alex remains at the bar and says sorry Chad, so much for their gentlemen’s agreement. Justin arrives and says Alex wasn’t answering his phone, so he tracked him down. Justin tells Alex that it’s urgent and it’s about his uncle Victor.

Maggie joins Bonnie in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie mentions that she just got back from Chicago as she paid Sarah a quick visit. Bonnie asks how she was. Maggie responds that there’s no reason to dance around the pregnant elephant in the room as she knows her daughter is having a baby.

In Chicago, Sarah informs Rex that Maggie knows she’s pregnant after popping for a surprise visit to find out why she hadn’t told her that they were supposedly back together. Rex guesses they have Bonnie to thank for that which Sarah confirms, but notes that Bonnie kept the pregnancy to herself. Sarah explains that Maggie took one look at her and that was that. Sarah adds that she tried to convince Maggie it was Rex’s but she saw right through her and knew it was Xander’s, so she doesn’t know what to do. Rex asks if Sarah thinks Maggie is going to run over and tell Xander. Sarah admits that Maggie promised to keep the secret but worries that she might change her mind or it might slip out. Rex assures that Sarah can trust Maggie. Sarah worries that too many people know so it’s only a matter of time before one of them blabs to Xander and once they do, there’s nothing she can do stop him from being a part of her child’s life. Rex responds that actually, there is and suggests that she can marry him.

Belle walks by the Brady Pub, on the phone with John, telling him that she just talked to Kristen and that Brady had to bring Rachel back like the court ordered. Belle assures that she’s not giving up and they are going to get through this like they always do as a family. Belle hangs up as Chloe walks up and says she didn’t mean to eavesdrop but that sounded ominous. Chloe asks if something is going on with her family. Belle informs Chloe that Brady was forced to give Rachel back to Kristen.

Brady sits alone in the town square as Xander approaches and tells him to cheer up. Brady responds that he is the last person he wants to share oxygen with. Xander thinks he knows what this is about and says Brady has his sympathies. Xander adds that it must have been devastating for Brady to find out that he and Chloe are getting hitched.

Bonnie tells Maggie that she’s so sorry as she really wanted to tell her about Sarah’s pregnancy but she swore her to secrecy. Bonnie says she’s just glad that Sarah finally came clean to her. Maggie responds that she didn’t have a choice as the truth is obvious. Bonnie guesses Sarah must be ready to pop by now. Maggie says not quite. Bonnie guesses it’s good news for Maggie and Victor to have another grandchild. Bonnie tries to go along with Rex being the father but Maggie tells her to save it as she meant she knows everything including Xander being the father of her unborn grandchild.

Xander asks Brady if he’s so upset because he heard he asked Chloe to marry him, but Brady says no and explains that he lost custody of his daughter to Kristen. Xander calls that a kick in the bollocks. Brady hopes that Xander was joking about he and Chloe because there’s no way she’s going to marry him. Xander assures that he’s dead serious about that. Xander admits he may have jumped the gun on the announcement as Chloe is mulling over his proposal. Brady points out that means she didn’t say yes. Xander tells him that he’s giving her space to decide, but he fully intends to make Chloe Lane in to Chloe Cook.

Chloe sits with Belle and asks how Brady is doing. Belle confirms that he is horrified and that he’s going to need a lot of support dealing with all of this, so she hopes he can count on Chloe. Chloe asks what she means since they aren’t together anymore. Belle points out that they are still friends and been in each other’s lives forever. Chloe reminds her that she’s with Xander now and Brady hasn’t been supportive of their relationship. Belle asks if she can blame him and calls Xander a criminal and a total loser. Chloe takes offense to that while Belle argues that she knows it’s true and she can’t compare what she had with Brady to whatever is going on with Xander. Chloe argues that Belle doesn’t know anything about their relationship. Belle remarks that Xander isn’t capable of making any real commitment. Chloe then reveals that Xander just asked her to marry him.

Sarah questions Rex being serious about them getting married. Rex points out that he already offered to parent the baby and if they’re married, he will automatically be on the child’s birth certificate. Sarah points out that a simple DNA test would prove it’s Xander’s. Rex questions what court would award Xander parental rights when he’s a convicted felon and they are upstanding doctors. Sarah complains that this isn’t about a custody battle. Rex thinks it will come to that and that Xander will find out eventually. Rex states that Maggie is going to be a part of the child’s life and Justin and Bonnie aren’t going away. Rex questions if Sarah can see herself never going back to Salem just to keep the child away from Xander. Sarah admits she can’t because Salem is her home and she wants her child to know where they come from. Sarah is just not sure that them getting married is the answer. Rex responds that he’s sure enough for the both of them.

Stephanie asks what Chad has to say for himself. Chad says he was just coming home to tell her himself. Stephanie says that’s easy to say now that he’s busted. Chad argues that they had a gentleman’s agreement. Stephanie argues that Alex isn’t the bad guy here and Chad is. Chad complains that they had a discussion and Alex agreed not to say anything but he must have been lying and waiting for the right moment to make him look bad. Stephanie remarks that Chad doesn’t need anyone’s help to look bad and that she had to drag it out of Alex because he kept making up excuses for why they couldn’t work together on a Basic Black project, until she finally forced him to tell her that Chad warned him to stay away from her. Stephanie argues that Alex was willing to blow up a business deal to protect Chad and questions where he gets off making decisions on who she spends time with. Chad asks her to let him explain. Stephanie reminds him that Alex’s jealousy over their friendship is what ruined their relationship and now Chad’s doing the same thing. Stephanie asks if Chad is going to go through her phone next. Chad apologizes for being out of line and says he never should’ve listened to EJ’s stupid advice which Stephanie questions. Chad admits he was frustrated and feeling insecure. Stephanie questions when she’s ever made him feel insecure and what the hell is going on with him.

Sarah tells Rex that it’s one thing to pretend he’s the father to help her out of a jam with Bonnie, but marriage is a lifelong commitment. Sarah asks what about his daughter Emily. Rex says Emily is always begging for a sibling so she’d be thrilled to be a big sister. Sarah then asks what about Rex and how he feels about turning his entire life upside down to help her out. Rex feels it wouldn’t turn his life upside down at all because nothing would make him happier than being married to her. Rex admits that he never stopped loving her and he never will.

Brady calls Xander delusional and argues that Chloe will never marry a man like him. Xander argues that Brady is delusional for thinking it can’t happen. Xander remarks that they are great together and much more compatible than Chloe and Brady ever were. Brady complains that he has no business saying that when he’s known Chloe for five minutes. Xander responds that he’s already made her happier than Brady ever did. Xander then brings up Gwen marrying Dimitri and Sarah going back to Rex as he asks what’s so preposterous about he and Chloe tying the knot. Brady guesses that this is all about Xander wanting to stick it to his ex.

Belle questions if Chloe turned down Xander’s proposal. Chloe says no but she told him that they both need to think about if marriage is the next best step for them. Belle insists that it’s not. Chloe asks how she’s so sure about that. Chloe points out that she and Xander have gotten really close, so she cares about him a lot. Belle says they have known each other since high school and warns that saying yes to Xander would be one of her bad decisions. Chloe asks why she’s being like this if Xander makes her happy. Belle insists that she wants her to be happy but that she’s talking about a commitment to a guy who is as screwed up and dishonorable as they come which Chloe rolls her eyes at. Belle questions if she’s really telling her that she could see herself as the future Mrs. Xander Cook.

Justin tells Alex that Maggie is throwing Victor a welcome home party as he returns from visiting Bo and she specifically said she wanted Alex to be there. Alex asks if Victor would want him there. Justin asks why he wouldn’t. Alex feels he’s probably not happy that he’s working for Brady since Basic Black is a subsidiary of DiMera. Justin admits that there’s nothing Victor hates quite as much as DiMera. Alex feels he’d see him as a traitor then. Justin talks about how Victor is hurting from getting Bo back only to possibly lose him again, so tonight is all about coming together as family. Justin adds that Brady has been invited, so he hopes the three of them can put the corporate warfare aside and come together. Justin points out that Victor isn’t getting any younger. Alex agrees to come which pleses Justin. Alex then remarks that it must be better than going back to his place since at least he won’t have any random run-ins with Chad. Justin asks what’s going on with him and Chad. Alex explains that he didn’t mean to, but he may have just torpedoed Chad”s relationship with Stephanie.

Chad admits to Stephanie that Alex has been getting under his skin for a long time. Stephanie questions what he’s been doing. Chad asks if she’s serious as he points out that Alex is always coming in to their lives, joining them on their dates, and showing up at the door shirtless. Stephanie argues that Chad should’ve talked to her about it. Chad didn’t want to put her in a difficult position. Stephanie accuses him of going behind her back to try to manipulate her life. Chad realizes his mistake now and apologizes as he knows he was being a possessive jerk and that she broke up with Alex because he did something just like that. Chad asks if Stephanie can forgive him or if they are done too. Stephanie responds that she’s not breaking up with him as they made a commitment, not just to each other but to his kids. Stephanie states that there’s a limit to what she will put up with, so she needs to know that he trusts her and if she ever gives him reason not to, he needs to come to her and talk to her about it so they can work through it together rather than going behind her back to try to control her. Stephanie asks if Chad thinks he can do that.

Bonnie tells Maggie that Victor’s homecoming dinner is ready. Maggie thanks her for checking on that. Bonnie notes that Maggie doesn’t seem to be in much of a party mood. Maggie says she’s eager to welcome Victor home but she’s thrown by Sarah’s pregnancy and her determination to keep it from Xander. Maggie argues that Xander has a right to know that he’s going to be a father. Bonnie agrees and notes that Justin does too. Maggie worries that it’s going to be one big powder keg because nothing good ever comes from these kinds of lies.

Sarah doesn’t know why it surprises her since Rex told her that he still cared about her a year ago. Rex remembers it being the night that Abigail died. Sarah thought he got over her. Rex says he never did and that ruining their marriage is one of the biggest regrets of his entire life. Rex knows she wasn’t exactly looking to get back together with this baby, but he calls it a chance for him to fix something that never should’ve been broken. Rex wants to show her that she has his heart and always will, if she will let him.

Xander asks if Brady has fallen off the wagon again since he’s not making sense. Brady assures that he’s sober and remarks that Xander only wants to marry Chloe because every other woman was smart enough to run away from him. Xander insists that his proposal has nothing to do with Gwen or Sarah as he loves Chloe, wants to spend the rest of his life with her and have kids together. Brady tells Xander that Chloe will never have kids with him. Xander calls it sour grapes coming from Brady and remarks that he’s only ever knocked up women that were unsuitable to be mothers. Xander adds that he’ll make sure he’s left off the guest list. Xander then brings up heading to the Kiriakis Mansion for Victor’s homecoming. Xander realizes Brady forgot about it. Brady says he’s been pre-occupied with turning his daughter over to a psychopath. Xander states that if Chloe accepts his proposal, maybe they can celebrate that along with Victor’s return. Xander then walks away.

Belle asks if she really needs to rattle off all of Xander’s crimes to get Chloe to come to her senses. Chloe responds that she’s fully aware of who Xander is and what he’s done. Belle brings up Xander shooting his mom. Chloe points out that was a really long time ago. Belle says they can stick to his most recent crimes and that he’s responsible for Susan Banks’ death. Chloe argues that was because Ava drove them off a cliff. Belle blames Xander working for Ava and kidnapping Susan and Bonnie. Chloe assures that he feels horrible about that. Belle argues that he should and that he should be in prison. Chloe responds that they’ve all done things they aren’t proud of but Xander has changed. Belle suggests she call Sarah and ask her about Xander promising to be a better man. Chloe decides this conversation is over. Belle stops her and says this is what best friends are for; telling each other the hard truths. Chloe argues that sometimes best friends just stand by each other. Belle questions standing by when she’s making a huge mistake. Chloe then brings up that she stood by when Belle went off screwing EJ.

Justin asks if Alex is sure he didn’t violate the terms of his gentlemen’s agreement on purpose. Alex sees why he would think that but assures that he was trying to keep it to himself. Justin accepts that it wasn’t intentional, but asks if part of him wants another chance with Stephanie. Alex admits he’s not completely over her but says he really was trying to move on. Justin brings up Alex now living across the hall from her which can’t be easy. Alex admits he hasn’t been the best about keeping his distance but complains that the dating scene in Salem is brutal, like everyone knows one another or they are afraid of being in Leo’s gossip column. Alex tells Justin to be happy that he’s not single. Justin assures that he thanks God every day for Bonnie. Alex calls him a lucky man since it’s a warfield out there. Justin hopes he’s not letting his ill-fated date with Melinda Trask discourage him from dating. Alex states that he just needs to work on himself and attract the right kind of woman in to his life. Justin encourages that it’s all he can do and suggests they head home to get ready to welcome Victor back. Alex agrees that he could use something to celebrate.

Chad swears to Stephanie that he will never go behind her back ever again or try to handle or control her in any way. Chad decides whoever she wants to work with or be friends with is completely up to her and admits he doesn’t know what the hell he was thinking. Stephanie blames it on that he was listening to EJ. Chad brings up that EJ’s advice was what would Stefano do and admits that Stefano was not someone to emulate, especially when it comes to relationships. Chad adds that even Kristen knew it would blow up in his face. Stephanie says she loves what they have built together and that Chad is everything she could ask for in a partner and she feels she’s been the same for him which Chad confirms. Stephanie questions why Chad was so petty and why he deceived her. Chad sits down and admits that he was scared of losing her and her deciding this was all too much. Stephanie asks if she ever gave him any reason to be scared. Chad admits she didn’t but says she’s not just some random girlfriend, she’s the first woman he’s let himself have feelings for since Abigail, so he’s absolutely terrified of it all going away again.

Belle asks if Chloe is just trying to hurt her now. Chloe feels it’s just very hypocritical of her to be so hard on Xander. Chloe complains that Belle is throwing Xander’s sins in her face while she left her marriage to go shack up with EJ of all people. Belle argues that she and Shawn were separated at the time and that Chloe was very supportive of her and EJ seeing each other. Chloe responds that unlike her, she doesn’t judge her friends. Belle says she’s just trying to help her. Chloe argues that she doesn’t want it. Chloe then mentions that Belle brought up Xander shooting Marlena, so she brings up how EJ shot John and all the awful things he did to Sami. Belle says she’s not defending EJ. Chloe says she’s not here to defend Xander. Belle complains that she’s considering marrying him, so she’s just trying to keep her from throwing her life away on a guy who doesn’t deserve her. Chloe thanks her for her concern but says she’s a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions, so she asks Belle to be a friend and respect her as an adult. Belle agrees and says that if Xander steps out of line once, she will be there to help her kick his ass. Belle and Chloe then hug. Chloe admits she appreciates her caring about her and they say they love each other. Chloe sends her congratulations to Shawn becoming police commissioner and tells her to let Brady know that she’s so sorry about Rachel. Belle then walks away.

Maggie calls Brady and tells him that she’s so sorry about Rachel as she can’t believe anybody would give custody to Kristen. Brady says that’s why he’s not up to a big family gathering. Maggie asks if he’s sure and encourages being around family but Brady says he doesn’t need Victor throwing it in his face or Xander bragging about his possible engagement which Maggie questions. Brady asks if she hasn’t heard and informs her that Xander proposed to Chloe. Xander then arrives at the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie tells Brady that they are there if he changes his mind. Brady wishes her luck and hangs up. Xander questions the golden grandson not attending and calls it a shame.

Sarah tells Rex that she cares about him, but marriage is a huge step. Rex points out that they’ve taken it before. Sarah jokes that it didn’t end well. Rex says they are older and wiser now. Rex thinks they both know what it takes to make a marriage work. Sarah realizes he’s serious about that. Rex assure he’s more serious than he’s ever been in his life. Sarah doesn’t know what to say. Rex then gets down on one knee and asks her to say she will marry him and make him the happiest husband and father to be on the planet.

Bonnie joins Xander and Maggie in the living room. Bonnie notes Xander’s mood. Xander says love is in the air and Victor is on his way home. Bonnie jokes about not seeing any clowns lately. Maggie tells Xander that she needs to talk to him. Justin then arrives with Alex. Justin decides to call the airfield because he thinks Victor’s plane should’ve landed by now. Alex greets Maggie, who says she’s glad he’s here and thinks Victor will be happy to see him. They talk about Victor being down with everything going on with Bo. Maggie thinks having the family here will help. Maggie suggests she and Alex put aside their differences for Victor. Alex agrees and they hug as Maggie thanks him.

Stephanie tells Chad that their relationship does come with a lot of responsibility. Stephanie acknowledges that they have so much fun together but she understands the stakes and she would never take lightly how important it is for him and his kids. Stephanie adds that she loved Abigail too and she wouldn’t have allowed herself to fall for him if she wasn’t in it for the long haul. Stephanie assures that he’s in no danger of losing her to Alex or any other random who shows up at their door without a shirt on. Stephanie calls Chad the only man that she wants to be with and they kiss. Chad offers to make it up to her with dinner. Stephanie says maybe later as they then head to the bedroom.

Chloe goes home and then Brady shows up at the door. Chloe says she heard what happened with Rachel and she’s so sorry. Chloe asks if there’s anything she can do. Brady says yeah and then kisses Chloe.

Maggie tells Xander that Brady told her that he proposed to Chloe which he confirms. Xander points out that Sarah moved on, so he figured it was time that he did the same. Maggie responds that there is something she has to tell him. Justin then comes back in to the room and announces that Victor’s plane is missing.

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